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TM 5-682
H E A D Q U A R T E R S , D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E A R M Y
This manual has been prepared by or for the Government and, except to the extent
indicated below, is public property and not subject to copyright.
Reprint or republication of this manual should include a credit substantially as
follows: “Department of the Army, TM 5-682, Facilities Engineering, Elect&a1 Facilities
Safety, 8 November 1999.”
*TM 5-682
NO. 5-682
W-\SHINCTON, DC, 8 Novembrr 1999
Facilities Engineering
Electrical Facilities Safety
Wurker ‘lassifications.~. .. .......... .......... ... .. .. ........... ..................... ........
Rqmnsibiiities of workers .......... .................... .................. ...... ..........................
saiety meehngs~...............................................................~......~..........~~....~.~ ........
Safety rule vioiallon penalties .................................................................................
Basic safe working practices ..................................................................................
F”“damentab of safety.. .......................................................................................
Normaienvironmentalimpac~s.. ............................................................................
Hazardous e”YirO”menta, impacts .. ,~, ,,.,,.,,., ... ............................................. ........
Electric shock hazards .,.,.,., ....................................................................... ..........
Electrical work., .......................................................................... .......................
Dc-mergized line work ........................................................................................
Safety clearance for de-energized iinr work.. ..................................... ......................
General rules for de-energized line work.. ................................................................
Permanent and temporary ground.. ............................................................ ...........
Cenerai rules on electrical grounding.. ....................................................................
Energized line work .. ., .......................... ,, ............................................................
Electrical maintenance support.. ........ ...................................................................
Inspection of apparel. to&, and materiais handling equipment.. ..................................
Empioyee protection.. ........................................................... ........ .. ...............
Office s&t), .......... ., ....................... ... ........................................................
Field and shop safety ...........................................................................................
Support safety.. .... . . . . . . ...... . . . ............... ..... . .........................................................
General too, safety.. ........... ............ ... ...................................................
hlateriairh~ndlingsafety.. ........ ........................... .................................... .......
Rifiging.. ... ................... ..... ~.,.~.~~~. ........... ... ............................ .... .. ~.~,~. ......
Heavi’ lifting cquipmrnt .......................................................................................
i\m~iliits~~~~ ....................... ..................................... .......... ...... .. ......
Live-line tools, electrical safety took and specialty elwtricai tools.. ......... ...... ........ ,..~ ..
CHnl-rEn 6.
Care and inspection of live-line (hot-line) t0015.. ........................................................
Rubber protective equipment .................................................................................
Elechicni testing devices. ., ................ ,, ............ .....................................................
Insulating oil handling operations ............... .. ~, ....... ............................ .. ,, ..............
Substa.tionwork.. .......... ~,~. ............ .. .. ........................... .......... .... ................
S y s t em f1a1adr1ty.. ................ .. .. ......................................................................
Workareacontrol................. ................... .................. ........................................
Saietyruleschecklist.. ............. ~,~ ,,., .... .... .... .... .................................................
Testing safety rules ...... ... ......................... ., ............. ............................ ........
Switching safety rules.. ............. ............... ...............................................
Fusing safety de5 ................................. ... .:. .... .... ,, ., ................. ., ....... ~., .............
Energy-storing protective device safety ru!ez.. ..........................................................
Instrumrnt transiormer safety ruies.. ........................ ..... .. ................................
Power transiormer and regulator safety Nk.. ..........................................................
Metalclad switchgear i&y ruies.. ....... ............ ................. .............................
Network prutector saiq n&s.. ...... ..... ..... ......................................................
storage battery saiety rules ............... ...... .,,.,, ..................... ..................................
Safety requirements far phasing or connecting oi cirwits.. .. ..... ..............................
Aerialiinework.. ............................. ................................................. ................
Pole handling operations.. ....................................................................................
Pole installation requirements.. .... .. ................ .. .............................................
Climbing and working an poles.. ...... ,~. .......... ........... ...........................................
Pole climbing equipment.. ...... .. ....................... .............................................
Pole climbing and work prccauhans ........................................................................
Crossing StT”Ct”reS.. .. .. .... .. ............ .......... ..................................................
Stringing or removing de-energized conductors .........................................................
Energized line work ............. .......... ... ........... ..................... ..............................
street lighting., ................................... ,.,.,,, .... ........................... ........................
Working on or around pie-mounted equipment.. ............. .....................................
Aerial rope use.. ........................... .. .. ................. .. .......................................
Too, use .............................................................................................................
Artid lifts and insulated buckets ...........................................................................
Aerial cable heating material requiremenrs.. ......... ...................................................
Tree trimming and brush remwai ...................... .... ...... .....................................
Underground work.. .. ..... ........... .....................................................................
Work area protection.. ........................................ .. ,, ., .........................................
Existing obstruction protection ................... ...........................................................
Preparation for work in underground S~UC~IJUT~S ........................................................
Work inside underground sbructurcs .......................................................................
Heating materidS.. ..... . . .. . .. ......... .... ..... ......................................................
Interior medium-voltage work ....................... ................. .....................................
Medium-voltage safety background ............................. ........................ .............
Motion hazard.. ................... ......................... ...................................................
Working an indoor equipment.. ................. ,, ........................................................
Interior low-voltage work ................. ....... .............................. ............................
Low-voltage saiety background ............................................................................
Review of iow-voltage work precautions, ....... ..... ., .... ......... .......... .......... .........
6-1 6-1
6-2 6-1
6-3 6-3
6-4 6-5
6-5 6-6
6-6 6-8
6-7 6-9
6-8 6-9
6-9 6-12
6-10 6-E
6-11 6-16
6-12 6-E
6-13 6-19
6-14 6-19
6-15 6-Z
6-16 6-22
Ti tlr
Phasing check using hot-line stick and phasing testers.. ................. ............... .. .......... ........ ~, ...........
Phasing check using voltage transiomer and wltmeter.. .......................................... ........................
Sampie oi a completed Safety Clearance Order, DA Form 5X-R.. ... ..... ........... .................... ..........
Sample oi a completed Caution Order. DA Form 7407-R.. ................ .................................... ..............
DangerTag, DAForm.7108.. ........... ..... .. ...... .. ... ......................... ....................................
CautionTag,DAFormj140.. ..... ............................................ ~,.~~~.~.~,~ ................ ~,~,~. ....... ... ..
Craundingpath.. ....................... ............. .. .. ................. ......................... .............................
Correctliftinginsrruction= .................................... ............. ~~~~,~~~~~.~ ..............................................
Pikepoiemethod.. ............. ........................... ......................................................... ............... ..
Winchlinrmethud.. ............... ..... ............. ...................... ...... ...................................................
Stepsinremovingamanholecover.. ............................................................ .... ................. ....
Sailmrthodofmanholeventilallon.. ...................................... ...................................... ......... .......
OSHA permissible noise exposures.. ................................................................................................
U.S. quideline on electric and magnetic field exposures.. ............................ ...... ~~~,~~. ...........................
,RPA guideline on electric and magnetic iield rxposurre.. .............. .....................................................
ACCIH guideline on electric and magnetic field exposures ior pacemakers ................................... .........
United Kingdom guideline on electric and magnetic field exposures.. ....................................................
Recommended grounding cable sizes.. ............................................................................................
Minimum safe working distances. ..... ~, ,, ..................................................................................... ..
Minimum safe approach distances.. ................. ..............................................................................
Protective equipment voltage dasses.. .............................................................................................
Energized line work methods .........................................................................................................
Approximate safe working loads of new three-strand fiber ropes used in a straight puli.. ..........................
Moisture regain oi fiber ropes ........................................................................................................
Average size of crew required to raise poles of different lengths by piking.. ........... ................................
TM 5–682
1–1. Purpose
The purpose of this manual is to provide basic safety
rules and instructions pertinent to electrical work
in order to assist electrical workers in eliminating
situations, practices and actions which can result in
accidents to personnel and property. Safety hazards
exist in any workplace. The risks of injury from unsafe
handling of energy from electrical systems have
increased considerably in the past few decades fro
personnel involved in operating and maintaining
electrical facilities. This safety manual was developed
to meet the need for consistent and effective
safety standards for electrical workers.
a. Accident prevention. Accidents do not just
happen. Accidents are normally caused by the careless
and thoughtless acts of workers. Using damaged
tools or unsafe equipment or working inside unprotected
environments are the main causes of accidents.
Accident prevention is the responsibility of all workers.
Your own safety, your co-workers’ safety, and your
community’s safety depend upon your safe working
practices, safe working procedures, and good personal
b. Safe working practices. A copy of this safety
manual will be given to each electrical worker. Each
worker will be required to learn and become accustomed
to the safe working practises recommended
in this manual. Supervisors and foremen have the
responsibilities to interpret the safety rules listed in
the manual to their workers. A comprehensive test
will be given to each worker. Any worker who fails to
make a passing grade on the test will be restricted
in the type of work permitted.
c. Safe working procedures. A working procedure
must be prepared by the appropriate supervisor
or foreman for each job. It includes the detailed
instructions on how the job needs to be done. The
worker has the responsibilities to follow the instructions
in the procedure carefully step by step. However,
the workers have the right to discuss the working
procedures with their supervisor or foreman in
case where they feel that the instructions are not
clear or where safety is not adequate.
d. Personal protections. All electrical workers
are required to use appropriate protective equipment
such as hard hats, rubber gloves, gas masks, and
goggles when exercising their jobs. Workers must also
learn how to visually inspect and test their personal
protective equipment. All unsafe protective equipment
must be isolated, tagged, repaired, or discarded.
e. Training. All electrical workers must be
trained, certified, and current in American Red Cross
or American Heart Association cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) and first aid.
1–2. Applicability
This manual is applicable to all U.S. Army facilities
engineering electrical workers including military and
civilian. Where the working conditions or job requirements
are not covered by this manual, appropriate
references listed in appendix A will apply.
a. Mandatory. The safety rules in this manual
are mandatory for all U.S. Army electrical workers,
including supervisors, foremen, linemen, and other
crew members. Electrical workers have the right to
ask questions if the safety instructions are not adequate
or clear. Supervisors and foremen have the
duty to interpret the safety rules for their workers.
Supervisors and foremen will discuss the safety rules
and procedures with his/her crew when it is necessary.
b. Emergency conditions. Under emergency conditions,
supervisors and foremen may alter some
safety procedures. However, they should discuss the
alternative procedures with their workers and should
be present at the scene all the time. Workers are not
allowed to perform any work that they are not qualified
for or where their personal protection is not adequate.
c. Documentation. Whenever a safety procedure
is altered, an emergency written report should be
prepared and documented. The report will describe
the alternative method and the personal protection
used for the job.
TM 5–682
1–3. References.
Required and related publication and proscribed
forms are listed in appendix A.
TM 5–682
TM 5-682
2-1. Workers’ classifications
Workers’ classifications are based on the training,
experience, and the quality of services they provided.
No workers are allowed to do any work of a higher
rated classification than that for which they have
qualified. However, workers can do work in a lower
classification when, in the opinion of the supervisor
or foreman, such assignment is practical and economical.
a. Laborer. A laborer works only on the ground.
Such work as clearing rights-of-way, digging pole
holes, aligning poles, and similar duties. A laborer
cannot work as attendant of a wire reel, handle in
any manner conductors being pulled in near other
energized conductors, or guide the butt of a pole being
set in an energized line. No experience and training
are required for a laborer.
b. Groundman. This classification requires a period
of employment of at least 12 months.
(1) First 6 months of employment. During the
first 6 months of employment, the groundman
can work only on the ground under the direction
of the foreman in charge. The groundman
must become acquainted with the tools required
by linemen as well as all materials necessary in
line construction. The methods of making up the
various assemblies, such as down guys, dead
ends, and single and double crossarms must be
learned. A groundman should observe closely the
working methods of linemen on poles and structures,
and assist them from the ground as they
direct with the exception that he/she must not
act as attendant of a wire reel, handle in any
manner conductors being pulled in near other
energized conductors, or guide the butt of a pole
being set in an energized line. A groundman
should diligently study this manual and the
methods of handling the various jobs. At the
close of the first 6-month period, after passing
an examination on the contents of this manual,
and at the direction of the foreman, the worker
may be taught to climb.
(2) Second 6 months of employment or longer.
After 6 months the groundman is allowed to work on
de-energized equipment while learning to climb.
However, no groundman is authorized to do any work
that requires climbing. The groundman must learn
the proper work methods from the foreman and follow
exactly all instructions given by the foreman.
This manual and other references listed in appendix
A must be studied and applied diligently during this
(3) After a full a full year of employment or longer.
After a full year of employment or longer, a
groundman can become a candidate for promotion to
lineman-C. However, the worker must take a higher
level examination on the safety and methods of work
pertaining to the facilities involved. If the candidate
passes the examination, he/she could be advanced
for promotion to lineman-C.
c. Lineman-C (or Junior Apprentice Lineman, MOS
52EU4 or MOS 52G). This classification requires a
period of employment of at least 12 months.
(1) First 6 months. During the first 6 months a
lineman-C is not allowed to do any work that requires
climbing or working on energized conductors or
equipment of more than 600 volts root mean square
(2) Second 6 months or longer. A lineman-C
having 12 months climbing experience ( 6 months as
a groundman and 6 months as a lineman-C) may be
allowed to do the following work:
(a) A lineman-C is allowed to work above energized
circuits or on energized circuits on straight
pole lines not exceeding 5,000 volts between conductors.
However, before doing this work, the lineman-
C must be judged capable of doing the job
safely and must be assisted by a higher class lineman
on the same pole. The more experienced lineman
must supervise the handling of energized conductors.
During the apprenticeship period, the lineman-
C must learn all of the different circuits, the
voltage each carries, and their relative positions
on the poles and crossarms.
(b) A qualified lineman-C, with supervisor
approval, may gain additional knowledge of liveline
tools work by assisting in installing liveline
tools and raising and lowering conductors
in place, if accompanied on the same pole by a
lineman-A. The lineman-C may be allowed to
replace transformer fuses and tap-line fuses of
any voltage using a hot line stick or fuse puller.
Handling energized jumpers or untying and tyTM
ing in conductors is not permitted. This work
must be done by a lineman-A. The lineman-C
will not be advanced to new or more hazardous
duties until the foreman is satisfied with the
worker's overall progress and ability to handle such
(3) After a full year of employment or more.
After a full year of employment or more, and after a
thorough examination on this safety manual and the
methods of work pertaining to the facilities involved,
a lineman-C is qualified for-promotion to lineman-B
if suitable progress has been made.
d. Lineman-B (or Senior Apprentice Lineman).
This classification covers a period of at least 12
months employment.
(1) A lineman-B should be able to do all work
that is required of a lineman-C. A lineman-B worker
may work above energized distribution circuits regardless
of voltage. A lineman-B may be permitted
to transfer corner poles (ordinary type) when assisted
by a foreman or lineman-A. However, this should
not be taken as approval to work on any or all corner
poles carrying lines not exceeding 5,000 volts between
conductors. Ordinary corner poles are usually free
of the major hazards that exist on the heavier loaded
and more congested poles which are the responsibility
of the lineman-A. During this service period a
lineman-B should be permitted to assist in the use
of live-line maintenance tools when the other worker
on the job is a lineman-A. Only one lineman-B may
actually handle energized conductors on one pole
during this service period.
(2) After serving at least one full year and after
a thorough examination on this safety manual
and the methods of work pertaining to the facilities
involved, a lineman-B is qualified for promotion to
lineman-A if suitable progress has been made.
e. Lineman-A (or Journeyman). Only the most skillful
and experienced linemen are to be classed in the
grade of lineman-A. A lineman-A must have not less
than ~e years experience before being advanced to
this classification. A lineman-A is expected to be able
to perform all duties of an electrical supervisor or a
foreman. The advanced position of lineman-A carries
with it the responsibility of helping to train the
less experienced workers who are assigned to work
on the job. The lineman-A should be capable of supervising
the work of any part of the crew or even
the entire crew when delegated to do so.
f. Foreman. A foreman is the head of a lineman's
crew. A foreman must have not less than 3 years of
experience on work pertaining to the facilities involved
and 1 year experience in coaching. The foreman
should be able to direct, control, and assign suitable
workers to each electrical job. He/she should also
be able to issue detailed instructions for each job.
He/she should enforce his/her employees to apply the
safety rules seriously.
g. Troubleman. No one rated lower than a lineman-
B is permitted to work as a troubleman. The
limitations of the work for a troubleman are the same
as those outlined in subparagraphs d and e above,
depending upon the troubleman equivalent rating
as a lineman (lineman-B or lineman-A).
h. Patrolman. No one rated lower than a lineman-
B can be assigned to work as a patrolman. The
limitations of work for a patrolman are the same as
those outlined in subparagraphs d and e above, depending
upon the patrolman’s equivalent rating as
a lineman (lineman-B or lineman-A). A patrolman is
tasked with patrolling and inspection of lines and
electrical components such as power transformers,
capacitors, and circuit breakers to determine
whether, how much, and when maintenance is required.
A patrolman must be particularly careful with
lighted cigarettes, cigars, matches, and pipe ashes
which may cause fires during tasking. A patrolman
should also be extremely cautious to avoid injury from
fences, briars, swollen streams, and animals. A patrolman
should be provided with a pair of boots and
a standard snake-bite kit.
i. Inside wireman. An inside wireman requires 2
years of study to master the complexities of the National
Electric Code (NEC) and of control circuitry.
Special training courses by outside educational agencies
may be necessary to ensure that qualifications
for servicing complex equipment have been met by
an inside wireman. An inside wireman dealing with
medium voltage circuits must have qualified as a lineman-
A. For low voltage circuits, an inside wireman
must have qualified as a lineman-C.
2-2. Responsibilities of workers
Responsibilities are the duties that an employee must
be accountable for within his/her power and control.
a. Supervisors. Supervisors are persons who are
in charge overall of electrical maintenance and operation.
Supervisor's responsibilities include—
(1) Selecting suitable workers for the job required.
(2) Selecting a competent worker as the leader
of each crew.
TM 5-682
(3) Being responsible for the safety of his/her
(4) Providing orientation to new workers. Orientation
would include work schedules, safety work
procedures, personal safety, safety of co-workers,
safety in work places, safety in public environment,
first aid, emergency and local hospitals, accident reports,
and safety reports.
(5) Developing a job description and training
program for each new worker.
(6) Issuing a copy of this safety manual to each
new worker. Each new worker will be required to
take an examination on this safety-manual. Any
worker failing to make a passing grade will be restricted
in his/her works.
(7) Interpreting the safety rules to his/her
workers when asked.
(8) Testing the workers on safety issues.
(9) Issuing work orders and instructions to the
foreman who in turn will issue orders and instructions
to his/her employees.
(10) Conducting safety meetings to explain, review
and upgrade safe working conditions, procedures,
and discuss lessons learned.
(11) Asking the workers to stop work immediately
if unsafe working conditions are found or when
the workers are inadequate for the job due to sickness
or lack of training.
(12) Reviewing all unsafe working reports and
accident reports, analyzing the situations, and solving
the problems as soon as possible.
(13) Coordinating with the supplied utilities
and other agencies for the shut-down of the power
systems for routine maintenance or repairs.
b. Foremen. Foremen will be in charge of the safety
and performance of the workers directly under their
supervision. Foremen's responsibilities include:
(1) Coordinating with his/her supervisor and
other crew's leaders.
(2) Reporting immediately to his/her supervisor
all unsafe situations, working conditions, procedures,
equipment, tools, and machinery.
(3) Being directly in charge of his/her crew.
That would include—assigning work to his/her workers,
providing safety equipment and detailed instructions
pertaining to each job, safety planning, direct
coaching, and quality controlling.
(4) Being responsible for the safety of his/her
crew. Asking his/her crew to stop work immediately
and leave the area when a dangerous situation is
(5) Discharging immediately any worker who
is suspected to be under the influence of drugs, alcohol,
or mental illness.
(6) Providing new workers proper training.
That would include: proper working methods, good
shop/housekeeping, safe working practices, first-aid
treatment, resuscitation, emergency calls, safety reports,
accident reports, and inspecting/using/testing/
maintaining personal protective devices, tools, and
(7) Assigning qualified worker in the crew to
coach new workers.
(8) Ensuring that the workers in his/her crew
are physically able to do the work assigned. Any
worker who appears to be sick or unfit for work will
be relieved from all duties and not allowed to return
to work until fully recovered.
(9 ) Conducting meetings to interpret the
safety rules and working procedures in detail to his/
her workers.
(10) Remaining at the Job site for direct coaching
and controlling as long as his/her crew is performing
a job on energized lines' equipment, or apparatus.
(11) Preventing unauthorized persons from approaching
places where work is being done by the
placing of barricades, hole covers, warning signs,
flags, red lanterns, and other means of protecting
the public.
(12) Taking necessary steps to correct the defective
lines, equipment or apparatus.
(13) Avoiding engaging in the actual work except
where the crew is small or, in emergencies, when
it becomes necessary to take an active part in the
c. Crew members. Crew members include all electrical
and non-electrical workers. They have the responsibility
to learn and apply all the safety rules
TM 5-682
listed in this manual. Other responsibilities of crew
members are as follows:
(1) Observing carefully all instructions given
by their appropriate supervisors or foremen for each
(2) Understanding clearly what needs to be
done and how to accomplish the job.
(3) Being responsible for their acts. Careless
and uncontrollable acts are unacceptable. Smoking
is allowed in permitted areas only. Taking drugs or
drinking intoxicants while on duty is prohibited.
(4) Applying safe working practices. Safety procedures
and precautions , must be taken at all times.
When working in a group, a worker must notify his/
her co-worker what the worker is planning to do, such
as before energizing or de-energizing a circuit.
(5) Reporting immediately to their supervisors
or foremen all unsafe situations found in the electrical
distribution systems, working places, or public
(6) Stopping work immediately if they feel unable
to handle the job because of their health condition,
weather, hazardous location or situation.
(7) Taking charge of their own safety, their coworkers'
safety, and their environmental public
(8) Learning how to react when an accident occurs
(First hid treatment, resuscitation, victim handling,
and emergency calling).
(9) Refusing to work when they feel unqualified
for the job.
(10) Keeping the vehicles, tools, equipment, and
working place always clean, safe, orderly, and ready
for use at all times.
d. All workers. The following responsibilities are
for all workers, including supervisors, foremen, and
all crew members.
(1) Accident prevention. Accident prevention
is the most important action in which all workers
must participate. This includes—
(a) Good shop/housekeeping. Keeping floors,
steps, walkways, driveways, aisles, stairways and
exit routes always clean and clear of obstacles, blocks,
and slippery matter. Keeping exit lights always on
and complying with National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) 101 requirements. Keeping exit doors
unlocked from the inside and free of rust and all kinds
of obstructions. Removing snow and ice from the outdoor
walkways, driveways, stairways, and steps.
Placing tools and equipment in a safe and secure
position upon completion or suspension of work. Placing
small parts in containers when dismantling
equipment. Keeping tools in chests or convenient
racks when not in use or storing them where they
will not create hazards. Removing stacked materials
from walkways, driveways, aisles, stairways, and
exit routes unless barricades are erected. Not exceeding
safe floor loadings, nor placing material on or
against any support unless it is known that it can
carry the additional weight. Stacking material so that
it cannot be overturned easily. Watching the stockpiling:
inspecting for stability and for objects which
may fall or be dislodged. Fastening the stacked material
securely when needed. Using suitable racks
for storing pipe, piling, and other materials which
cannot be readily formed into stable stacks. Placing
timbers and other heavy objects on suitable blocks
or sleepers to ensure necessary hand holds. Stacking
wire reels with three strips of wood between reels.
Not leaving nails projecting from boards or walls
where they may cause personal injury. Not removing
materials from packing cases or removing concrete
forms without removing all projecting nails.
(b) Safe working areas. Before starting any
electrical work, the following safety checks must be
made for all working areas. Area must be clean and
free of all slippery materials. Accessible routes for
emergency exit must be available. All obstacles must
be removed. All unsafe situations must be fixed, such
as unstable platforms where the workers stand, loosened
electrical parts, and uncovered energized lines.
Illumination should be adequate. Working space
clearance must be sufficient. Warning equipment
such as barriers, traffic cones, and warning signs
must be located. Unsafe personal apparel such as
neckties, jewelry, and watches must be removed.
(2) Fire prevention and protection. This is the
duty for all workers, including supervisors, foremen,
and all crew members.
(a) Fire prevention. Workers must not smoke
where smoking constitutes a fire hazard. Workers
must not accumulate combustible materials, since
they create fire hazards. Material will be deposited
in metal containers; containers must be emptied at
the end of each day and the contents disposed of in
such a way as not to create a fire hazard. Soiled rags
must not be kept in lockers. Rubbish or waste must
not be burned within 50 feet of a combustible strucTM
ture, or within 5 feet of any building. In burning
waste and rubbish, heavy smoke must not be allowed
to blow into energized equipment. No burning will
be done out-of-doors during high winds. Local civil
laws banning open fires will be obeyed. Weeds or
other rank vegetation must not be permitted to grow
in substation yards or pole yards, around oil tanks
or other structures, or near buildings.
(b) Fire protection. Fire protection includes fire
detection and fire extinguishing equipment. All fire
detection devices such as smoke detectors, heat detectors,
and fire alarm systems should be physically
checked and in good operating condition monthly and
should be tested the manufacturers instructions every
6 months. Appropriate types of extinguishing
equipment must be used for each location, depending
on the classes of fires and material stored at the
location. There are three main classes of fires (see
NFPA 10). Class A involves normal combustible material
such as wood and paper. Extinguishing agents
for class A fires include water, soda-acid, and multipurpose
dry chemicals. Class B involves oils and flammable
liquids. Extinguishing agents for class B fires
include CO2, and dry chemicals. Class C involves electrical
equipment. Extinguishing agents for class C
fires include CO2 and dry chemicals. The extinguishing
agents Halon 1301 and Halon 1211 are being replaced
with either CO2 or dry chemical and are suitable
for combating both Class B and Class C fires,
especially at indoor locations. These two Halon
agents are slightly toxic in low concentrations (less
than 5 percent). Concentrations above 15 percent will
cause unconsciousness in a short period of time.
Therefore, when these extinguishing agents are used
precautionary measures similar to those for toxic
agents in a confined spaces should be employed.
Workers should not enter confined spaces after using
CO2 or other toxic extinguishers until areas have
been thoroughly ventilated. Carbon tetrachloride fire
extinguishers should not be used because they are
extremely toxic. Fire extinguishing equipment must
be inspected NFPA 10.
(3) Accident reporting. Upon the occurrence
of the accident, the worker involved in the accident
must immediately inform his/her supervisor.
(a) Job related injury report. If the accident
results in either injury to personnel or damage to
property, the worker must prepare a written report
describing in detail the circumstances of the accident,
personnel involved, injured personnel, damaged
properties, and problems caused by the accident. The
report must be completed within 24 hours after the
accident. In addition, the worker must fully cooperate
with the authorities who conduct the investigation
of the accident. All items involved in the accident
should be identified as evidence and preserved
until after the investigation has been completed.
(b) Vehicle/equipment accident report. The
worker involved in the accident should verbally inform
his/her supervisor immediately after the occurrence
of the accident. The worker should also provide
a written report describing in detail the circumstances
of the accident and the extent of the damage
within 5 days of occurrence. If the accident causes
injuries to the worker or other persons, then the job
related injury report described in paragraph 2-2d(3)a
above should be applied. The worker should also comply
with all local and state traffic laws when required.
(c) Misuse of authorization report. No worker
can be assigned to do any work of a higher rated classification.
However, the worker can be assigned to
do any work in a lower classification when, in the
opinion of the supervisor or foreman, such assignment
is practical and economical. It is the responsibilities
of the worker to report to his/her supervisor
any misusage or abuse of authorization.
2-3. Safety meetings
Safety meetings consist of scheduled meetings and
special meetings for specific jobs.
a. Scheduled meetings. Scheduled safety meetings
should be held at least once a month. The supervisor
will personally conduct these meetings. However, the
leader of a crew may also be assigned the chairmanship
duties on a rotational basis. Topics of discussion
(1) Two or three safety rules from this manual,
using the manual as a textbook, until completed.
Then, starting over again.
(2) Safety rules, methods, and hazards connected
with the work in progress .
(3) Lessons learned. Discussion of any accidents
that may have occurred recently.
(4) Safe driving.
(5) Accident reports, safety bulletins, posters,
and other material -furnished by the installation
safety director.
(6) Safe use of motorized equipment.
(7) Working on underground lines.
(8) Working on or near machinery.
TM 5-682
(9) Working in elevated positions.
(10) Grounding systems.
(11) First aid. Practicing various methods of
artificial resuscitation: cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR), chest pressure-arm lift (Silvester), and
mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Red Cross or
American Heart Association certification is required
for all workers.
b. Special meetings. Special meetings are normally
held by the supervisor or leader of a crew before beginning
a particularly difficult job. All details of the
job and difficulties will be discussed. Crew members
must understand the precautions to be observed and
the procedures to be followed. Members must understand
what needs to be done, and know how to accomplish
the job. They should be aware of the safety
hazards, and learn how to eliminate the hazards by
using specific safety equipment such as grounding
equipment and protective measures such as body
protective devices. Posters, pictures, diagrams and
other aids may be used in conducting the meetings.
Written work procedures should be prepared for complicated
activities which involve access to locations
where the electricity cannot be de-energized.
2–4 Safety rule violation penalties
Any worker who fails to observe the safety rules in
this manual will be subject to penalties. The severity
of the penalty will be related to the seriousness
of any previous offenses.
a. First offense.
(1) Verbal reprimand.
(2) Called off the job to study safety rules. +:
(3) Discharge (Applicable to cases of deliberate
or willful failure to observe any written regulations
where safety of persons and/or property is endangered
b. Second offense.
(1) Official reprimand.
(2) Lay off without pay, 1 day.
(3) Discharge.
c. Third offense. Discharge.
TM 5-682
3-1. Basic safe working practices
Basic safe working practices require that the worker
be in good health, not under the influence of drugs
or alcohol, free of major emotional, psychological, and
financial problems, familiar with the fundamentals
of Safety, familiar with equipment and tool use, well
prepared for each job, and always alert and responsible
for his/her acts.
3-2. Fundamentals of safety
The fundamentals of safety include accident prevention
and hazardous work elimination.
a. Accident prevention. ACCIDENTS DO NOT
“JUST HAPPEN”—Accidents are the result of unsafe
acts, unsafe conditions, or both.
(1) Unsafe acts, which cause almost 9 out of
every 10 accidents, include—
(a) Operating without authority or warning,
such as opening or closing switches, circuit breakers
or reclosers without permission; operating hoists,
trucks, or other motor-operated devices without giving
a proper warning; failure to place warning signs
or guards or to give signals where needed; and violation
of “red tagging” rules.
(b) Making safety devices inoperative unnecessarily
or without an adequate reason, such as removing
guards, using oversize fuses, and blocking
protective devices.
(c) Using unsafe equipment or using equipment
improperly, such as using tools and chisels that
are damaged, using pipe extensions on wrenches not
designed for them, using the wrong tools for the job,
and using your hands instead of hand tools.
(d) Unsafe loading or placing objects, such
as carrying or lifting heavy loads, placing objects
where they are likely to fall, unstable packing of
loads, and failure to block or guard equipment
against unexpected movements.
(e) Taking unsafe positions, such as working
or lifting from an improper position; casual
walking under suspended loads, through hazardous
work areas, or close to openings; entering areas
contaminated by gases or fumes without taking
proper precautions; and riding in unsafe locations
in or on motor vehicles.
(f) Working near live equipment, moving machinery,
apparatus, or moving parts thereof, without observing
prescribed safety precautions or regulations, or without
using required protective devices and equipment.
(g) Distracting or startling acts, such as practical
joking, horseplay, teasing, quarreling, and annoying
(h) Failure to use personal protective equipment
or safe clothing, such as rubber gloves, aprons,
and leggings where required.
(2) Unsafe conditions, include—
(a) Lack of shields or guards and unbarricaded
floor openings or excavations.
(b) Insufficient warning signs, inadequate
guards for the job, makeshift barriers, and “red tags”:
not properly applied.
(c) Defective material or equipment, such as
broken pieces, stripped threads, split handles, and
damaged tools.
(d) Hazardous arrangements, resulting from
poor housekeeping or lack of planning.
(e) Unsafe personal apparel, such as neckties,
jewelry, and loose sleeves, when worn near moving
(f) Improper illumination or inadequate ventilation
when working in a manhole or utility room.
b. Hazardous work elimination. Hazardous
work can be eliminated when workers are instilled
with the habit of being cautious:
(1) Do not begin work around energized machinery
or equipment or at any place where a hazard
exists until adequate lighting and all proper
safety measures are provided. When finished, disconnect
and remove all extension power cords. Never
leave extension cords which are not in use.
(2) Place DANGER signs where conditions require
their use.
(3) Remove DANGER signs from places where
the danger no longer exists; do not use such signs
TM 5-682
(4) Inspect all tools and equipment before using
them and report promptly any defect noticed.
(5) Never work so closely to fellow workers that
they may be endangered by swinging picks, shovels,
or similar tools.
(6) Use nail pullers when removing nails from
boxes or crates.
(7) Do not use files without proper handles.
(8) Use cribbing or other approved means to
support objects raised above a working position. Do
not depend upon a lifting jack for support.
(9) Do not stand or allow others to stand near
ropes or cables under strain.
(10) Stop portable gasoline engines or electric
motors propelling equipment such as concrete mixers,
compressors, pumps, blowers, and cranes, before
refueling, greasing, oiling, or repairing.
(11) When burning insulation off scrap wire:
(a) Use an incinerator, if available. If an incinerator
is not available, burning should be done in
the open away from buildings and flammable material.
Obey local civil laws regarding open fires.
(b) Use iron forks to handle wire.
(c) Let the fire burn out before removing the
(12) Report promptly and establish guards over
any hazardous condition which might cause injury,
property damage, or interference with electric services.
This includes all hazards, such as fallen wires,
open holes or ditches, and broken poles or crossarms.
(13) Keep away from dangerous places unless
the work requires you to be there.
(14) Treat all electric wires and apparatus as
dangerous and do not touch such equipment unless
you are qualified and authorized to handle such work.
(15) Do not install fuses which are of an improper
type or capacity.
(16) Do not operate portable electric hand drills,
hand grinders, hand buffing wheels, or other similar
equipment unless the motor casing is effectively
grounded or the tool is properly labeled as “double
(17) Casings of electric motors mounted on work
benches or mounted on metal bases fastened to concrete,
wood, or metal floors must be effectively
grounded before operation.
(18) Do not remove broken light bulbs while
working inside tanks, heaters, boilers, and other such
enclosed spaces unless the cord is disconnected from
the supply outlet. Empty sockets are not permitted
in such places.
(19) After a natural disaster such as flood, fire,
tornado, hurricane or earthquake all electrical components
and devices such as switchgear, circuit
breakers, fuses, transformers, reclosers, generators,
electric machines, electric equipment and electric
circuits must be checked and tested by professionals
before re-energizing.
(20) Before starting an electrical job the working
areas must be checked for safety. Accessible
routes for emergency entrance and exit should be
available. All obstacles must be removed and all unsafe
situations must be fixed before job can be started.
Unsafe personal apparel such as neckties, jewelry,
watches, and loose clothes should not be worn. Personal
protective devices such as safety gloves, rubber
blankets, hot sticks, goggles should be available
and ready for use. The workplace must be protected
from unauthorized access and unforeseen accidents
by one of the following means:
(a) Warning equipment. Adequate barriers,
warning signs, traffic cones, and lights must be located
on approaches to and at the work areas, excavations,
open manholes, parked equipment; and other
hazards. Special precautions must be taken for any
areas where reduced visibility occurs such as night
operations or in fog. Warning devices must be removed
when the work is completed.
(b) Flagmen. Flagmen are necessary when
warning devices are not adequate such as in traffic
control. Flagmen must wear safety warning vests,
operate two-way radios and carry warning signs for
their protection and work area protection.
3-3. Normal environmental impacts
The environment may cause impacts on the work to
be performed and potential health hazards for workers
when careless or lack of site preparation exists.
a. Working in elevated positions. A safety rope
should be used to attach to the worker's body when
he/she is in an elevated position. To prevent the possibility
of dropping materials or tools from the elevated
position onto people underneath, appropriTM
ate signs and guards must be used to keep people
away. The supporting platforms for workers, tools,
and materials must be strong and balanced for the
loads they carry to prevent the risk of breaking or
b. Working in confined spaces. A confined space
is an enclosed space with restricted access and insufficient
ventilation such as vaults, manholes, or
tanks. Insufficient ventilation can result in dangerous
air contamination and an oxygen deficient atmosphere.
Dangerous air contamination results
when there is a flammable gas or vapor exceeding
10 percent of its lower explosive limit. An oxygen
deficient atmosphere contains less than 19.5 percent
oxygen by volume.
(1) Before entering into a confined space. Prior
to entering a confined space, the atmosphere will be
tested by qualified personnel to determine its safety
using approved combustion gas/oxygen detectors and
recording the results. Where tests indicate an unsafe
atmosphere, forced ventilation will be provided and no
work will be started until safety has been assured by
additional tests. An adequate continuous supply of air
will be provided while work is being done.
(2) Emergency case. Entry may be made into
a confined space with an unsafe atmosphere if required
in an emergency but only if the worker is using
a supplied air respirator or gas mask if there is
adequate oxygen. Always use a safety lifeline and
have a second worker standing by when an emergency
entry is made.
(3) Safety protection. When working in a confined
space that contains exposed energized parts, a
worker must use protective shields, protective barriers,
and insulating materials as necessary to avoid
inadvertent contact with these parts. Doors, hinged
panels, and the like should be secured to prevent
contact with exposed energized parts.
c. Working in noisy areas. Protection against the
effects of noise exposure should be provided for facility
workers whenever the noise level exceeds the
permissible limits shown in table 3-1.
(1) Noise level equivalents. As a rule of
thumb, for a normal conversation that can be heard
at about 2 feet (0.6 meters) distance, the noise level
is probably less than 90 decibels, the point at which
prolonged exposure can cause a gradual decay in
hearing ability. Noise which is similar to the sound
of firing from a rifle or shotgun is considered as an
impulse type when maximum variation in sound level
exceeds 1 second.
(2) Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) requirements. Table 3-1 provides
the permissible noise exposure expressed in decibels
(for sound levels) versus hours (for time duration).
Exceeding these limits, OSHA requires that engineering
noise controls, administrative controls, or personal
hearing protective equipment be used. Only
those hearing protectors that have been tested according
to American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) S3.19 will be acceptable. Ear insert devices
will be fitted individually by a competent person.
Plain cotton is not acceptable as a protective device.
When the sound pressure level in a working area
exceeds 115 decibels steady state, personal ear protection
equivalent to the combination of earplugs and
ear muffs shall be required.
(3) Noise level measurements. Noise level
measurements should be made by qualified personnel
using calibrated instruments.
(4) Caution signs. Hazardous noise level areas
(greater than 85 decibels continuous or 140 decibels
impulse) should be marked with caution signs indicating
both the presence of hazardous noise levels and
the need for hearing protection.
Table 3–1. OSHA Permissible Noises Exposures
Duration per Day (Hours)
1/4 or Less
Sound Level (Decibels)
Note: When the daily noise exposure is composed of two or more
periods of noise exposures of different levels, their combined effect
should be considered, rather than the individual effect of
each. If the sum of the following fractions: Cl/Tl + C2/T2 + ... + Cn/
Tn exceeds unity; then, the mixed exposure should be considered
to exceed the limit value. Cn indicates that total time of exposure
at a specified noise level, and Tn indicates the total time of exposure
permitted at that level.
d. Working in insufficiently illuminated areas.
Safety rules require adequate illumination for the
work area. Where natural or installed artificial illumination
is not sufficient temporary lighting must
be provided. Ensure that temporary lighting is not
TM 5-682
powered from the same circuit as temporary receptacles.
The use of matches or open flames to provide
such illumination is forbidden. OSHA requires a
minimum of a 5 footcandle (or 54 lux) level in construction
areas and a 10 footcandle (or 108 lux) level
in electrical equipment rooms.
(1) Spaces containing exposed energized
parts. Do not enter spaces containing exposed energized
parts unless illumination is provided. Do not
perform tasks near exposed energized parts where
lack of illumination or an obstruction precludes observation
of the work to be performed. Do not reach
blindly into areas which may contain energized parts.
(2) Temporary lighting. All lamps for general illumination
will be protected from accidental contact
or breakage using approved guards. Guards are not
required for flashlights. Flashlights will not have
metal cases. All light metal case sockets will be
grounded. Temporary lights will not be suspended
by their electric cords unless cords and lights are
designed for this means of suspension. Portable electric
lighting used in wet or other conductive locations
will be operated at 12 volts or less. However,
120-volt lights may be used if protected by a ground
fault circuit interrupter. Only explosion-proof lighting
equipment will be used in confined or enclosed
spaces unless atmospheric tests have proven the
space to be nonexplosive.
3-4. Hazardous environmental impacts
Serious bodily harm can result from contact with
hazardous materials such as asbestos, polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCB), and sulfur hexifluoride (SF6).
These hazardous materials can be found in old building
insulation material, utility substation, old transformers,
capacitors, circuit breakers, switches, and
voltage regulators. They should be treated and
handled Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
regulations. Wood preservative treatment products
would also require special handling because of their
toxicity. The following paragraphs will describe the
dangers of these hazardous materials, where they
are used, and how to handle them. Protective apparel
and accessories are covered in paragraph 4-3. The
effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) created by
high voltage electric lines will also be discussed. Requirements
for protection against nuclear radiation
are beyond the scope of this manual.
a. Working in asbestos areas. Asbestos had been
used in years past as insulation and fire protection
material. However, cutting asbestos materials will
release asbestos fibers to the atmosphere. These fibers
will become harmful if they are breathed into
the lungs. The cells within the lungs will try to remove
these fibers but will not succeed. Scar tissues
will form in the lungs. Studies have shown that significant
quantity of asbestos fibers in the lung can
cause lung cancer. For these reasons asbestos containing
products are banned from the market. However,
electrical workers still have a chance to be exposed
to such fibers if the existing asbestos containing
products such as ceiling tiles or cement-asbestos
conduits in some old buildings are accidentally cut.
Therefore, before starting a job in an area where asbestos
is identified, a written plan detailing compliance
with Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OHSA) and the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) asbestos abatement requirement
should be developed and submitted to the
Government's designated authority. No asbestos
work shall be permitted without approval from the
Government's authority. The disposal of asbestos
containing products shall be handled by qualified
personnel or contractors according to all Federal,
State and local regulations.
b. Working with polychlorinated biphenyl lPCB)
containing products. Because of their insulating
and nonflammable properties, PCB has been used
in years past as heat exchange and dielectric fluid in
power transformers, capacitors, voltage regulators,
and circuit breakers. Trade names for PCBs include
Aroclor, Askarel, Eucarel, Pyranol, Chlorextol,
Nepolin, among others. PCBs can enter the air by
vaporization from a leaking container. When in air
PCBs will travel by wind. PCBs will then enter the
soil and water. Studies have shown that PCBs can
cause serious skin diseases, liver failure, birth defects,
and retardation. In 1977 the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) banned the production
of PCBs. The National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends that the
workers not be in any workplace where the air contains
more than 0.001 milligrams of PCB per cubic
meter for a 8-hour workday, 40-hour workweek.
Workers should be aware of all locations having PCB
containing products and who to contact if there is a
spill. The transportation, storage, and disposal of
PCB containing products should be according to the
current EPA regulations.
(1) Handling. PCB is a “strong solvent” and
a prolonged contact will result in removing the natural
skin oils. All PCB fluid shall be placed in closed
containers and handled by qualified personnel.
(2) Personal protection. Nonabsorbent gloves
(neoprene, teflon, viton, etc.), footwear, masks, and
appropriate protective clothing should be worn when
handling PCBs. All exposed parts of the body should
be greased with either petroleum jelly (vaseline), olTM
ive oil, cold cream, or another approved skin compound.
At locations where there is not sufficient ventilation,
workers must, in addition, use organic vapor
respirators and goggles.
(3) Emergency case. In case of emergency
when a worker comes accidentally in contact with
PCB liquid he/she should immediately wash it off
with soap and water.
c. Working with sulfur hexifluoride (SF6)
containers. In its pure state, SF6 is a colorless, odorless,
tasteless, nonflammable, nontoxic, and noncorrosive
gas shipped in liquid form. Since it is five times
heavier than air, it can act as an asphyxiant, and in
a liquid state, it can cause tissue freezing similar to
frost bite. Its decomposition products, which result
from an electric arc or short-circuit, can be toxic.
These decomposition products will recombine to form
SF6 gas or be removed by an absorber provided for
that purpose within such equipment as circuit breakers
and switches. SF6 gas can leak and should always
be treated as hazardous.
(1) Handling. Only qualified workers trained
to deal with SF6's hazardous effects can analyze, fill,
and reclaim this material. Only when spills and leaks
occur, should facility personnel be involved to protect
the public and the workplace.
(2) Dispersing. No employee will work alone
when dispersing SF6. Wear approved insulating
gloves, safety glasses, and appropriate protective
clothing to prevent any skin contact. Remove all
sources contributing to electrical arcing and heat.
Provide adequate ventilation to prevent the atmosphere
from becoming oxygen deficient (19.5 percent
by volume of oxygen minimum). Wear a hood with
an air supply line when entering an oxygen-deficient
atmosphere or where an oxygen detector is not available
to test air. Chemical cartridge respirators will
not be used. Provide a safety line and a standby
worker having another hood with an air-line as backup
for the worker in the hazardous SF6 atmosphere.
(3) In case of fire. Though a non-inflammable
gas, SF6 can decompose at high temperatures to yield
toxic and corrosive byproducts. If a fire occurs, use
an appropriate fire extinguishing agent. All fire fighters
should wear correct breathing apparatus.
d. Working with wood preservative treatment
products. Creosote and water-borne or oil-borne
preservatives used for wood treatment can only be
handled by certified pesticide applicators. Copper
naphthenate preservative treatment does not require
certification for its use.
e. Work around electric and magnetic
fields. This section covers safety measures when
working around electric and magnetic fields produced
by high-voltage electric lines. A 60-hertz electric line
emits an extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic
field (EMF) which has nonionizing rays. So far,
no conclusive evidence has been proved that the EMF
from ELF sources are harmful. OSHA and EPA have
not concurred that “prudent avoidance” which consists
of taking steps to keep humans out of such fields,
is necessary.
(1) Electric field. Whenever there is a voltage
difference between two conductive objects such as
two conductors, an electric field will be developed in
the space between these two conductive objects. The
magnitude or strength of the electric field is proportional
to the difference of voltages between the two
conductive objects and inversely proportional to the
distance from the object. Electric fields are measured
in volts per meter (v/m). The higher the difference of
voltages between two conductive objects and the
shorter the distance from the object the stronger will
be the electric field.
(2) Magnetic field. Whenever there is a current
flowing through a conductor or a coil of wire
wound around a piece of iron (or a permanent magnet
called the “electromagnet”) , a magnetic field will
be developed in the space around the conductor and
between the two ends of the coil. The magnitude or
strength of the magnetic field is proportional to the
magnitude of the current flowing through the conductor
(or the coil) and inversely proportional to the
square of the distance from the conductor or the coil.
Magnetic fields are measured in Gauss (G), or Tesla
(T) (where one Tesla is equal to 10,000 Gausses). The
larger the current flowing through the conductor or
the coil and the shorter the distance from the conductor
or the coil, the stronger will be the magnetic
(3) Effects on human body. Electric fields will
be greatly reduced in strength by obstacles such as
buildings, trees, vehicles and so on. Magnetic fields on
the other hand cannot be blocked by obstacles but can
be greatly reduced by the distance. Some recent studies
have shown that the risks of cancer and leukemia
are higher for people living near high voltage transmission
lines. These health problems are suspected to
be caused by the magnetic fields generated by the electric
lines. However, no scientists are certain of the cause
of the disease because the energy radiated by the magnetic
field is very small as compared to the energy radiated
by X-rays. The magnetic field energy does not
have enough strength to break the bonds in the cells of
human body to cause cancer or death.
TM 5-682
The International radiation Protection Association
(IRPA) has also set some guidelines on electric and magnetic
fields exposures for electrical workers (See table 3–3).
The American conference of government Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH) has also set some guidelines for
pacemaker workers. (See table 3–4).
Table 3Ð3. IRPA Guidelines on Electric and Magnetic Field
-Whole working day
-short-term (*)
General Public
-Whole working day
-Short-term (*)
Electric Fields Magnetic Fields
Note: (*) For short term, electric field strength (kV /m) x hours of
exposure should not exceed 80. Whole body exposure to magnetic
fields up to 2 hours per day should not exceed 50G.
Table 3Ð4. ACGIH Guidelines on Electric and Magnetic Field
Exposures for Pacemakers
Cardiac Pacemaker
Electric Fields Magnetic Fields
Note: Protective devices such as shielded clothing, gloves, insulation
bucket liners and so on, should be used where the electric field is
15kV / m or larger.
In the United Kingdom, the National Radiation Protection
Board has also established some guidelines
on electric and magnetic fields for electrical workers
(See table 3–5).
Table 3Ð5. United Kingdom Guidelines on Electric and Magnetic
Field Exposures
Cardiac Pacemaker
Electric Fields Magnetic Fields
However, these guidelines are not officially approved
by U.S. Government yet. It is recommended that appropriate
protection measures by applied when the
worker experiences discomfort in the fields.
(4) Personnel protection. The most commonly
used method to protect electrical workers against electric
field effects is conductive shielding. Forms of shielding
include conductive clothing, gloves, insulation, and
bucket liners. Another method of protection is to avoid
unnecessary proximity to electric sources and reduce
time of exposure to the electric fields. There is no
method for magnetic field protection, except distance
from the field source.
(5) Electric and magnetic field exposure guidelines.
There are no official federal limits or guidelines
on electric and magnetic fields produced by electric
power lines. However, there are six states in the United
States which have set some guidelines on electric and
magnetic fields for electrical workers (See table 3–2).
3-5. Electric shock hazards
Electrical energy cannot be sensed by human body until
contact is made. Therefore, electrical workers must always
be aware of electric shock hazards. Electric shock
hazards can be caused by: accidentally touching an
energized line or a metal object which has different
potential from ground; connecting two circuits which
have phase differences, or working on an apparatus
Table 3Ð2. U.S. Guidelines on Electric and Magnetic Field Exposures
Electric Fields Magnetic Fields
New Jersey
New York
Edge ROW
69-230kV lines
231-500kV lines
500kV 2-lines
road crossing
Note: ROW is the right-of-way for which a utility company acquires
permanent rights that allow the utility to build, operate, and maintain
its transmission lines, and the right-of-way clear of trees, obstacles, and
structures for the reliability of lines and the safety of electrical workers
and the public. (*) Under maximum load carrying conditions.
TM 5-682
Figure 3Ð1. Phasing check using hot-line stick and phasing testers
Figure 3Ð2. Phasing check using existing voltage transformers.
which can have feedback currents. Prejob planning
should be determined before starting work. Prejob
planning includes reviewing the electrical system
diagrams, inspecting the system and understanding
the system's operation. All apparel, tools, and equipment
needed for the job should be determined and
ready for use.
a. Working near energized circuits. Electrical
maintenance performed near energized circuits
should be done with proper rubber blankets or other
suitable guards provided as a safety measure. Safe
working distance from the live apparatus or conductors
should also be applied (See paragraph 3-9).
b. Potential differences. The potential differences
between an energized conductor and ground,
or between two energized conductors, are equally
hazardous. The metal frames or enclosures of electrical
components may not be at the same potential
with the ground. Therefore, they should be considered
as hazardous. The potential difference between
conductors (including phase conductors, grounded
conductors, and grounding conductors) to ground
should be checked and measured. The potential difference
between metal frames of electrical components
to ground should also be checked and measured
before starting a job.
c. Phase differences. Before connecting two or
more circuits together the phases of the circuits
should be checked. A short circuit will occur when
two circuits having different phases are connected
to each other. Only circuits of same phase can be connected.
When two circuits are in-phase the voltages
across the circuits will be zero. For a power system
less than 600 volts a voltmeter can be used for phase
testing. For a power system larger than 600 volts a
hot stick and high voltage voltmeter should be used
(See figs 3–1 and 3–2).
d. Feedback currents. There is always a possibility
of a feedback current when working on apparatus.
A feedback current can result from improper
disconnection or accidental connection to a stored energy
power source or electric power source. A thorough
understanding of the circuitry is necessary
along with proper disconnection and grounding provisions.
3-6. Electrical work
Work should be performed on de-energized electrical
circuits except when continuous power is required
for critical services. In all instances, electrical workers
should be qualified for the work. Safety procedures
should be applied and personal protective
equipment should be used. Where work on an enerTM
gized electrical circuit is required the worker must
receive approval from his/her supervisor and the
work must be performed under direct supervision of
a qualified foreman.
3–7. De-energized line work
All lines are considered energized until they are completely
disconnected and isolated from all electrical
power sources. All stored energy sources such as
power factor capacitors shall be discharged to ground
through a proper grounding system before starting
the job. Safety clearance should be applied. Barriers
and warning signs should be used when it is necessary
to prevent access of unauthorized persons to the
work areas.
3–8. Safety clearance for de-energized line
This safety clearance provides standard performances
that must be applied by all electrical workers
when working on de-energized lines and equipment
operating above and below 600 volts.
a. Definitions of commonly used electrical terms.
The most commonly used electrical terms are—
(1) Switching. The action of shifting, turning,
or changing the existing position or direction of an
electrical interrupting device such as a switch' circuit
breaker or recloser to an opposite position or
direction in order to connect, disconnect, or re-connect
a circuit or electrical device to an electrical power
(2) Blocking. Placing a barrier to obstruct the
operation of an electrical interrupting device such
as a switch, circuit breaker, or recloser to prevent
accidental operation.
(3) Lockout. The application of a locking device
to the operating handle of an electrical interrupting
device such as a switch, circuit breaker, or
recloser to prevent the reposition of the device except
when the reposition is specifically intended.
(4) Tagging. The action of attaching a danger
tag or caution tag to an electrical interrupting
device such as a switch, circuit breaker, or recloser
or to an electrical rotating device such as a motor,
generator, or fan or to an electrical tool such as an
electric drill or screw driver.
(5) Personnel protection ground. A grounding
system (including grounding conductors, grounding
electrodes, and other grounding hardware) installed
and connected into an electrical power system for the
purpose of discharging electrical energy to ground
to protect personnel from accidental exposure to voltage.
(6) Clearance (danger) and caution
details. The explanation in detail of the actions or
tasks associated with the application of the danger
or caution tags.
(7) Main Hold Tag. The front side of a DA
Form 7408 (Danger Tag) is designated as a "Main
Hold Tag" when it is attached to a main electrical
system or equipment to hold its position until the
tag is removed by authorized personnel. The Main
Hold Tag should not be used for any purpose other
than the protection of personnel under a safety clearance.
(8) Auxiliary Hold Tag. The back side of a DA
Form 7408 (Danger Tag) is used as an "Auxiliary Hold
Tag" when it is used to disable a subsystem or equipment
disconnecting devices which may affect the
system or equipment covered by the Main Hold Tag.
(9) Caution Tag. A DA Form 5140 Caution
Tag) used as a stand-alone or in conjunction with a
Danger Tag. The Caution Tag is attached to a system
or equipment to direct attention of electrical
workers to its abnormal conditions or unusual operating
(10) Task. A statement consisting of a single
action verb which indicates a specific accomplishment
such as ''Block Switch A Open", "Lockout Switch A",
or "Tag Switch A".
b. Safety clearance duties and responsibilities.
The duties and responsibilities of supervisor and
workers engaged in the application of a safety clearance
are as follows.
(1) Supervisor duties and responsibilities. The
supervisor is responsible for—
(a) Designating individual(s) authorized to
receive, request, approve, issue, apply, maintain, temporary
release, and terminate a safety clearance.
(b) Supervising and being responsible for the
application of safety clearances.
(c) Making all necessary arrangements for
interruption of electrical power service such as notifying
customers and the utility company.
(d) Providing direction for the management,
preparation, application, and maintenance of safety
TM 5-682
clearance records.
(e) Conducting safety clearance training and
briefing to ensure a qualified and informed work
(2) Worker duties and responsibilities. The duties
and responsibilities of workers will vary depending
upon duty position assignments as determined
by the supervisor.
(a) Workers authorized to approve and issue
safety clearances must—
1. Be technically qualified in all aspects of
the electrical system and equipment operation and
specifically the paths for current flow and the required
positioning of the system control devices such
as disconnect switches, circuit breakers, and reclosers
to de-energize the system, or place other equipment
into operation when it is necessary;
2. Receive requests for safety clearances;
3. Verify that the requestor is authorized
to initiate a request and receive a safety clearance;
4. Review the accuracy of information entered
on the Safety Clearance an or Caution Order
form relative to the system or equipment involved;
5. Review the adequacy, sequence, and effectiveness
of individual tasks listed on the Safety
Clearance and or Caution Order form;
6. Provide guidance or correction when it
is necessary;
7. Make all necessary arrangements for
power interruption required for the job;
8. Notify customers and utility company
when it is necessary (these arrangements must be
made prior to performing any switching which may
affect the customer's services and utility company's
9. Ensure a complete understanding of the
requirements for the clearance order on the “Detail
of the Clearance Procedures" including the verbal
restating of the details of each individual task listed
on the Safety Clearance Order to the requestor;
10. Determine and assign a Safety Clearance
Order number;
11. Annotate (on the Safety Clearance Order
form) the numbers of all other clearance orders
which are on the related systems or equipment;
12. Fill out the DA Form 7408 (Danger Tag)
13. Issue the DA Form 5168-R (Safety
Clearance Order (Electrical Facilities)) and Danger
or Caution Tag to requester;
14. Issue DA Form 7407-R (Caution Order
(Electrical Facilities)) and DA Form 5140 (Caution
Tag) in conjunction with the Safety Clearance Order
when requested;
15. Receive, review, and approve requests
for temporary lift, release of temporary lift, and termination
of clearance including the review of the
system’s or equipment's status to determine if other
workers will be affected and determine the appropriate
action to be taken in such a case;
16. Maintain safety clearance records including
documenting clearance orders and other information
relative to issuing and releasing of clearances
and filing of closed-out clearance orders.
(b) Workers authorized to receive safety
clearances must—
1. Meet the technical knowledge requirements
specified for the individual authorized to approve
and issue a clearance;
2. Be technically qualified to perform all
methods necessary to accomplish the tasks required
by the "Details of Clearance Procedures" on the
Safety Clearance Order form;
3. Determine paths of current flow and potential
feed back circuit(s) relative to the system or
equipment involved;
4. Determine tasks or actions required to
achieve a clearance including a sequence of tasks that
will be performed to precede a clearance;
5. Prepare and submit the Safety Clearance
and or Caution Order form;
6. Apply safety clearance procedures ensuring
that all tasks are performed in the order and
sequence as approved and listed on the Safety Clearance
and or Caution Order form, annotating the time
when each task is completed;
7. Conduct a safety briefing for subordinates
and coworkers to ensure that they understand
clearly the applied clearance requirements including
familiarizing subordinates and coworkers with
the positioning of all danger tags (main and auxiliary),
caution tags, and personnel safety grounds;
8. Determine the requirements for temporary
lift of clearances and request temporary lift of
clearances including coordination and briefing other
persons or crews that may have been working on the
equipment or system;
9. Request authorization to release temporary
lift and reapply the original clearance order
including coordination and briefing other persons or
crews that may have been working on the equipment
or system;
10. Request authorization to release and
perform the release of safety clearances including
performing the tasks of unlocking, blocking, tagging,
repositioning of switches, and removal of personnel
safety grounds as specified in the details of safety
clearance procedures;
11. Prepare turn-in and close-out danger
tags to the issuing authority.
TM 5-682
(c) Workers who receive approved (Clearance
Orders must—
1. Apply the safety clearance order by
implementing the tasks specified in the ''Details of
Clearance Procedures";
2. Perform the tasks in the order and sequence
as listed;
3. Fill out the "Time Applied" for each task
upon completion;
4. Ensure that the related power system
or equipment is isolated from all power sources and
stored energy sources and that the methods of blocking
and locking are properly applied;
5. Apply Danger Tags issued in conjunction
with the Safety Clearance Order;
6. Sign the "Placed By" column on both
Main and Auxiliary Tags.
Note: Danger Tags must be applied at the time where
the switching task is performed for the specific disconnect
device identified in "Details of Clearance
Procedures.” All previous tags attached to the device
must be removed (by a temporary lift order), except
where other inherent problems preclude the removal
of the tag.
7. Conduct a safety briefing, as necessary,
to inform subordinates and coworkers on safety issues
and concerns related to the applied clearance.
(d) Workers authorized to request Temporary
Lift/ Close-Out of Clearances. Worker who receives
an approved safety clearance order can request from
the issuing authority a temporary lift or close-out of
clearance. When this individual is not available, the
supervisor can perform the request or designate a
person to perform this function. The request must
be approved prior to performing any task of unlocking,
blocking, tagging, repositioning of switches or
removal of personnel protective grounds. When a
caution order is in effect as a requirement of the clearance
order the following additional procedures must
be performed:
1. Request temporary lift or close-out of the
caution simultaneously with the request to temporary
lift or close-out of the clearance;
2. Request and apply a new caution order
for the system or equipment involved. The "Details
of Caution Procedures" for the new caution order
should be specified in accordance with the original
Caution Order.
(e) Workers authorized to approve Temporary
Lift/Close-Out of Clearances. Workers issuing safety
clearance orders have authorization to receive and
approve requests for temporary lift or close-out of
clearances. However, they must review the system
or equipment status to determine if other workers
will be effected by release of the clearance and-determine
the appropriate action to be taken in such a
case. The worker must make all necessary arrangements
for restoration of service such as notifying the
customers and utility company. These arrangements
must be made prior to performing any switching
which may affect the customers' service or utility
company's system. They must approve and record
the temporary lift/close-out of clearance.
(f) Workers who receive approval of Temporary
Lift/ Closed-Out Orders must—
1. Perform the tasks of unlocking, blocking,
tagging, repositioning of switches, and removal
of personnel protective grounds;
2. Perform these tasks in the reverse sequence
as listed on the Clearance Order form;
3. Enter the "Time Removed Column" as
each task is completed.
Note: The task action to be performed during the
release of a clearance is the opposite action as stated
for applying the clearance. For instance, if a task of
the clearance procedure reads "Open Switch A" the
opposite operation is "Close Switch A".
4. Remove all clearance tags;
5. Submit the closed-out clearance order
with all associated clearance tags to the issuing authority.
(g) Workers who receive Turned-In Clearance
Orders and Tags must complete the termination of
clearance by entering the "Released By" and "Accepted
By" blocks and the time and date the closedout
clearance order and tags from the "active" file to
the "inactive" file.
c. Safety clearance forms. There are four safety
clearance forms: Safety Clearance Order, DA Form
5168R (fig. 3–3), Caution Order, DA Form 7408 (fig.
3–5), and Caution Tag, DA Form 5140 (fig. 3–6).
The preparation and application of the forms will
depend on each job.
(1) DA Form 5168-R (Safety Clearance Order
(Electrical Facilities). The Safety Clearance Order
form is used for requesting and issuing a clearance
for electrical work. It contains all data necessary for
applying and releasing a clearance or a temporary
lift of clearance. The Safety Clearance Order form
Clearance should not be released when
removal of the clearance will leave other
workers unprotected. In such cases, a new
clearance order must be issued, as necessary,
to protect the other workers. The new
clearance order must be applied before the
old clearance can be released.
TM 5-682
Figure 3Ð3. Sample of a completed DA Form 5168-R, Safety Clearance Order (Electrical Facilities).
TM 5-682
Figure 3Ð4. Sample of a completed DA Form 7407-R, Caution Order (Electrical Facilities).
TM 5-682
Figure 3Ð5. Sample of a completed DA Form 7408, Danger Tag.
Figure 3Ð6. Sample of a completed DA Form 5140, Caution Tag.
TM 5-682
must be used for all electrical works performed on
de-energized lines and equipment operating above
600 volts. DA Form 5168-should be prepared by the
worker who is authorized to receive and apply a
safety clearance. The safety clearance order form
should be typed or hand-written in ''black'' or “blue”
ink pen or ballpoint pen and filled out as shown in
figure 3–3. DA Form 5168-R will be reproduced on
8 1/2 - by 11-inch paper. A copy for reproduction purposes
is located at the back of this manual. The preparation
of the Safety Clearance Order form follows—
(a) Block 1, Order Number. The Order number
will consist of two sets of numbers separated by
a hyphen. The first set will consist of two digits representing
the current year. The second set will consist
of four digits beginning with the number "0001".
For example: 99-0001.
(b) Block 2, Other Number. If there are
other clearances and or cautions which are in effect
on the system or equipment for which the clearance
is being requested, the individual who issues the
safety clearance will enter the order numbers of these
clearances/cautions in block 2.
(c) Block 3, Station/Installation. The name
of the station/substation or facility where the system
or equipment is physically located will be entered
in block 3 by the individual who requests the
(d) Block 4, Line or Equipment
Involved. The description of the line or equipment
on which the work is to be performed will be entered
in block 4 by the individual who request the clearance.
(e) Block 5, Time Applied. The individual
who applies the clearance order will enter the time
when each task is completed. The 24-hour system
will be used. Military (hhmm) or civilian time
(hh:mm) may be used on all forms. For example: 1500
or 15:00.
(f) Block 6, Details of Clearance
Procedure. The details of the tasks needed to complete
the clearance will be described in block 6. The
tasks must be numbered in the order that they will
be implemented. In the example substation #3 is shut
down and repairs made. Clearance is temporarily
lifted midway to test for operation. After the test,
unit is shut down again and times recorded in the
right hand column.
(g) Block 7, Time Removed. The individual
who performs a clearance removal will enter the time
when each task is completed. The procedures to remove
a clearance will be in reverse order to that used
for applying a clearance. The task action used for
removing an order will be the Opposite action to that
used for installing an order. For instance, if the task
action used to install a clearance order is “Open
switch A'', the task action used to remove a clearance
order is "Close Switch A".
(h) Block 8a, Issued To. The name of the
person who is authorized to receive and implement
the safety clearance will be entered in block 8a by
the issuing authority.
(i) Block 8b, Issued By. The name of the person
who issues the safety clearance must be entered
in block 8b. In cases where the individual issuing
and receiving the clearance is the same person the
person's name will be entered in both the “Issued to"
and "Issued by" blocks.
(j) Block 8c, Timed Issued. The time when
the safety clearance is issued will be entered in block
8c by the person who issues the clearance.
(k) Block 8d, Date Issued. The date, month,
and year when the clearance is issued must be entered
in this block. Numerical or alphanumerical
forms may be used on all forms. For example: 24-12-
1999 or 24 Dec 1999.
(l) Block 9a, Released By. The name of the
person who releases the clearance must be entered
in block 9a.
(m) Block 9b, Accepted By. The name of the
person who accepts the released clearance must be
entered in block 9b. In cases where the individual
accepting release and releasing the clearance is the
Same person the person’s name will be entered in
both the “Released By" and "Accepted By" blocks.
(n) Block 9c, Time Released. The time when
the clearance is released will be entered in block 9c
by the person who accepts the released clearance.
(o) Block 9d, Date Released. The date,
month, and year when the clearance is released will
be entered in block 9d by the person who accepts the
released clearance.
(2) Safety clearance order logbook. All information
relative to issuing and releasing clearance
orders must be recorded in a logbook. This logbook
will also document information on accidents that
occur during a given clearance.
TM 5-682
(3) Safety clearance order record file. Separate
files are required for active (still in effect) and inactive
(released) safety clearance orders. Inactive files
should be maintained within the organization's
record keeping system according to AR 25-400-2.
(4) Special cases. Three special cases exist.
(a) Operation of the system or equipment
during a clearance is not authorized while the clearance
is in effect. However, when it is necessary for
the system or equipment or parts thereof to be operated
for purposes of operational or after-maintenance,
testing, a temporary lift of the clearance
could be applied. There are no restrictions on the total
number of temporary lifts that can be issued relative
to a given safety clearance order. However, only
one temporary lift will be in effect for a given clearance
at a time. In addition, if the system or equipment
has multiple safety clearances applied, a temporary
lift is required for all the clearances in effect.
The issuing authority must coordinate all parties
involved to ensure safety of all personnel.
(b) Temporary lifts of clearance. When more
than one temporary lift of clearance is needed for
the job each temporary lift should be annotated alphabetically.
The first temporary lift of clearance
should be given the letter "A". The next temporary
lift of clearance should be given the next letter "B",
and so on. The detailed description for each task performed
during a temporary lift of clearance should
be listed and numbered. The number assigned for
each task performed during a lift of clearance will be
based on the number given to a related task listed
on the original order but is annotated with the alphabetical
letter of the temporary lift of clearance
as illustrated in figure 3–3. The time when a task is
applied and removed during a lift of clearance should
be entered by the individual who applied for the lift
of clearance.
(c) At an attended substation, the operations
of the system or equipment during a lift of clearance
should be carried out by the operator on duty.
(5) DA Form 7407-R, (Caution Order (Electrical
Facilities)). This form is used to direct electrical
workers' attention to abnormal, hazardous, and
unusual conditions of an electrical system or device.
The caution order differs from the safety clearance
order in that the system equipment may be operated
while the caution is in effect. The Caution Order is
normally used in conjunction with a clearance to address
the conditions of the system or equipment
which are not mentioned in the clearance order. However,
the caution cannot be used in lieu of a clearance.
DA Form 7407-R will be reproduced on 8 1/2-
by 11-inch paper. A copy for reproduction purposes is
located at the back of this manual. The preparation
of the Caution Order form follows—
(a) Block 1, Order Number. The Order number
will consist of a letter X followed by two sets of
numbers. The first set of numbers will consist of two
digits representing the current year. The second set
of numbers will consist of four digits beginning with
the number "0001". For example: X94-0001.
(b) Block 2, Other Number. If there are
other clearances or cautions which are in effect on
the system or equipment for which the caution order
is being requested, the individual who issued the
caution order will enter the order numbers of these
clearances or cautions in block 2.
(c) Block 3, Station/Installation. The name
of the station, substation, or facility where the system
or equipment is physically located will be entered
in block 3 by the individual who requests the
(d) Block 4, Line or Equipment involved.
The description of the line or equipment to
which the caution will be applied, will be entered in
block 4 by the individual who requests the caution.
(e) Block 5, Time Applied. The time when
a task (listed in the Details of Caution Procedures)
is applied and completed will be entered in this block
by the individual who performed the task. The 24-
hour system will be used.
(f) Block 6, Details of Caution Procedures.
The details of caution procedures will depend upon
the intent of the caution. For a caution order which
involves only switching, tagging, or blocking, the detail
of tasks that need to be performed to complete
the caution should be described in block 6. For a caution
order which stipulates the operation of an electrical
device or equipment, the operating instructions
must be entered. Where the instructions have an
assigned number this number could be entered. The
details of the procedures must be numbered in the
sequential order that they will be implemented.
(g) Block 7, Time Removed. The procedures
to remove a caution order will be performed in the
reverse order to that used for applying the caution
order. The task action used to remove an order will
be the opposite to that used for installing an order.
For instance, if the task action used to install a caution
order is “Open switch A” the task action used to
remove an order is “Close Switch A”. The time when
TM 5-682
a task (to remove an order) is completed will be entered
in block 7 by the individual who performed the
(h) Block 8a, Issued To. The name of the individual
who is authorized to receive and apply a
caution order will be entered in block 8a by the issuing
(i) Block 8c, time Issued. The name of the
individual who issues a caution order must be entered
in block 8b. In cases where the individual issuing
and receiving the caution order is the same person
the person’s name will be entered in both the
“Issued To” and “Issued By” blocks.
(j) Block 8c, Time Issued. The time at which
a caution order is issued will be entered in block 8c
by the person who issues the order.
(k) Block 8d, Date Issued. The date, month,
and year when a caution order is issued must be entered
in this block. Both numerical and alphanumerical
forms could be used.
(l) Block 9a, Released By. The name of the
person who releases the caution order must be entered
in block 9a.
(m) Block 9b, Accepted By. The name of the
person who accepts the released caution order must
be entered in this block.
(n) Block 9c, Time Released. The time at
which a caution order is released will be entered in
block 9c by the individual who accepts the released
caution order.
(o) Block 9d, Date Released. The date,
month, and year where the caution order is released
will be entered in block 9d by the person who accepts
the released caution order.
(6) Caution order logbook. All information
relative to issuing and releasing caution orders must
be recorded on a logbook. This logbook will also document
all operations of the system or equipment while
the caution is still in effect.
(7) Caution order record file. Separate files
are required for active (still in effect) and inactive
(released) caution orders. Inactive files should be
maintained within the organization's record keeping
system according to AR 25-400-2.
(8) Special applications. Caution orders remaining
in effect for an extended period must be reviewed
annually at a minimum to determine if the
requirement still exists. Results of the review must
be communicated to all elements of the operation.
Caution orders issued for abnormal/unusual conditions
of an electrical system or equipment which cannot
be corrected will become a part of the equipment's
permanent record and may remain indefinitely. Caution
orders issued for abnormal/unusual condition
of mobile equipment must be transferred from the
losing issuing authority to the gaining issuing authority
when the equipment is transferred between
authorities. In this case a duplicate of the order is
prepared and forwarded to the gaining, issuing authority
and the caution tag is left attached to the
applicable device.
(9) DA Form 7408 (Danger Tag) (fig. 3–5).
Danger Tags must be used in conjunction with the
DA Form 5168-R (Safety Clearance Order), and must
be applied with each safety clearance issued. The tag
must never be used for any purpose other than the
protection of personnel working under a safety clearance
order. A tag is applied to systems and equipment
to ensure that a device's position will not be
changed by unauthorized persons as long as the system
or equipment has an active safety clearance in
effect. The tag can only be removed by the individual
who installs the tag or an authorized person designated
by his/her supervisor.
(a) Main Hold Tag. The front side of the
Danger Tag is designated as the “Main Hold Tag”.
The Main Hold Tag is used to attach to a primary
disconnecting device of a circuit to ensure that the
position of the device will not be changed by unauthorized
persons as long as the tag is attached. A
Main Hold Tag will be applied for each safety clearance
issued and remain attached for as long as the
safety clearance order is in effect.
(b) Preparation of Main Hold Tag. The
Main Hold Tag will be prepared by the individual
who issues the tag. It will contain data consistent
with that listed on the associated Safety Clearance
Order, such as substation name, clearance order
number, line or equipment involved, issuing authority,
applying authority, date and time applied. Where
an Auxiliary Hold Tag is used in conjunction with a
Main Hold Tag, the location (or placement) of the
Auxiliary Hold Tag will be listed on the Main Hold
Tag. The name of the worker who installs the Auxiliary
Hold Tag will also be entered. The name of the
station/substation or facility where the system or
equipment is physically located will be entered in
this block by the individual who requests the clearance.
The clearance number must be entered in this
block by the individual who issues the Danger Main
TM 5-682
Hold Tag, as given on the Safety Clearance Order
form. The tag number will be one (1) when the tag is
used as the Main Hold Tag. The tag number will be
entered by the individual who issues the tag. The
description of the line or equipment on which the
work is to be performed will be entered in the “Clearance
On” block by the individual who issues the Danger
Main Hold Tag. The name of the individual who
receives the Danger Tag will be entered in the “Issued
To” block by the issuing authority. The name of
the individual who issues the Danger/Main Hold Tag
must be entered in the “Issued By” block. In cases
where the individual issuing and receiving the Danger/
Main Hold Tag is the same person, the person's
name will be entered in both the “Issued To” and “Issued
By” blocks. The date, month, and year when
the Main Hold Tag is installed must be entered in
the “Date” block by the individual who installs the
tag. Both numerical and alphanumerical forms could
be used. For example: 24-12-1999 or 24 Dec 1999.
The time when the Main Hold Tag is installed will
be entered in the “Time” block by the individual who
installs the card. The 24-hour system will be used.
Both military form (hhmm) and civilian form
(hh:mm) could be used. For example: 1500 or 15:00.
The name of the individual who installs the Auxiliary
Hold Tag will be entered in the “Placed By” (Auxiliary
Tag Placement Section) block by the individual
who received the tag. The location where the Auxiliary
Hold Tag is to be placed, as specified in the Safety
Clearance Order, will be entered in the “Location”
(Auxiliary Tag Placement Section) block by the issuing
authority. The name of the individual who removes
the Auxiliary Hold Tag will be entered in the
“Removed By” (Auxiliary Tag Placement Section)
block by the individual who receives the tag.
(c) Auxiliary Hold Tag. The back side of the
Danger Tag is designated as the “Auxiliary Hold Tag”.
The Auxiliary Hold Tag is used to attach to subsystem
disconnecting devices to disable subsystem circuits
which may affect the system or equipment that is
being worked on.
(d) Preparation of Auxiliary Hold Tag. The
Auxiliary Hold Tag will be prepared by the individual
who issues the tag. It will contain data consistent
with that listed on the Main Hold Tag such as clearance
order number, line/equipment involved, issuing
authority and so on. The clearance number must
be entered by the individual who issues the tag. This
number was given on the Safety Clearance Order
form. The tag number entered must match with the
assigned number listed on the “Tag Number” column
of the Main Hold Tag, where the location of the Auxiliary
Hold Tag matches with the location described
on the Main Hold Tag. The same number will also be
entered on the “Tag No” block on the other side of
the tag. No other information is necessary on the
other side of the tag when the tag is used as an Auxiliary
Hold Tag. The name of the individual who installs
the Auxiliary Hold Tag will be entered in the
“Placed By” block by the individual who receives the
tag. This name should also be entered on the Main
Hold Tag. The times when the Auxiliary Hold Tag is
installed will be entered by the individual who places
the tag. The name of the individual who receives the
Auxiliary Hold Tag will be entered in the “Issued To”
block by the issuing authority. The location where
the Main Hold Tag is installed should be filled in by
the issuing authority. The description of the line or
equipment held by the Auxiliary Hold Tag must be
filled in by the issuing authority. The location where
the ground rod is installed for this clearance should
be entered by the issuing authority. This ground location
must be filled in conjunction with the Main
Hold Tag.
(e) Danger Tag Holder. The Danger Tag
must be placed inside a tag holder to prevent damage
caused by weather or destructive operation of the electrical
equipment or devices. Tag holders must be of a
nonconductive, see-through (that is clear plastic) material
designed for installation with a switch stick.
(f) Special applications are as follows:
Gang-operated switches must be locked open and an
appropriate number of danger tags (one for each
safety clearance) must be applied to the lock. Likewise,
a turbine throttle valve must be locked in the
closed position and tagged. For overhead lines, a visible
line-break must be provided at all points of possible
feed. An open oil circuit breaker is not acceptable.
When an oil circuit breaker must be used, the
line-side leads must be removed from the breaker
bushings and the breaker must be mechanically
blocked open, locked-out, and tagged. In addition, a
voltage test will be used to determine that the lines
are de-energized. Protective grounds will be installed
on the lines as close as possible to the oil circuit
Perform the voltage test to verify that the
circuit is de-energized before installing
protective ground or serious injury may
occur. For underground systems, a visible
line-brake must be provided when feasible.
When an oil circuit breaker or oil-disconnect
switch must be used, the same requirements
as specified for overhead lines
must be met. Oil fuse cutouts must be
blocked and locked in the open position.
The fuse block must be removed and the
clamp must be danger tagged.
TM 5-682
(10) DA Form 5140 (Caution Tag). (Fig. 3–6).
Caution Tags are normally used to attach to an electrical
system or equipment to direct attention of electrical
workers to the abnormal, hazardous, and unusual
operating conditions of the system or equipment
or device. The caution differs from the clearance
in that the system or equipment may be operated
while the caution is in effect. The caution cannot
be used in lieu of a clearance.
(a) Preparation of Caution Tag. The front side
of the tag should be prepared by the individual who
issues the tag. The back side of the tag should be
signed by the individual who operates the equipment.
On side A the Caution Order number must be entered
in this block by the individual who issues the
tag. This number is given on the Caution Order form.
The name of the station, substation, or facility at
which the effected equipment or electrical device is
physically located will be entered by the issuing authority.
The description of the line or equipment
to which the caution tag will be attached will be entered
by the issuing authority. The abnormal conditions
and unusual operating characteristics of the
system or equipment must be entered in this block
by the issuing authority. Special instructions needed
to operate an electrical system or run equipment or
a device should be entered in this block by the individual
who issues the tag. The time in minutes
needed to wait before closing or reclosing a circuit or
operate electrical equipment should be entered by
the issuing authority. The name of the individual who
requests the caution order will be entered by the issuing
authority. The name of the individual who approves
the caution order will be entered by the issuing
authority. The name of the individual who installs
the tag will be entered in the "Placed By" block
by the individual who receives the tag. The name of
the individual who releases the tag will be entered
by the individual who receives the released tag. The
name of the individual who authorizes the release of
the tag will be entered in the "Ordered Off By" block.
Normally, the issuing authority approves the release
of the tag. The name of the individual who removes
the tag will be entered by the issuing authority. On
side B, the name of the individual who operates the
system or equipment while the caution tag is still in
effect must enter his/her name. The time when the
system or equipment is operated while the caution
is still in effect will be entered by the operator. The
date, month, and year when the system or equipment
is operated while the caution is still in effect will be
entered by the operator.
(b) Caution Tag Holder. The Caution Tag
must be placed inside a tag holder to prevent damage
caused by weather or destructive operation of
the electrical equipment or device. Tag holders must
be of a nonconductive, see through (that is, clear plastic)
material designed for installation with a switch
(c) Special applications. Caution Tags which
remain in effect for an extended period, must be inspected
monthly as a minimum to determine that
the tags are physically attached, and protected from
inclement weather.
d. Safety Clearance/Caution Order processing.
The Safety Clearance/Caution Order processing is
as follows:
(1) The individual authorized to receive a
Safety Clearance/Caution Order must prepare the
Safety Clearance Order, DA Form 5168-R, and or the
Caution Order, DA Form 7407, and submit the requested
order(s) to the individual who has authority
to issue the order(s). The requester must provide a
detailed description of all tasks which are required
for the system or equipment isolation and personnel
(2) The individual authorized to issue a Safety
Clearance/Caution Order will—
(a) Receive the request for Safety Clearance/
Caution Order.
(b) Review the system or equipment status
to determine if other workers will be affected by the
requested/Clearance/Caution Order, and determine
the appropriate action to take in such a case.
(c) Make all necessary arrangements for
scheduled outages, such as notifying the customers
and utility company, if necessary.
(d) Issue the Safety Clearance/Caution Orders
and Danger/Caution Tags necessary for the job.
(e) Record and follow up the all clearances
in effect.
(3) The individual who received the approved
Safety Clearance/Caution Order, has authorization
to request a temporary lift of clearance. He/she must
prepare and submit to the issuing authority a supplemental
Safety Clearance Order, DA Form 5168-R.
(4) The individual who receives the request for
temporary lift of clearance will review the system or
equipment status to determine if other workers will
be affected by the lift of clearance and determine the
appropriate action to take in such a case.
TM 5-682
(5) The individual who received the approved
temporary lift must perform all tasks as outlined in
the supplemental Safety Clearance Order form.
(6) The issuing authority will have authorization
to approve the release of temporary lift and
Safety Clearance or Caution Order. No release of
safety clearance/caution can be performed before the
release was approved.
(7) The individual authorized to release a
Safety Clearance/Caution must complete all tasks
listed on the approved order, but in reverse order
and opposite sequence from that in which the tasks
are applied. For instance, if a task reads "Open
Switch A" when a clearance is applied, the opposite
operation is "Close Switch A".
3-9. General rules for de-energized line work
The following rules should be applied for all de-energized
line work.
a. Low voltage de-energized line work (600 Volts
and below). All de-energized lines/equipment/apparatus
to be worked on should be securely grounded
to a common grounding electrode. An equipotential
voltage between the line/equipment/apparatus to be
worked on and the platform on which the worker
stands must be checked before starting work. An
approved voltmeter, scope meter, or voltage detector
must be used for this test. All automatic devices such
as automatic transfer switches should be physically
turned off or disconnected if it is possible. All stored
energy sources such as power factor capacitors should
be properly drained to ground. The grounding conductor
used to drain the stored energy should be retained
until the work is completed. In cases where
the lines/equipment/apparatus should not be
grounded the foreman must explain to his/her crew
the reasons for not grounding. All other energized
lines, equipment, or apparatus which are not connected
to the system to be worked on, but are within
the reaches of electrical worker, should be covered
with insulated protective equipment. Always treat
bare wires such as ground wires of uninterruptible
power systems or communication systems, as energized
b. Medium and high voltage de-energized line
work (above 600 volts). The following rules must
be applied before starting any line work:
(1) Clearly understand the instructions and
work requirements.
(2) Prepare all necessary tools and equipment.
(3) Prepare safety procedures.
(4) Apply personal protective equipment.
(5) Perform a safety clearance for lines/equipment/
apparatus to be worked on.
Note: When installing a temporary ground for a line,
equipment, or apparatus the connection to ground
must be made first. Before making a connection to
an electric line/equipment/apparatus, test for static
discharge with a switch stick as an added precaution.
When removing a temporary ground, disconnect
the ground connection last.
(6) Cover all other energized lines/equipment
within reach with insulated equipment such as rubber
line hose, insulator hoods, or rubber blankets.
(7) Discharge all surge arresters and stored energy
devices, if existing.
(8) Guard the working area with suitable barriers
and warning signs from access by unauthorized
(9) Before starting work, check the equipotential
voltage between the line/equipment/apparatus
to be worked on and the platform where the worker
will stand.
(10) Before cutting a cable, be sure that the cable
has been correctly identified by your foreman by
checking the duct and cable location against that
shown on working print or by cable identification
tags. The working print must also be checked against
the facility engineer's map records. Cables can also
be identified with the aid of an exploring coil by listening
for a pulsating beat imposed on the cables by
sending an interrupter signal.
(11) After the cable has been identified and
grounded, remove a three inch strip of covering
around cable and test with a voltage detector at two
or more points near the center of the exposed insulation.
Repeat the test with another voltage detector if
it is available. Alternatively, a spiker can be used, as
described in paragraph 7–5.
(12) When cutting cable, place a hacksaw on the
exposed cable insulation adjacent to and touching
the grounded metallic shield or sheath or the temporary
ground on the shield or sheath before cutting.
(13) Do not approach or touch reactors and connected
equipment unless it has been proven that they
are de-energized and grounded.
TM 5-682
(14) When the worker changes position he/she
must check all energized lines within his/her reach
again and re-cover them with insulated equipment
when it is necessary before starting the new work.
3–10. Permanent and temporary ground
A permanent ground is installed for safe operation
of electrical power systems and devices. A temporary
ground is used for electrical worker's safety when
engaged in electrical services.
a. Purpose of grounding. The purpose of a
grounding is to limit the potential differences resulting
from fault conditions to values that are safe when
touched by a human body. This assures that a person
in the vicinity of working area is not exposed to
the danger of critical electric shocks.
b. Definition of grounding terms.
(1) Ground: A conducting connection,
whether intentional or accidental, between an electrical
circuit or equipment and the earth or to some
conducting body that serves in place of the earth.
(2) Grounded: Connected to earth or to some
conducting body that serves in place of the earth.
(3) Effectively grounded: Intentionally connected
to earth through a ground connection or connections
of sufficiently low impedance and having
sufficient current-carrying capacity to prevent the
buildup of voltages that may result in undue hazards
to connected equipment or to persons.
(4) Grounded conductor: A system or circuit
conductor that is intentionally grounded.
(5) Grounding conductor: A conductor used to
connect equipment or the grounded circuit of a wiring
system to a grounding electrode or electrodes.
(6) Equipment grounding conductor: The conductor
used to connect the noncurrent-carrying metal
parts of equipment, raceways, and other enclosures
to the system grounded conductor, the grounding
electrode conductor, or both at the service equipment
or at the source of a separately derived system.
(7) Grounding electrode conductor: The conductor
used to connect the grounding electrode to the
equipment grounding conductor, to the grounded conductor,
or to both of the circuits at the service equipment
or at the source of a separately derived system.
(8) Ground-fault circuit-interrupter: A device
intended for the protection of personnel that functions
to de-energize a circuit or portion thereof within
an established period of time when a current to
ground exceeds some predetermined value that is less
than that required to operate the overcurrent protective
device of the supply circuit.
(9) Ground-fault protection of equipment:
A system intended to provide protection of equipment
from damaging line-to-ground fault currents by operating
to cause a disconnecting means to open all
ungrounded conductors of the faulted circuit. This
protection is provided at current levels less than
those required to protect conductors from damage
through the operation of a supply circuit overcurrent
(10) Reference ground. A conducting body
such as the earth and the metal frame of a building
to which an electric potential is referenced.
c. Types of grounding. Five types of grounding
will be described in the section: power system grounding,
equipment grounding, electrostatic grounding,
lightning protection grounding, and temporary
(1) Power system grounding. Power system
grounding has three main functions:
(a) Stabilize the system voltage to ground.
(b) Limit the overvoltages produced by lightning
stokes, line surges, or unintentional contact with
higher voltage lines.
(c) Facilitate the operation of overcurrent
protective devices such as fuses, circuit breakers,
reclosers, and relays under ground-fault conditions.
(2) Equipment grounding. The main function
of equipment grounding is to provide a low impedance
path for fault currents to flow back to the source
to activate the operation of overcurrent protective
devices under ground-fault conditions.
(3) Electrostatic grounding. The generation of
static electricity is not a hazard in itself. However,
the hazard arises when an accumulated static electric
charge is subsequently discharged as a spark.
Occupancies where flammable or explosive liquids,
gases, dusts, or fibers are present need an electrostatic
grounding to reduce sparking.
(4) Lightning protection grounding. The estimated
energy dissipated by a direct lightning stroke
is approximately 300,000,000 Joules or equivalent
TM 5-682
Table 3Ð6. Recommended Grounding Cable Sizes
Cable Sizes
in Copper (AWG)
Fault time
Maximum Fault
Currents in Amperes
27,000 or less
to l0,000,000,000 kWatts or 66 kG of TNT. The National
Electrical Code (NEC) requires a separate
grounding system be used for lightning protection.
Power system grounding cannot be used as lightning
protection grounding.
(5) Temporary grounding. Temporary grounding
is used for personal safety. A de-energized line
located adjacent to an energized line is always subject
to both capacitive and magnetic coupling from
the live line which can induce voltage in the de-energized
lines. In addition, accidental energizing of
the lines, accumulation of static charges on the line,
improper drain of power capacitors, or surge arresters
are other hazards for electrical workers. Temporary
grounding shall be applied to all lines, equipment,
or apparatus to be worked on and remain until
the work is completed.
(a) Installation. Before installing a temporary
ground, the line/equipment/device must be
tested for differential voltage. Proper clearance distance
and hot-line tools must be applied even when
the line/equipment/device is de-energized. Temporary
grounding shall be installed at both ends of the line/
equipment/apparatus to be worked on when it is necessary.
All conducting objects such as static lines,
transformer tanks, and platforms where the electrical
workers stand shall be connected together to
ground to prevent dangerous touch and step voltage.
(b) Grounding conductors. Temporary
grounding conductors shall be of copper, rubber insulated,
and flexible type. Aluminum grounding conductor
is not permitted. Since the resistance of a conductor
is proportional to its length, temporary
grounding conductors shall be kept as short as possible.
In general, grounding conductor length should
be limited to 30 feet. Sharp bending of grounding
conductors should be avoided. The size of grounding
conductors will depend on the maximum fault currents
available at the service location. Table 3-6 provides
recommended sizes for grounding conductors.
Where two or more grounding conductors are used
the maximum fault currents listed in this table can
be derated by a factor of 0.9. Temporary grounding
conductors should have the same length if they are
connected at both ends of a line, piece of equipment,
or apparatus.
(c) Grounding electrodes. The temporary
grounding electrode should be driven at least 6 feet
into ground. Where a permanent grounding electrode
exists, it can be used instead of a temporary grounding
electrode. However, the permanent grounding
electrode should be checked for good condition before
d. What needs to be grounded. All metal electrical
component enclosures, maintenance vehicles,
equipment, or devices located within or near working
areas shall be properly grounded to a common
grounding point.
(1) Electrical component enclosures. All metal
enclosures for electrical components such as transformers,
circuit breakers, switches, switchgear, and
reclosers located within or near working areas must
be properly grounded to a common grounding electrode
(either temporary or permanent), through approved
grounding conductors.
(2) De-energized electrical components. All deenergized
electrical components such as overhead
lines, power transformers, and capacitors shall be
properly grounded to a common grounding electrode
(either temporary or permanent), through approved
grounding conductors. The grounding conductors
shall remain until the electrical work is completed.
(3) Aerial electrical grounding components.
All aerial electrical grounding components such as
lightning arrester grounding wires, metal pole, polemounted
transformers grounding wires, and static
wires located near or within working areas must be
properly grounded to a common grounding electrode
(either temporary or permanent) through approved
grounding conductors.
(4) Maintenance vehicles. When maintenance
vehicles such as a utility trucks or boom trucks are
parked within minimum approach distances listed
in table 3-8. The vehicles' chassis must also be properly
grounded to the common grounding electrode
(either temporary or permanent) for the service area
through an approved grounding conductor.
(5) Platform or boom where the worker stands
should be bonded to the lines/equipment/devices to
be worked on. An equipotential between the platform
or boom where the worker stands and the line/
equipment/device to be worked on must be checked
by an approved instrument before starting work. All
TM 5-682
electrical conducting material within reach of worker
must be covered with approved protective equipment
such as rubber blankets. Proper personal protective
equipment such as rubber gloves and hard hats must
be worn and proper tools should be used.
(6) Other equipment such as diggers and cranes
should be bonded, if practicable, to the common
grounding electrode (either permanent or temporary).
3–11. General rules on electrical grounding
The following rules should be applied for the grounding
of de-energized circuits:
a. All lines/equipment/apparatus regardless of
voltage, should be considered as energized unless
short-circuited and grounded with approved grounding
b. The temporary grounding conductor should be
checked for proper size, good condition, and continuity
before each use. When installing a temporary
grounding conductor the connection to ground should
be made before the connection to a de-energized line,
device, or apparatus. A proper hot stick should be
used when connecting a temporary grounding conductor
to a deenergized line, piece of equipment or
apparatus. When removing a temporary grounding
conductor, the connection to a de-energized line/
equipment/apparatus should be removed first. The
temporary grounding conductor should remain until
the job is completed and all energized lines or pieces
of equipment have been cleared.
c. Where ground switches are installed they must
be approved for use as a ground switch. Safety clearance
should be applied when the normal operating
position of a ground switch is changed.
d. When it is necessary to ground lines above energized
circuits the following preliminary precautions
must be taken according to the voltages of the energized
circuits below the lines to be grounded:
(1) Circuits carrying voltages up to 15,000 volts
must be covered with proper protective equipment.
(2) Circuits carrying voltages larger than
15,000 volts must be de-energized.
e. When work is to be done on single-feed lines
the temporary ground should be installed between
the work and the source of power. In no case should
the work be done farther than one mile from the temporary
f. When work is to be done on double-feed lines a
temporary ground should be installed on each side
of the work. The distance between these two temporary
grounds should not exceed 2 miles.
g. When work is to be done on energized lines
equipped with pole gaps in the ground wire, bridge
such gaps with ground clamps or suitable gap bridging
devices before climbing to positions above them.
h. When electrical testing requires that circuits
or equipment not be grounded apply the protective
grounds first and then temporarily remove them only
for the immediate period of the test. All disconnecting
devices isolating the circuit or equipment must
be locked or blocked open with correct lockout and
tagout procedures.
i. When installing grounding equipment on wood
pole lines, first sink a ground rod at least six feet
into earth. Attach the ground device securely to this
rod and then to the conductor keeping as far below
the line conductor as possible. Be sure that your body
does not come in contact with ground wire or the line
conductor. Start at the lowest line conductor and
ground each line conductor working upwards and
being sure to use the same ground rod for all line
j. When installing grounding equipment at substations,
first securely attach the ground device to
the station grounding system and then to each line
conductor keeping as far away as possible and below
the line conductors if practical. Be sure that your
body does not come in contact with the ground wire
or line conductor.
k. To remove the protective ground, first remove
the ground device from each line conductor keeping
as far away as possible and being sure your body
does not come in contact with the ground wire or line
conductor. Then remove the grounding device from
the station grounding system.
3–12. Energized-line work
Energized line work is defined as work performed
on a line, equipment, or apparatus which is connected
to an energized electrical power source or a stored
energy source that is not properly discharged. Synonyms
of energized are live, hot, or alive.
a. Permitted work. No energized line work can
be performed unless it is permitted by the supervisor
in order to maintain continuous power for a critical
load within an installation. The permission should
be based on the qualification of the workers and the
availability of the tools, equipment, and personal
TM 5-682
protective equipment.
b. Requirements for energized line work. The following
requirements must be observed when performing
energized line work:
(1) Workers must be–
(a) Specially trained and qualified for energized
line work.
(b) In good health.
(c) Not under influence of alcohol and drugs.
(d) Free of emotional, psychological~ and financial
(e) Familiar with the safety procedures and
(f) Familiar with the use of tools and equipment.
When a bucket or elevated platform is used,
the worker should be familiar with the technique and
operation of the equipment or device.
(g) Familiar with the technique and application
of the bucket
(h) Familiar with system/equipment/apparatus
to be worked on and elevated platform when it is
(2) Tools and equipment must–
(a) Be specially made for energized line work.
(b) Meet applicable acceptance test standards.
(c) Have proper voltage class.
(d) Be cared for and maintained to meet inservice
(e) Be visually checked for damage before
each use. Damaged tools or equipment must be removed
from services immediately.
(f) Be tested in accordance with the American
Society for Testing and Material (ASTM) F18 by
approved laboratories or manufacturers every six
(3) Low, medium, and high voltage services–
(a) Low voltage (600 volts and below). Except
for circuit switching or fuse replacement, services on
energized lines/equipment/apparatus operating at
600 volts and below between conductors should not
be performed unless the following conditions are satisfied.
Determining whether it is necessary to main
continuous power to the critical loads. Preparing a
safety plan for the job. This should also include an
emergency escape plan. Having proper tools, equipment,
and personal protective equipment available.
Preparing a working method for the job. Checking
the weather forecast. Never performing energized
line work when it rains, snows, sleets, or storms.
Never performing work on a wet line or piece of equipment.
Checking the working environmental conditions.
Never performing energized line work when
the surrounding atmosphere is full of dust or hazardous
gases. Isolating the working area from entrance
of unauthorized persons with suitable barriers.
Covering all other energized lines, ground wires
and metal objects within reach with approved insulating
protective equipment such as rubber line hose,
insulator hoods, and rubber blankets. Covering all
joints and loose ends of conductors with approved
electrical tapes or insulated wire connectors.
(b) Medium voltage (600 to 17,000 volts).
Except for circuitswitching or fuse replacement, services
on energized lines or equipment operating at
600 to 17,000 volts between conductors should not
be performed unless the conditions required for medium
voltage systems are satisfied, plus the following.
All energized line works must be performed under
direct supervision of at least a qualified foreman.
No electrical worker is permitted to work on any
energized line/equipment/apparatus at a distance
shorter than that required by OSHA 29 CFR 1910 .269
and 29 CFR 1926 (See paragraph 3–12b (4) and table
3–7). Non-electrical workers, such as laborers, are
not permitted to approach any energized line, equipment,
or apparatus which is located within the limits
required by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.269 and 29 CFR
1926 without proper personal protective equipment
(See paragraph 3–12b (5) and table 3–8). Proper personal
protective equipment must be worn by all workers
(including non-electrical workers) when approaching
an energized line, equipment, or apparatus.
At least two qualified electrical workers (including
the foreman) must be present at the site for each
energized line being worked. No energized line work
can be performed when the device to be worked on is
not located in a secure position or when the worker
is standing on a moving or unstable platform. Do not
raise, move, or lower any energized line more than
18 inches.
(c) High voltage, (17,000 volts and above).
Except for the circuit switching or fuse replacement,
TM 5-682
Table 3Ð7. Minimum Safe Working Distances
Voltage Range
50V to 1kV
1.1 to 15kV
15.1 to 36kV
36.1 to 46kV
46.1 to 72.5 kV
Phase to Ground
2ft 1in (0.64m)
2ft 4in (0.72m)
2ft 7in (0.77m)
3ft 0in (0.90m)
Phase to Phase
2ft 2in (0.66m)
2ft 7in (0.77m)
2ft 10in (0.85m)
3ft 6in (1.05m)
Minimum Safe Working distance
Table 3Ð8. Minimum Safe Approach Distances
Voltage to ground
-50kV or below
-for every 10 kV over 50kV
Add 4 inches to the initial 10ft
work on energized lines or equipment operating at
17,000 volts and above between conductors is not recommended
for U.S. Army facility electrical workers.
Maintenance on high voltage electrical distribution
systems (17,000 Volts and above) should be performed
by qualified contracting personnel.
(4) Minimum safe working distances. When
working on energized lines the minimum safe working
distance must always be observed. The safe working
distance is defined as the distance between the
worker's body and the energized part of the system
or equipment to be worked on, dependent on the voltages
where the work is performed. Table 3–7 provides
the minimum safe working distances required
by Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) 2g CFR 1910.269 and 29 CFR 1926.
(5) Minimum safe approach distances. The
minimum safe approach distance is defined as the
shortest possible distance that an unqualified worker
such as laborer or groundman can approach without
danger. Table 3–8 lists the minimum safe approach
distances required by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.269 and
29 CFR 1926.
c. Protective equipment voltage classes. Protective
equipment classification is based on the use voltages.
The equipment must pass the required proof voltage
tests and be cared for to meet in-service standards.
Table 3–9 provides the voltage class, color label code,
and maximum use voltages for personal protective
equipment. Under-rated protective equipment should
not be used. In addition, whenever a worker feels a
tingle when handling a tool, the service must be
stopped and the tools must be replaced. The tingle
signals that the protective equipment's insulating capability
has been reduced. The equipment must be
sent to approved laboratories or manufacturers for
testing before being reused.
d. Work methods. Work method is defined as the
method that can be applied for energized line work
dependent on the nominal voltages of the system.
Table 3–10 provides general energized line work
methods that most utilities companies use.
e. Categories of energized line work. The categories
of energized line work are based on the location
where the worker stands to perform the work.
(1) Workers at ground potential. Workers are
located on the structure or platform supporting the
line/equipment/apparatus which is directly connected
to ground via a proper grounding conductor. Proper
insulating tools and personal protective equipment
should be used.
(2) Workers at intermediate potential. Workers
are isolated from the ground and grounded objects
by an insulating means such as an aerial lift or an
insulating ladder. Proper insulating tools and personal
protective equipment should be used.
(3) Workers at line potential. Workers are
bonded to the energized line/equipment/apparatus
on which work is to be performed and are insulated
from the ground, grounded objects, and other energized
devices that are at a different potential. This
is commonly known as the barehand technique and
TM 5-682
Table 3Ð9. Protective Equipment voltage Classes.
Maximum Use
Color Label
Proof Test
Min. distance Between collector
Gauntlet and Glove Cuff (Inch/
Table 3Ð10. Energized Line Work Methods
Nominal Voltage Level
Up to 750 volts
750 to 7,500 volts
7,500 to 17,000 volts
17,000 to 36,000 volts
Work Method
Gloving by conventional work position or by structure mounting (ground potential)
Gloving from structure mounting or in a bucket (ground potential)
Gloving from electrically insulated bucket or platform (intermediate protection) or use
of live-line tools from structure mounting or a bucket (intermediate potential)
Use of live line tool from an electrically insulated bucket (intermediate potential)
is not recommended for U.S. Army facility electrical
f. Safety preparation. Safety preparation is of
utmost importance in electrical work. The worker
must be instructed in detail on safety measures and
work procedures. Personal protective equipment such
as rubber gloves, rubber blankets, and hot sticks
should be visually checked for damage and good condition.
When an insulated bucket is used the worker
should be thoroughly trained and familiar with the
operation of the bucket as well as cautions to be observed.
Detail on insulated bucket operation is described
in paragraph 4–11.
g. Safety check. Before starting work on an energized
line or equipment the following safety checks
must be performed.
(1) Check the voltage rating of the circuits to
be worked on.
(2) Check the clearance to ground of lines and
other energized equipment.
(3) Check the voltage limitations of the bucket
(4) Check that the conductive shoes, clips, and
other devices to be used to connect the bucket liner
to the worker are in proper operating condition.
(5) Check that the circuit automatic reclosing
devices have been made inoperative while work is
being performed.
(6) Check the condition of conductors, tie wires,
and insulators to see if there are any signs of burns,
cracks, damage, or defects.
(7) Check the voltage classes of personal protective
equipment. Wear personal protective equipment
when required. Personal protective equipment
having lower voltage classes are not permitted at the
(8) All energized conductors, neutral conductors,
ground wires, messengers, and guy wires in the
proximity of the work site should be covered with
approved protective equipment. The covering should
be applied to the nearest and lowest conductor first
and removed in reverse order.
(9) Special care should be exercised when working
in the proximity of fuses, surge arresters, and
like equipment. Procedures may require that they
be bypassed for the duration of the work.
(10) Protective equipment should be removed at
the end of the working day.
TM 5-682
TM 5-682
4–1. Electrical maintenance support
Apparel, tools, and equipment which support electrical
maintenance and the requirements for their
inspection and use are important. Always refer to
manufacturer's instruction for specifics.
4–2. Inspection of apparel, tools, and materials
handling equipment
All tools and equipment used should be in compliance
with OSHA requirements as a minimum. Maintenance
and testing requirements for personnel protective
apparel, tools, and materials will meet the
requirement covered in TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/
AFJMAN 32-1082. To prevent the use of defective
protective devices, tools, and equipment, inspections
will be made as indicated below. After proper inspection
the foreman shall, regardless of ownership, prohibit
the use of equipment which is considered unsafe.
a. A careful initial inspection of tools brought on
the job by a new worker will be made by the supervisor
or foreman. Use will be permitted only if the tools
are in good condition and conform to requirements
of this manual.
b. Weekly inspections of protective devices, tools,
and equipment in active use will be made by the foreman
or a properly designated worker.
c. A thorough inspection of all protective devices,
tools, and equipment will be made by the supervisor
at least every 60 days.
d. Inspections of tools and equipment owned by
a worker may be made by the supervisor or foreman
at any time.
e. Before a job is started a competent person will
inspect protective apparel, tools, ladders, scaffolds,
ropes, and other materials handling equipment which
will be used. All items must be suitable and in good
4–3. Employee protection
Appropriate clothing is a basic requirement. Additional
protective apparel and accessories may be necessary
depending upon the degree of hazard protection
a. Suitable clothing. Clothing appropriate to
weather conditions and to the job being done will be
(1) Clothing do's.
(a) Always wear a top shirt or similar garment
with sleeves. Long sleeves provide protection from
cold and sun. Loose sleeves must not be worn around
moving machinery.
(b) Long sleeves must be rolled down and buttoned
while working on or near live equipment and
electric lines or high-temperature equipment. Garments
with exposed metallic fasteners should not be
(c) Wear safety shoes or boots with nonslippery
soles and heels in good condition when handling
heavy loads such as poles, crossarms, apparatus,
reels, and motors. Workers should buy safety-toe
shoes since they cost no more and are just as serviceable
and comfortable as any other good work
(d) Wear work gloves when handling rough or
heated objects and while performing any other work
where gloves will help in preventing hand injuries.
Rubber glove protectors will not be used as work
(e) Wear approved goggles or head shields and
gloves while operating welding equipment. Wear
goggles that are appropriate for the type of electric
or acetylene welding in progress.
(f) Wear nonconducting hard hats and safety
shoes or boots when working on overhead and underground
systems. Wear insulating gloves where not
prohibited for use with live-line tools. Wear helmets
when working in congested areas, industrial facilities,
missile silos, and other such areas. Also wear
helmets when working below other workers, or near
exposed energized lines. Helmets prevent head injuries
caused by fixed obstructions, falling or flying objects,
or from direct contact with over-energized lines.
Helmets will meet ANSI Z89.1 Class B requirements
(20,000 volts ac tests for three minutes).
(g) Wear appropriate safety equipment when us4–
TM 5-682
ing a chain saw. Wear work gloves, work shoes with
a safety toe, hard hat, and goggles with clear lenses.
Industrial ear muffs or plugs shall be worn to protect
against the effects of exposure to excessive noise.
(h) Glasses must be fastened with a head or
neck band or else restrained under safety goggles so
they cannot fall into energized circuits.
(i) Long hair must be secured to prevent entanglement
in moving machinery.
(2) Clothing don'ts.
(a) Don’t wear rings, metal wrist bands, or
watch chains when working on energized electrical
(b) Where work is exposed to the hazards of
flames or electric arcs do not wear clothing that, when
exposed to flames or electric arcs, could increase the
extent of injury. Clothing made from acetate, nylon,
polyester, and rayon, either alone or in blends, is considered
unsafe unless the fabric has been treated to
withstand the conditions that may be encountered.
(c) Don't wear anything made of celluloid or
other flammable plastic when working near electric
arcs or open flames. This includes cap visors, collars,
cuff protectors, and rims for eyeglasses or
(d) Don’t wear your sleeves rolled up.
(e) Don't wear loose clothing, dangling
sleeves, or neckties when working around moving
(f) Don’t wear gloves while working on moving
parts in a machine shop as they are more easily
caught than your skin.
(g) Don’t wear garments equipped with metal
slides or zipper fasteners, unless the fastener is effectively
covered, when working around energized
electrical equipment.
(h) Don't wear shoes with heel or toe plates
or hobnails.
b. Protective apparel. Basic requirements are
described herein. More specific requirements may be
described in other parts of this manual, where
deemed necessary by your supervisor or foreman, and
as recommended by the manufacturer of a specific
tool or item of equipment.
(1) Eye and face protection. This protection is
required wherever there is any exposure to eye or
face hazards. Protection will meet requirements of
ANSI Z87.1. Contact lenses are not to be considered
eye protection nor worn in environments where toxic
or irritant substances could be trapped by the lenses.
Eye and face protectors must be thoroughly washed
with soap and water before being worn by another
person. Eye and face protection must be worn when:
(a) Chipping, grinding, impact drilling, or
breaking concrete, brick, and plaster.
(b) Welding or helping in welding of any type
including thermite type welders. For electric arc
welding, only helmets that meet ANSI Z89.1 may be
used. Goggles intended for acetylene welding must
not be used for electric arc welding. Approved colored
lenses may be needed. Welding curtains may
be needed where the public is exposed to welding arcs.
(c) Blowing out machines or equipment with
compressed air, blowing soot from boilers, and handling
ashes in power plants.
(d) Cleaning or working with rusty materials
or handling materials which are subject to flaking
or scaling. Compressed air used for cleaning purposes
must be less than 30 pounds per square inch
(207 kilopascals) and effective chip guarding and protection
must be used.
(e) Blowing dirt or dust.
(f) Tinning or soldering lugs or large joints.
(g) Trimming thorny trees or using brush
(h) Riveting or chipping metal.
(i) Grinding, where no approved permanent
guard is attached to equipment.
(j) Burning.
(k) Pouring molten metal, gunniting, or the
use of other hot or injurious substances.
(l) Handling chemicals, acid, or caustic, and
in any other place where splashing may injure the
eyes, except where complete head coverings are provided.
Chemical goggles are necessary.
(m) Anytime there is a possibility of an electrical
TM 5-682
(2) Foot protection. Foot protection will meet
ANSI Z41 requirements where work activities are
such as to be inherently dangerous to toes, such as
jack hammers, tampers, post-hole diggers, and chain
saws. Special electrical requirements are as follows:
(a) Use conductive footwear where static
charges can cause discomfort but in no case will they
be worn where workers are exposed to other shock
(b) Electrically insulated footwear should be
used when a dangerous step or touch potential is expected
to occur.
(3) Respiratory protection. Before entering
into an area where toxic/flammable gas/vapor may
be expected, respiratory protection must be worn.
Federal regulations governing respirator protection
are contained in 30 CFR Part 11 and OSHA Safety
and Health Standards, 29 CFR 1910.134. The National
Institute of Occupational Safety (NIOSH) is
part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services and does not promulgate regulations. However,
NIOSH routinely makes recommendations regarding
the use of respirators, and specific respirators
must be approved by Mine Safety and Health
Administration (MSHA) and NIOSH. Respirator will
also comply with ANSI Z88.2. When work requiring
a long stay inside a toxic/flammable gas/vapor area
is expected, air ventilation must be provided. (See
paragraph 7-4 for details.) Respirator use is subject
to the following requirements.
(a) The worker must have satisfactorily completed
a pulmonary function test, been trained and
fitted for the type of respirator to be used, and be
clean shaven where the respirator contacts the face.
A worker's physical qualifications should meet the
requirements of ANSI Z88-6.
(b) The space in question must be covered
by a confined space entry plan including emergency
rescue, air monitoring equipment to be used, frequency
of air testing, ventilation equipment, procedure
to minimize atmospheric hazards, and type of
respirator to be used.
(c) Air purifying respirators of the canister
gas mask type are generally used for emergency air
purifying. Chemical cartridge respirators are used
more often for nonemergency situations or for long
or repeated exposures. Particulate filter respirators
are used for most types of particles. Air-supplied respirators
are used in oxygen-deficient atmospheres.
(d) Misuse of respirators may cause problems.
Sometimes filter respirators for particulates
are incorrectly used. Sometimes chemical filtering
respirators are used when atmosphere-supporting or
self-contained breathing apparatus is required. Some
substances require protection both from damage to
the respiratory system and systemic injury through
the skin.
(4) Respirator use rules. Check with the facility
environmental coordinator for the approved respirator
to be used based on the following rules.
(a) Canister type respirator (gas masks)
must be worn when entering tanks, rooms, or confined
spaces where there is a suspicion or possibility
that poisonous gases may be present. Whenever a
gas mask is used, even for a short length of time, the
canister must be replaced immediately after use with
a new canister.
(b) Chemical cartridge respirators must be
worn when obnoxious odors are encountered or when
painting in confined places where the exposure does
not justify the use of a canister type gas mask.
(c) Filter type respirators must be worn when
doing spray painting in the open, or when blasting
or metallizing, or when working in any dust laden
places where no harmful gases are encountered.
(d) Air purifying type respirators must not
be depended upon in places where there is insufficient
oxygen in the atmosphere to support life. Ventilate
the area or use supplied air respirators.
(e) Dust type respirators must be used when
using compressed air for cleaning machinery or bus
structures, where there is wood dust in the air, and
other such dusty areas.
(f) Gas masks and chemical cartridge respirators
must be inspected and sterilized after use and
before being worn by another person. Filter type respirators
will be issued for individual use only.
(5) Hearing protection. Hearing protection is
required when noise levels exceed those given in table
3–1. Hearing protectors must have been tested in
accordance with ANSI S3.19 as a basis for the
manufacturer's noise attenuation data. The types of
ear protectors are plug, cap, and muff.
(a) The plug type is inserted into the ear canal.
The cap type fits over the ear canal opening. The
muff type covers the entire ear. Each type has advantages
and disadvantages and because of comfort
their acceptance will vary from worker to worker. It
TM 5-682
is recommended all types be available and that each
of these types must be custom fitted by experienced
people to assure their effectiveness.
(b) Plugs or caps, when properly fitted, reduce
noise to the ear by 25 to 30 decibels in the higher
more harmful frequencies. The better type of ear muff
can reduce noise by 35 to 45 decibels. Combinations
of the types may give slightly more protection but
total attenuation never exceeds 50 decibels.
(6) Protective clothing. Conform to clothing do'
B and don'ts given previously and to the following
(a) Wear flash resistant nonsynthetic clothing
when working on or near energized equipment.
(b) Wear appropriate gloves, welders gloves
for welding, leatherpalm gloves for handling sharpedged
materials, and electrical rubber gloves for work
on energized circuits. Additional protective clothing
may be mandated for these tasks such as welders'
aprons and chaps, depending on the work.
(c) When working near traffic areas wear
safety color fluorescent clothing.
(d) Wear U.S. Forest Service-approved protective
chaps when using chain saws.
(7) Skin protection. Skin must be protected
from toxic or irritant substances where these occur
or where there is a possibility they can occur in the
workplace. Prevent injury by wearing suitable protective
clothing. Protective ointments, prompt application
of proper cleaners, and appropriate first aid
remedies should be on hand. Be sure emergency-type
water sources are on hand for irritant substances
which could come into contact with the body, such as
an acid spill in a battery room.
(8) Responsibility. Personal protective apparel
is worn when it is impossible or impracticable
to eliminate a workplace hazard. Supervisors should
ensure that workers are fully trained not only in their
proper use and selection, but why they are needed.
Foremen are responsible for ensuring that personal
protective apparel is worn, but workers should be
provided with the most comfortable apparel available.
Inspection and maintenance of equipment is a
joint supervisor, foreman, worker responsibility. The
worker should be familiar with the requirements of
acceptable equipment. The foreman should train the
worker in the maintenance/inspection requirements
and equipment should be inspected by both before
being put into use. The supervisor is responsible for
seeing to the repair or replacement of unacceptable
4–4. Office safety
The fundamentals of safety and elimination of hazards
(chap 3, paras 3–2 and 3–3) will eliminate most
safety problems. Common sense should be used. The
following rules are given because they are so often
a. Drawers of desks and file cabinets will be kept
closed when not in use. Only one drawer of a file cabinet
will be pulled out at a time in order to avoid overbalancing,
unless the cabinet is securely fastened to
the wall or to other cabinets.
b. The floor will be kept free of tripping hazards
such as telephone cords, electric extension cords, and
paper cartons.
c. Broken glass and other sharp objects will not
be placed in waste paper containers. Sharp-pointed
pins will not be used for fastening paper together.
Staples, paper clips, or other approved fasteners will
be used.
d. Volatile substances will be used only in well
ventilated areas. Toxic substances will not be permitted
in office areas during working hours of any
office personnel.
e. Workers will not attempt to clean, oil, or adjust
any machine that is running. If the machine is
not equipped with a starting switch that can be locked
in the “off'” position, it will be disconnected from its
power source. Unsafe electrical cords or faulty electrical
equipment should be disconnected from the
power source and tagged.
f. Boxes and chairs will not be used in place of
ladders. Do not sit on the edge of a chair. Do not tilt
back when sitting in a straight chair.
4–5. Field and shop safety
Maintain all rules given for office safety and use only
equipment approved and authorized by the supervisor
for use in the workplace. Workers are responsible
for the safe condition of the equipment they use.
Unsafe equipment must be taken out of service and
reported to the foreman or supervisor. People, tools,
and equipment may need to be temporarily supported
before work can be accomplished. All tools must be
handled with respect and knowledge of the damage
their uncontrolled or incorrect use can cause, either
by direct action in some cases or indirectly by degradation
of their protective abilities in other instances.
TM 5-682
Materials must be lifted when moved in an approved
manner. Special precautions are required for substances
which are hazardous if incorrectly handled.
4–6. Support safety
No worker or any material or equipment can be supported
without a determination as to the adequacy
of the support and to its proper fastening in place.
The use of ladders, scaffolds, and boatswain’s chairs
as temporary work structures can result in injuries
if safe practices are not followed.
a. Ladders. Ladders will conform to OSHA
Standards (29 CFR 1910.25). Workers will never use
a ladder for any purpose other than as a work platform,
and only when using small hand tools or handling
light material. Never use a ladder as a platform
for lifting heavy materials or when substantial
exertion is required.
(1) Always inspect the ladder carefully before
using it. Ensure that side rails, spurs, shoes, rungs,
extension hardware, and rope are all in good condition,
with no splinters, cracks, looseness, or other
defects. Never use a defective or improvised ladder.
Defective ladders will be destroyed or cut to a smaller
(2) Before placing new wooden ladders in service
give each ladder two coats of boiled linseed oil
to which Japan dryer has been added, applied hot,
and then varnish. To refinish ladders, follow the same
procedure after they have been cleaned and sanded.
Wooden ladders will never be painted so as to obscure
a defect in the wood; only a clear, nonconductive
finish will be used.
(3) Portable metal ladders or wooden ladders
with metal side reinforcement or metal rungs will
not be used in the vicinity of energized electrical circuits.
(Exception: Such ladders may be used in specialized
work, at high-voltage substations, where
nonconductive ladders might present a greater hazard
and proper precautions are taken when used in
such specialized work.) Any such ladders used for
other authorized purposes will be legibly marked
“Caution-Conductive Ladder-Do Not Use Around
Electrical Equipment.” Wire truss portable ladders
will never be used.
(4) Always use ladders that are long enough
for workers to reach their work when standing on
the third or fourth rung from the top of a straight
ladder, or the second or third step of a stepladder
which is over 5 feet (1.5 meters) in length. Place a
ladder so that the horizontal distance from the base
of the ladder to the vertical plane of the support is
approximately onefourth the ladder length between
points of support. Where the ladder extends above
the top support, ladder length to the top support only
is considered.
(5) All portable ladders will be equipped with
nonslip bases and care will be exercised in placing
them. Blocking or lashing or having the ladder held
by someone will be required, as indicated below when:
(a) Work is done from a stepladder where the
worker must stand 10 feet (3 meters) or higher.
(b) It is necessary to work with both hands
from a straight ladder where the worker's feet are
more than 10 feet (3 meters) from the ground.
(c) The ladder is used on slippery or hard
(d) The worker is in such a position on the
ladder that force is exerted sideways or outwardly.
(e) The top of the ladder cannot be placed
squarely against a flat riding surface.
(f) The distance from the base of the ladder
to the surface against which it is leaning is not at
least approximately one-fourth the length of the
(6) Ladders placed near doors in passageways
must be protected against being struck by the door
or by traffic.
(7) Remove climbers before working on ladders.
(8) Face a ladder when ascending or descending,
and take each step in order.
(9) When climbing a ladder never carry anything
which will interfere with the free use of both
hands for holding onto the ladder.
(10) When standing on a ladder, do not lean to
one side while working unless the ladder is adequately
(11) Do not place ladders over machines with
exposed moving parts.
(12) Lower all ladders before the users leave
the job, unless the ladder is located in an enclosed
space not accessible to the public, in which case lash
the ladder securely.
(13) Workers will belt off to a ladder whenever
TM 5-682
both hands must be used for the job or there exists a
possibility of the worker falling from an elevated position.
(14) When dismounting from a ladder at an elevated
position (as at a roof) the worker will ensure
that the ladder side rails extend at least 3 feet (0.9
meters) above the dismount position, or that grab
bars are present.
(15) Comply with the following straight ladder
(a) Straight ladders will not be climbed beyond
the third step from the top.
(b) Straight ladders will not be spliced together
to form a longer ladder.
(c) A straight ladder will not be placed
against an unsafe support.
(d) Only one person should be on a straight
or extension ladder at a time.
(16) Step ladders will not be used as straight
ladders and workers will observe the following instructions.
(a) Do not stand on the top platform of stepladders
unless it is designed to be stood on.
(b) Fully spread stepladder legs and lock the
spreading bars in place.
b. Scaffolds. Scaffolding will be of sufficient
strength and rigidity to support four times the weight
of the workers and material to which it will be subjected;
that is, it will have a safety factor of at least
four. Construction details of all scaffolding will comply
with OSHA Standards (29 CFR 1910.28).
(1) Temporary construction platforms 6 feet
(1.8 meters) or more above ground must have a standard
railing and toe boards on all open sides as per
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.23. All wood used for scaffolding
or trestles must be sound, straight grained, and free
from large knots and other imperfections. Warped
or twisted planking must not be used. Scaffolds must
be well braced and fully capable of supporting both
the human and tool loads to be imposed upon them.
All decking must be securely fastened. No part of
the scaffold must be removed or weakened while the
decking is in place. All scaffolds except swing scaffolds
will rest on a suitable footings and will stand
level. Movable scaffolds will have their casters or
wheels locked to prevent movement. Swinging scaffolds
must be constructed to prevent excessive tilting.
(2) Platforms or scaffolds on which personnel
are to work must be inspected by a competent person
before they are used and as often thereafter as
circumstances require.
(3) Scaffolds will not be moved without first removing
all workers, loose tools, materials, and equipment
resting on the scaffold deck.
(4) Always observe the following rules when required
to work on a scaffold.
(a) Never work on a scaffold that is coated
with hazardous materials (such as ice, snow, mud,
grease, or other slippery materials).
(b) Never work on a scaffold that is less than
18 inches (450 millimeters) wide.
(c) Never work on a scaffold that is not level
and stable.
c. Boatswain's chair. A boatswains chair will be
constructed to meet the following minimum safety
(1) The chair seat will be not less than 12 by
24 inches (300 by 600 millimeters) and of 1-inch (25
millimeters) thickness. The seat will be reinforced
on the underside to prevent the board from splitting.
(2) Two seat slings of a fiber rope approved for
use near electric lines will be of at least 5/8 inch (18.9
millimeters) diameter and reeved through the four
seat holes so as to cross each other on the underside
of the seat.
(3) Seat slings will be of at least 3/8-inch (9.5
millimeters) diameter wire rope when a worker is
conducting a heat producing process such as gas or
arc welding.
(4) The worker must be protected by a safety
life belt attached to a lifeline. The lifeline will be securely
attached to substantial members of the structure
(not to a scaffold), or to securely rigged lines,
which must safely suspend the worker in case of a
(5) The tackle will consist of correct size ball
bearing or bushed blocks and properly spliced 5/8-
inch (18.9 millimeters) diameter first-grade approved
TM 5-682
(6) The roof irons, hooks, or the object to which
the tackle is anchored will be securely installed. Tiebacks
when used will be installed at right angles to
the face of the structure and securely fastened.
4–7. General tool safety
Use proper tools suitable for the job in progress. Tools
must be approved and authorized by the supervisor
of the electrical section and meet OSHA requirements.
Inspect them for use every day. Follow the
safe practices and calibration intervals outlined by
the manufacturer. Keep unguarded sharp-edged or
pointed tools out of your pocket. Cutting tools will be
properly sharpened and provided with cutting edges
suitably guarded when not in use. Never lay tools
down when working in an elevated position unless
the tools are protected from falling. Use containers
for tools being transported or carry them in a tool
belt. Tools will be fitted with proper handles where
required. Broken wooden handles will be replaced.
Do not tape or wire lash defective wooden handles.
Metal tools will not be used near energized equipment.
An eye wash/shower should be readily available
whenever there is exposure to tools which use
welding materials, acids, solvents, and other chemical
a. Measuring tools. Never use metal tapes or
cloth tapes having metal reinforcing or metal strands
woven in the fabric, brass-bound rules, metal scales
and gages, or wire-bound hose and rope, when working
on or near energized electrical equipment or lines.
Always use wooden rulers or nonmetallic tapes when
taking measurements near electrical equipment or
b. Nonpowered hand tools. Never use improvised
tools and always store tools not in use on tool
boards or in appropriate containers. Never use hand
tools on moving machinery unless directed to do so
by your foreman.
(1) Always assume a safe working position
when using wrenches to avoid injury due to the
wrench slipping. Do not use shims to make a wrench
fit. Do not use wrenches with sprung or damaged
jaws. Do not use pipe to extend a wrench handle for
added leverage unless the wrench was designed for
such use.
(2) Always use adjustable wrenches with their
jaw openings turned toward the direction of pull.
(3) Never use tools, such as cold chisels, that
have mushroomed heads.
(4) Never use tools with multiple cutting edges,
such as files and rasps, unless they are equipped with
suitable handles.
(5) Never use a hammer on highly tempered
tools, such as files or drills, because flying metal chips
may cause injury.
(6) Never use screwdrivers with metal shanks
extending through the handle when working on or
near energized equipment.
(7) Chisels, drills, punches, ground rods, and
pipes will be free of burrs. Items which are held by
one person and stuck by another will be held with
suitable holders. A holder will be held by a worker in
a position which avoids the danger of being struck
by a tool being used by another worker.
(8) The insulation on hand tools will not be depended
upon to protect users from shock unless designed
for energized work.
(9) Axes, picks, and sledge hammers will be
only used where there is sufficient room to swing the
tools and will conform to the following.
(a) Never use axes as mauls or sledges.
(b) Where double-bit axes are provided,
workers must be given special instructions in their
safe use.
(c) Always carry an axe with the head forward,
by holding the handle next to the head. Never
carry any type of axe or brush hook on your shoulder.
(d) Keep cutting edges of axes and picks
(e) Handles must be smooth without splits,
and securely fastened to the head.
(f) Always place axes and picks transported
in trucks so as to prevent injuries to workers.
c. Pneumatic and hydraulic tools. Use these
tools with caution. Eye protection, foot protection,
and other protective devices will be worn when their
use could reduce the possibility of injury. Tools will
be operated only by competent persons who have been
trained in their use.
(1) Never exceed the manufacturers recommended
operating pressures for pneumatic and hydraulic
equipment, hoses, valves, and fittings.
TM 5-682
Figure 4Ð1. Grounding path.
(2) Always verify that pneumatic or hydraulic
tools used on or around energized lines or equipment
are equipped with nonconducting hoses. The hoses
should have adequate strength for the operating pressure
in use. Always use hoses, valves, and fittings
that are pressure-rated by the manufacturer. Never
use hose that has any kind of defect.
(3) Never lay pneumatic or hydraulic hose over
ladders, steps, scaffolds, or walkways where the hose
could become a tripping hazard. Never use hoses for
hoisting or lowering tools.
(4) Pneumatic tools will never be pointed at another
(a) Always install safety clips or retainers on
pneumatic-impact tools to prevent dies and tools from
being accidentally expelled from the barrel.
(b) All hoses exceeding 1/2-inch (12.7 millimeters)
inside diameter will have a safety device at
the source of supply or branch line to reduce pressure
in case of hose failure or disengagement of a
(c) Before making adjustments or changing/
disconnecting air-tools (unless equipped with quickchange
connectors), the air will be shut off at the air
supply valve ahead of the hose. The hose will be bled
at the tool before breaking the connection.
(d) Compressed air will not be used for cleaning
purposes unless the pressure has been reduced
to less than 30 pounds per square inch (207
kilopascals) and then only with effective chip guarding
and personal protective equipment.
(e) Compressed air will not be used to blow
dust or dirt from clothing or exposed skin.
(5) Always use hydraulic fluid that meets the
requirements of U.S. Bureau of Mines, Schedule 30.
d. Electrically powered portable tools. Electrically
powered tools can be classified as portable cordconnected
type or self-contained battery type.
(1) Portable cord-connected power tools.
Safety rules for portable cord-connected tools must
be followed for both the tool and the cord connection.
All electrically-powered tools, except those powered
by selfcontained batteries or which are labeled as
double insulated, must have a line cord with a
grounded conductor and a polarized grounding plug.
The receptacle to be used for the tool must be
grounded also to make the conductor and grounding
plug effective. All tools used outdoors or in damp or
wet locations will be protected by a ground fault circuit
interrupter. The rules for grounding portable
equipment, systems, and methods of accomplishment
are outlined in the NEC. The object of grounding is
to ensure a metallic connection of low resistance directly
from metal surfaces of electric tools to ground.
When insulation fails, metal surfaces are energized
by coming into contact with bare portions of the electric
conductor. The current will flow directly through
the grounding system to ground and the potential
difference between the electric tool surfaces and
ground will be very low (usually less than 5 volts).
The low resistance path to ground facilitates the operation
of the overcurrent devices in the circuit. Figure
4–1 indicates that if the grounding path is broken
(or if a grounding cable is not used) current from
a defective tool will pass directly through the person
to ground.
(a) Electrically-powered hand tools which are
cord connected to any source of power must not be
used when any worker or nearby worker can even
minimally be in contact with water.
(b) Electrical tools will not be used where
there is a hazard from flammable vapors, gases, or
(c) Extension lamps are portable power tools
and should be connected to only porcelain, composition,
or rubber-covered sockets that incorporate a
bulb guard. The shock hazard of extension lamps can
be eliminated through the use of small portable transformers
which reduce the input power to 6 volts.
(2) Cord connections. Cord connections should
TM 5-682
preferably be provided as a part of the portable power
tool. Where additional cords are necessary for extension
to a receptacle they will match or exceed the
rating of the portable device cord and carry an Underwriters
Laboratories' label.
(a) Cords should be inspected frequently for
defects that may become a shock or short circuit hazard.
Implement an assured equipment grounding
program to verify cord and plug equipment is installed
as per 29 CFR 1926.404.
(b) Rubber-sheathed cord should be used
with portable electric tools and with extension lamps
used inside boilers, tanks, or other grounded enclosures.
(c) Special types of cords should be considered
for use in areas where oils and solvents are
(d) Cords with a green-covered grounding
conductor and polarized plug and receptacle should
be used with portable electric equipment for the purpose
of positively grounding the frames of tools which
are not double insulated.
(e) Handle cords with care so as not to damage
the insulation by dragging them over sharp edges
or by rolling heavy trucks or materials over them.
(f) Always maintain plugs and cords in a serviceable
e. Machine tools. Rules for machine tools apply
whether tools are permanently connected or portable.
(1) Work space. Always provide bins or containers
for all scrap material, and racks or bins for
stock materials. Always keep work benches in good
condition and free from scrap material.
(2) Belts. Always keep exposed belts and
gears covered with safety guards to prevent injury.
Never use your hands to shift moving belts.
(3) Machinery. Never work on any machinery
belt or the machinery until a danger tagout (see paragraph
3–8) is attached to primary operating controls
(such as start switch, governor, throttle, clutch lever
or other such device) used to set the machine in motion.
The foreman must verify that all operating levers,
valves, and switches are blocked open and provided
with tagouts to avoid inadvertent startup of
equipment under repair. Safe Clearance and danger
signs must be displayed as required.
(a) Always make arrangements with the cognizant
supervisor to lock equipment out of service
before starting repairs on steam, air, hydraulic, or
motor-driven equipment such as conveyors, crushers,
or cranes.
(b) Always take a safe and secure position
near machinery to avoid falling, leaning, or contacting
moving or live parts.
(c) Never take a position on, in, or near any
equipment at rest; this will avoid injury in the event
the equipment is started up.
(d) Never remove machine guards except for
inspection or repair to the guards or machinery.
Never remove guards while machine is operating.
Always replace guards immediately after work is
(e) Never clean shafts and other parts of rotating
machinery, except commutators and collector
rings, while the machinery is operating.
(f) Always remove crank handles from handoperated
winches when force is not being applied to
the handle.
(4) Cutting tools. Always remove the chuck
wrench from the chuck as soon as a drill is installed
or removed. Always remove the cutting tool drill from
a machine as soon as work is finished.
(5) Lathe or shaper work. Always wear approved
safety glasses or goggles when doing lathe or
shaper work to avoid eye injuries.
(6) Grinding wheels. Always wear close-fitting
goggles when grinding if a glass safety screen is
not installed. The tool work rest should have a maximum
opening of one-eighth inch (3.17 millimeters)
and the tongue should not exceed 0.25 inch (6.35 millimeters).
Grinding wheels and rings should be inspected
and tested before using to make sure they
are not damaged.
(a) Never stand directly in front of a grinding
wheel because there is always the danger of a
wheel breaking.
(b) Always set the grinding rests close to the
wheel for small work to prevent the work from being
carried down between wheel and rest.
(c) Do not use the side of an ordinary wheel
for grinding. The face of the wheel must be properly
dressed at all times.
TM 5-682
(d) Never drive a wheel faster than the speed
recommended by the manufacturer.
(e) Always hold articles you are grinding or
buffing so that your hands will not be injured if anything
(7) Drill presses. Insure that the drill press
is securely fastened to the floor or bench top. Always
fasten or clamp the work securely when using a drill
press, unless the work is large enough to provide
holding leverage. A secure hold is especially important
when reaming or when working on brass.
(a) Never force the drill or feed it too fast.
(b) Always remove metal chips with a stiff
brush or piece of wood. Never use your hand or fingers.
(c) Always use drills that are properly sharpened.
f. Powder-actuated tools. Only those workers
who are qualified by training in their operation may
use these tools. Operators and assistants using these
tools will wear eye protection (safety eye goggles and/
or face shields) and a safety hat. Tools may never be
pointed at any person. Powder actuated tools can not
be used in an explosive or flammable atmosphere.
(1) Explosive charges must be carried and
transported in approved containers. Tools will not
be loaded until just prior to the intended firing. Only
cartridges with an explosive charge adequate for the
job and with proper penetration can be used. Tools
and cartridges will never be left unattended.
(2) Prior to use, the operator will inspect the
tool to determine that it is clean, that moving parts
operate freely and the barrel is free from obstructions,
and ensure that the protective shield is properly
attached to the tool.
(3) In case of a misfire, the operator will hold
the tool in place for 30 seconds, before trying to operate
the tool a second time, and then wait another 30
seconds before trying if there is a second misfire. Misfired
cartridges will be disposed of properly. (Place
in a metal container and return them to your supervisor.)
g. Welding and cutting tools. Welding and cutting
will be performed only by experienced and properly
trained persons. Before welding or cutting is
started, the area will be inspected for potential fire
hazards. Suitable fire extinguishing equipment shall
be made available in the work area. Rules and instructions
supplied by the manufacturer or affixed
to the machine will be followed. Additional personnel
shall be assigned to guard against fire during
and after the performance of hot work.
(1) Use adequate local exhaust ventilation and
or respiratory protection plus other personal protective
equipment as needed.
(2) Protect combustibles and flammables in the
work area from sparks, slag, and heat produced by
the operation. Also take precautions to protect other
persons from the sparks and slag. Make a fire check
of the area about 30 minutes after work is stopped.
(3) Where combustible materials such as paper
clippings or wood shavings are present, the floor
will be swept clean for a radius of 35 feet (10.5 meters)
before welding. Combustible floors will be kept wet
or protected by fire-resistant shields. Where floors
have been wet down, personnel operating arc-welding
or cutting equipment will be protected from possible
(4) When welding or cutting in elevated positions,
precautions will be taken to prevent sparks or
hot metal from falling onto people or flammable
material below.
(5) Protect electrical cables and gas hoses from
physical damage, and from being a tripping hazard.
Welding hose will not be repaired with tape.
(6) An electric welding machine will be properly
(a) When electrode holders are to be left unattended,
the electrodes will be removed and the
holders will be so placed or protected that they cannot
make electrical contact with workers or conducting
(b) When the welder must leave his/her work
or stop work for any appreciable length of time, or
when the welding machine is to be moved, the power
supply switch to the equipment will be opened.
(7) Gas welding machines will be provided with
approved backflow check valves in both gas and oxygen
(a) Use friction lighters or stationary pilot
flames, not matches or cigarette lighters, to light a
torch. Remove matches and butane cigarette lighters
from your pockets and keep them away from
welding and cutting operations.
TM 5-682
(b) Use gas cylinders whose contents are
clearly labeled and protect them from excessive heat
and accumulations of snow and ice.
(c) Keep valve protection caps on cylinders
except when the cylinders are secured in place on a
welding cart or connected to a manifold.
(d) Store oxygen cylinders at least 20 feet (6
meters) away from fuel gas cylinders and flammable
materials. Store cylinders in an upright position and
secure them to prevent them from falling over.
(e) Keep grease and oil away from oxygen system
valves, fittings, regulators, and gauges.
h. Painting. Painting may be done with a brush
or using spray guns as applicable to the work. The
requirements given in this paragraph apply to touchup
or outdoor painting for electrical maintenance,
not for industrial painting operations. Review the
material safety data sheet (MSDS) for the material
being used and follow the precautions given therein.
Paint only in areas approved as suitable for hand
painting or for hand and spray painting as applicable
to the equipment to be used. Observe the following
rules when painting:
(1) A brush used near live parts energized at
above 600 volts must be attached to an approved insulated
(2) Mix and apply paint in adequately ventilated
areas or use appropriate respiratory protection.
(3) Keep flammable paint away from heat, open
flames, smoking, and another ignition sources. Do
not smoke within 25 feet (7.5 meters) of any painting
(4) Use a good grade of linseed oil or alcohol to
clean paint from hands, face, or body; then wash thoroughly
with soap and water. Never use gasoline, turpentine,
or thinners.
(5) Always clean paint from your hands before
eating or placing your hands on unprotected parts of
your body.
(6) Never allow paint to collect and remain
around or under fingernails after the work shift.
(7) Never go near open flames while wearing
painting clothes or carrying paint rags or waste.
(8) Never store rags, waste, burlap, and clothing
used in connection with painting in the same
room or cabinet with paint materials.
(9) Never chew tobacco or gum while mixing,
brushing, or spraying.
(10) When using paint-spraying equipment:
(a) Follow the manufacturer's instructions.
(b) Keep the spray gun pointed away from
yourself and others.
(c) A metal object being sprayed should be
supported in a manner to avoid insulating it from
conductive surfaces, because paint spraying produces
static electricity.
(d) Make sure that excessive air pressure is
not delivered to the spray gun. The pressure should
only be sufficient for the job at hand.
(e) Do no spray painting near live wires unless
barriers are placed between the spray gun and
live parts.
i. Solvents. The following requirements apply to
touch-up or outdoor use of solvent for electrical maintenance
and not for industrial solvent treatment.
Solvents used inside must be approved for use in the
area where applied. Use only approved solvents for
which MSDS are available and follow all MSDS precautions.
When a solvent is required to remove oil or
grease, a petroleum distillate of the safety type such
as Stoddard solvent should be used.
(1) In special cases where a strong chlorinated
solvent is required, the room must have positive ventilation.
(2) The use of carbon tetrachloride, alone or in
mixtures, for cleaning purposes is prohibited.
(3) Ventilation must be provided in areas where
solvents are used in order to avoid fires, explosions,
or endangering workers.
(4) Protective equipment, such as gloves,
goggles, and aprons, should be worn when working
with solvents, to prevent irritation to the skin and
(5) Avoid wetting clothing with solvents; clothing
that has become wet with solvent should be removed.
4–8. Materials handling safety
The following requirements apply to manual lifting,
TM 5-682
Figure 4Ð2. Correct lifting instructions.
use of hand trucks, and handling and storage of materials
requiring special precautions.
a. Manual lifting. Manual lifting of material accounts
for such occupational injuries as strains,
sprains, fractures, and bruises. These injuries are
caused, primarily, by improper lifting, carrying too
heavy a load, incorrect gripping, failing to observe
proper foot or hand clearances, and failing to use or
wear protective equipment. There are five steps to
safe lifting (see figure 4–2). If there is any doubt as
to your ability to lift or lower the load without strain,
confer with the foreman directions the lifting.
(1) Inspect objects for slivers, jagged edges,
burrs, or slippery surfaces, and wear gloves when
needed to protect your hands. Keep hands and gloves
free of oil and grease which might interfere with getting
a firm grip on the object being lifted.
(2) Workers will not attempt to lift beyond their
capacity. Caution will be taken when lifting or pulling
in an awkward position. Never carry a load that
obstructs the vision. Obtain assistance in lifting
heavy objects or use hoists or cranes.
(a) When two or more persons carry a heavy
object that is to be lowered or dropped, one person
only will give signals for the group.
(b) When two or more persons are carrying
an object, each worker, if possible, should face the
direction in which the object is being carried.
(3) Accessories, such as chains, falls, blocks and
tackles, and jacks and hoists, should be used wherever
practical instead of lifting by hand. Inspect all
lifting devices in accordance with TB-43-0142.
(a) Never load a jack in excess of its rating.
Make sure the footing for a jack is substantial.
(b) Always center the jack properly under the
load, and if there is danger of the head slipping, put
a wooden block on top of the jack to help keep it in
position. Place the jack so there will be an unobstructed
swing of the handle to prevent injury to the
(c) Never leave the handle in the socket of a
jack standing under load.
(d) Never load hoists and load binders in excess
of their rating. If the strain requires the use of
handle extensions on come-alongs (Coffing) or chain
fall (Blackburn) hoists, they are overloaded.
(4) When lifting transformers and other equipment,
slings of suitable strength must be used. Place
slings so as to avoid cutting them on sharp edges of
equipment. Rope slings of suitable strength may be
permitted for lighter work if the rope cannot be cut
by sharp edges or projections. Only rope slings must
be used around energized equipment where the use
of metal slings would create a hazard.
(5) Heavy timbers, steel members, and other
heavy objects should, if practical, be lowered into
place and not dropped.
(6) Do not throw tools and materials up or down
to workers on a different level. Raise or lower them
by handlines or in canvas tool bags or buckets.
(7) When tools or material are raised or lowered,
stand clear at all times and avoid coming directly
under any load until it is properly placed and
(8) When tools and materials are raised or lowered,
prevent their coming in contact with energized
wires or equipment.
b. Hand and forklift trucks. Manually-operated
TM 5-682
hand trucks and machine operated forklift trucks will
be used as appropriate for lifting heavier or larger
(1) The operator will always face in the direction
of travel.
(2) Equipment will always be operated at a safe
speed for existing conditions.
(3) Before moving the equipment, the operator
will make sure that no person or objects are in
the path of the truck. Clearances in all directions
will always be checked, particularly overhead clearances.
(4) Sudden stops which might spill the load will
be avoided.
(5) All loads will be securely fastened or safely
positioned to prevent tipping or falling.
(6) When using hand trucks, you should observe
the following:
(a) Keep the center of gravity of the load as
low as possible.
(b) Place the load so the weight is over the
axle and not the handles, so it will not slip, shift, or
fall off.
(c) Keep the truck downhill from you when
going up or down an incline.
(7) Fork lift trucks will be operated only by authorized
personnel who are qualified and trained in
their use. Operators will comply with the following.
(a) Brakes and controls will be tested prior
to use. Equipment with faulty brakes or mechanical
or electrical defects will not be operated. Needed repairs
will be reported immediately.
(b) Do not add fuel with the engine running.
Equipment with internal combustion engines will not
be operated in enclosed areas for prolonged periods
of time as the safe levels of carbon monoxide in the
enclosure may be exceeded.
(c) Lift bars on fork lift trucks which are movable
or replaceable will be held firmly in place by a
proper securing pin. Jury-rigged devices, such as
using a threaded bolt, will not be permitted. Only
attachments provided by or approved by the manufacturer
may be used. Such attachments will be properly
secured. Improvised methods will not be used.
(d) When picking up a load, forks will be set
squarely and as far as possible under the load. Loads
should not be raised or lowered while traveling. Loads
will not be suspended or swung over other persons.
No one should be allowed to stand or walk under elevated
forks. Loaded or empty, forks should be carried
as low as possible, but high enough to clear uneven
(e) On inclines and declines, all types of
loaded lift trucks will be driven with the load on the
upgrade side of the driver.
(f) No one will be allowed to ride the fork lift
truck other than the operator, except when seats are
provided for this purpose.
(g) A fork lift truck is considered unattended
if the operator is 25 feet (7.5 meters) away or the
truck is not in his/her view. When unattended, the
load engaging means will be fully lowered, controls
will be neutralized, power will be shut off, and brakes
set. Wheels will be chocked when the truck is parked
on an incline.
c. Storage and handling of materials subject to
special precautions. Hazardous materials subject to
EPA requirements such as asbestos, PCB, and SF6
gas are covered in chapter 3, paragraph 3–4. Materials
that require more than normal handling and
storage precautions because of possible adverse effects
from mishandling or improper storage are required
to conform to the following:
(1) Flammable liquids. Conform to applicable
directives and regulatory agency requirements regarding
the handling and storage of flammable liquids:
(a) Flammable liquids will be stored,
handled, and transported only in approved containers,
and extreme care must be used at all times to
prevent ignition.
(b) When pouring or pumping flammable liquids
from one metallic container to another, electrical
contact will be maintained between the pouring
and receiving containers.
(c) Leaky flammable liquid furnaces or
torches will not be used.
(2) Poisons and pesticides. Before handling poisonous
substances, workers will thoroughly familiarize
themselves with the hazards involved and utilize
all necessary precautions, protective devices, and/
or equipment. Particular care will be exercised by
TM 5-682
persons with open sores. Workers will not handle
food, drink, and tobacco with such poisonous substances
on their hands. Handling of pesticides will
be done only by personnel certified by the applicable
(3) Explosives. Explosives will not be handled
by facility workers. Any requirement must be provided
by contract personnel licensed in accordance
with regulatory agency requirements. This requirement
does not apply to cartridges used in powderactivated
tools, which are exempt from regulatory
agency provisions but do required qualified training.
(4) Acid and caustics. Acids and caustics
should not normally be handled by electrical workers
except for use in battery maintenance which is
covered in paragraph 5–13.
(5) Compressed gases - general. Portable gas
cylinders or containers, whether full or empty, will
be handled with extreme care and will be stored in a
suitable, well-ventilated location, properly secured
in a vertical position with each container's valve cap
in place, except when in actual use and connected to
a device. Do not drop, jar, or expose to temperature
extremes and keep away from sparks and flames.
(a) Cylinders will have their contents properly
(b) Cylinders will not be rolled and will not
be lifted by the valve or valve cap; a suitable cradle
or other device will be used.
(c) Cylinders will not be placed where they
might become part of an electric circuit or within 5
feet (1.5 meters) of an electrical outlet.
(d) A flame will never be used to detect gas
leaks. A leaking cylinder will not be used but will be
taken outdoors away from sources of ignition. Notify
your foreman of the need for disposal.
(e) A sign "Danger-no smoking, matches, or
open lights" or equivalent wording will be conspicuously
posted in rooms or at entrances to areas where
compressed gas is used or stored.
(f) Workers will never force connections
which do not fit nor will they tamper with the safety
relief devices of cylinder valves.
(g) No attempt will be made to mix gases in
a cylinder or to transfer gas from one cylinder to
(h) The recessed top of cylinders will not be
used as a place for tools.
(i) Compressed gases will not be used from a
cylinder or cylinder manifold or other container unless
an acceptable pressure regulating device is installed
on the cylinder, valve, or manifold. Regulators
will not be required with gases used from cylinders
through torches or other devices which are not
equipped with shutoff valves. All connections to piping,
regulators, and other appliances will be kept
tight to prevent leakage. When cylinders or containers
are not in use, always keep valves tightly closed.
(j) Compressed gas cylinders will be transported
so as to prevent them from falling, rolling, or
creating a tripping hazard. They will be stored and/
or-transported upright. Unless they are secured on
a suitable truck, rack, or container provided for portable
service; regulators will be removed and valve
protection devices installed before cylinders are
(k) Before the regulator is removed from a
cylinder, the valve will be closed and all pressure
released from the regulator.
(l) Gas cylinders will not be stored inside any
occupied building. Separate storage buildings or sheltered
storage areas will be used.
(m) Oxygen cylinders in storage will be separated
from other gas cylinders or combustible materials
(especially oil or grease) by a minimum distance
of 20 feet (6 meters) or by a 5 foot (1.5 meters) high
noncombustible barrier. Oil, grease, or similar materials
will not be allowed to come in contact with
any valve, fitting, regulator, or gage of oxygen cylinders.
d. Cleaning operations. Use only approved solvents
and compressed air reduced to a pressure of
no more than 30 pounds per square inch (207
4–9. Rigging
Various types of fiber rope, wire rope, chains, rigging
hardware, or combinations are used to lift material
and equipment. The safe use of rigging devices
requires that the combination of rope and rigging
hardware must have adequate lifting capacity ratings
and, when applicable must be approved for such
use near any energized work. Refer also to CIE-4.
Only qualified workers can install, maintain, and/or
repair ropes and chains.
a. Fiber rope. Fiber ropes may be made of syn4–
TM 5-682
Table 4Ð1. Approximate safe working loads of new three-strand fiber ropes used in a straight pull.
Nominal diameter Polypropylene Polyester Nylon Polyethylene
Table 4Ð2. Moisture regain of fiber ropes
Moisture regain percent
thetic materials or natural vegetable fibers.
(1) Materials. Synthetic fibers used for rope
are nylon, polypropylene, polyester, and polyethylene.
Natural fibers used are manila and sisal. Natural
fiber ropes should not be used because they have
high moisture absorbing factors and low loading
strengths. Synthetic ropes' size to strength characteristics
are given in table 4–1. Values are given in
inches (in) and pounds (lbs) first and in parentheses
second in millimeters (mm) and kilograms (kg). These
values are based on new ropes under static testing
without consideration of operating conditions. A
safety factor should always be used in determining
actual safe lifting capacity.
(2) Construction. Twisted rope is usually
made of three or four strands. There are also braided
ropes and parallel ropes. Each require different methods
of splicing which are beyond the scope of this
manual. Refer to TM 5-684 and the ''Lineman's and
Cableman's Handbook'' for knot and splice data.
(3) Conductivity. No rope should be considered
an insulator because all ropes contain moisture
as part of the fiber makeup. The moisture regain of
fibers is given in table 4–2. When rope becomes wet,
dirty, or contaminated, its electrical conductivity is
increased. Even insulators conduct electricity if not
kept clean or dry. Only polypropylene and polyethylene
ropes which are specially treated to resist wetting
are recommended for use near energized conductors.
(4) Safety (design) factor. Different ropes have
better characteristics for shock and sustained loadings.
The minimum safety factor recommended is 6
for polypropylene and polyethylene and 9 for polyester
or nylon rope.
(5) Care of rope. Rope should be cared for as
(a) Never overload a rope or drag it over
rough or sharp objects. The given safety factor is
based on the minimum breaking strength of the rope.
In figuring safety factor, make allowance for the age
and condition of the rope.
(b) Be careful in making a rope fast. Avoid
short acute bends over unyielding or sharp-edged
surfaces. Never drag rope over the ground, over sharp
objects, or over another rope. If rope is installed on
an object with sharp corners, pad the rope.
(c) A rope with a kink or hockle (reverse kink)
in it should be removed from service. Wet ropes are
especially likely to kink.
(d) When rope is not in use, store it properly
in a cool dry area away from direct sunlight to prevent
shrinkage. Be sure it is free from mechanical
injury, heat, or excessive dryness. Keep loose coils
off the floor and hung on a wooden peg.
(e) Never use rope around storage batteries.
(f) A wet rope may absorb moisture, and
therefore, it may not be as strong as a dry rope. Exceptions
are polypropylene and polyethylene ropes
TM 5-682
which do not absorb moisture. Polyester and nylon
ropes, when they are properly finished with a marine
overlay, could provide an increase in strength
when wet. Never use a wet or frozen rope next to an
energized line. Never permit a wet rope to freeze.
(g) Always finish (serve) the ends of fiber rope
to prevent unraveling.
(h) Keep ropes clean. Dirt on the surface of
and/or embedded in the rope acts as an abrasive on
strands and fibers.
(i) The ends of all ropes should be prevented
from fraying by first whipping and serving and then
melting. Avoid excessive stretching of nylon rope by
surging loads to prevent surface abrasion.
(6) Inspection of ropes. Rope should be inspected
each time it is used.
(a) Examine carefully for cuts, worn spots,
acid stains, and burns. The outward appearance of a
rope is often deceiving.
(b) Rope must be free from metal strands and
cores, solder, oil, and grime. An approved safety hook
is the only metal permitted on a handline.
(c) A splice in a rope must be free of all metal
objects, tapes, or knots. Splicing must be done in accordance
with the “Splicing Handbook” from the
Cordage Institute and must be tested and approved
by the supervisor or foreman before usage. Splicing
may reduce the safe working load down to 80 or 90
percent of a new rope. A hitch in the rope may reduce
the rope strength to 45 percent and should not
be used. Only a bowline knot which may reduce the
rope strength to 60 percent can be used.
(d) A tackle must always be used with a block
or load connected. If a tackle is to be used intermittently,
it should be pretested before each use, as a
safety precaution, with three times the load which it
will carry.
(e) Before using fiber ropes as slings to lift
loads, the capacity of the ropes should be determined
first. When different types of ropes, chains, and rigging
hardware are used in combination, the overall
capacity is the capacity of the weakest item.
(7) Use of rope. Be aware of the following requirements
when using rope.
(a) The elasticity and stretch of synthetic
rope can cause a delay in response when lifting or
dropping loads. Different fiber compositions will have
different elongation curves.
(b) Use caution when the load is under excessive
tension and then suddenly released. The
whipping action is very dangerous to personnel and
equipment in the area.
(c) Never use wet rope on or near energized
(d) Carry handlines up poles or structures
uncoiled and attached to the back of your body belt.
Be sure handlines do not catch on pole or structure
(e) The safe loads for rope indicated in table
4-1 must not be exceeded.
(f) Avoid sudden jerks or strains.
(g) Reverse rope ends periodically, BO all sections
of it will receive equal wear.
(h) For hoisting work, where protection of a
worker's life is paramount, use a safety factor three
times as great as the safety factor previously given.
(i) When bent around a rounded surface the
radius around which the rope is bent should be not
less than six times the rope diameter, preferably eight
(j) Use pulleys, when necessary to prevent
chaffing ropes, while lifting or lowering loads.
b. Wire rope. Increased fatigue life and resistance
to abrasion and abuse are the main reason for
the use of wire rope in slings and other hoisting devices.
Such rope is usually made of wire strands laid
together and twisted over a fiber-saturated and lubricated
core. The core cushions and preserves the
shape of the rope and lubricates the wires. Use wire
rope in accordance with the recommendations of the
manufacturer and do not exceed the safe working
load required by ANSI B30.9, based on the breaking
strengths of ASTM A 603. The safety factor for wire
rope can be from 3 to 7 depending upon consideration
of loads; acceleration; rope speed; the number,
size, and arrangements of sheaves and drums; and
the length of the rope.
(1) Care of wire rope. Never overload wire
rope beyond its safe load.
(a) Never store wire rope or put any strain
on it because it may cause a kink.
TM 5-682
(b) Never store wire rope by winding it too
(c) Never store wire rope in a wet or damp
storage area.
(d) When wire rope is cut, finish (serve) the
cut ends with soft iron wire to keep the wires from
(e) Lubricate wire rope as needed and never
remove the rope’s internal lubricant. Use a jet of air
or steam, or wire brush the ropels exterior prior to
applying the manufacturer's approved lubricant.
(2) Inspection of wire rope. Never use a wire
rope without wearing gloves for safety. Check wire
rope for broken strands by running a cloth over the
rope to find the broken strands. Immediately remove
wire rope from service and discard if it has one or
more of the following defects:
(a) Corrosion of the wire rope or attachments
caused by acids or alkalies. (Rust film, which has
caused pitting or loss of less than one-third of the
original diameter of outside individual wires can be
removed and the wire can be cleaned, relubricated,
and reused.)
(b) One or more broken wires in the valley
between two adjacent strands, six randomly distributed
broken wires in one rope lay, or three broken
wires in one strand in one rope lay.
(c) Wear or scraping of one-third the original
diameter of outside individual wires.
(d) Kinking, crushing, bird caging, or any
other damage resulting in distortion of the wire rope
(e) Evidence of heat damage.
(f) End attachments that are cracked, deformed,
or worn.
c. Use of wire rope. Handle wire rope in accordance
with the following requirements.
(1) Never apply sudden or abrupt loads on wire
rope. When handling extra heavy loads never fasten
rope over sharp edges or corners without padding.
(2) Wire rope should never be coiled or uncoiled
like fiber rope. Always wind around sheaves or drums
and avoid rope twist and spreading of coils and crossings
or overlapping on sheaves or drums.
(3) Use sheaves and drums with grooves slightly
larger than the wire rope to avoid pinching and binding
the strands and to permit the rope to adjust itself
to the curvature. However, the grooves should
not be so much larger that the rope will flatten.
d. Chains. Chains have an advantage over wire
ropes in that they are not as easily damaged. Always
check that chains are an approved type for lifting.
Only alloy steel chains for rigging that have been
marked and maintained in conformance with the
manufacturer's guidelines may be used. Do not use
these chains for tying down equipment.
(1) Care of chains. Never overload chains beyond
the safe loads indicated by the manufacturer's
recommendations and do not exceed the safe working
loads of ANSI B30.9 based on the breaking
strengths of ASTM A 906.
(a) Never store chains in a wet or damp storage
(b) Normalize or anneal chains periodically
as recommended by the manufacturer.
(c) Hooks, rings, links, couplings, or other attachments,
when used with steel chains, must have
a rated capacity at least equal to that of the chain.
(2) Inspection. Inspect chains used in loadcarrying
service before each initial use and weekly
(a) Remove chains from service when any of
the following defects are evident: nicked or cracked
links, lifted linkwelds, more than 10 percent elongation
of any link or section, or when wear of 20 percent
of the diameter of any link has occurred.
(b) Chains are to be repaired by the manufacturer
or in strict accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations.
(3) Use of chains. Never use chain slings that
do not have permanently affixed durable identification
stating size, grade, rated capacity, and sling
(a) Avoid sudden or abrupt application of
loads to chains. When handling extra heavy loads do
not fasten chains over sharp corners or edges without
(b) Chains are conductors; they must never
be used near live conductors or energized equipment.
TM 5-682
(c) Never shorten or lengthen a chain by use
of kinks or bolts.
e. Slings. Determine the capacity rating of fiber
rope, wire rope, chains, rigging hardware, or combinations
thereof before using them to lift loads. Refer
to the requirements of ANSI B30.9. For individual
items used in combination, the safety factors are not
cumulative, and the overall capacity rating of the
combination is the capacity of the weakest item. The
particular application or service factors may further
reduce the capacity rating. The sling angles affects
the capacity of each leg by the sine of the angle to
the horizontal. Never provide a sling angle of less
than 30 degrees. This reduces the capacity by 50
percent (sine 30 degrees = 0.5).
(1) Store slings so they will not be damaged.
(2) Protect in-use slings from being damaged
by sharp, rough, or square corners. Use chafing protection
between rope and edges. Sharp bends (which
should be avoided to protect the sling from being
damaged) also need chafing protection.
(3) Remove damaged slings from use and destroy
(4) To prevent sling-related accidents, do the
(a) Do not use knots or other devices to
shorten slings.
(b) Keep sling legs free of kinks.
(c) Keep the load within the sling's capacity.
(d) Balance loads supported by basket
hitches to prevent slippage.
(e) Securely attach the slings to the load.
(f) Keep suspended loads clear of obstructions.
(g) Keep people clear of suspended loads and
loads about to be lifted.
(h) Keep your hands and fingers from between
the sling and the load while the sling is being
tightened around the load.
(i) Place blocks under the load so slings may
be removed without damaging them.
f. Rigging hardware. Do not use job-fabricated
hardware unless it has a been tested and certified
by a rigging engineer.
(1) Use forged-alloy or stainless steel hoisting
hooks (excluding sling and choker hooks) that are
stamped with their safe working load and are
equipped with safety keepers, swivels, and headache
balls (minimum tension devices).
(2) Use forged-alloy or stainless steel shackles
of the locking or secured-pin type for hoisting. Inspect
them before use and discard any that are worn
in the crown or pin by more than 10 percent of the
original diameter. Do not replace shackle pins with
4–10. Heavy lifting equipment
Cranes, winches, and derricks are used on vehicles
for hoisting heavy equipment, as opposed to aerial
lifts or buckets used to elevate personnel to job-sites
above ground.
a. Operation of equipment near energized electrical
facilities. Equipment and workers must take
into account the safe operating requirements for such
an operation.
(1) When mobile hoists, cranes, or similar lifting
devices are used near energized lines or equipment,
the lifting device will be properly grounded, or insulated,
isolated, or considered as energized.
(2) Unqualified workers will not set up nor operate
any piece of equipment where it is possible to
bring such equipment or any part thereof within the
minimum safe approach distances specified in table
3–2. This applies to any medium- or high-voltage (600
volts and above) line or installation unless the line
is de-energized, a clearance is secured, and the line
or equipment is grounded. To maintain the distances
specified in table 3–2, the worker may:
(a) Install adequate guards or barriers, or
(b) Use a full-time signalman to warn the operator
when approaching minimum distances.
(3) Qualified electrical workers will comply
with the requirements for aerial lifts.
b. Equipment operation. Only authorized persons
will be permitted in the cab or on the equipment.
Only those designated persons who are trained
and qualified will operate the hoisting equipment.
(1) Always include the weight of auxiliary loadhandling
devices (such as buckets, magnets, load
TM 5-682
falls, slings, and hooks) as part of the load. Follow
the manufacturers operating and maintenance procedure
and never overload the lifting device. Alterations
and modifications are to be made only by authorized
(2) Only one person is permitted to give orders
to the lift operator during the entire movement of
the object. The operator, however, will obey a "Stop"
signal given by anyone.
(3) Inspect the vehicle before use each day and
have defects corrected. Also have the equipment
tested and certified annually. For the first lift of each
day, the load will be test-lifted and the brakes checked
(load lifted several inches and then tested) and the
following minimum checks will be made.
(a) Check all control mechanisms for any possible
maladjustment which could interfere with
proper operation.
(b) Check all safety devices for any malfunctions.
(c) Check for any deterioration or leakage in
the air or hydraulic system.
(d) Check for the adequacy of hooks, slings,
and load attachment devices.
(e) Check for the presence of a fire extinguisher
which is at least a U/L-rated 5BC (2.5-pound
or 1.1-kilogram capacity approved for Class B and C
fires) in accordance with ANSI/UL 711.
(4) Operators will not leave their position at
the controls of lifting devices while the load is suspended.
(5) No person will be permitted to ride on the
hook, sling, or load of any hoisting equipment. No
worker will be under a suspended load or inside the
angle of a winch line. No worker will stand or work
near a chain or rope under tension unless the nature
of his/her work requires it.
(6) With every load change, the slings and bindings
will be checked and will be readjusted as necessary
to ensure safety and stability. All slings and
other fittings will be of sufficient strength and of the
proper type so as to be safe for their intended use.
(7) Observe the following precautions when using
a winch and hoisting cable.
(a) Because of the heavy nature of work done
with winches, it is essential that all moving parts be
kept thoroughly lubricated. The rated capacity of
both winch and cable must never be exceeded.
(b) Use chain or wire rope when pulling poles,
stumps, trees, or when lifting objects with a winch
and derrick.
(c) When using a winch and cable for any purpose,
always pass the cable over a sheave. Never run
the cable over the end of a truck without using a
(d) Never use winch cable over sheaves or
bars to raise or lower a load which should be handled
with a derrick.
(e) All personnel should be instructed to
stand clear of a cable when it is under strain.
(f) Kinks in winch lines should be avoided to
prevent weakening at kink points.
(g) Do not use your hands to guide or
straighten winch cables on a drum while the drum
is in motion.
(h) Wear leather work gloves when handling
winch cable.
(i) Discard defective cable.
(j) Do not use winches with mechanical defects.
(k) Do not use bent or broken A-frames or
booms, or those which have cracks in the steel.
(8) Observe the following precautions for erecting
(a) To safely assemble a derrick, the truck
should be as nearly level as possible. For safety, two
or more workers are required to remove any leg of
the derrick from the truck. For larger derricks additional
workers may be required. Support the boom
when extending it so that the telescopic ends cannot
be pulled out too far causing a section to drop. Do
not permit anyone to stand under the derrick while
it is being raised or lowered, nor at other times, unless
a stiff leg or safety cable is connected. To reduce
excessive strain on tires, springs, and chassis, support
the truck by placing the derrick supporting jacks
in position whenever possible. It may be necessary
to block the rear wheels if the truck is not standing
on level ground.
TM 5-682
(b) To protect the public and workers, do not
operate trucks on streets, roads, or highways with
the derrick assembled, unless the truck is towing a
trailer, and then only for short distances and under
the immediate direction of a designated worker, who
will give undivided attention to the movement.
4–11. Aerial lifts
Aerial lifts are electrically isolated buckets, which
are often referred to as insulated buckets. Aerial lifts
must be constructed to meet ANSI/SIA A92.2. Follow
aerial lift rules as given to meet facility and
OSHA safety practices.
a. Operation of aerial lift equipment near energized
electrical facilities. Electrical workers may operate
aerial lift equipment between the distances
specified in table 3–2 and the distances specified in
table 3–3 if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) A job hazard analysis has been done.
(2) A hot line order has been obtained.
(3) The activity is being performed under the
direct supervision of a designated person who is
trained and competent in this type of work.
(4) The distances between energized parts and
the aerial lift equipment is monitored while the aerial
lift equipment is being moved and/or repositioned.
(5) The aerial lift equipment is grounded.
(6) No one, other than necessary workers, are
within 10 feet (3 meters) of the equipment during its
operation. Workers are to perform their work while
on the equipment; not from a position on the ground.
b. Types of aerial lifts. Aerial lifts include the
following types of vehicle-mounted aerial devices
used to elevate personnel to job-sites aboveground.
(1) Extensible boom platforms.
(2) Aerial ladders.
(3) Articulating boom platforms.
(4) Vertical towers.
(5) A combination of any of the above.
c. Manufacture. Aerial equipment may be made
of metal, wood, fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP),
or other material; may be powered or manually operated;
and are deemed to be aerial lifts whether or
not they are capable of rotating about a substantially
vertical axis. Aerial lifts may not be “field modified''
unless such modification is certified by the manufacturer.
d. OSHA aerial lift rules. OSHA mandates the
following rules.
(1) Aerial ladders will be secured in the lower
traveling positions by the locking device on top of
the truck cab and the manually operated device at
the base of the ladder, before the truck is moved for
highway travel.
(2) Lift controls will be tested each day prior
to use to determine that such controls are in safe
working condition.
(3) Only authorized persons will operate an
aerial lift.
(4) Belting off to an adjacent pole, structure,
or equipment while working from an aerial lift will
not be permitted.
(5) Workers will always stand firmly on the
floor of the bucket and will not sit or climb on the
edge of the bucket or use planks, ladders, or other
devices for a work position.
(6) A body harness will be worn and a lanyard
attached to the boom or bucket while working from
an aerial lift.
(7) Boom and bucket load limits specified by
the manufacturer will not be exceeded.
(8) The brakes will be set and outriggers, when
used, will be positioned on pads or a solid surface.
Wheel chocks will be installed before using an aerial
lift on an incline, provided they can be safely installed.
(9) Generally, an aerial lift truck will not be
moved when the boom is elevated in a working position
with workers in the bucket.
(10) Articulating boom and extensible boom
platforms, primarily designed as personnel carriers,
will have both platform (upper) and lower controls.
Upper controls will be in or beside the platform
within easy reach of the operator. Lower controls will
provide for overriding the upper controls. Controls
will be plainly marked as to their function. Lower
level controls will not be operated unless permission
has been obtained from the worker in the lift, except
in case of emergency.
TM 5-682
(11) Climbers will not be worn while performing
work from an aerial lift.
(12) The insulated portion of an aerial lift will
not be altered in any manner that might reduce its
insulating value.
(13) Before moving an aerial lift for travel, the
boom(s) will be inspected to see that equipment is
properly cradled and outriggers are in the stowed
e. Other general rules. Observe the following
safety rules.
(1) The operating and maintenance instruction
manuals issued by the manufacturer will be followed.
(2) Shock loading (sudden stops or starts) of
the equipment will be avoided.
(3) When a boom must be maneuvered over a
street or highway, necessary precautions will be
taken to avoid accidents with traffic and pedestrians.
(4) The operator will always face in the direction
in which the bucket is moving and will see that
the path of the boom or bucket is clear when it is
being moved.
(5) Workers will not ride in the bucket while
the truck is traveling. (Exceptions: Workers may ride
in the bucket for short distances at the work location
if the bucket is returned to the cradled position
for each move and the workers face the direction of
(6) When workers are in the bucket of an aerial
lift, the emergency brake of the vehicle will be set.
Wheel chocks or outriggers will be used to provide
added protection. When the vehicle is on an incline,
wheel chocks will be used regardless of whether or
not outriggers are used. The truck should sit approximately
level when viewed from the rear.
(7) Workers will not stand or sit on the top or
edge of the bucket or on ladders placed in the bucket.
Workers' feet will be on the floor of the bucket the
entire time they are in it.
(8) When two workers are in the bucket or
buckets, one of them will be designated to operate
the controls. One worker will give all signals, which
will be thoroughly understood by all persons concerned.
(9) When two workers are working from the
bucket, extreme care will be taken to avoid one
worker contacting poles, crossarms, or other
grounded or live equipment while the second worker
is working on equipment at a different potential.
(10) In no case will more than one energized
conductor or phase be worked on at a time.
(11) The aerial lift with workers and equipment
will maintain proper clearances from unprotected
energized conductors. Safety rules governing the use
of hot-line tools, rubber goods, personal protective
equipment, and general safe practices apply to work
done from aerial buckets.
(12) When using pneumatic or hydraulic tools
in a bucket, the operator will be sure that hoses or
lines do not become entangled in the operational control
B .
(13) Bucket care will be provided the following
(a) Remove water accumulation from the
bucket. The bucket interior must be dry during use.
(b) Wipe exposed insulation of bucket and
boom clean with a dry cloth at the start of each day.
(14) Always inspect a bucket daily before any
work is done.
(a) Inspect visible hydraulic hoses for chafing
and then inspect hoses and fittings for leaks with
the system under pressure.
(b) Inspect wire cables for frayed strands and
secure attachment.
(c) Inspect the bucket safety belt assembly
for good condition.
(d) Verify that the most recent dielectric test
for the bucket and arm occurred within the last 6
(e) Examine the exposed insulation of an insulating
boom for cuts, unusual discoloration, or
other signs of damage prior to use or at any time
damage is suspected.
(f) Inspect the remaining portions of booms,
sheaves, cables, fittings, bucket, and bucket liner for
f. Insulated buckets. Insulated buckets are re4–
TM 5-682
quired for work in accordance with table 3–5. An insulated
bucket of an aerial lift is provided with a conductive
bucket liner.
(1) The liner, usually a metallic screen, must
completely surround the bucket walls and floor to
provide electrostatic shielding for the occupant. Tools
and other equipment carried in the bucket must be
stowed carefully to avoid damaging the liner.
(2) Insulated buckets will be subjected to an
arm current (dielectric) test. This test will consist of
placing the insulated bucket in contact with an energized
source equal to the voltage to be worked upon
for a minimum 3 minute period. The leakage current
will not exceed one microampere per kilovolt of
nominal line-to-line voltage. Arm current tests should
be made at the start of each day, each time a higher
voltage is to be worked, and when changed conditions
indicate a need for additional tests. Keep a
record of all tests. Work operations will be suspended
immediately upon any indication of a malfunction
in the equipment.
g. Maintenance. Perform periodic maintenance
in accordance with the manufacturer's operations
and maintenance manual. Perform electrical tests
on insulation no less than every 6 months.
4–12. Live-line tools, electrical safety tools,
and specialty electrical tools
These are tools manufactured for use by electrical
workers to provide protection (and thus safety) when
working on energized (live-line) equipment such as
lines and bus bars, on de-energized and grounded
lines, or for other maintenance activities.
a. Live-line tools. Live-line or hot-line tools insulate
the worker from the energized line. They are
also known as hot sticks since they are in the form of
an insulated stick or pole. If there is a loss of insulation
the worker's safety is compromised. Live-line
tools are not only used to work on energized lines;
they are also used to safely de-energize and ground
lines for de-energized line working. The following
paragraphs discusses their terminology and use.
(1) Terminology. ANSI/IEEE 935 is the guide
to be used for tool terminology. It does not give detailed
definitions but does provide pictorial descriptions
of the various components used. Another useful
tool reference is “Hot Sticks - a Manual on High-
Voltage Line Maintenance.”
(a) Tool material. Tools are constructed of
insulating material and/or conductive material.
Metal conductive material is used primarily for mechanical
strength. The conductive material may be
coated or covered with insulating material to protect
the worker from electrical contact and to avoid
(b) Difference between insulated and insulating
tools. An insulated tool is made of conductive
material and then fully or partly covered by insulating
material, while an insulating tool is essentially
made entirely of insulating material.
(2) General hot-line tool types. ANSI/IEEE
935 covers 10 different types of equipment used in
live-line working.
(a) Insulating sticks. Insulating sticks consist
of hand sticks used only to operate on a line or
equipment by a worker. They may be fitted with
splines at their ends to permit other tool attachments.
Support sticks are used to hold or move conductors.
(b) Universal tool fittings. These tool fittings
are spliced-end tools such as pliers, wrenches,
hammers, and some 35 others, and some 6 clevis and
tongue tools to fit on the end of insulating sticks.
(c) Insulating covers and similar assemblies.
These are of various types to provide insulation from
conductors, conductive hardware, insulators, and as
barriers to limit work zones. See rubber protective
equipment covered in paragraph 4–14.
(d) Bypassing equipment. This equipment
is used to provide an electrical shunting device
around equipment, to connect or disconnect a circuit
under load, to bypass a fuse or other device, to fuse
and protect a bypass, or to pickup an electrical load.
(e) Small individual hand tools. These are
insulating or insulated hand tools for use with rubber
(f) Personal equipment. Personal equipment
includes mechanical protection such as gloves,
boots, helmets, shoes, and electrical protection such
as conductive or insulating apparel and eye protection.
(g) Positioning equipment. Positioning
equipment includes body belts, bucket trucks, ladders,
suspension attachments, platforms, and seats.
(h) Handling and anchoring equipment.
Includes ropes, slings, rope block yokes, gin
poles, saddles, and various accessory devices.
(i) Measuring and testing equipment. In4–
TM 5-682
cludes dynamometers, gap and wire gages, measuring
sticks, phasing testers, and voltage detectors.
(j) Hydraulic and miscellaneous equipment.
Includes hydraulic compression heads, cutter hoses,
pumps, and various miscellaneous hot-line devices.
b. Safety tools. Safety tools may be used in conjunction
with hot-line tools or to de-energize the line,
or after de-energization to maintain ground continuity.
Grounding jumpers, elbow connectors, fuse
pullers, grounding clusters, and underground cable
grounding spike clamps are devices available and
should meet ASTM F 855 and IEEE 1048 requirements
for protective grounding of power lines.
c. Specialty tools. Specialty tools are used in
electrical maintenance activities, such as setting
poles by the pike pole method where jennies, cant
hooks, pike poles, and bumpboards are used. Specialty
tools not covered in this chapter, such as fall
protection climbing devices, and hand lines are covered
in paragraphs 6–5 and 6–12 respectively. Aerial
line tool use is covered in paragraph 6–13.
4–13. Care and inspection of live-line (hotline)
These tools are only as safe as their continued care
and inspection make them. ANSI/IEEE 516 and
IEEE 978 provide additional information on maintenance
and testing.
a. Manufacture. Tools should be manufactured
to meet ASTM F 18 series specifications as appropriate
to the device and material. The insulating tool
portion can be made of fiberglass or wood. Fiberglass
should be used, if possible, as it does not absorb moisture,
is impervious to oil-borne materials and solvents,
stronger, and is a better insulator than wood.
Like any insulator, fiberglass must be keep clean and
dry to maintain its insulating ability. Only use liveline
tools that have a manufacturer's certification as
having been tested to meet the following minimum
(1) Fiberglass. A fiberglass tool must have
withstood 100,000 volts ac per foot (328,100 volts ac
per meter) of length for 5 minutes.
(2) Wood. A wood tool must have withstood
75,000 volts ac per foot (246,100 volts ac per meter)
of length for 3 minutes.
b. Records. Records will be maintained for all
live-line tools to indicate their shop or laboratory inspection
and test dates. It is recommended that electrical
shop and laboratory testing be provided at intervals
of not more than 6 months for tools in frequent
use and not more than one year for tools stored
for long periods of time. OSHA requires that electrical
testing of hot line tools be provided every 2 years.
c. Tool inspection. OSHA rules require that liveline
tools will be visually inspected before use each
day. Tools to be used will be wiped clean and if any
hazardous defects are indicated such tools will be
removed from service. The following field observations
warrant their removal from service.
(1) Failure to pass electronic test or a moisture
meter test using portable live-line tool testers.
(2) An electrically overstressed tool showing
evidence of electrical tracking, burn marks, or blisters
caused from heat.
(3) A mechanically overstressed tool showing
such evidence as damaged, bent, worn, or cracked
components; or a tool with deep cuts, scratches, nicks,
gouges, dents, or delamination in the stick surface;
or a tool with a deterioration of its glossy surface.
(4) A tingling or fuzzy sensation when the tool
is in contact with energized conductor or hardware.
d. Tool cleaning. Clean live-line tools before
each use with a clean absorbent paper towel or cloth
and then wipe with a silicone-treated cloth. Waxing
is not necessary after every use but only as needed.
Use cleaning and waxing kits manufactured for liveline
tools and follow directions for their use. Never
use cloths that have been washed in harsh solvents,
soap, or detergents. Residues left on the tools may
be conductive and abrasives can destroy the surface
gloss of the tool and cause water or moisture beads
to form on the surface of the tool.
e. Handling and storage. Workers share responsibility
with their foreman and supervisor for the continued
safe condition of live-line tools.
(1) Storage. All live-line tools not being regularly
transported will be stored in a dry location and
will not be tampered with or handled by unauthorized
personnel. A warm location may result in condensation
forming. Wood tools must not be subject
to temperature changes which can cause warping.
Store tools in padded bins and racks away from dirt,
moisture, and ultraviolet rays.
(2) Transportation. Live-line tools will be
transported with care and protected from mechanical
damage. Exposure to the weather should be
avoided. The same elements of care should be used
TM 5-682
for storage. Never lay tools on the ground. Containers
should be padded to prevent damage to insulating
surfaces from abrasive or bumping actions or
contamination from the environment.
f. Repairs. Repairs should be made only by competent
personnel. Generally if there is no roughness
on the surface and the live-line tool meets electronic
and moisture tests there is no need for repair. Small
surface ruptures and small voids beneath the surface
may need repair. Electrical tests such as highpotential
or dielectric-loss tests should follow any
such repairs. Tests should be performed by qualified
personnel under contract or by facility workers who
are familiar with the test requirements of IEEE 978.
g. Use of live-line tools. When using live-line
tools, employees will not place their hands closer than
is absolutely necessary to energized conductors,
equipment, or metal parts of the tool being used, and
in no case closer than the minimum approach distance
specified in table 3–3.
(1) Quick change tool heads will not be used
without a "Quick change safety clip."
(2) Approved blocks, ropes, slings, and other
tackle used in live-line tool work will not be used for
any other purpose and will be kept clean, dry, and
free from any foreign substances.
(3) Live-line tools being used to spread or raise
conductors will be securely fastened and will not be
held by workers except as necessary to secure or release
(4) Live-line tools should be hung on a hand
line or approved tool hanger if possible. Do not hang
a tool on a conductor or bond wire.
(5) Live-line tools will not be used in rain or
heavy fog except when considered necessary by the
foreman. In no case will they be used when conditions
permit formation of rivulets of water along tools.
4–14. Rubber protective equipment
Rubber protective equipment consists of gloves,
sleeves, blankets, insulator hoods, and line hose.
Assure that all items meet or exceed requirements
of the applicable ASTM F 18 series specifications.
a. Provision. The foreman should determine the
necessary type and amount of protective equipment
required on every job and visually inspect the equipment
before use. Rubber goods must be inspected
immediately before use or at least once a week. If an
item is found to be defective, it must be destroyed.
(1) Each line truck and service or trouble vehicle
should carry enough rubber protective equipment
for all of the crew's needs when handling work
on voltages of 15,000 phase-to-phase and under. The
equipment will be carried in waterproof, lightproof,
and dustproof compartments or containers.
(2) Do not carry rubber protective equipment
in compartments with other tools or with tools in tool
b. Use of rubber protective equipment. Rubber protective
equipment must be used on all conductors or
live parts which might possibly be contacted by a
worker climbing through or reaching from a working
position. See paragraph 3–15 for the recommendation
against combined live-line tool use and rubber
(1) Protective equipment should be positioned
to protect workers against unforeseen hazards such
as slipping, cutting out, leaning back, or falling.
(2) Protective equipment should be placed by
working from a level below the wires or insulators
on the pole or structure, beginning with those nearest
the climbing space, and covering the live parts in
the order of their distance from the climbing space.
Be sure to wear rubber gloves and sleeves if required.
(a) Other points of contact, such as grounded
guys, equipment, and secondary wires, should be
covered to provide complete protection.
(b) In cases where the voltage is too high for
safe use of rubber protection, the lines and taps near
the work area should be covered as necessary for the
voltage level, de-energized, discharged to ground, and
grounded on all sides and preferably within sight of
the work area.
(3) The removal of protective equipment
must be done with equal care, wearing rubber gloves
and sleeves if needed, and working below the level
of wires and insulators. The order of removal should
be the reverse of the order of placement.
(4) Rubber sleeves must be used under any
conditions where there is a possibility of the arms
coming within the minimum distance (table 3–3) of
the energized conductors or equipment.
c. Use of rubber gloves. Rubber gloves and
sleeves if required, with leather gloves suitable for
the purpose, and gauntlets, should be worn when
climbing or working on installations or structures in
the vicinity of live circuits or any wire or equipment
TM 5-682
that may become energized by remote or accidental
means. Rubber gloves should not be used without
protector gloves over them. Liners are also available
for wearing inside rubber gloves to absorb perspiration.
(1) Use only the gloves assigned, except in case
of emergency.
(2) Keep sleeves of wearing apparel tucked inside
the cuffs of the rubber gloves.
(3) Rubber gloves must be put on before the
employees are within reaching distance of live wires
or parts. Reaching distance is within 3 feet (90 centimeters)
in any direction of wires or parts in excess
of 600 volts.
(4) Do not remove gloves until out of the reaching
distance of live wires or parts.
(5) Use rubber gloves and protector gloves
(leather gauntlets) only for the specific purposes for
which they are intended.
(6) Take care to keep hands away from contact
points where an arc may form.
(7) Wear rubber gloves at all times when:
(a) Working on circuits, wiring, or equipment
in accordance with table 3–5.
(b) Removing or replacing fuses.
(c) Changing surge arresters.
(d) Changing capacitors.
(e) Applying or removing grounding devices
unless insulating sticks are used of the proper length.
(f) Working on equipment or lines which parallel
power circuits and which may be subjected to
induced voltage or accidental contact with live conductors.
(g) Working street lighting (series) circuits.
(h) Working on signals and signal wires.
(i) Working alone in wet weather, or when
working on equipment with hazardous exposed parts.
Only in extreme emergencies is a worker permitted
to work in wet weather or allowed to work alone on
or near energized conductors or equipment, regardless
of weather conditions.
(j) Assigned as a pulling, tensioning, or reel
(k) Assigned as ground worker who may contact
conductors being installed on poles and equipment.
(l) Handling poles or structures that are being
erected in or between existing energized lines.
d. Use of rubber sleeves. Rubber sleeves should
be worn whenever there is a possibility of arms coming
within the approach distance of table 3–3. They
will be worn for rubber glove work. They must be
worn when using live-line tools, even though the
wearing of rubber gloves is not recommended.
e. Care and inspection. Rubber protective equipment
should be inspected daily and stored in its
proper compartment or container. Protective equipment
will not be stored in a sharply bent position or
exposed to the sun's rays, light, or heat.
(1) General care. Wipe protective equipment dry
before storing. Protect from contact with oil, paint,
creosote, kerosene, gasoline, acids, and other harmful
materials. Rubber protective equipment must be
turned in at least once every 6 months for gloves,
every 12 months for sleeves and blankets, and upon
indication that the insulating value is suspect for line
hose and covers. Turn in will be made to a testing
laboratory for cleaning, inspection, and electrical
tests. Shorter inspection periods may be required
where frequent use of equipment is made.
(2) Care of rubber gloves. When not in use,
rubber gloves should be carried in glove bags and
when in use as follows:
(a) Rubber gloves must be washed when
tested at an approved laboratory and kept free from
embedded foreign matter.
(b) Talcum and similar powders may be used
after washing rubber gloves to avoid skin irritation
and to prevent the rubber from sticking together.
(3) Inspection of rubber gloves. Before putting
on rubber gloves, give each glove an air test to detect
cuts and weak spots. Roll the glove up tightly beginning
at the gauntlet end. Notice if any air escapes
through the palm, thumb, or fingers. Gloves which
show weak spots or air leakage must be destroyed.
(4) Care of rubber blankets and sleeves. Roll;
never fold. When being rolled, their surfaces must
be brushed clean to prevent dirt from becoming em4–
TM 5-682
bedded in the surfaces of the rubber. Do not wear
climbers when standing on rubber blankets.
(5) Inspection of rubber blankets and sleeves.
Inspect immediately before use. Items with cracks,
holes, snags, blisters, or other defects must be discarded.
(6) Care of line hose and insulator hoods.
Spread open line hose and insulator hoods to dry so
as to permit free circulation of air on the inner side.
Store hose and hoods in compartments so that no
part is strained or distorted.
(7) Inspection of line hose and insulator hoods.
Inspect hose and hoods immediately before use. Examine
hose or hoods before use to ensure that there
are no defects and to determine whether or not they
are suitable for further use.
4–15. Electrical testing devices
Electrical testing devices are necessary to assure that
maintenance of electric lines can be accomplished
safely. For a more complete discussion of test devices,
“Electrical Equipment Testing and Maintenance” is
recommended as a reference. This section covers
testers which are considered necessary for normal
safety considerations. Always use testing devices
according to the manufacturer's recommendations
and with the appropriate personal protection and/or
live-line tool.
a. Voltage detectors. Voltage detectors are used
to determine whether the line or device is energized.
Low-voltage detectors often use neon glow lamps or
solenoid plunger testers. Medium- and high-voltage
detectors are proximity and direct-contact types. It
is very important that the user understand where
and how the detectors should be used. Some detectors
cannot be used to detect or measure voltages on
cables with metallic sheaths or semiconductor coatings.
Some detectors can not be used on ungroundedcircuits
or to detect lower voltages.
b. Phasing testers. Phasing testers are used to
determine the phase relationships and approximate
voltages on energized lines.
c. Line fault locators. These locators are used on
underground lines up to 34.5 kilovolts to determine
the location of line faults.
d. Insulator testers. These testers are used to
measure the potential across each insulator in a suspect
string of cap and pin insulators. They can
be used without interrupting service.
e. Leakage-current monitors. The leakage current
that can occur from overcurrent conditions on
insulated ladder and truck booms need to be monitored
for worker safety. Use of a monitor which
sounds an alarm at a preset leakage current level
alerts the worker to danger and eliminates the need
to watch the current which is also continuously displayed
on the monitor's screen.
f. Combustible gas/oxygen detectors. Portable
monitors provide visual and audible warnings of explosive
atmospheres and/or low oxygen levels. A reading
of any gas concentration ranging from 0 to 100
percent of the lower explosive level (LEL) and O to
25 percent of the oxygen level is given.
4–16. Insulating oil handling operations
De-energize oil-insulated equipment, if possible.
Observe the following additional precautions during
oil-filtering, oil-reclaiming, and other oilhandling
a. Always de-energize potential and current
transformers before taking oil samples from them.
b. Have appropriate fire extinguisher(s) readily
c. If necessary to process oil in an energized power
transformer, conduct a job hazard analysis, prepare
a written work procedure, and take appropriate precautions.
TM 5-682
5–1. Substation work
Safety precautions to be used in maintaining electrical
apparatus and lines found in those outdoor
areas must be observed.
5–2. System familiarity
A substation provides a protected area where equipment
and lines permit switching power circuits and
may allow transforming power from one voltage to
another. A substation presents a potential safety
hazard because usually only portions of the apparatus
concerned can normally be de-energized. For safe
operation, a thorough knowledge of the system, including
aerial and underground line connections, is
necessary. Systems are designed to be safe to operate
if maintained properly. Operating safely requires
maintenance to be done in a manner that eliminates
risks and requires knowledge of the work area, its
hazards, and its design operating rationale.
a. Diagrams and schematics. Electrical diagrams
and schematics of the substations should be
available at the facility’s engineering office and
should be updated. Diagrams and schematics should
be studied to understand the operation of the systems
and the location and connections of all circuits.
Protective devices, alarms, and interlocking circuits
all operate to protect the system. The worker must
understand where, why, how, and when blocking protective
devices will maintain safe working conditions.
However, only a supervisor can authorize blocking.
b. Engineering guidance. Diagrams and schematics
should be kept up to date under the supervision
of the facility’s engineering staff. Staff guidance
should be sought when performing maintenance on
complex systems. Staff input is mandatory if the
maintenance work involves additions or changes to
the power and control systems involved.
c. System operation. System single line diagrams
should be permanently mounted at each substation.
When Safe Clearance switching operations
are performed, mimic buses on switchgear are helpful
as a visual indication of the lines or equipment
(1) Protective devices. Protective devices
within the system, such as relays and fuses which
are to be worked on or replaced, must retain respectively
their correct coordination settings or be of the
proper size and type. Always record previous data so
that changes in system coordination are not made.
(2) Alarms. System alarms, if blocked during
maintenance, must be returned to their correct operating
(3) Interlocking. Interlocking is provided to
maintain proper electrical operation in the case of a
circuit loss or switching change. Interlocking provisions
should be known so as to eliminate any dangers
of electrical feedback from another source. Possible
paralleling of two unsyschronized sources. Or
other unsafe operation.
d. Abnormal conditions. Any maintenance done
after fault conditions have interrupted normal service,
imposes more than normal maintenance risks.
Faulty energized equipment and lines should always
be de-energized before any work is done. All abnormal
operating equipment and electrical components
should be de-energized and tagged.
e. Defective equipment. If an apparatus which
is to be worked on is found to be in a dangerous condition
or not working properly, it should be removed
from service immediately and tagged. Then, a complete
report of the condition of the equipment should
be provided by the worker to his/her foreman or supervisor
the same day.
(1) Defective equipment removed from service,
such as distribution, potential, and current transformers;
capacitors; and surge (lightning) arresters
must positively be identified by the foreman before
they are put in storage. Any existing defective equipment
in storage or at any other location must also be
(2) Identify defective equipment by painting a
large red X on the body, not on the top of the equipment.
The red X must remain on such equipment
until it has been repaired or until it has been prop5–
TM 5-682
erly disposed of.
(3) It should be considered gross neglect of duty
and willful disobedience of instructions for a worker
to deface in any way the red X on defective equipment
or to place such equipment in service while so
identified. The worker in charge of repairing any
piece of defective equipment should be the only person
authorized to remove such identification and then
only after all repairs have been made and the equipment
has met all necessary tests.
(4) In cases where defective or reclaimed equipment
is repaired and tested by electrical facility workers,
they may then remove the defective identification
5–3. Work area control
Control of the work area is mandatory to accident
prevention. Procedures for specific maintenance may
vary but certain rules are basic to all work.
a. Previsit briefing. A previsit briefing will be
carried out to familiarize workers with the work area.
The briefing will include the status of the equipment,
what part if any is energized, location of ground, what
the limits of the working space are, what open
switches disconnect the equipment from any source
of supply, and system operating aspects. If for any
reason there is an interruption in the work, or conditions
change, another conference briefing will be
conducted to familiarize all of the workers with the
new conditions.
b. Clearance access. When entering an attended
station, workers not regularly employed in the station
must report immediately tot he operator in
charge, stating their names, offices, purpose of the
visit, and their planned activities. For unattended
stations, workers must be escorted by installation
personnel. Unattended station doors must always be
kept closed and locked.
c. De-energizing work areas. When it is necessary
to work on or near any electrical circuits or apparatus,
the Safe Clearance procedures prescribed
in paragraph 3–8, as well as pertinent rules given in
this chapter, must be carefully followed. If work must
be performed on energized lines, it is mandatory that
the requirements given in paragraph 3–12, be followed.
(1) Switching. Station operators must notify
maintenance workers before doing any switching that
affects their work.
(2) Lockout and tagout. Lockout and tagout
all power sources and circuits to and from the equipment
and circuits in the work area. All controls will
be made nonoperative and all feedback circuits, such
as from potential transformers or other sources, will
be cleared.
(3) Barriers and barricade tape. Temporary
barriers will be placed between the space occupied
by workers and the energized equipment, both as a
protection and a reminder of the limits of the working
space. The person holding the Safe Clearance is
responsible for barricade locations and they are to
be moved only under that person’s direction. After
the work is finished, that person will remove the
barriers prior to releasing the Safe clearance.
(a) Use of barricade tape. It is recommended
that solid red barricade tape be used to enclose
work areas and a white-with-a-red-stripe barricade
tape be used to isolate temporary hazard areas.
Only active workers may enter the solid red
taped area until the hazard has been corrected. A
temporary hazard could be a faulty but energized
(b) Placement of barricade tape. Tape
should completely enclose the work area, be visible
from all approach areas, and be at an effective barrier
level. The area enclosed should be large enough
to provide worker safety and arranged so any test
equipment can be operated outside the taped area.
(c) Nonpermittted use. Temporary barriers
and barricade tape will not be used as a substitute
for guard railings, for work platforms, or for protection
for holes in the floor. Information tags or other
warning devices will be provided to identify a hazard
that is not obvious.
(4) De-energizing proof testing. All lines and
equipment on which de-energized work is to be performed
will be tested to be sure they are de-energized
before protective grounds are applied.
(5) Grounding. After indication that all circuitry
in the work area is de-energized, provide protective
grounds as covered in paragraph 3–11. Place
ground so that each ground is readily visible to at
least one member of the crew. Stay clear of cables
and connecting devices while ground are being applied.
(6) Adjacent energized equipment protection.
When work is to be done on or near energized
lines, all energized and grounded conductors
or guy wires within reach of any part of a worker’s
body will be covered with rubber protective equip5–
TM 5-682
ment. Bare communications conductors will be
treated as energized lines and will be protected accordingly.
(a) Flexible blankets will not be used at grade
level without protecting them from physical damage
and moisture by means of a tarpaulin, canvas, or
protective mat.
(b) To avoid corona and ozone damage, rubber
protective equipment will not be allowed to remain
in place on energized lines or apparatus overnight
or for more than one 8-hour period, unless approved
by the supervisor in charge.
(7) Worker protection. Personal protective
apparel will be worn as deemed necessary be the
supervisor or foreman in charge, as recommended
by the manufacturer for the tool being used, or as
otherwise directed in this manual. Protective tools
will be used as appropriate to the work being done.
d. Working area housekeeping checks. Check the
working area to ensure safe conditions and eliminate
or protect against such hazards which can include
the following—
(1) Equipment hazards such as lack of guards
or safety devices.
(2) Material hazards such as sharp, worn, slippery,
corroded, or rough items or areas.
(3) Work station weather hazards such as wind,
rain, ice, or dust.
(4) Arrangement hazards such as congestion,
unsafe storage in place, or improper worker’s tool
provisions and storage.
(5) Lack of fire prevention and first aid equipment
and inadequate working equipment and tools.
(6) Insufficient testing equipment, protective
apparel and equipment, and safety forms and tags.
e. Installation precaution. All apparatus and
lines should be legibly marked for identification and
to match diagrams and schematics before any work
is done. Markings should not be placed on removable
parts. Where permanent markings are not provided,
temporary markings may be utilized on the
understanding that follow-up permanent markings
will be provided for all devices and circuits operation
at voltage levels above those used for control
5–4. Safety rules checklist
The following minimum requirements are mandatory
to ensure worker or equipment safety:
a. Communication channel availability. Some
method of communication to summon emergency
personnel or medical assistance will be provided and
will be functional through the period which work is
b. Lighting level. The lighting level will be sufficient
for safe work. Temporary self-contained lighting
systems will be provided where normal natural
or installed lighting is not sufficient, available, or
c. Working period. Normally no worker will
work more than a standard 8-hour period with suitable
breaks. Under emergency conditions a maximum
of 12 hours may be necessary but the work period
will be preceded and followed by a minimum of 8
hours off.
d. Technical direction. On all cases of specialized
work a qualified person will provide technical
e. Co-worker requirement. No one will work
f. Worker qualification. Workers must be qualified
to do the work in question; must be fully cognizant
of all safety procedures and equipment conditions;
and must be alert and in good health.
g. Equipment preparation. In addition to previous
requirements of this chapter check the following:
(1) All control power must be de-energized and
all stored-energy mechanisms must have been discharged.
(2) All stationary (bolted or plug-in)
nondrawout type circuit breakers must be de-energized
on both the line and load side.
(3) All drawout circuit breakers must be
checked to be sure that interlocks (which prevent the
circuit breaker from being withdrawn in the closed
position) have not been defeated or bypassed.
5–5. Testing safety rules
When performing electrical tests at any voltage the
person in charge of the testing must, in addition to
other applicable instructions in this manual, take
the following precautions:
TM 5-682
a. Use only devices which have been checked and
found to be properly calibrated both immediately
before and immediately after the test.
(1) When testing live circuits or equipment, all
temporary leads used in testing must be securely
supported to prevent interference with other workers
or injury to the tester.
(2) Protect testing personnel and others, particularly
their eyes, from flashovers.
b. When performing mechanical tests, keep the
operating personnel and others at a safe distance, or
in a safe location by means of barricades, to prevent
injury resulting from the failure of the equipment
being tested.
c. Use an approved voltage detector when testing
for blown fuses on low-voltage circuits. Do not
use fingers as the test for blown fuses.
d. A test indicating absence of voltage on the secondary
side of a transformer or regulator must not
be considered as a positive indication of the absence
of voltage on the primary side.
e. When it is necessary to test transformers and
other equipment for short circuits, open circuits, and
grounds, and a step-up test transformer is used, the
following procedure must be followed:
(1) In the low-voltage circuit of the step-up
transformer, use fuses rated not larger than 10 amperes
unless large equipment is being tested. Control
the circuit with a double-pole switch, so that all
wires feeding the step-up transformer will be de-energized
when the switch is open. The medium-voltage
leads from the test transformer to the apparatus
being tested must be kept insulated from the
surface on which test personnel are standing. The
medium-voltage wire to be handled during the test
must be attached to the end of a 6-foot (1.8-meter)
live-line safety tool, and personnel handling the tool
must hold it near the opposite end.
(2) in testing large transformers, use a testing
transformer and fuses large enough to handle the
charging current of the transformer being tested.
(3) Workers are positively prohibited from handling
live medium-voltage wires with their hands.
The step-up transformer circuit must be de-energized
each time it is necessary to handle the wires for
making connections incidental to the test, unless the
wire is attached to the insulating stick.
5–6. Switching safety rules
Opening/closing a power switch may expose the operator
to some degrees of hazard. An accident may
occur if a switch is closed when a fault is still present
on the line. The supervisor, before writing the switching
orders, must prepare the switching sequence and
all load isolation requirements. All switches operated
in the switching sequence must be correctly identified
and the instruction manuals of the switches must
be provided. The worker must read the instruction
manual to be familiar with the switch operation. All
safety steps listed in he instruction manual must be
scrupulously followed before opening/closing a
a. Air switches. Most switches today are air
switches. Many switches cannot be opened if there
is a load on the line, if there is a large transformer
magnetizing current from transformer, or if there is
a heavy charging current from an unloaded transmission
line. Always know the interrupting capabilities
of the switch you are opening or closing.
(1) Disconnect switches. Disconnect switches
of the nonload break type will not be used to interrupt
loads and magnetizing currents, unless specific
approval has been given that the disconnect will interrupt
the current safely or unless the switch is of
the loadbreak type. Switch sticks providing the minimum
working and clear hot stick distance are used
to manually operate switches and they should be used
for no other purpose. Always assume that disconnect
switches are not of the load break type, unless you
have positive proof otherwise and then operate on
the following basis:
(a) Disconnect switches may be used with
care to open a live line, but not under load.
(b) Disconnect switches may be used with
caution to open sections of de-energized lines, where
these lines parallel other medium- or high-voltage
lines. Under certain conditions induced voltages can
build up in the de-energized line and can be dangerous
to switching operations.
(c) Be aware of dangers when using disconnect
switches to open a tie line or to break two parallel
medium- or high-voltage lines.
(2) Airbreak switches. Gang-operated
airbreak switches equipped with arcing horns may
be suitable for loadbreak operation, or they may be
only capable of interrupting the magnetizing current
of transformers, the charging current of lines, or to
make and break line parallels. Airbreak switch use
TM 5-682
should be specifically stated. The handle of the switch
should be of the permanently insulated type and be
effectively grounded when operated. Ground mats
should be provided for the operator to stand on with
both feet. Either fixed or portable small iron-mesh
mats should be used. The mats must be electrically
connected to the operating rod and the substation
ground grid to equalize the ground gradient and prevent
any potential differences in case of insulation
failure or flashover. Rubber gloves should be worn
by the operator.
(a) The hinges of airbreak switches should
be sufficiently stiff (and kept in this condition) so
that when the blades have been turned into the open
position they will not accidentally fall back on their
line-side energized clips.
(b) The switch should be inspected after it
has been opened to see that all blades have opened
the proper distance. Single-throw airbreak switches
should be opened to the maximum amount. Doublethrow
airbreak switches should be opened so that
the blades clear both sides of the switch by the same
(c) Locks will be provided for all airbreak
switch operating mechanisms and they will always
be kept locked, except when opening or closing the
(3) Interrupter switches. Interrupter switches
are designed to be opened under load. Metal-enclosed
loadbreak switches are used in place of circuit breakers
as a more economical switching method.
(4) Inching. Inching is a method of opening
manually-operated nonloadbreak disconnects in a
gradual manner, when the operator believes there is
no load current. If a small arc occurs from the charging
current, it may be considered that a cautions
opening would allow the arc to be broken. Inching is
dangerous and this practice is prohibited.
b. Oil switches. The consequences of operating
a faulty oil switch or closing into a faulted circuit
with a oil switch are likely to be devastating and
possibly fatal. Switching procedures must be developed
at each facility to make sure that no energized
oil switch is operated while workers are in the vicinity.
Unless the switch has been equipped to operate
from a remote location at least 20 feet (6 meters)
away, the switch must be completely de-energized
before switching. Switch position and ground conditions
must be verified before operation. In addition,
no medium-voltage oil switch is to be operated unless
routine maintenance, including oil testing, has
been performed within the past year. Oil switches
must incorporate a mechanical stop to prevent inadvertent
operation ground. Any abnormalities or defects
discovered in any oil switch should be reported
to the supervisor.
c. Similar switching section. When switch bays,
cells, or compartments are similar to adjacent sections,
the separation barrier between sections must
be painted an appropriate color to prevent the possibility
of pulling the wrong blade.
5–7. Fusing safety rules
Always remember that a fuse is a single-phase device.
Fuses can be subject to partial melting or damage
by currents which may not be of sufficient magnitude
to blow the fuse.
a. Fuse handling. Fuses should normally not be
handled, except when they need to be replaced. Remove
them completely and as speedily as possible.
When replacing fuses in primary fuse cut-outs, do
not use your free arm to shield your eyes from possible
flashes. Always use safety glasses. The person
changing the fuses must stand firmly on a level surface
and, where operating in an elevated position be
secured with a safety belt to prevent a slip and fall if
there is a flash. Fuse sticks must be used in all instances.
b. Operation of energized fuses. Open all lines
protected with energized fuses in the same manner
as for air switches. De-energize nonloadbreak installations.
For loadbreak installations provide a time
delay after fuse replacement, in order to allow the
fuse to interrupt any fault condition that was not
corrected at the time of the fuse replacement.
c. Open fuse holder. Do not leave outdoor fuse
holders open for an extended period of time, as water
damage or warpage from the elements may make
closing them dangerous or degrade their protective
d. Closed-position fuse locking. Follow the fuse
and or switch manufacturer’s instructions, as appropriate,
to be sure that the fuse is securely locked,
latched, and held fast in a closed position.
e. Bypassing. Do not bridge fuses or fuse cutouts
internally. Where it is necessary to bypass fused
conductors, use plainly visible external jumpers and
remove them as soon as possible.
5–8. Energy-storing protective device
safety rules
TM 5-682
Protective devices such as surge arresters, choke
coils, and capacitors store electrical charges as a byproduct
of their protective mechanism. This stored
charge must be discharged to ground before such
devices can be considered de-energized. Always wear
eye protection when de-energizing or energizing these
a. Surge arresters. A surge arrester limits over
voltages and bypasses the related current surge to a
ground system which absorbs most of the energy. The
overvoltage condition can be caused by a fault in the
electrical system, a lightning strike, or a surge voltage
caused by switching loads. All surge arrester
equipment must be considered as loaded to full circuit
potential, unless it is positively disconnected
from the circuit. Be sure the permanent ground conductor
is intact before any work is done.
(1) High-voltage substation or at grade surge
arresters should always be provided with screens or
fences to prevent possible contact while parts of the
surge arresters may be alive. The screen or fence
should have a gate large enough to permit the removal
of individual units. The gate should be provided
with a lock and the key should be kept by an
authorized person.
(2) Surge arresters must never be touched or
approached, unless they are completely disconnected
from all line lines and live equipment and until all
parts have been discharged to ground and effectively
(3) Horn gap switches must be opened and
separated from all live lines and equipment, whenever
it is necessary to work near a surge arrester.
(4) If the first attempt to disconnect a surge
arrester is unsuccessful, wait 2 or 3 minutes before
making a further attempt so as not to cause an internal
b. Choke coils. Choke coils are inductors which
operate in a manner similar to surge arresters, except
that they operate on overfrequency rather than
c. Capacitors. Capacitors consist of an electrical
condenser housed in a suitable container. Power
capacitors provide for power factor correction. Coupling
capacitors are used for coupling communication
circuits to metering circuits. Because capacitors
can hold their charge, they are not electrically dead
immediately after being disconnected from an energized
line. Capacitors on electric lines should be provided
with discharge devices for draining the electrical
charge to 50 volts or less in 5 minutes, after
the capacitors on electric lines should be provided
with discharge devices for draining the electrical
charge to 50 volts or less in 5 minutes, after the capacitors
have been completely disconnected from the
(1) Discharge circuits. The operation of these
units must not be depended upon for safety, since
they may be burned out or not functioning as designed.
Line capacitors removed from service from
any purpose must be considered at full voltage or
higher until the terminals have been short circuited
and discharged to ground by approved method. Do
not short circuit terminals until capacitors have been
de-energized for at least 5 minutes. Capacitors made
before 1979 usually contain PCBs. Precautions listed
in paragraph 3–4 on the handling of hazardous materials
must be followed if the case is ruptured or
liquid is visible on the outside of the case.
(a) It is not safe to use fuses or disconnect
switches to disconnect large capacitor banks or 60
kilovolt-reactive single-phase, 180 kilovolt-reactive
three-phase, and larger. Circuit breaker must be
(b) After disconnecting all capacitor banks,
wait 5 minutes. Short-circuit and ground all terminals.
All operations must be performed using rubber
gloves or a hot stick. On eye-connected banks, the
neutral may or not be floating. In either case, it must
be grounded.
(c) Safe practice requires that the ground and
short-circuit placed on capacitors be left on until work
has been completed. When working on or testing capacitors
in the shop, the work area must be barricaded
as a safety measure for other workers.
(2) Coupling Capacitors: A little known characteristic
of coupling capacitors makes them especially
hazardous to personnel if not properly
grounded. This characteristic is their extremely high
resistance, which results in a long discharge period.
(a) During shipping or storage a coupling
capacitor must always have a shorting wire.
(b) During maintenance, a grounding wire
must be connected to each exposed metal terminal
that anyone can contact. Grounding wires must be
left in place for the entire duration of maintenance
to ensure discharge.
5–9. Instrument transformer safety rules
Instrument transformers reproduce a primary cir5–
TM 5-682
cuit voltage or current in a low-voltage secondary
circuit for use in metering or relaying the primary
a. Voltage (potential) transformers. These units
provide a means of obtaining low voltage from a
higher voltage circuit. To serve their intended purpose
they must be designed and selected within certain
accuracy limits and burdens. Units procured as
replacements must have characteristics identical
with the original units. There are certain hazards
inherent in the maintenance and removal of these
units. A voltage transformer has a constant voltage
maintained on both the primary and secondary, although
there is a fixed difference between the two
voltages. If by accident the secondary is short circuited,
a very high current will flow in both windings,
causing the windings to overheat very quickly.
The case and one of the windings of the low-voltage
side of voltage transformers will be grounded before
energizing the transformer.
(1) Replacing a blown primary-winging fuse is
potentially dangerous when the circuit to the transformer
is energized. The secondary fuses must be
removed to prevent the possibility of energizing the
voltage transformer from the secondary side. A thorough
investigation must be made in either case to
determine the probable cause of the trouble, before
attempting to install a new primary-winding fuse.
Ordinarily, trouble in the transformer is apparent
from visual evidence in the form of a smoked or
burned case, damaged bushing, or the condition of
the fuse. Also, before any inspection or replacement
is done, be sure the service to the primary side of the
voltage transformer is disconnected. A dark lamp,
connected on the low-voltage side of a voltage transformer,
is not a positive indication of the condition of
the high voltage side. Voltmeters, in addition to
lamps, must be connected to the low-voltage side.
Lamps must first be connected while the voltmeter
is used as an extra check. On most modern switchgear
a drawout arrangement usually automatically disconnects
and ground the transformers, when access
to the fuses is necessary.
(2) A supervisor should give instructions for
replacing a blown primary winding fuse on a distribution
voltage transformer located within switchgear,
or where it is impossible to use a standard 6-foot (1.8-
meter) puller.
(3) Whenever a circuit breaker or a
sectionalizing switch is not provided to isolate the
voltage transformer, the worker must report the situation
to his/her supervisor immediately. The supervisor
must arrange for a feeder breaker opening. Replacing
primary fuses when the transformer is energized
is not authorized.
b. Current transformers. These units provide a
method of obtaining a lower amperage at a low-voltage
from a higher-voltage circuit. Current transformer
cases and secondaries will be grounded before
energizing any current transformer. The main
risk involved with the maintenance of current transformers
occurs when the secondary side is unintentionally
opened while the primary side is energized.
Opening the secondary side causes a very high voltage
to be set up in the secondary winding, which
stresses the insulation an presents a serious personnel
hazard. The secondary circuit of a current transformer
must not be opened while the primary side is
energized. Before opening the secondary circuits of
any current transformer, the secondary leads must
be short-circuited and grounded at some point between
the current transformer and the location at
which the secondary circuit is to be opened.
5–10. Power transformer and regulator
safety rules
Power transformers change voltage levels. Voltage
regulators apply needed control for variation s in
loads whose effect on line-voltage drop exceeds that
which is acceptable. Both require regular servicing
but their protective and circuit disconnecting means
are not necessarily similar. See paragraph 6–11 for
additional power transformer safety requirements.
a. Transformers. Consider all transformers energized
and at full voltage, unless they are disconnected
from primary and secondary wires, or unless
they are disconnected from the primary wires and
then short circuited and grounded. The secondary
neutral will be considered a sufficient ground, provided
there is a grounding conductor which is interconnected
with the common central, the transformer
case, and a ground electrode. Always check continuity
of this ground connection. When removing transformers,
the case and neutral grounds must be disconnected
last. Under no conditions will transformer
covers or handhole plates be removed, nor will any
work be done on the inside of transformers until these
instructions have been complied with.
(1) When transformers are installed or replaced,
the secondaries will be checked for correct
voltage and, where applicable, for phase rotation.
(2) When transformers are installed, and before
they are energized, the ground connection will
first be made to the case and to the neutral when
TM 5-682
(3) When working on or in the vicinity of any
three-phase wye-connected transformer bank, check
whether the transformer neutral is grounded. If not
grounded then the neutral is floated and it is possible
to have full phase-to-ground voltage on the neutral.
(4) Unless transformers are load-tap-changing
(LTC) type, tap changers will be operated only when
the transformer is de-energized. When re-energizing,
maintain a safe distance of at least 20 feet (6
meters) to assure that internal switching was successful.
(5) When relieving pressure on transformers,
the pipe plug, pressure relief device, or inspection
cover place will be loosened slowly, so that the internal
pressure of the transformer will dissipate gradually.
Pressure relief valves will not be opened when
there is precipitation or high humidity, except on
failed transformers and when re-fusing.
(6) Transformers or tanks will not be entered
unless forced ventilation or an air supply containing
a minimum of 19.5 percent oxygen is present and
maintained in the work area.
(7) Energized padmounted transformers and
equipment will be locked or otherwise secured when
(8) Properly control connected leads or jumpers
before transformers are raised, lowered, or repositioned.
b. Voltage regulators. Voltage regulators are
installed with bypass and disconnect switches. Never
open or close a regulator bypass switch, unless the
regulator is set on its neutral position and the control
switch is open, or automatic control is otherwise
inactivated according to the manufacture’s recommendations.
When regulators are maintained as
spares in substations, their bushings must be shortcircuited
and grounded.
5–11. Metalclad switchgear safety rules
Metalclad switchgear is inherently safe to maintain
so long as manufacturer’s instructions and the following
rules are adhered to.
a. Prior to the drawout of a circuit breaker operating
(1) De-energize switchgear (including control
power) and ground as much of the switchgear as permitted
by operating conditions.
(2) Trip the circuit breaker open and discharge
the stored-energy mechanism if provided.
(3) Check that protective interlocks are functioning
to protect against closed-position circuit
breaker drawout.
(4) Assure that all crew members know you are
racking out.
b. Maintenance can now be performed. Access to
switchgear terminals through portholes in circuit
breaker cells will be limited to the following—
(1) When both sets of portholes in a cell are
de-energized, that is line and load or bus to bus.
(2) After both are de-energized, the access to
switchgear terminals through the portholes will be
permitted for cleaning, inspecting, and maintenance
of terminals and bushings.
(3) Use an approved ground and test device for
access to terminals. Such access may be for application
of protective ground, phase identification on deenergized
circuits, and phasing tests on live circuits.
The use of a ground and test device positively and
easily grounds the incoming cables and the
switchgear bus. It also permits easy external connection
points to the bus or cable for testing.
c. After providing required maintenance of the
racked-out mechanism, the following precautions will
be taken as a minimum:
(1) Check that the cubicle is free of foreign objects.
(2) Check that control circuits are de-energized
by pulling fuses on control circuits.
(3) Ensure that the drawout mechanism is in
the open position.
(4) Assure that all crew members are aware of
that you are racking in.
(5) Close the cubicle door before closing the circuit
5–12. Network protector safety rules
A secondary network system provides a high degree
of continuity of service in heavy-load density areas.
A grid of interconnecting low-voltage cables is supplied
by two or more medium-voltage feeders through
transformers having secondary network protectors.
Network protectors are used in large buildings with
TM 5-682
heavy loads since the loss of one point of supply does
not cause loss of service.
a. Closing. Do not close a network protector
manually, unless specifically instructed to do so, and
then only when it is certain that the medium-voltage
feeder is in service and that the transformer is
energized and in the proper phase relation. When
closed by relay, the operation should be performed
only by a worker properly qualified in maintenance
of network protectors.
b. Maintenance safety.
(1) Always perform appropriate electrical tests
using a three-phase network protector test kit, before
performing any installation or operation of the
network protector.
(2) Network protectors are designed to operate
within the current and voltage limitations given on
their nameplates. Do not apply these units to systems
with currents and/or voltages exceeding these
(3) To perform work on network protectors requires
personnel with training an experience on energized
equipment. Only qualified electrical workers,
familiar with the construction and operation of
such equipment and the hazards involved should be
permitted to work on network protectors.
(4) There are several interlocks on a network
protector for personnel and or equipment protection.
Under no circumstances should they be made inoperative.
(5) Roll out the network protector’s removable
element before making any adjustments or doing
maintenance of any nature.
(6) Never energize the network protector without
its arc chutes and barriers in place.
(7) Always be sure that all network protector
hardware is in place and bolted tightly before placing
a network protector into its housing for operation.
(8) Since network protectors are used where a
large amount of power is distributed to heavy-load
density areas, a short circuit in the system involves
very high fault currents. Extreme care should be
(9) The extensive use of barriers and interlocks
as a part of the network protectors, provides greater
safety to maintenance personnel. Keep barriers in
place and immediately replace any that have been
broken. Although barriers and interlocks are provided,
insulated tools or insulated gloves are required
to remove the rollout unit from the enclosure, and to
remove fuses, or at the initial installation of the network
protector on the system.
(10) Before performing maintenance or removing
a network protector from service, de-energize the
network protector.
c. After maintenance. On the first trial operation,
or on the first operation of a network protector
after repairs have been made on its mechanism or
circuit breaker, the door of the network protector
should be closed, when practicable. Always have a
network protector blocked open, when installing or
removing secondary fuses, to prevent the possibility
of the network protector closing automatically.
5–13. Storage battery safety rules
Electric storage batteries emit hydrogen and oxygen,
particularly while being charged. This forms a highly
explosive mixture.
a. Smoking or the use of any open flame, such as
torches, will not be permitted around batteries. When
soldering or lead burning is done, the battery room
must be well ventilated, the battery cell vent plugs
must be removed, and the excess gas above the electrolyte
must be blown out of those cells near the work
b. Cleaning batteries or terminals with brushes
or other devices which may short out the cell will
not be permitted. The ignition of the hydrogen-oxygen
mixture in cells by a spark from a short on terminals
has caused cells to explode.
c. When doing work on batteries where contact
with the electrolyte can be made, a container with
baking soda and water must be provided for workers
to neutralize the electrolyte on hands and tools.
d. When making up electrolyte for storage batteries,
a worker must always pour acid into the water.
The reverse may cause an explosion.
e. Acidproof gloves, sleeves, aprons, and goggles
should be worn by personnel while repairing batteries.
f. Do not store sulfuric acid in places where freezing
temperatures can occur.
g. For further information on servicing and main5–
TM 5-682
taining storage batteries, see the manufacturer's instructions.
5–14. Safety requirements for phasing or
connecting of circuits
Use phasing testers when it is desired to tie two or
more circuits together. Never tie two circuits together
without first checking their phase relations on all
TM 5-682
6–1. Aerial line work
This chapter includes specific rules for poles and
structures and the aerial lines they support along
with their necessary pole-mounted equipment. The
rules cover pole handling and erection, climbing and
working on poles, stringing of lines, working requirements
around pole-mounted lighting, equipment and
tool handling, and tree and brush trimming required
for foliage which impinges upon aerial line right-ofways.
a. Working in elevated positions. Additional
safety requirements are imposed on aerial line work.
Workers must not only recognize electrical hazards
but be trained not to fall. Not all work can be accomplished
from aerial lifts. Workers must be trained in
safe climbing procedures for situations when limited
structure access prevents use of an aerial lift and
the structure design cannot accommodate positive
fall protection load requirements. Only workers who
meet “Qualified Climber” requirements should be
permitted to do work which requires climbing poles
or trees.
b. “Qualified Climber” requirements. Each facility
should establish these requirements both for
facility and contract personnel. They should apply
to all persons whose work involves climbing.
(1) Physical fitness required for climbing
should be documented one only by an annual physical,
but also be validated by supervisory observation.
(2) Climbing duties should be a part of routine
job activities, not an occasional occurrence.
(3) A minimum of 2 years of documented climbing
training should be completed. Experience should
include hazard recognition and hands-on-training
incorporating appropriate safe climbing practices and
rescue training.
(4) Demonstrated proficiency is required on
structure types similar to those which are to be
climbed and should show that these structures have
been climbed on a routine basis within the last 5
(5) A worker in training may function as qualified
only when working under the direct supervision
and observation of a “Qualified Climber.”
6–2. Pole handling operations
Precautions are necessary in handling poles safely.
Poles are long, heavy, and preservative-treated, thus
they pose hazards to the workers involved in installation
and dismantling operations. Any mistreatment
of poles during installation will degrade their ability
to meet service requirements and endanger those
workers who climb them.
a. Direction. The foreman must direct the handling
of poles and give all signals when poles are
being lifted or handled Poles should, whenever possible,
be handled starting from the top and the end
of the stack. Workers must roll poles away from them
using cant hooks or bars. Poles must not be caught
with cant hooks while in motion. Whenever possible,
carrying hooks should be used when carrying poles.
b. Pole contact precautions. Creosote, which is
usually applied to poles as a preservative, can cause
skin burns on contact. The following precautions
should be taken to avoid burns.
(1) Never roll up sleeves when handling poles.
(2) Always wear gloves, and keep your neck
well covered with a collar or a handkerchief.
(3) Always keep trousers well down over your
ankles as much as practical.
(4) Never rub your eyes or wipe perspiration
from your face with your hands or shirt sleeves when
they have been exposed to creosote.
(5) Where direct contact with creosote is apt to
occur, the hands, arms, and face may be rubbed with
a preparation made up of one part gum acacia or gum
tragacanth and three parts lanolin. If this preparation
cannot be obtained, satisfactory protection can
be provided by petroleum jelly (Vaseline). First aid
treatment must be obtained immediately if you come
in body contact with creosote.
c. Facility receival. Poles are usually shipped to
the facility's pole storage yard on flatbeds to which
they are secured by skids, stakes, slings, and binding.
Removal is safe if done properly. The objective
is to unload poles so that none is broken and the poles
do not roll onto any worker.
TM 5-682
(1) Skids, rope lines, and slings should preferably
be 1/2-inch or 5/8inch (12.5 to 16 millimeters)
wire rope. These should be inspected to ensure they
are sufficiently strong enough for the operation.
(2) All binding wire, stakes, and other fastenings
will be inspected for weakness or breakage before
(3) Always place necessary lines to restrain
loads when stakes and binding wires are cut.
(4) The supervisor will determine that all possible
persons are safely in the clear before binders or
stakes are cut.
(5) Binding wires will be cut with long-handled
wire cutters. Never cut binders from the top of the
(6) Only one person should be permitted on top
of a loaded car at a time. No one should be allowed
on top of a carload of poles to cut wires or after any
wires or braces have been cut or removed.
d. Ground handling. Once on the ground the
poles can be positioned by the use of cant hooks. Special
precautions should be taken while using these
(1) Hooks must be sharp and should be protected
when not in use.
(2) The hook bolt must be inspected occasionally
to detect wear. When a worn hook bolt breaks in
use, a sudden and severe fall can result.
(3) Injuries may result when the handle breaks
or the hook comes out. Therefore, make sure the hook
is firmly set in the pole.
(4) The cant hook is a one-worker tool and frequently
breaks when two workers double up. If the
job requires two workers, two cant hooks must be
(5) Before moving the pole, make sure that
there are no tripping hazards behind any workers.
(6) Stand so the pole is rolled away from you.
Pulling the pole toward you can allow the pole to roll
on your foot or even crush your leg. Also watch to see
that the pole does not roll up a hump, as the pole
could roll back when the grip and position of the hook
is changed.
e. Temporary pole storage. Storage of poles must
ensure that they will not deteriorate because of mishandling.
(1) Poles that are stored for considerable periods
should be stacked above the ground on racks
which provide sufficient ventilation and can be properly
blocked to keep them from shifting or rolling.
(2) Poles should never be stored with crossarms,
braces, steps, and hardware attached.
(3) Poles should be stored according to size to
make them as accessible as possible.
(4) An area of at least 10 feet (3 meters) around
stored poles must be kept free of grass and weeds.
There should be sufficient space under the poles to
permit removal of leaves and debris. The foreman is
responsible for these activities.
(5) Poles stored temporarily on or near roadways,
before erection or removal, should be placed
as close as possible to the curb or edge of roadway as
is safe. Never store poles at points in the road where
there are sharp turns. Place each pole so that its top
faces the direction of traffic. Poles stored on highways
should not have crossarms attached.
f. Hauling poles. Pole hauling must be done so
as not to endanger workers and or the public.
(1) Poles, after being loaded on a vehicle, must
be secured in at least two places and in a manner
that ensures poles will not be released in traveling
over rough terrain. Never use a chain smaller than
3/8 inch (9.5 millimeters) diameter.
(2) A minimum of at least two people (a driver
and a helper) should be assigned to haul a load of
poles. The helper should assist the driver by watching
traffic both from the sides and the rear. The helper
should also see that there is ample clearance when
turning corners, entering highways, or crossing intersections.
If necessary, the helper should act as flagman
to warn and guide traffic.
(3) Poles must not be hauled at night except in
(4) Poles extending more than 4 feet (1.2
meters) beyond the back of a truck or trailer will have
warning devices attached. Provide a red flag by day
and a red light by night to the rear end of the poles
being hauled. The red flag or light must be visible in
any direction. State highway regulations must be observed
when poles are transported on state highways.
TM 5-682
Figure 6Ð1. Pike pole method
Table 6Ð1. Average size of crew required to raise poles of different
lengths by piking.
Size of
No. of
No. of
No. of
at butt
Pole length in
(5) Poles temporarily dispersed along streets
and highways must be laid near the curb or in parkways
between the curb and sidewalk, where they will
not interfere with traffic, driveways, or walkways.
When laid on an incline, poles must not be placed
where they will interfere with drainage. The foreman
must decide whether or not danger signs by day
and red lights at night are required.
(6) When moving a pole by hand, with a pole
cart or with the truck derrick, warn those nearby
who might be struck accidentally. Station a worker
with a red flag to warn or stop traffic as necessary.
6–3. Pole installation requirements
Poles will normally be installed for new aerial line
construction by contract workers. However, facilityinstalled
poles may be needed for short line replacements
of storm-damaged lines or because of pole decay.
Remember that poles and guys must be located
relative to local facility property line requirements.
a. Pole holes. If new poles are to be set adjacent
to existing poles to be dismantled, new holes
must be dug. Power tools are available for digging,
such as power borers or augers and should be used
by qualified personnel. Rock cutting drills are available,
as a safer alternative to the use of explosives,
where rock is encountered. Most facility-provided
pole holes will probably be dug by hand when power
diggers are unavailable or cannot be used.
b. Digging holes. Digging pole holes does not involve
any great hazard, but does contribute to a great
number of minor injuries, such as eye injuries from
flying dirt and rocks; blisters on hands from the use
of hand tools (blisters can be partially eliminated by
using gloves); and foot and leg injuries resulting from
falling over tools left too close to the pole hole, particularly
shovels that have been left turned up.
c. Hole covers. Cover all open pole holes as soon
as they are dug, except when the pole is to be set
into the hole immediately after digging. Hole covers
must be at least 30 inches (750 millimeters) in diameter.
Covers may be made of 1-inch (25 millimeters)
lumber with two cross braces not smaller than
1 inch by 4 inches (25 by 100 millimeters). Four or
five shovels of soil should be put on the cover after it
is placed over the hole.
d. Hole casings. Casings may be required in
sand or swampy soil to prevent the sides of a hole
from caving in. Casing covers are required if pole
setting is not done immediately.
e. Setting poles. Pole setting is a hazardous job
even with the best equipment and experienced personnel.
The methods authorized for setting poles are
by piking, using the winch line method, or using a
gin pole.
(1) Pike pole method. Figure 6–1 illustrates
the pike pole method. This is the earliest method of
raising poles and should be employed when a truck
cannot be brought in. A jenny initially supports the
pole and a cant hook keeps the pole from rolling. The
bumpboard protects the wall of the hole from being
caved in by the pole butt. Pikers, lift the line pole, by
punching into the pole the steel spikes of the pike
poles. The number of pikers required increases with
the pole length as shown in table 6–1.
(a) Before setting a pole the foreman must ensure
a clear working space and verify that all movable
obstacles are removed from the area. Personnel
must not wear safety belts and climbers when setting
poles. Tools or other items must not be substituted
for bumpboards. Always use a jenny to support
the pole until it is high enough to use pikes.
Only experienced workers should use the jenny. The
angle of contact between the pole and jenny should
be maintained as close to 90 degrees as possible.
TM 5-682
Figure 6Ð2. Winch line method
(b) At least three experienced workers must
be used in addition to the supervisor. One person
should handle the butt of the pole and a minimum of
two side pikers are needed. Unexperienced workers
used in this work must be thoroughly instructed on
the hazards involved. A two-legged jenny must be
used. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to assure
that all polelifting tools are always in good condition.
(2) Winch line method. Figure 6–2 shows the
winch line method.
(a) When erecting poles by truck winch and
winch line, rig as shown with all workers in the clear.
At least three experienced workers must be used in
addition to the supervisor. For safe erection, the gins
or maneuverable rigging assembly must have enough
teeth to handle the pole. Pikes will not be used in
combination with a winch.
(b) Side guys used in setting poles or structures
will be attached to pencil bars driven into the
ground. Tie lines or other guy lines will never be
wrapped around any worker's body. The supervisor
must concentrate on supervising the work to assure
that it is being safely performed.
(3) Gin pole method. In setting extra-heavy
poles or those of 45 feet (12.5 meters) or longer, use a
tackle block attached to another pole (either existing
or specially set for the purpose of raising the new
pole) rather than the pike pole method. The pole used
as a gin (maneuverable rigging point) to raise the
new pole, must be guyed sufficiently with not less
than 5/8-inch (16-millimeter) diameter rope to hold
it erect under the strain of the load. When the new
pole is raised by car or truck, the temporary guy must
be run from a snatch block at the bottom of the gin
pole to a substantial anchor. This prevents the gin
pole from slipping at the ground line. Otherwise the
gin pole must be set in a hole 1 or 2 feet (0.3 to 0.6
meters) deep.
(4) Pole setting truck precautions. Pole setting
trucks should be parked, when practicable, so that
the steel boom will not be closer than 10 feet (3
meters) to energized overhead conductors. When the
work is to be done around energized conductors and
it is impossible to lower the boom sufficiently to be
in the clear, the conductors must be de-energized
before work is begun. When work is being done with
the boom close to energized conductors, all personnel
must not touch the pole and must keep away from
the frame of the truck. Never touch (with bare hands
or with any part of the body) a pole which is being
set in an energized line. A cant hook or dry rope
around the butt of the pole may be used to guide it
into the hole.
(5) Energized lines. A lineman-A must be used
to guide poles through energized conductors.
(a) When a pole of any type is being set or
removed between or near conductors energized at
more than 600 volts, the pole, winch cable, and truck
frame must be effectively grounded with protective
grounds. Lines must be covered with rubber protective
equipment to prevent poles from touching energized
parts and, workers must use rubber gloves.
Attach a protective ground to the frame of all
winches. If the pole is to be erected by hand (pikes),
the protective ground must be attached to the pole
(using an approved grounding band) approximately
15 feet (4.5 meters) from the butt end. In all cases,
exercise extreme care to keep the pole from contacting
(b) Wood poles must not be considered as providing
insulation from energized lines.
(6) Backfilling. Backfill the hole after the pole
has been placed. Use the pikes to align the pole while
backfilling. Pikes must not be removed until sufficient
tamping has been done to prevent the pole from
f. Dismantling poles. Many people have been fatally
injured or permanently crippled from accidents
during improperly performed pole dismantling.
(1) The following methods must be strictly adhered
to. Each pole must be guyed in at least three
different directions by guy ropes before any work
proceeds on the pole. This can be done by the following
(a) Make two turns around the pole with a
sling and tie securely.
TM 5-682
(b) Tie three guy lines around the sling at
the proper angles.
(c) Insert pike poles under two sides of the
sling well up the pole.
(d) Snub off securely by pencil bars driven
into solid ground or by any other substantial snub.
(2) Always check the pole to see if additional
support may be necessary because of pole conditions
or strains.
(a) Determine the condition of the pole butt
before removing guys or wires and support with additional
pike poles or temporary guys if necessary.
(b) When an old or reinforced pole is to be
dismantled, guy it sufficiently to withstand any altered
strain on it and to support the weight of personnel
who are to work on it.
(c) When changing the strain on a pole, the
foreman should see that it is sufficiently guyed to
stand the altered strain. The foreman should not
permit workers to climb a pole which is under an
abnormal strain. The foreman will be responsible for
the placing of guys to prevent any pole from falling.
(3) A truck equipped with an “A” frame and
backed up to the pole can be used to restrain the
pole. The top of the “A” frame can be tied by the winch
line to the pole. The pole at the groundline level can
be securely tied off to the truck.
(4) In locations where poles cannot be lowered
with a rope or derrick, a guideline must be attached
so that the pole falls in the desired direction.
(5) All members of a crew, who are not actually
engaged in removal of a pole, must stand clear
to avoid possible injury if the pole should fall. Where
necessary, stop all pedestrians and traffic during pole
(6) When a pole is being removed, dismantle
the pole before beginning excavation around the butt.
6–4. Climbing and working on poles
Workers should be familiar with general rules for
climbing poles and approaching the overhead work
area; the impacts of climbing wood poles as opposed
to steel towers; and the dangers of crossing structures
from one side to another.
a. Climbing and working general rules. Except
in emergencies or when unavoidable, do not work at
the base of a structure or a pole while people are at
work above. Before climbing a pole the worker must
first determine and ensure—
(1) What circuits are energized and at what
voltage, and any unusual conditions which might
pose a hazard.
(2) Types and positions of circuits and the direction
of feeds.
(3) The best climbing space to avoid all live
wires, grounded wires, and signal circuits.
(4) That there is an ample supply of rubber protective
equipment on hand to completely protect the
worker on the pole from all live wires, grounded
wires, and signal circuits.
(5) That not more than one worker will descend
a pole at the same time. The first worker will be in
place on the pole or down on the ground before the
next worker ascends or descends the pole. When it
becomes necessary for one worker to work above the
other, they will exercise extreme care.
(6) Before climbing poles, ladders, scaffolds, or
other elevated structures; riding span wires, messengers
or cables; or entering cable cars, boatswain
chairs or similar equipment; the worker will first
verify that said structure or device is strong enough
to safely sustain his/her weight.
b. Type of pole. The type of pole to be climbed
will affect the precautions that the worker must take
in regard to climbing equipment and procedures.
However all types of poles must be safe to climb, in
terms of being strong enough to bear the weight of
the particular climbers and their tools and in providing
adequate climbing space. Before allowing anyone
to climb on a pole, the foreman will make sure
that the pole is inspected and that it can be safely
climbed based on the following determinations:
(1) Age, treatment, and physical condition of
each pole must be tested according to the applicable
provisions of TM 5-684. Poles unsafe for climbing
must be reported to the foreman so that they may be
braced or guyed before climbing.
(2) Configuration of conductors or equipment
on the pole must provide adequate climbing space.
(3) Changes in stress resulting from removal
of supporting conductors or guys do not affect the
safety of workers.
TM 5-682
(4) Poles to be climbed are in such condition
and are supported in such a way as to safely support
workers on such poles. Pikes will not be used as a
support method while personnel are working on
6–5. Pole climbing equipment
Usually pole climbing will be done on wood poles
rather than on concrete or steel poles. The two major
differences between these types of poles are that
wood poles are not grounded poles (although they
should not be counted as providing protective insulation)
and climbing wood poles (along with trees)
requires climbers (gaffs) rather than step bolts or
ladders. All workers need to be provided with body
belts and safety straps when climbing and while
working more than 6 feet (1.8 meters) above ground
level. Positive fall protection may also be appropriate.
a. Responsibility. A full set of climbing equipment
must be supplied to each worker who is authorized
to climb. Never loan or borrow a set of climbing
(1) Climbing equipment should be carefully inspected
daily. Leather should be checked for cuts,
cracks, and enlarged buckle tongue holes. Metal parts
should be checked for cracks, wear, or loose attachments.
Climbers (gaffs) should be regularly checked
for proper cutting edges, length, and shape.
(2) It must be understood by all personnel that
the foreman, or a properly delegated worker, will
inspect all tools, safety devices, and other equipment
weekly. Any item that is not considered safe will be
condemned, regardless of ownership, and must not
be used.
(3) Body belts, meeting the requirements of
OSHA Standard 1926.959, with straps or lanyards,
should be worn to protect personnel working at elevated
locations on poles, towers, or other structures.
If such use creates a greater hazard to the safety of
the workers, other safeguards must be employed.
Body belts and straps should be inspected before use
each day to determine they are in safe working condition.
(4) Positive fall protection. Provide positive
fall protection where the strength of the pole (steel/
concrete) permits meeting OSHA requirements. Exceptions
are ascending or descending by a qualified
climber or situations where a job hazard analysis so
warrants. On wood structures consider adding position
fall protection when transitioning obstructions,
if a job hazard analysis indicates a fall arresting point
will provide adequate strength.
b. Wood-pole climbing equipment. Equipment
sets each consist of a body belt, a pole strap, and
climbers (an assembly of gaffs, leg straps, and pads).
The Edison Electric Institute provides an excellent
document entitled “Use and Care of Pole Climbing
Equipment” which should be used as part of the training
for pole climbing certification.
(1) Climbers should meet the following requirements:
(a) Leg iron (shank) to be made of spring
(b) Gaff (spur) to be forged from tool steel.
(c) Leg iron length, sizes range from 15 to 18
inches (380 to 460 millimeters) from instep to end of
(d) Leather straps, two each of 1-1/4 inches
(26 millimeters) wide, at least 22-inches (560 millimeters)
(e) Pads, for protection of calves.
(2) Climbers and pole straps or other leather
items which have any of the following defects must
not be used until repaired:
(a) Cracked, dry, or rotten leather.
(b) Leather which is worn thin.
(c) Cuts or worn places which are of sufficient
depth to weaken the leather.
(d) Broken stitches or loose rivets at buckles,
D-rings, or snaps.
(e) Snaps which have weak springs behind
the tongue, or loose rivets which hold the tongue.
(f) Loose tongues in buckles.
(g) Buckles, D-rings, or snaps which show
considerable wear or which have been cracked or
(3) Leather equipment should be cleaned and
dressed every 3 months. This period should be shortened
when equipment is frequently wet from rain,
perspiration, or covered with dirt or mud.
(a) Wipe off all surface dirt and mud with a
TM 5-682
sponge dampened (not wet) with water. Never use
gasoline or other cleaning fluids as they tend to dry
out and harden the leather.
(b) Wash leather with a clean sponge in clear
lukewarm water, and a neutral soap (free from alkali),
preferably Castile soap. Thoroughly wash the
entire length of the leather and work the lather well
into all parts. Place in a cool area to dry.
(c) Leather should be oiled about every 6
months. Use a small quantity, about 4 teaspoonsful
(20 milliliters) of pure neatsfoot oil per set of equipment,
and apply it gradually with the hands, using
long light strokes while the leather is still damp from
washing. Leave in a cool place to dry for 24 hours,
and then rub the leather vigorously with a soft cloth
to remove all excess oil.
(4) When safety belts and straps are not in use,
they must be stored in proper compartments on the
electric truck or in other suitable places to protect
them from being damaged. When stored, climbers
should be wrapped in pairs and fastened with their
(5) Climbers, straps, and pads must be kept in
good conditions at all times. Gaffs must be at least
1-1/4 inches (26 millimeters) long, measured
from the point of the gaff to the point of contact with
the stirrup on the under side. Sharpen climbers using
a gaff shaping bit as follows—
(a) Place the climber between wood in a vise
with the leg iron horizontal and the gaff on the top
(b) Use a smooth cut file and finish with a
sharpening stone. Never grind with an emery wheel,
as this takes the temper out of the metal.
(c) File only at and toward the point of the
gaff and only on the outside. Never file the front or
flat side except for a slight touching up.
(d) Do not file a long sharp point. The sharp
part of the point should be about 1/8 inch 13 millimeters)
(e) Never use a climber with a gaff shorter
than 1-1/4 inches (26. millimeters), as measured on
the flat side.
(6) Climbers should not be worn when—
(a) Working on the ground,
(b) Traveling to and from a job.
(c) Piking poles,
(d) Walking through underbrush or rough
(e) Riding in motor vehicles.
c. Concrete/steel pole climbing. Positive fall protection
should always be considered. OSHA standards
(29CFR1926) requires fall protection for certain
working heights above grade. Generally fall protection
has been accepted as the use of a body belt.
However with the development of positive fall protection
devices, a positive fall protection system
should be provided whenever the anchor point
strength requirement can be met.
(1) Requirement. A fall arresting device
should always be considered whenever the worker
will be working more than 6 feet (1.8 meters) above
ground level on line or substation structures/equipment
where a feasible anchor point is available.
Workers should be secured for fall arrest, while climbing
or changing work positions, and for position security
while working in place. Where both hands are
required for working from a ladder, the requirements
for either fall arrest, position security, or both, will
be applied dependent upon the working height.
(2) A proper anchor point must be identified
and evaluated by qualified personnel before an appropriate
system can be selected. OSHA regulations
indicate that pad eyes, bolt holes, and other sturdy
structures, capable of supporting 5,000 pounds (2,200
kilogramg) per attached worker, are acceptable.
(3) Positive systems all have in common an anchor
point independent of the support method, a belt
or harness to hold the worker, and a connecting device
between the anchor point and the belt or harness.
(a) Belts and harnesses should only be used
for the personal protective purpose for which they
are designed. Their misuse could result in serious
injury or death. In addition to fall-arrest harnesses,
there are fall-arrest/positioning, fall-arrest/suspension,
fall-arrest/retrieval, and retrieval/positioning
(b) The choice of a belt or a harness is determined
by the impact limits for a fall-arrest system.
A belt may be used for impact forces up to 900 lbs
(400 kilograms) while a harness has a higher force
level of up to 1,800 pounds (800 kilograms). All items
TM 5-682
of the complete fall arrest system must be taken into
account, not just the belt or the harness.
(c) Manufacturers instructions in regard to
height and weight should be followed for sizing of
the belts or harnesses and their connecting devices
and for inspection and maintenance of the complete
systems. All equipment must be taken out of service
and inspected for damage after being subjected to a
fall impact.
(4) Workers authorized to climb must have a
complete set of approved tools. The number of tools
carried in tool belts must be kept to a minimum.
6–6. Pole climbing and work precautions
Only after determination of the pole's safety, collection
of necessary climbing equipment and work tools,
and assurance that the line is de-energized and
grounded, or that hot-line work is authorized to be
carried out, can the worker start climbing. Protect
hands and arms by wearing gloves and long sleeve
a. More than one climber. If more than one
worker needs to work on the pole at the same time,
the first worker must reach working position before
the next worker leaves the ground. Ordinarily, no
worker is to work directly under another worker on
the same pole, except in emergencies. When this condition
is necessary, take extreme care to prevent tools
or other objects from being dropped on the worker
b. Necessary wood-pole climbing precaution. Always
proceed as follows—
(1) Seat the gaffs securely. Be especially vigilant
when the pole is ice or sleet covered.
(2) Use pole steps whenever they are available,
but only after checking that they can be used safely.
(3) Use the climbers carefully on the pole to
avoid injury to another worker on the pole.
(4) Every precaution must be taken to avoid
weather cracks, checks, knots, shakes, rots, and hard
places, which might cause gaffs to cut out. Remove
any tacks or nails which may impede safe climbing.
c. Concrete/steel pole or tower climbing
precautions. Workers may be required to climb concrete/
steel poles with the same equipment as wood
poles. Climbing towers to work on obstruction lights,
marker lights, and similar devices may be required.
Before climbing the situation must be surveyed to
get a good idea of what work is to be done and where
the climbing will take place. The great majority of
falls are due to slick work gloves or slick shoe soles.
Ice or wet weather conditions increase the hazards.
Always make sure that gloves and shoe soles are in
good condition and free from grease or other inhibitors.
Rough cord sole shoe or boots are recommended.
Careful inspection and attention must be given to
the safety belt's condition and positioning, as steel
or concrete surfaces can cause a belt to wear out or
break due to cutting action. Climbing safety devices
must be used where installed.
d. General pole climbing precautions. The pole
climber will observe the following rules:
(1) Both hands must be free for climbing.
(2) The worker must not stand on mail boxes,
signs, fire alarm boxes, or similar equipment which
may be attached to the pole or located near it.
(3) Racing up and coasting down poles is positively
(4) Safety straps must be used from the ground
(5) When climbing over slippery or ice-coated
crossarms or timbers, where the hands are apt to
slip off, two safety straps should be used. The use of
rope safeties is prohibited.
(6) All signs must be removed from a pole before
any worker climbs or does any work above them
on a pole. It is not desirable to have signs on poles,
but street signs may be necessary at times. Where
street signs are removed they must be replaced after
all work is completed.
(7) Climb on the high side of a raked or leaning
pole if possible, but do not climb on the side where
the ground wire is attached. Avoid grasping pins,
brackets, crossarms, braces, or other attachments
that might pull lose and cause a fall.
(8) Never slide down any type of pole or any
guy wire. If it is impossible to use climbers for ascending
and descending such places, ladders or other
means must be used.
(9) Do not ride overhead guys or cables. (This
does not apply to cables installed for river crossings
or otherwise intended to support workers in suitable
e. Working on poles. Never change the amount
TM 5-682
of strain on a pole by adding or removing wires until
you are sure that the pole will stand the altered
strain. If in doubt, consult your foreman. Observe
the following safety precautions..
(1) Safety belts must be used by workers at all
times while handling wires or apparatus on a pole or
structure. The following precautions must be taken:
(a) Be careful in attaching snaps to D-rings.
Visually ensure that the snap keeper is fully closed
in the correct ring before any weight is applied to
the safety strap.
(b) Always be sure that safety straps are not
twisted while in use.
(c) Never depend on a crossarm or crossarm
pins and braces for support.
(d) Never attach safety straps above the
crossarm in the top gain or around insulator pins,
crossarm braces, transformer hangers, pole steps, or
guy wires. If there is no crossarm in the top gain, the
strap must not be placed closer than 2 feet (0.6
meters) to the top of the pole. In this case take precautions
to assure that the belt does not slip off. Ideally
the strap should be below the top pole attachment,
except where that attachment is above eye
(e) Do not permit any worker to fasten both
safety belt snaps in the same D-ring in order to reach
out farther on the pole. An extension safety strap
must be used or the safety belt let out so that work
can be performed with the safety belt snaps fastened
one in each D-ring.
(f) Workers must not attach metal hooks, or
other metal devices to body belts. Metal chains and
keepers should not be used. Use leather straps or
rawhide thongs with hard wood or fiber keepers. Care
must be taken to prevent the snaps on the safety
belts from coming in contact with anything that may
open a snap. The tongue of the snap on the safety
belt must face away from the body.
(2) Take the following precautions when hoisting
or lowering materials:
(a) Junked material which cannot be lowered
safely may be dropped only if there is no danger to
workers or the public.
(b) Workers engaged in hoisting tools and
materials should be positioned so that they will not
be injured by an accidental dropping of the tool load.
(c) Materials and tools must not be left in an
insecure overhead position. Large objects must be
securely lashed.
(d) Minimize the number of tools carried in
tool belts. Secure tools returned to a tool belt. Keep
all other tools on the ground until they are required.
Then tools should be raised and lowered by means of
a canvas bucket attached to a handline. If a tool is
too large to be safely raised in this manner, it should
be raised by means of just a handline.
(e) Carry a handline up a pole uncoiled with
one end attached to the rear of the worker’s body
belt. When climbing with a handline, take care to
prevent the handline from fouling on any pole attachments.
6–7. Crossing structures
When it is necessary to climb half-way across a
crossarm to inspect middle phase insulators, the
worker may climb the rest of the way across, provided
that, a safety belt can be kept strapped around
a timber as a safeguard. To get from one side of a
double-pole supported structure to the other, the
worker must descend to the ground and go up the
other pole unless there are adequate handholds and
adequate clearances from live parts to allow safe
crossing along the structure.
a. Crossing open air switches. Never cross
through an open air switch, one side of which is energized.
Energized portions of the structure must be
blocked off with barriers and, if advisable, another
worker should be stationed to warn anyone approaching
about the danger zone.
b. Balancing support. Never hold onto air
switch arcing horns for support in walking timbers,
as these horns break easily and a fall might result.
c. Climbing H-frames. Never walk along an Hframe
crossarm with the line energized.
6–8. Stringing or removing de-energized
Before stringing or removing de-energized conductors
a briefing must be held to discuss the plan of
operation, the type of equipment to be used, any adjacent
energized lines, needed grounding devices and
procedures, use of crossover methods, and the Safe
Clearance authorization required. Overhead ground
wires require the same safety precautions.
a. Work precautions. Observe the following
work precautions for stringing or removing lines and
for all aerial line work:
TM 5-682
(1) Adjacent to energized lines. When pulling
wire over or near energized conductors, the worker
attending the payout reel must wear rubber gloves
and be positioned on an insulated stand of a size
equivalent to or larger than a standard rubber blanket.
The payout reel must be grounded. Any deviation
on grounding payout reels requires special permission
from the supervisor. A bull line, which must
be of dry polypropylene rope not smaller than 1/2
inch (13 millimeters) diameter should be placed in
position to pull the wire before attempting to string
it. The bull line must be of sufficient length to reach
the distance the wire is to be pulled. Fasten the wire
to the end of the bull line and pull it into position. A
car or truck should be used to pull the wire so that
the driver can see the signals of the reel operator.
Both in pulling in the wire and in sagging it, the
pulling must be slow and steady to prevent swinging
the wires into the energized conductors. The wire
must be watched carefully to prevent its hanging up
on tree limbs, weeds, and other obstructions. No
workers should be permitted to touch any conductors
or wires on the ground without rubber gloves.
(2) Over, under, or across energized lines. When
wires are strung and sagged over, under, or across
conductors carrying a voltage of 5,000 volts or less,
personnel handling the wire will wear rubber gloves
and use other necessary protective devices. Conductors
carrying more than 5,000 volts must be positively
and constantly grounded during the stringing
operation. As soon as the wire is ready to be
deadended, it must be grounded with standard
grounding devices.
(3) Weather. Electrical charges may appear on
the line from a lightning strike or from induced static
charges from a very dry atmosphere. Discontinue
operations when there is any indication of lightning
in the surrounding area.
(a) Fallen wires. All personnel must look for
fallen wires. A worker finding a fallen wire will stand
by it to protect all street and highway traffic and
pedestrians from the hazards. As soon as possible,
another worker must be directed to telephone the
facilities engineer or the appropriate superintendent
to have the wire de-energized. The worker finding
the fallen wire must not leave until instructed by
the supervisor in direct charge.
(b) Fire. Electric lines close to a fire should
be de-energized to protect the firemen. The lines must
not be re-energized until all danger has been removed.
Where lines were located close to the fire,
the lines, ground wires, and guying must be inspected.
Inspect insulators for cracks and crossarms
and poles for charring before the lines are restored
to service.
(c) Vehicular protection. Wires being strung
along or across streets or highways must be kept
sufficiently elevated to eliminate vehicular collisions.
The foreman should delegate a competent person to
act as flagman. Traffic should be blocked when this
line elevation is not possible.
b. Grounding. Requirements for grounding of
de-energized lines are covered in chapter 3, paragraph
3–11. Other grounding requirements should
be as follows—
(1) Permanent ground wires. Permanent
ground wires are installed to protect workers. Remember
that the metallic case, covering, or mounting
support of any energized piece of electrical equipment
must be considered energized at full voltage if
it is not properly grounded. All permanent grounds
must be installed according to the requirements of
the NEC or the NESC as applicable.
(a) Ground wires must be installed clear of
all metallic line equipment (except that which is normally
grounded), hardware, or street lighting fixtures.
(b) Ground wires on distribution wood poles
must be protected with wood molding for the entire
working length of the pole and protected to prevent
guy wires from cutting the ground wires. The entire
working length of the pole is from the point where
ground wire terminates near the top of the pole to 5
feet (1.5 meters) below the lowest crossarm or
bracket, and from the ground line to 8 feet (2.5
meters) above the ground line.
(c) Never cut an overhead ground wire or
neutral wires of any kind because of the need for line
or equipment replacement, unless specifically instructed
by your supervisor to do so. Also, avoid opening
a joint in such a wire without first bridging the
joint with wire of a suitable size.
(2) Common neutral systems. Fuses of all
transformers will have been opened before-work can
be done on a transformer bank where the grounded
neutral wire is used for both primary and secondary
neutrals. The connections from the transformer to
the grounded neutral will be made before the connection
from the transformer to the phase wire is
made. The connection from the transformer to the
grounded neutral wire must never be disconnected
while the transformer is energized.
TM 5-682
(3) Protective grounding equipment. Protective
grounding equipment must be maintained in good
condition and must be inspected immediately before
being used. Use only approved screw-type ground
clamps. Grounding equipment must be connected to
ground point first, then to the item to be grounded.
c. Handling and stringing. ANSI/IEEE 524 provides
general recommendations on the methods,
equipment, and tools used for the stringing of overhead
line conductors and ground wires. The following
safety precautions are mandatory:
(1) Reels. Adequate braking must be used to
stop all payout reels. Personnel must not otherwise
touch or attempt to stop the revolving reel.
(2) Conductors. The inside end of the coil
wire, where accessible, must be securely fastened to
the reel to prevent the wire from getting loose when
the wire has been payed out. If the inside end of the
coil cannot be secured, a tail rope must be fastened
securely to the wire before the end is reached to prevent
its getting loose.
(3) Grounding. Bond and ground all stringing
equipment, such as reel stands, trailers, pullers,
or tensioners.
d. Primary line installation. Lines must be
strung to clear the ground by an amount not less
than that specified in the rules of the NESC. These
minimums depend upon whether the line is above a
street (consider its street traffic classification), above
a pedestrian way, or over or near other structures.
Wire and guys which are being strung should be kept
clear of any possible interference with public traffic
of any type. Where it is necessary to block traffic temporarily
while wires and guys are being installed,
one or more members of the crew should be assigned
to direct traffic.
(1) Stringing wire. Stringing by facility personnel
will normally be done by the tension method,
since this keeps the conductor clear of energized conductors
and clear of obstacles which might cause surface
damage to the wire. Slack stringing may be appropriate
for new short line extensions. In either case
lines must be sagged to meet the requirements of
the NESC.
(a) In stringing wires do not put kinks into
any part of the line. Kinks reduce the strength of the
wire and may result in fallen wires later.
(b) Before changing the strains on a pole by
adding wires, engineering guidance should be requested
to ensure that the pole will safely stand the
altered strain.
(2) Clipping in or tieing wires. This involves
the transferring of sagged conductors from their
stringing travelers to their permanent insulator positions
where they may either be clamped or tied to
(a) Wires should be securely tied-in at all tiein
type insulators to prevent the possibility of wires
becoming loose at points of support and falling to
the ground. Where double arms are provided, line
wires should be well tied-in to insulators on each arm.
This applies to pin- and post-type tie-top insulator
work. Clamp-type insulators must have the clamps
tightened to meet the manufacturer's requirements.
(b) When it is necessary to connect two parallel
circuits at one or more points on the line, the
phase wires should be tested with a potential transformer
or other means, to make sure that the phase
wires of one circuit are being connected to the corresponding
phase wires of the other circuit. (See paragraph
(c) Care should be taken to see that phase
wires are not crossed when turning the vertical angle
on three-phase lines, that is, phase wires should take
the same position leaving an angle as coming into it.
e. Secondary line installation. Secondary lines
must be installed to meet line clearance requirements
of the NESC. Lines may be single or triplex wires.
Secondary lines with insulation must be handled
with the care insulated wire requires. Workers must
be particularly careful in stringing secondary services,
to avoid any undue hazard in close proximity
to primary lines. Locations where the service wires
might fall across conductors of a higher voltage are
not permitted.
(1) Before stringing secondary wires, nearby or
adjacent energized lines must be de-energized and
grounded. As an exception, service wires may be installed
near overhead energized lines provided the
following operations are carried out in the following
order. Connect service wires to the building; attach
a handline to the other end of each wire and carefully
raise the wire to its position on the pole; and
then attach service wires to the bracket or crossarm.
While these operations are being performed, workers
must wear rubber gloves and use insulation to
prevent shock from unintentional contact between
the service wires and the primary lines. Personnel
on the ground must not attempt to install meters or
other secondary connections while these operations
TM 5-682
are being performed.
(2) In the handling and stringing of weatherproof-
covered wires, care must be taken not to injure
the weatherproof covering.
f. Removing lines. Removing or salvaging wires
requires the same precautions as stringing wires. The
wire to be removed should be pulled out and laid flat
before coiling the wire by hand or on a nonpowerdriven
(1) A worker should never change the strains
on a pole by removing wires until certain that the
pole will safely stand the altered strain. Where a pole
will be weakened by the removal of the wires, it
should be guyed before these wires are removed. All
wires should be lowered with a handline. If this is
not possible, before cutting a wire aloft care should
be used to avoid contact with other wires.
(2) Lines which are being cut or rearranged
should not be allowed to sag on, or be blown against
other electric power lines, signal lines, signal equipment,
metal sheaths of cables, metal pipes, ground
wires, metal fixtures on poles, guy wires, and span
(3) Wires which have been cut, or which are
being arranged, should not be allowed to fall near or
on a roadway where there is danger to traffic. Where
it is impossible to keep these wires clear of the roadway
by at least 10 feet (3 meters) or more' (depending
upon the voltage of the adjacent lines) all traffic
should be blocked. All persons working on lower levels
of poles, where cutting is taking place, and all
personnel on the ground should be notified well in
advance of the cutting so that they may stand clear.
g. Guying. No installation or removal of guys
should ever be attempted without engineering guidance.
(1) Installation. Install guys to meet the following
(a) When insulators are used they should be
connected into the guy wire line before the guy wire
is set in place. In new work, guys should generally
be installed before line wires are strung. In reconstruction
work, guys should be installed before any
changes are made in the line wires and care must be
taken not to place excessive pull on the pole and wires
already in position.
(b) Guys should be installed so that there is
minimal interference with the climbing space and
guys should clear all energized wires.
(c) Guy strain insulators should be provided,
wherever necessary, to secure the required amount
of insulation to applicable codes.
(d) Guys should be installed to the correct
tension. Where necessary, a guy hook may be used
to prevent the guy from slipping down the pole. These
hooks should be so located that they do not interfere
with climbing and so placed that they will not be used
as steps. Where guys are liable to cut into the surface
of a pole, the pole should be protected by a guy
plate at the point where the guy is attached. The
plate must be well secured to the pole to prevent the
possibility of injury to a worker climbing up or down
the pole.
(e) All guys should be installed so that they
do not interfere with street or highway traffic. Guys
located near streets, or highways, should be equipped
with traffic guards. Traffic guards are sometimes
called "anchor shields”. Guy guards (traffic shields
or anchor shields) should be yellow.
(f) Guy wires should be installed so that they
will not rub against messenger or signal cables.
(g) Guy wire containing snarls or kinks
should not be used for line work. It is preferable to
use guy wires of the correct length to avoid unnecessary
(2) Removal of guys. Before guys can be removed,
the condition of the pole must be determined.
If the pole is weak, it should be securely braced before
any changes in pole strains are made.
(a) Where the removal of guys from a pole
will change the strain and present a dangerous condition,
the pole should be braced temporarily to make
such a changed condition safe.
(b) Where it is not possible to install side
guys, poles may need to be braced to be self-supporting.
The pole bracing should be installed so that it
will not interfere with climbing or with street or highway
traffic. Pole braced guys should not be used on
poles which will be climbed.
h. Insulators. Pick up insulators by their tops to
avoid cutting gloves or hands on insulator petticoats.
Do not screw down insulators too tightly because their
tops may break off, cutting gloves or hands.
6–9. Energized line work
Refer to energized line work requirements covered
TM 5-682
in paragraph 3–15. The rules of this paragraph amplify
those requirements and cover work on aerial
lines, however the nature of live line maintenance
work makes it difficult to govern by hard and fast
rules. Therefore, the foreman must devise safe methods
on the points not covered by rules given in this
a. Live-line work safety rules. Overhead lines
should be worked deenergized when this can be done.
However, live line maintenance, carefully done by
industry-approved standards, has proved to be an
effective method for work on electric power circuits.
Recognize that energized line work demands maximum
attention to safety rules by all personnel. Utilization
of insulating equipment in the application
of basic principles of isolation must be followed.
(1) The foreman must supervise the workers
closely, and advise them as necessary. The entire responsibility
for the safety of personnel engaged in
live line work, as well as the enforcement of the following
rules, rests with the foreman:
(a) Safe working distance from all energized
wires must be maintained by workers at all times.
See table 3–3 covering qualified worker minimum
clearance distances. In congested locations where this
is impossible, a Safe Clearance must be obtained (refer
to paragraph 3–8).
(b) When it is necessary to work on energized
lines carrying more than 750 volts between conductors,
gloving or live line tools must be used according
to table 3–5. The safety of the work depends on
the integrity of the tools and protective rubber equipment.
Continual inspection, in service care, and required
testing are mandatory to maintain worker
(c) Close cooperation must be obtained from
every worker on the job. High-tempered or fractious
people should never be assigned to live line work.
(d) Unnecessary conversation must not be allowed,
as this would distract attention, cause confusion,
and create a hazard.
(e) Haste inconsistent with safety must not
be permitted.
(2) A careful check will be made to see that the
condition of the structure and lines at the point of
the work is such that the job may be performed safely.
In addition, the adjacent spans and structures will
be carefully checked for defects in conductors, tie
wires, insulators, and other equipment. Other precautions
include the following:
(a) Live line maintenance work will never be
done at night or in wet weather.
(b) Under no circumstances will a worker depend
on another worker to hold a live conductor clear
of him/her.
(c) When moving heavy conductors, wire tong
blocks clamps will be used on the live-line tools so
that these lines may be moved slowly and carefully.
(d) While live-line work is in progress, no
other work of any nature will be performed on the
same pole or structure.
(e) For circuits on wood poles or attached to
wooden structures, all wood members should be considered
to be at ground potential.
(3) When working on energized equipment provide
these precautions:
(a) Workers should, whenever possible, place
all protective devices and do all work from a position
below live conductors or apparatus.
(b) When it is necessary to change position
on a pole, a worker must climb below energized unprotected
conductors and apparatus to a position
below live conductors and apparatus and then up to
the new position. If two workers are on the pole, no
work may be done on energized conductors until the
worker changing position has reached the new location.
(c) When handling of energized lines and
equipment is being done on a pole or structure, a
handline must be carried up the pole and securely
fastened before any work is done.
(4) Standard requirements for tools and protective
equipment. The following requirements
should apply:
(a) When the minimum working distance
must be reached because the nature of the work requires
close access, calibrated insulated measuring
sticks or equivalent will be used to verify the distance.
Telescoping fiberglass measuring sticks, alternately
yellow and red striped at 1-foot intervals
(0.l-meter intervals with a black stripe at every 1
meter interval) are recommended for monitoring
minimum distances. Marking of live-line sticks to
identify the minimum phase-to-ground safe work
distance as listed in table 3–3 for the circuit being
TM 5-682
worked is recommended. Alternatively, each liveline
stick should be equipped with a standard flexible
rubber hand guard to indicate how far out a worker
can safely hold a stick.
(b) Personnel performing structure-type liveline
maintenance should not carry hand tools in their
belts, particularly when working from ladders. Hand
tools should be raised to a worker on a structure in
canvas tool bags. Hand tools should be returned to
their canvas tool bags each time their use is completed.
(c) Use tested fiberglass-reinforced plastic
(FRP) hotsticks. Wooden hotsticks are not recommended.
(d) Observe all rules for aerial rope use covered
in paragraph 6–12.
(e) Only hook ladders made of FRP will be
used in live-line maintenance. FRP hook ladders will
be equipped with nonconductive safety ropes along
both outside rails. Personnel on a ladder will maintain
their safety straps around the ladder except
when mounting or dismounting, and will have the
ladder snap on their safety strap snapped to a rung
of the ladder when they are in a working position
and when the ladder is being moved.
(5) Link stick lines should be handled as follows—
(a) In removing link stick (fuzz lines) from
energized conductors, the worker must take hold of
the link stick rope and pull the link stick in before
grasping the stick.
(b) When untying conductors workers must
cut the tie wires off short or roll them up in a ball so
they will not contact pins, crossarms, poles, ground
wires, or any other conductor.
(c) When untying or tying conductors on pin
type insulators, one worker at a time should work
and the other should steady the conductor with a tie
stick. The foreman must check the condition of tie
wires and pins on poles adjacent to the one being
worked on to make sure they are safe. Before moving
the conductor, the foreman must verify that adequate
clearance exists between the conductor and
any object or wires crossing under the line in adjacent
(d) Link stick lines must be tied off to a suitable
anchorage on all regular live line setups. In no
case will they be tied to a car or truck unless the
motor is stopped, the ignition key removed, and the
brakes set.
(e) If the work to be done is on an angle, the
foreman must arrange to take care of strains by providing
sufficient tackle. In addition to anchoring the
link stick lines, blocks must be used on the ends of
the link stick ropes so the conductor can be moved
slowly and carefully.
(f) Workers must not allow rope to lie across
energized conductors.
(6) Work on 0 to 750 volts nominal, phase-tophase
circuits must be done as follows—
(a) When working on energized secondaries,
rubber gloves (Class 0) with leather protectors must
be worn.
(b) Each worker working on energized lines
and apparatus must be qualified for the highest voltage
class of all conductors within reach.
(c) Work must be performed on only one conductor
at a time.
(d) All other energized or grounded conductors
and equipment within reach must be covered
with rubber or other approved protective equipment.
(7) Work on 750 to 17,000 volts nominal, phaseto-
phase circuits must be done as follows—
(a) Where gloving is permitted by table 3–9
use gloves table 3–10 and wear leather protectors.
(b) At least two workers, fully qualified for
the voltage range (including other conductors within
reach) must be available.
(c) Only one wire on the same structure is to
be worked on at a time, although it is recognized that
three-phase lifting tools may be used.
(d) For lines and apparatus belonging to this
voltage group, use protective equipment of the proper
voltage rating. Before starting work, carefully inspect
the protective equipment to make sure that it is in
good serviceable condition. Workers must begin their
work of covering up on the lowest or nearest conductor,
as the case may be. They must never work over
or reach past unprotected conductors or energized
equipment, either in covering up other conductors
or in connection with the work itself.
(e) When working on energized conductors
TM 5-682
or parts, conductors within the working area must
be covered with approved protective equipment.
Grounds within the working area must be covered
or removed from the work area, when work is being
done which exposes the workers to a phase-to-ground
contact. The working area is considered as the area
wherein contact can be made with any conductors or
other energized parts by the workers or any conducting
object or tool the workers are handling.
(f) Work above energized conductors is permitted
only where these conductors can be adequately
covered with protective equipment or where
they can be moved a sufficient distance to allow safe
working space.
(g) When protective equipment is to be removed,
that farthest away must be removed first.
Equipment closest to the workers is to be removed
last so that the workers will not have to reach past
unprotected conductors.
(h) Do not remove any protective equipment
until all workers are in a position where it is impossible
for them to make contact with conductors or
other energized parts after protective equipment has
been removed.
(i) When work is being done near an energized
conductor using an aerial bucket, either ground
the truck or barricade the truck and work area. Establish
a definite method of communication between
the workers in the bucket and those on the ground.
Do not move the boom when anyone is in contact with
the truck.
(8) Work above 17,000 volts to 36,000 volts,
nominal phase-to-phase, other than the replacement
of fuses and switching, on energized lines or apparatus
operating at this voltage range is prohibited.
Switching and fusing energized circuits in this voltage
classification must be performed under the following
(a) Must be approved by and be under the
direct supervision of a qualified person devoting full
time and attention to the workers and the safety of
the workers.
(b) Must have at least two qualified workers
(c) Must use live-line tools of the proper voltage
for lines and apparatus belonging to this voltage
class and maintain the minimum clearance from live
parts as listed in table 3–3.
(9) Other work above 17,000 volts and all work
above 36,000 volts must be done by contract personnel
if it is done live-line.
(10) All live-line work regardless of the voltage
level, requires that normally, no worker is permitted
to approach or take any conductive object
closer to exposed energized parts than shown in table
3–3. Exceptions are—
(a) The tool or object has an approved insulating
(b) The worker is insulated or guarded from
energized parts. (Glove and sleeves rated for the voltage
involved are considered insulation of the worker
from the energized part).
(c) The energized part is insulated or guarded
from the worker and any other conductive object at
a different potential.
(d) The worker is insulated or guarded from
any other conductive object.
b. Live-line bare-hand work. Live-line barehand
work is not permitted.
c. Washing of insulation on energized lines. Washing
of energized insulators requires maintaining
minimum water resistance, minimum working distance,
and minimum nozzle pressure. Also see IEEE/
ANSI 957 on cleaning energized insulators. Conform
with the minimum requirements of the facility's local
utility company. Minimum values are given in
IEEE/ANSI 957 but these are admittedly only guides
because of the great variety in conditions, practices,
contamination possibilities, and electrical system
designs used by different utilities.
6–10. Streetlighting
Streetlighting circuits can be either low-voltage
multiple circuits or mediumvoltage series circuits.
It is important that the type of circuit be identified
because of the voltage level differences. There should
be no reason that streetlighting circuits cannot be
de-energized for daytime work.
a. Precautions. Streetlighting line wires and
streetlighting fixtures and wires, not under construction
or grounded, must be considered energized and
must always be worked with rubber protective equipment,
unless a Safe Clearance is obtained and the
line grounded. The voltage of streetlighting circuits
should be treated as that of the highest voltage occupying
one or more poles on which the streetlighting
circuit is run. This is necessary because streetlighting
TM 5-682
wires sometimes become crossed with live voltage
wires during a fire or during the day when not in
b. Multiple streetlighting circuits. Multiple
streetlighting circuits will be considered to be at the
same voltage as the circuits to which they are connected,
unless the circuit is on the same structure
with a higher voltage wire, in which case it must be
considered to be at the higher voltage level.
c. Series streetlighting circuits. Before a series
streetlighting circuit is opened and work is performed,
the following procedures will be followed:
(1) A circuit will be disconnected from the
source of supply by opening disconnecting switches
or other absolute voltage cutouts, and a Safe Clearance
will be attached to such disconnects or cutouts.
Do not depend on time switches or other automatic
(2) A circuit will be properly jumpered to avoid
an open-circuit condition.
(3) In replacing lamp globes in series streetlighting
brackets, there is danger of an arc developing
and causing serious damage and possible injury
if the spring clips in the receptacle do not make contact.
These springs may have been heated to the extent
that they have lost their temper, or for some
other reason do not close the circuit when the lamp
socket is pulled out. Approved changers with at least
6-foot (1.8-meter) handles will be used for replacing
lamps on series streetlighting circuits. Workers must
wear rubber gloves when removing or installing
lamps where lamp changers cannot be used.
d. Climbing space. Maintain safe access by
hanging streetlighting fixtures clear of the climbing
space. All bolts, lag screws, and other hardware used
in securing the fixtures will be carefully trimmed.
e. Time switches. When winding time switches,
or working on automatic time switches, do not trip
the switch ''on" without first pulling the transformer
disconnects or making sure that lighting circuits will
not be energized. On time clocks with medium-voltage
connections, workers will wear rubber gloves in
winding, resetting, and otherwise maintaining the
6–11. Working on or around pole-mounted
See paragraphs 5–6, 5–7, 5–8, and 5–10 for various
equipment rules. These rules are the basic equipment
safety rules. The rules in this paragraph apply
to precautions applicable to equipment that is
mounted above grade. Be aware that some state
safety orders do not permit grounding of enclosure
cases on wood poles, if there is a possibility that an
accidental contact with bare aerial lines might occur.
Transformers connected to an energized circuit
will be considered as being energized at the full primary
voltage unless they are adequately grounded.
a. Surge arresters. Check that the permanent
ground connection is intact before any work is done.
Do not climb or strap off to surge arresters. Wear
eye protection when connecting, disconnecting, or discharging
surge arresters.
b. Switches and fuses. The maintenance of
switches and fuses may require temporary line modifications
to permit repairs where service continuity
must be maintained. Both sides of fuses must be deenergized
for repair work to proceed. Engineering
guidance is required in preparing a step-by-step
modification procedure.
c. Capacitors. Refer to paragraph 5–8 for discharging
capacitors. Individual capacitor banks must
be grounded if insulated capacitor mounting racks
are not used. Provide discharging method in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.
d. Power transformers and voltage regulators.
Check poles and crossarms before installing a transformer
or regulator on an existing pole. Consider that
the following transformer requirements apply to
regulators where applicable. Only qualified personnel
should climb poles to fuse, inspect, and test transformers
and equipment. When transformers are installed
or replaced, their secondaries must be checked
for voltage and phase rotation when necessary. When
distribution transformers are installed and before
they are energized, the ground connections must be
made to the case, secondary neutral, and then to the
primary neutral when used, in the order named.
(1) Energized work. Except for testing, replacement
of fuses, and switching, work on energized
pole-mounted transformers and lines is prohibited.
(2) Installation. To meet these requirements,
engineering guidance may be necessary.
(a) All frames and tackles used in erecting
pole-type transformers should be carefully inspected
each time before use. Defects should be repaired before
the frames and tackles are used.
(b) Wherever possible, junction poles, subsidiary
poles, and streetlighting poles should not be used
TM 5-682
as transformer poles. When it is necessary to install
transformers on junction, subsidiary, or
streetlighting poles, take care to maintain proper
climbing space and to avoid crowding of wires and
(c) Transformers must be installed only on
poles strong enough to carry their weight. Transformer
poles must be straight and, where necessary,
guyed to prevent leaning or raking of the pole after
the transformer is hung.
(d) When transformers are raised or lowered,
all crew members must stand clear and traffic must
be detoured if necessary. In congested traffic, the pole
space must be roped off. Personnel on the pole must
place themselves on the opposite side from that on
which the transformer is being raised or lowered. Pole
steps and other obstructions in the path of ascent/
descent of large transformers should be removed.
(e) When transformers are installed, the pole
climbing space should be carefully maintained so that
it will not be necessary for climbing workers to come
too close to the transformer case.
(3) Connection. Pole-type transformers
should not be installed until they are supplied with
a sufficient amount of good quality oil.
(a) When a three-phase bank of pole-type
transformers is replaced, the new transformers
should be carefully checked for phase rotation before
service is restored, so that the new service connections
will be the same as before the change. Any
motorized equipment revolving in the wrong direction
because of incorrect phase rotation is dangerous.
(b) Rubber gloves or hot sticks must be used
when installing a poletype transformer. First connect
the primary leads from the transformer to the
primary cutouts; second, make sure that secondary
leads from the transformer are in the clear; third,
make connections from cutouts to primary line;
fourth, close primary cutouts; fifth, make polarity
tests on secondaries and connect permanently. When
removing transformers, open cutouts and disconnect
secondaries to prevent danger of “backfeed”.
(c) Where one or more transformers feed into
a common secondary or are paralleled on the lowvoltage
side, caution should be exercised in refusing,
as the higher voltage terminals will be energized
by stepping up the secondary voltage which is supplied
by the other transformer.
(4) Inspection and maintenance. Only “Qualified
Climbers” should be allowed to climb poles to
inspect and test pole-type transformers. Never stand
on or otherwise contact transformer cases, while
working on or near energized circuits.
(a) Before changing or replenishing oil, all
energized connections to transformers must be disconnected
and a Safe Clearance provided from all
live circuits.
(b) When opening transformers, do not use
lighted matches or open flames of any kind.
(5) Fusing. When installing fuses, workers
should be careful to avoid contact with any live lines,
or with any grounded surfaces (grounded lines, the
casings of grounded transformers, streetlighting fixtures,
signal lines, signal equipment, the metal
sheathing of cables, metal conduits, span wires, and
guy wires).
(a) Before installing fuses in new cutouts, replacing
fuses, or opening disconnects, workers must
protect their eyes by wearing goggles and by turning
their heads. They should use their arms to further
protect their eyes and faces from any flashes or arcs
that may occur. It is mandatory for the workers to
wear rubber gloves or to use a “hot stick” as appropriate
to the voltage level. Workers must secure
themselves to the pole with their safety belts.
(b) When fuses are taken out of the circuit
they should be removed entirely from the fuse enclosures
or cutouts.
(c) In phasing out a transformer or in testing
it for polarity, small size fuses should preferably
be used.
(6) Service connections. Do not string service
wires from a transformer pole if it is at all possible
to install them at some other location. Service wires
must never be installed on transformer poles, unless
a minimum separation meeting code requirements
can be maintained between the service wires
and the energized primary conductors or apparatus.
(a) Two workers must be used in stringing
services from a transformer pole where primary
jumpers energized at 5,000 volts or more extend below
the secondary wires.
(b) When a worker is making connections to
secondary buses, the neutral wire must be connected
first and energized wires connected last. The procedure
must be reversed when disconnecting services.
TM 5-682
(7) Testing. Testing of transformers, autotransformers,
and similar equipment should be
performed by qualified personnel under appropriate
engineering guidance. All temporary leads used in
testing such as secondary leads of potential transformer,
thermometer leads, and recording voltmeter
leads, should be securely supported on the pole and
should clear all traffic. The positions-of these leads
should not interfere with the climbing space or with
maintenance work which may be required while the
testing is in progress.
6–12. Aerial rope use
Ropes are used by workers working on aerial lines.
Rope qualities and use in rigging for general lifting
is covered in chapter 4, paragraph 4–9. See table 4–1
which gives approximate safe working loads for ropes.
a. Conductivity. Always use properly maintained
polypropylene synthetic rope (not natural-fiber
rope) for aerial lines, handlines, and taglines for
live-line work which meetg ANSI/IEEE 516 requirements.
Keep rope stored in a clean, dry location and
protected from damage and contamination. Lines will
be without wire reinforcement and, at least 1/2 inch
(13 millimeters) in diameter.
b. Rope use terms. Rope line terminology applying
to aerial line work is as follows—
(1) Handlines raise and lower light materials
and tools They may be used for holding small transformers
away from the pole during raising or lowering.
(2) Throw lines are used to pull a larger rope
into place for performing a task beyond the capacity
of a hand line. They are small diameter ropes thrown
over support objects such as crossarms or tree limbs.
(3) Bull ropes are used when a handline is not
strong enough to raise heavier equipment. They are
used also for fastening temporary poles, for holding
out heavier transformers, and for lowering trunks
or heavy limbs in tree trimming operations.
(4) Running lines are used for pulling several
span lengths of wire at one time.
(5) A sling is a looped rope assembly used to
hoist heavy equipment, for lashing tools or materials
in place, attaching a block or a snatch block to a
pole, making temporary installations such as lashing
an old pole to a new pole, or tying up line wires.
(6) A safety line is used only for lowering a
worker to the ground.
(7) A snatch block is a rope sheave and hook
with one side of the sheave open to avoid threading
the rope through a hole.
6–13. Tool use
Aerial line work involves the use of portable power
tools and the different miscellaneous tools required
in the performance of the work.
a. Portable power tools. Only approved portable
power tools will be used on poles, towers, or structures.
(1) Electric tools and all supply lines connected
thereto will be kept a safe distance under the level
of all circuits or apparatus energized in excess of 750
volts, phase to phase. Supply lines will be adequately
insulated and properly secured to prevent accidental
contact with any conductor.
(2) Air and hydraulic-driven tools will not be
used in any position where their unprotected conducting
parts can come closer to any energized conductor
or apparatus than the minimum working distance
given in table 3–3. Cover the energized conductors
or apparatus with approved protective equipment
for the voltage involved where reduced clearances
are required. Supply hoses will be noncurrentcarrying
material throughout, properly maintained
and, when in use, secured to prevent accidental contact
with any energized conductor or apparatus.
(3) Power saws will be secured in an approved
manner when used in an elevated position on a pole,
tower, or structure.
(4) Except as permitted otherwise, noncurrentcarrying
metal parts of hand-held portable electric
power tools will be grounded. Approved double insulated
tools and tools fed from ungrounded isolated
power supplies need not be grounded.
b. Miscellaneous tools. Observe the following
precautions in their use.
(1) Pike pole handles must be sound and free
from splinters. Spear points (gaffs) must be sharp
and securely fastened to a pole. When carried on
trucks, pike poles must be placed so that injury is
(2) Always maintain cant hooks and carrying
hooks in a safe condition.
(3) Never use jennies with cracked or broken
legs, dull teeth, or loose bolts. Use only approved jennies.
TM 5-682
(4) Never use pole jacks with defective releases,
or jacks which slip when loaded.
(5) Always use approved bumperboards. These
should be either 2 by 6 inch (50 by 150 millimeters)
board, 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters) long or 1 1/2 by 6
inch (38 to 150 millimeters) channel iron, at least 6
feet (1.8 meters) long.
(6) Never use wire reels showing any defects.
All wire reels must have suitable brakes.
(7) Never leave closing-type knives open when
placing them in tool boxes or other storage containers.
Open knives must be kept in scabbards when
not in use.
(8) Always maintain personal tools in good condition.
(9) Always maintain hot line tools in good condition.
Tools must be kept clean and dry at all times.
6–14. Aerial lifts and insulated buckets
The use of aerial lifts and insulated buckets is covered
in paragraph 4–11. See also table 3–9 for voltage
levels where their use is mandatory.
a. Requirements. Workers involved in electrical
operations with aerial lifts must observe the following
(1) Lift controls must be tested each day before
use to determine that such controls are in safe
(2) The insulated portion of an aerial lift must
not be altered in any manner that might reduce its
insulating value.
(3) Be aware that the vehicle may become energized
(or grounded) when the boom or the aerial
basket itself comes in direct contact with energized
(or grounded) conductors or equipment.
(4) Do not depend upon the truck, boom, or
aerial bucket to be "electrically insulated'' without
daily proof that each item is insulated to the necessary
value. No one will be permitted to touch the
truck or equipment when aerial equipment is operating
in or near energized conductors. The vehicle
must be grounded or considered as energized and, if
energized, properly barricaded.
(5) The rules governing the requirements for
use of rubber or other protective equipment while
working on poles and structures also apply to work
from aerial buckets.
(6) A body belt having a secured safety strap
(or approved equivalent) must be used for any work
from an aerial bucket and must be attached to the
(7) Bucket liners must be used if the bucket is
designed to be used with a liner and must be tested
according to paragraph 4–11 requirements.
(8) A safety hat and suitable clothing must be
worn at all times by personnel when working from
the aerial bucket and by all ground personnel.
(9) Unauthorized or unqualified persons will
not be permitted to operate the aerial bucket boom.
(10) Insulated aerial lifting devices used for
working on energized electrical systems must be specifically
designed for that sole function. The aerial
lift must be used only for electrically-related work.
(11) All personnel must stay clear of pressurized
oil or air escaping from a ruptured line or fitting.
The pump, compressor, or engine must be
stopped as soon as a leak is detected.
(12) The manufacturers load limits of the boom
or buckets must be posted on the unit and they must
not be exceeded.
(13) All hydraulic and pneumatic tools that are
used on or near energized equipment must have nonconducting
hoses rated for normal operating pressure.
(14) An aerial crew must include a minimum
of two qualified workers.
b. Travel procedures: Drivers of aerial bucket
trucks must be constantly alert to the fact that the
vehicle has exposed equipment above the elevation
of the truck cab and be sure that roadways provide
the necessary clearance. They must avoid moving the
truck into the opposing traffic stream by planning
the order of the work to eliminate this hazard. When
possible the following precautions should be observed:
(1) Any backing of the truck must be done
slowly and under the direction of one person on the
ground who has an unobstructed view of the intended
path of the vehicle and its driver.
(2) A truck must not be moved with the boom
elevated in working position.
TM 5-682
(3) When traveling to and from job sites, pinon
type buckets must either be removed and stored
on the truck, or secured in a horizontal position to
the boom, to avoid obstructing the driver's vision.
c. Setting up and knocking down at the job site.
Upon arriving at the work area, legally park the truck
while the vehicle and pedestrian warning signs,
lights, and barricades are being placed. Give careful
consideration to the location of overhead conductors
and the surrounding conditions before the truck is
moved into the work position. Make every effort to
place the truck so that all work areas at that location
may be reached by the boom without movement
of the truck. Take the following precautions:
(1) Available footing for the truck wheels and
outriggers must be examined carefully and extra
caution exercised if there is snow, ice, mud' soft
ground, or other unusual conditions. Blind ditches,
manholes, culverts, cesspools, wells, and other similar
construction must always be considered as additional
possible hazards.
(2) Before lowering the stabilizers, outriggers,
or hydraulic jacks, the operator must be certain that
no one is close enough to be accidently injured.
Chocks or cribbing may be needed to ensure stability
of the truck body.
(3) When working on an inclined road or street
each outrigger or jack must be checked to make sure
a stable setup has been achieved. The truck should
be approximately level as viewed from the rear.
(4) A warm-up period is needed at the beginning
of each day’s work. This time may vary with
different makes and models, and with different temperatures.
(5) When lowering the boom to a cradled positions,
workers will stand clear of the path of the
bucket and boom.
(6) When work is completed the bucket must
be lowered and the boom cradled and secured by an
approved tie-down.
d. Operating at the job site. Observe proper precautions
before and while raising the bucket. Workers
will obey the applicable rules for working aloft or
working at ground level.
(1) One worker must be responsible for all operations
required in placing the bucket in operating
position, use of the bucket, and restoring it to the
traveling position.
(a) That operator must check to be sure that
the outriggers or stabilizers are in the down position,
truck hand brake set, and rear wheels of the
truck chocked where necessary.
(b) If the operator has any doubt as to the
stability of the truck, due to terrain, then the
outriggers or stabilizers must be checked fro safe
operation before a load is lifted.
(c) When the boom must be maneuvered over
a street or highway, necessary precautions must be
taken to avoid accident with traffic or pedestrians. A
flagman must be used when necessary.
(d) workers will enter the bucket only with
the bucket resting in the position for which it is designed.
(2) the operator should always face in the direction
in which the bucket is moving so that all obstructions
are noted and avoided when the bucket or
boom is raised, lowered, or rotated.
(a) the operator must follow the proper sequence
prescribed by the manufacturer in raising the
boom section.
(b) Before reaching any area containing obstructions,
the operator must test controls of the
boom and bucket to ensure that they are in proper
working order.
(c) the operator must suspend operations if
tests indicate the unit is not working properly.
(d) Raising the bucket directly above energized
conductors equipment should be kept to a minimum.
(3) Protection for workers aloft will be provided
by locating buckets under or to the side of lines, to
avoid contacting any conductors or equipment.
(a) If necessary to get within reach of energized
conductors or equipment, a worker must be
properly protected with rubbed sleeves and rubber
gloves, if appropriate to the voltage level.
(b) Energized conductors and equipment
must be covered with protective devices, if necessary
to perform the work safely.
(c) Adequate clearance must be maintained
so that protruding tools will not come in contact with
conductors, tree limbs, or other obstructions.
TM 5-682
(d) A worker must not stand on top of the
bucket or on planks placed across the top of the
bucket, while performing work.
(e) A worker must not belt onto an adjacent
pole, structure, or equipment while performing work
from the bucket.
(f) the operator must make sure that
handlines and tools do not become entangled with
the levers that operate the boom.
(g) When working aloft, secure all tools not
in use.
(4) When the bucket is being used in any manner
which might result in contact between an energized
conductor and the bucket, boom, or any attachment
thereto, the vehicle must be considered energized
at line potential, and the following safe practices
observed fro ground operations.
(a) Materials or tools must not be passed
between a worker on the vehicle and a worker on the
ground, unless both workers wear primary rubber
gloves and use other required protective devices.
(b) Workers operating ground controls must
be on the vehicle or insulated from the ground using
primary rubber gloves an other protective equipment.
(c) Before entering or leaving the vehicle, a
worker must make sure that the boom or bucket is
not in contact with or near energized equipment.
(d) Workers on the ground must not work
directly below the work area of the bucket.
(e) Tools or materials must not be thrown to
or from the elevated bucket.
6–15. Aerial cable heating material requirements.
See paragraph 7–6 for safety requirements. Observe
the following additional requirements.:
a. Soldering tools must be kept at grade level
except when actually in use aloft.
b. When solder is being used aloft, an approved
solder catcher must be placed directly under the point
of soldering.
6–16. Tree trimming and brush removal
Tree trimming and brush removal is done to maintain
the integrity of electric lines and apparatus and
provide right-of-way clearance.
a. Training qualification. Workers who climb
trees must be certified as “Qualified Climbers.” Workers
in aerial lifts must be qualified for that work. If
using ladders, review the requirements for their safe
use in paragraph 4–6. In all cases, when workers are
engaged in work near energized lines, they must be
qualified to do so. Any trimming must be done in a
manner that does not damage the tree, and meets
ANSI Z133.1 requirements. The worker must be
qualified to do tree trimming.
b. Public Safety. Erect suitable signs and barriers
to prevent the public from passing under trees
in which personnel are working and to prevent stumbling
over brush on the ground. Brush must not be
piled on sidewalks nor left on streets and highways
c. Tool Safety. Raise and lower tools with a
handline. Only saws and pruning knives or shears
are used for cutting limbs. Do not carry unnecessary
tools up the tree. Tools must not be hung or stored
on tree limbs.
d. Working near energized lines. Be aware that
lines may not always be de-energized fro tree trimming
operation. Review the rule for live line safety
and for climbing and working on a pole especially in
regard to being knowledgeable of the energized lines
in the area and the relevant dangers. Workers in
trees will use belt and safety straps. When working
near energized lines, arrange your safety line so that
a slip or fall will carry you away from the energized
e. Climbing and working on trees. Climbing
trees should be avoided unless ladders or aerial lifts
will not provide the necessary access. Workers in
trees must use every precaution to prevent contact
with aerial electric and telephone wires, and damage
thereto. Ensure that the following precautions
are taken.
(1) If climbers are used, make sure they are
tree climbers approved for the bark thickness of the
tree being climbed. Never use pole climbers.
(a) Use a belt and safety strap of life line.
Place the strap around a tree limb of sufficient size
to hold the worker’s weight, but never around the
tree limb being cut.
(b) Do not stand on tree limbs too small to
support your weight. Extreme care should be exercised
when working in trees which have brittle wood.
TM 5-682
(2) Before felling trees inspect tools to be used
(such as ropes, tackle, ladders, and chain saws) to
ensure they are in proper condition.
(a) Place signs warning pedestrian and vehicular
traffic of the danger from work being performed.
Station flagmen where necessary.
(b) Inspect each tree for possible dangers
(conductors and fences) in the line of fall. Have energized
conductors de-energized if possible.
(c) Check each tree for dead or broken tree
limbs when climbing. Remove unsound tree limbs
during the climb.
(d) Lower cut-off tree limbs with a rope. Falling
tree limbs can cause injury and property damage.
(e) Trees greater than 25 feet (7.5 meters) tall
and 8 inches (200 millimeters) truck diameter must
have ropes attached before felling. Passing workers
to the ropes to guide the tree as it falls.
f. Power trimming equipment. Chain-saw operators
will follow the manufacturer’s operating instructions
and will carefully inspect and maintain their
saws prior to use. Chain saws are very dangerous.
Observation of the following operation and maintenance
safety rules will assist in the avoidance of injury.
(1) Operate only if authorized and observe the
following operator precautions:
(a) Before starting to cut, the operator must
clear away brush or other material that might interfere
with cutting operation.
(b) Operators will wear personal protective
equipment as prescribed by the designated authority.
Eye, ear, hand, foot (safety shoes) and leg protection
are required as a minimum unless specifically
waved by the designated authority.
(c) the idle speed will be adjusted so that the
chain does not move when the engine is idling.
(d) The operator must be sure of his/her footing
before beginning cutting operations.
(e) the operator will hold the saw with both
hands during all cutting operations. Grip the chain
saw properly. Place one hand on the top handle with
the thumb curled under the handle. Place the other
hand on the control handle.
(f) The operator must stand to the side of the
chain saw, not directly behind it, to keep the body
away from the path of the guide bar if kickback occurs.
Be alert to conditions. That can cause the chain
saw to kick back. Kickback occurs when a solid object
(such as a tree limb above the cutting area) contacts
the chain at the guide bar nose. This causes
the saw to be thrown violently up and back toward
the operator.
(g) The chain saw must never be used to cut
above the operator’s shoulder height.
(h) The operator will shut off the saw when
carrying it over slippery surfaces, through heavy
brush, and when adjacent to personnel. The saw may
be carried running (idle speed) for short distances of
less than 50 feet (15 meters) as long as it is carried
to prevent contact with the chain or muffler.
(i) Never operate a chain saw when physically
tired or under the influence of alcohol, medication,
or other drugs.
(j) When felling a tree, clear a path of retreat
while assuring that the fall does not damage anything.
(2) Chain saws must be kept clean and sharp
at all times, and kept in sound mechanical conditions
with all guards, spark arresters, mufflers,
handles, and other items properly installed and adjusted.
Observe the following equipment precautions:
(a) Fuel for chain saws must be stored in
approved vented containers that are marked to show
their contents. Never store the fuel near flammable
materials. Keep the containers clean. Always wipe
the spout clean before filling the chain-saw tank.
Filtering the fuel mixture will ensure continued
smooth engine operation.
(b) make sure that a proper mixture of fuel
(gasoline and oil) is used. Check the fuel tank and
chain oiling reservoir for proper levels before use.
The filler caps for the fuel tank and chain oiling reservoir
must be clearly marked and securely attached
during operation and storage.
(c) the chain saw will not be started within
10 feet (3 meters) of a fuel container.
(d) the chain saw will not be fueled while
running, hot, or near an open flame.
TM 5-682
g. Right-of-way brush removal. Brush clearance
should be performed as part of electrical maintenance
work only to clear right-of-ways. Wear personal protective
equipment when using power trimming equipment.
Recognize the hazards from poor work practices
to workers and to the environment and observe
the following rules.
(1) Cutters felling heavy brush or small trees
must give sufficient warning to other personnel.
Never work so close that one worker could injure
another with a swinging ax or hook.
(2) Brush chippers will be operated only if authorized
and by standing to the side of the chipper
chute while feeding the butt end of brush into the
chipper first. Use the automatic shut-off/stop control
at the operator’s station in an emergency.
(3) Tools such as saws, axes, bush hooks, pruning
shears, scythe blades, and pitch forks, must not
be thing in bushes or small trees nor stored hidden
from easy view of other workers.
(4) Personnel assigned to remove or pile brush
must stay a safe distance behind workers using cutting
(5) When burning brush, be careful at all times
to see that the fire and sparks are under control.
Cover hot ash piles with dirt or douse them with
water. Obey local laws concerning open fires. The
burning of poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac
is prohibited. Smoke from burning these plants is
very toxic; even the windward side of the fires may
not be safe.
(6) Workers assigned to right-of-way cutting
should be taught to recognize poison ivy, poison oak,
and poison from these plants and should keep away
from the vices and leaves. If workers do contact these
poisonous plants, they should report to the foreman
who will immediately render appropriate first-aid
treatment to prevent a rash from breaking out on
the worker’s skin. A first-aid kit should always be at
(7) Workers must always be on the alert for
snakes when cutting right-of-way. A standard snakebite
kit must be carried on every such job.
TM 5-682
TM 5-682
7–1. Underground work
Underground electrical work applies to manhole,
vaults, and handholes; duct lines and trenches; cable;
and ground-mounted and underground equipment
associated with underground electrical lines.
7–2. Work area protection
Work area protection is the safeguarding or protecting
of pedestrians, motorists, facility workers, and
equipment by the use of barriers, warning signs,
lights, flags, traffic cones, high-level standards, barricade
rope, and flagmen. Protection is required for
approaches to work areas, excavations, open manholes,
and parked equipment. An approved fire extinguisher
in good operating condition and immediately
accessible for underground work is mandatory.
a. Protection methods. Work area protection
methods will provide safety for workers, equipment,
and the public without excessively impeding public
(1) During any period in which apparatus must
be left open and energized, a suitable enclosure will
be erected around the apparatus, or a qualified
worker must be stationed at the location to ensure
the safety of the public.
(2) All temporary cable installations must be
made in a manner providing safety for workers and
the public.
b. Impact of vehicular traffic flow. The amount
and speed of the traffic will influence the work planning.
Where work will require excavation in roads
and highways, the appropriate traffic authority
should be consulted to maintain safe traffic flow. The
public must be warned in advance, then regulated
and guided safely through or around the work area.
c. Work space consideration. The extent of the
work and the lineup of traffic will effect scheduling,
which should be done to cause the least interference
to traffic and, minimize the possibility of accidents.
Good housekeeping in the storage and equipment
space necessary for the work should always be an
ongoing concern but especially wherever it impinges
on public right-of-ways. It is of the utmost importance
that the work area be properly identified and
the warning devices clearly convey the appropriate
message to the traveling public, well in advance of
arrival at the work area. This same good housekeeping
applies to protection of workers.
d. Barricades and warning precautions. Traffic
control requires the use of barricades and warning
(1) Devices. Only those signs, standards, barricades,
flags, and cones which conform to State or
local codes will be used. All State and local traffic
codes will be followed when providing work area protection.
(a) During night operations or in periods of
reduced visibility, special precautions will be taken.
Adequate warning equipment will be used including
flashing lights, flares, or area illumination.
(b) Warning devices and equipment will be
removed as soon as the hazard is eliminated.
(c) Warning devices and equipment not in use
will be stored in a proper manner or removed from
the work area.
(d) Barricades of materials having protruding
nails will not be permitted.
(2) Flagmen. Flagmen or other appropriate
traffic controls will be used whenever there is any
doubt that the use of signs, signals, and barricades
is ineffective.
(a) Flagmen will wear a red or orange warning
vest or garment. Warning garments worn at nigh
will be of a reflectorized material.
(b) Flagmen using hand signaling equipment
will ensure signals provide sufficient warning to protect
themselves and the work site. Signal flays will
be red and at least 24 inches (60 centimeters) square.
Sign paddles (Stop and slow) will be on a 6-foot (1.8-
meter) staff. In periods of darkness or reduces visibility,
red lights will be used.
(c) Flagmen will place themselves in a protected
position to reduce possibility of injury from
TM 5-682
(d) Flagmen will ensure that they can fully
observe the operation and will guide vehicular traffic
in such a manner as to minimize the possibility of
accidents or injury.
(e) When flagmen are used at both ends of a
job site, reliable communications or prearranged signals
will be used to insure proper traffic flaw.
(f) Flagmen will face traffic when giving signals.
(g) Flagmen will give positive, direct signals
which leave no doubt as to their meaning.
(3) Barriers and barricade tape. See chapter
5, paragraph 5–3 for requirements.
(4) Caution and danger signs. The following
are approved signs:
(a) Danger, High Voltage—Various sizes
(b) Danger—Keep Away—12 by 24 inches
(300 by 600 millimeters)
(c) Danger—Personnel Working Overhead—
12 by 14 inches (300 by 350 millimeters)
(d) Wear Goggles When Grinding—Various
(e) Danger, Drive Slowly—Personnel Working—
15 by 15 inches (380 by 380 millimeters)
(f) Danger—Blasting—15 by 15 inches (380
by 380 millimeters)
(g) Caution—check for Feedback—5.5 by 2
inches (140 by 50 millimeters)
(5) Preparing a manhole work area requires
proper use of warning devices.
(a) During the time that manholes or vaults
at the sidewalk or street level are open, suitable barricades,
traffic cones, warning signs, flags, and lights
will be used and maintained.
(b) When working in vehicular traffic areas
manholes, traffic cones must be used to guide traffic
around the danger area. Great care must be exercised
not to obstruct traffic. In addition, a blinking
light may be used on the traffic side of the hole, as
well as sawhorse type barricades around the hole.
(c) For sidewalk manholes and vaults, the
barricades must provide pedestrians and onlookers
positive protection against falling over material or
into the manhole. At night all open manholes must
be outlined with either flashing or nonflashing lights.
e. Excavation, trenching, and back-filling. Work
in increments to minimize open trenches. On a daily
basis, remove spoil to an area where it will not constitute
a safety hazard.
(1) All equipment and materials, stored where
pedestrian or vehicular traffic might be endangered,
must be marked with red flags by day and red lights
by night, or both. Do not store equipment or materials
where they will obstruct fire alarm boxes, hydrants,
or fire apparatus.
(2) Keep tools, stones, and dirt away from the
edge of a trench. Excavated material removed from
trenches in streets should be kept on the traffic side
of trenches, whenever possible, until it can be used
for fill or removed.
(3) Carefully refill excavations until such time
as permanent paving can be done. See that all refilling
is well tamped.
(4) Provide ditching machines with suitable
walkways, footboards, railing, and proper safeguards
over gears, chains, and other moving parts. Do not
stand near digging buckets while the machine is in
(5) Protect all open holes along streets and
highways or other frequented places by suitable covers.
(6) In excavations which workers may be required
to enter, excavated or other material will be
kept at least 2 feet (0.6 meters) or more from the
edge of the excavation.
(7) When workers are required to be in trenches
4 feet (1.2 meters) deep or more, at least two separate
and adequate means of exit, such as ladders or
steps, will be provided and located requiring no more
than 25 feet (7.5 meters) of lateral travel.
(8) Sides of trenches 5 feet (1.5 meters) or more
in depth will be shored, sloped, or otherwise adequately
supported to protect those working within
(9) Suitable gloves will be worn when using any
equipment or tools to excavate, expose, or handle
direct-burial cables.
TM 5-682
f. Cable pulling protection. Workers will not
handle pull-wires or pulling-lines within reaching
distance of blocks, sheaves, winch drums, and takeup
reels. Workers will not remain in a manhole during
pulling operations.
(1) Wire rope will not be used to pull cable in a
duct already occupied by conductors.
(2) A nonmetallic duct fishing wire or device
will be used when fishing ducts containing energized
(3) Ducts will always be fished in the direction
which presents the least hazard. A worker will be
stationed at each end when required.
(4) Avoid parking tool carts and reels on inclined
streets. Where this cannot be avoided, equipment
should be placed at a slight angle to the curb
so that the curb serves as a chock. Chock all wheels
with blocks or other suitable items and install a wellfastened
upright brace at both the front and rear of
the vehicle. Where more than one reel is parked at
the same location, lag the reels together. Place and
fasten chock blocks and braces so that they cannot
be easily dislodged.
7–3. Existing obstruction protection
When obstructions are encountered in digging, the
foreman should be notified immediately, so that damaging
or hazardous contact with energized cables may
be avoided. The following additional rules also apply:
a. Locating buried facilities. Use area utility
maps to locate existing utilities as accurately as possible.
b. Direct-burial electrical cable work. Extreme
care will be used in excavating near or exposing direct-
burial electric underground cable. Before excavating
the location of the cable must be determined.
If the depth of all direct-burial cable is definitely
known, power digging equipment may be used for
excavating all but the last 12 inches (300) millimeters)
of cover over the cable. The remaining cover
will be removed by use of shovels with wooden
handles or similar hand-digging tools. Where the
depth of direct-burial cables is not established, power
digging equipment should not be used, except to
break and remove the surface pavement.
(1) Probe rods or bars will not be used to locate
any underground direct-burial cables.
(2) When uncovering direct-burial cables, extreme
care must be observed to avoid damaging the
cable insulation.
(3) All exposed cables in a work area will be
protected against damage by boards or other nonconductive
materials. When it is necessary to weld
adjacent to cables, suitable nonflammable protective
material will be utilized.
(4) Under no conditions will workers stand, sit,
kneel, or lean on unprotected direct-burial cables.
c. Digging restriction. Mechanical excavating
equipment will be used only in areas where there is
no known danger of contacting or damaging buried
utilities. Elsewhere excavation will be done only by
hand digging.
d. Handling damage to existing utility lines. If
any existing utility lines are damaged then certain
steps must be taken dependent upon the type of line.
(1) If electric cables are damaged the facility
should de-energize the damaged line and take immediate
steps to repair it.
(2) If health and safety hazard lines such as
gas, steam, or hot water are damaged, the hole will
be left open until any utility line flow has been dissipated
safely. All possible sources will be shut off.
Extreme care will be taken to eliminate the possibility
of igniting any escaping gas. Any workers or resident
of the area will be warned, when necessary, and
the public will be kept out of the area. The local fire
department and the appropriate maintenance facility
will be notified immediately.
(3) Environmentally hazardous lines, such as
sewer, and oil, will be handled according to the applicable
health and safety hazard requirements.
Environmental cleanup will be initiated as soon as
(4) Other lines, such as communication, water,
or storm drainage, will be repaired as soon as possible
by the appropriate maintenance department.
7–4. Preparation for work in underground
Underground structures consist of manholes,
handholes, an vaults. The word manhole applies to
the other structures as appropriate to their size and
a. Manhole covers. Before entering a manhole,
place all warning signs needed for protection of those
working in and around the manhole, for drivers of
TM 5-682
Figure 7Ð1. Steps in removing a manhole cover.
vehicles, and for pedestrians. Before entering the
manhole test for oxygen deficiency and dangerous
gases. If there is an oxygen deficiency, or if any toxic
or combustible gas is entering the manhole, provide
adequate ventilation while there are workers in these
structures. Smoking is not permitted in manholes.
(1) Removing a manhole cover. A manhole
cover may weigh from 200 to 350 pounds (90 to 160
kilograms). Two persons, each with a manhole cover
hook, are required to remove a cover. They should
lift the cover with the leg and arm muscles, and with
their feet placed so that they will be clear if the cover
should be accidentally dropped. Figure 7–1 shows the
methods and stops for removing a circular manhole
(a) If snow, ice, or other surface conditions
cause insecure footing around the manhole cover, either
clear the working area with a shovel or broom, or
spread sand or other suitable material around the cover
to ensure firm footing. Do not strike the manhole cover
with a steel or iron tool. Use a hardened bronze cold
chisel to remove ice from a cover. A bronze cold chisel
will not produce sparks in striking the manhole cover.
Do not use an open flame or salt to thaw ice around or
over the cover. An open flame may cause an explosion
if a combustible gas mixture is present in the manhole.
A salt solution seeping into the manhole may contribute
to cable corrosion. Make test holes in the ice to locate
the edge of the manhole cover. A line or cable locator
is useful in finding manhole cover locations when
records are inadequate or when marking points are
covered with ice and snow. If the exact location of the
manhole is not known, a small channel may be cut from
the outer edge of the general location tot he center of
the area where the cover should be. If the manhole cover
is icebound, use enough hot water to melt the ice around
the edge of the cover.
(b) If the manhole cover does not lift readily,
first check to be sure the cover is not secured by a
locking device. If a locking device is not holding the
manhole cover, loosen the cover by placing a block of
wood on the cover near the rim and striking the wood
with a heavy hammer. Insert a manhole hook into
one of the manhole cover holes. Pry the cover while
the block of wood is being struck at several different
points around the circumference of the cover.
(c) Do not leave a manhole cover in a location
where it will present a hazard. If the cover cannot
be left near the manhole opening, skid the cover
to a safe location. If necessary, place a warning device
near the removed cover.
(d) In a traffic area, the manhole cover is
removed in a direction that will prevent personnel
from falling into the path of traffic should the manhole
cover hook slip during the cover removal. The
removal position must permit observation of oncoming
traffic. When possible, insert manhole cover hoods
in the hook holes on the side away from moving traffic.
When this is not practical, insert the manhole
cover hooks in the holes which permit the cover to be
moved in the direction of traffic. Keep the oncoming
traffic under careful observation.
(e) Before removing a manhole cover, mark
the cover and the frame with a piece of chalk so the
manhole cover may be replaced in its original position.
Improper alignment of the cover within the
frame may cause considerable noise when vehicles
cross over the covers. When the noise condition does
exist, place a thin layer of oakum (or similar material)
in the cover seat of the frame.
(f) Place the covers of opened manholes on
the side away from traffic, when conditions permit.
In case of two section covers, place one section on
each side of the opening.
TM 5-682
(2) Replacing manhole covers. Use the same
care as used for removing them.
(a) Be careful that manhole covers are properly
seated when replaced.
(b) The bearing surfaces must be free from
dirt or ice which might prevent them from fitting
b. Testing before entering structures. The structure
must be tested to assure that the atmosphere is
safe for workers. Entering a manhole with an oxygen
deficiency can cause sudden unconsciousness and
death by hypoxia (blood starvation). Manholes containing
less than 19.5 percent oxygen are not to be
entered without a supplemental oxygen supply.
(1) Hazardous conditions. Toxic or combustible
gases may be present or there may be a lock of
oxygen in unventilated subsurface structures.
(a) Toxic or combustible gases. Since subsurface
structures are subject to the accumulation
of combustible or toxic gases, they must be considered
hazardous until proven clear by test. Combustible
gases found in manholes or vaults are usually
natural gas or hydrocarbon fuels. Toxic gases usually
encountered are hydrocarbon fuels. Toxic gases
usually encountered are hydrogen sulfide, carbon
dioxide, or mangrove gas.
(b) Lack of oxygen. No one is permitted in
unvented vaults or manholes unless forced ventilation
is provided or the atmosphere is found to be safe
by testing for both oxygen deficiency and the presence
of explosive gases for fumes. Provisions must
be made for a continuous supply of air when necessary.
(2) Testers. The manhole or unvented vault
will be tested with an approved tester prior to entering,
after the worker first determines that the instrument
is in proper working order and correctly
calibrated. These tests will be made as soon as the
manhole cover is removed.
(a) Oxygen deficiency tests can be performed
with a safety lamp or an oxygen deficiency indicator.
The safety lamp cannot be used to indicate the presence
of carbon dioxide. Operation of the indicator instrument
should be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
(b) For the detection of “toxic gases,” one of
the simple effective colormeteric detectors (color
changes to indicate concentration) may be used. Hydrogen
sulfide can be detected at concentrations as
low as one part in 1,000,000. These detectors can be
obtained commercially, and a universal test kit is
available which will detect concentrations of carbon
monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and other gases. An approved
portable unit should be used to measure the
amount of combustible and toxic gases in the manhole
(3) Elimination of combustible or toxic
gases. Never enter a manhole until test results indicate
that the manhole is free of combustible or toxic
(a) Satisfactory test. If tests made upon removing
the manhole cover indicate that the atmosphere
is satisfactory, the manhole or vault may be
entered and worked in. Additional tests must be made
when each crew begins work; the test interval must
not exceed 8 hours. When the manhole is covered
with a tent or tarpaulin, the test interval must not
exceed 2 hours. Place the tent or tarpaulin so that
an opening is left in the covering for ventilation.
(b) Unsatisfactory test. If more than the
allowable trace of gas is found on the initial test,
ventilate the manhole or vault with a power blower
for a minimum of 10 minutes, then make a second
test with the blower running. If the test is satisfactory,
the manhole or vault may be entered. Make
this test away from the direct blast of the blower.
If gas is again found on the second test, continue
to ventilate the manhole with a power blower until
the test is satisfactory. Work can then be started
in the manhole, provided adequate power blower
ventilation is continued. There must be enough
ventilation to hold the quantity of gas in the manhole
to an allowable value until the work has been
completed and the cover is replaced. While working
in a manhole being ventilated with a power
blower because of previous gas detection, test the
atmosphere every hour. If the blower stops, leave
the manhole at once and do not re-enter until ventilation
has been restored and the atmosphere test
is satisfactory. Operate the blower outside of a
manhole tent or tarpaulin.
(4) Structure condition change retesting
requirements. Pumping out structure water or removing
duct line plugs can allow gas into the structure.
(a) After a manhole has been pumped, the
removable of the water may permit gas to flow into
the manhole. Make the test just above any open
ducts. If a test indicates that gas is entering, ventilate
the manhole.
TM 5-682
Figure 7Ð2. Sail method of manhole ventilation
(b) Immediately upon the removal of the duct
plugs, make a test just above the opened duct. If gas
is entering, ventilate the manhole.
(5) Emergency entrance. If, in an emergency,
it becomes necessary fro a worker to enter a manhole
or vault where gas is present, the worker will
use a supplied air respirator or an approved gas mask
if adequate oxygen is present and a safety harness
with an attached life line attended by another worker
stationed at the manhole or vault opening.
c. Ventilation of structures. There are three
methods that can be used to ventilate a structure.
They are the forced air, sail, and natural methods.
(1) Forced air. The forced air method consist
of a power blower, blowing air into the manhole. The
blower hose is placed into the manhole, forcing fresh
air to circulate and oxygen-deficient air to be forced
out. This is the best method of ventilating a manhole.
(2) Sail method. The said method (figure 7–
2), ventilates the manhole by using the wind. A piece
of plywood or some other material is placed over the
manhole. The edge of the plywood facing the wind is
lifted up until the plywood forms about a 45 degree
angle with the manhole opening. The wind enters
the manhole, forcing possible contaminated air out
of the manhole.
(3) Natural method. This method consists of
taking the manhole cover off and letting the internal
air escape as much as it can. This method of venting
a manhole is the least effective because a gas
heavier than air could remain in the bottom of the
manhole. Use this method of venting a manhole only
as an emergency measure.
7–5. Work inside underground structures
Work inside underground structures requires special
attention to general safety rules, familiarity with
the cable and equipment being worked on, and rules
applying to such underground work.
a. General safety. All work must be done in a
manner that observes the following precautions:
(1) Continuous adequate ventilation is required.
(2) While work is being performed in manholes
or vaults, a worker must be available on the surface
in the immediate vicinity to render emergency assistance
if required.
(3) A ladder will always be used when entering
or leaving a manhole or vault. Climbing into or
out of manholes or vaults by stepping on cables or
cable supports is forbidden. Manhole ladders, when
not in use, must be placed as not to be a hazard to
workers, pedestrians, or vehicular traffic. Hard hats
are required when entering or working in manholes.
(4) Tool handling must be done in a manner
that protects the workers and work area.
(a) Always place tools or materials a safe distance
from manhole openings, where they will not
cause a stumbling hazard or come in contact with
energized conductors or equipment.
(b) Do not throw tools or materials into or
out of manholes. Use canvas buckets or hand lines
for lowering tools or equipment into and removing
them from manholes. Warn workers before lowering
(c) Consider providing a windless handcrank
subsurface worker rescue assembly or an approved
retracting lifeline system.
(5) Before starting work, an inspection should
be made to determine if there are any dangerous conditions
such as burnt or cut cables or loose or defective
ladders. Use of portable ladders is preferred. Ladders
in manholes, if provided, may have rusted and
become unsafe. Before using open flames in manholes
or ecavations where combustible gases or liquids may
TM 5-682
be present, such as near gasoline service stations,
the atmosphere must be again retested and found
safe or cleared of the combustible gases or liquids.
When open flames must be used in manholes, extra
precautions must be taken to provide adequate ventilation.
(6) Use only flashlights or facility approved
lighting units for illumination in manholes.
(7) Low-voltage (less than 600 volts) equipment
is especially hazardous in or around subsurface structures.
Motor frames and equipment cases may be
energized by electrical conductors with frayed or
damaged insulation. The faults may occur only momentarily
or may be prolonged through high-resistance
grounding paths. Contact with energized equipment
surfaces and the damp and will-grounded floors
and walls often results in electrocution. It is recommended
that only pneumatic tools and low-voltage
(24 volt) lighting systems be used in maintaining
subsurface vaults and facilities.
b. Precautions before commencing work. The
worker must be familiar with the system and then
proceed to any necessary tagging of cable and equipment.
(1) Every possible precaution will be exercised
to correctly identify voltage, circuit, and phase of
cable or apparatus to be worked upon.
(b) The external appearance of medium-voltage
and low-voltage cables is often similar. For this
reason, a very careful check should be made of duct
locations and tag numbers before starting work. Any
errors found in the tagging of cables or in the manhole
records or maps should be immediately reported
to the supervisor. Under no circumstances should an
identification tag be removed or placed on a circuit
without direct permission from the supervisor.
(2) Refer to paragraph 3–8 for requirements for
de-energized work Safe clearance procedures.
(a) Where cables are being de-energized to
be worked on, all instructions pertaining to the clearing
of circuits, tagging, and grounding must be complied
(b) Standard practice for cable work is to
provide complete isolation of cable and protection
against premature energizing. An absolute check to
ensure that no potential exists must be made prior
to cutting into any cable. Remove the cable (lead or
other) sheathing and test for voltage. Use only approved
voltage detectors.
(3) Working on cable and equipment should
normally be done after de-energizing the cable or
apparatus to be worked on, whenever possible, and
consistent with facility mission requirements.
(4) The cable or apparatus will be considered
energized and worked with adequate protective devices
until the following steps have been taken:
(a) The item has been tested with an approved
device and proven to be de-energized.
(b) The item has been grounded from all possible
sources of power (including transformer secondary
(c) The item has been proved de-energized
at the work location. Grounds may be omitted or removed
for test purposes with the approval of the supervisor
in charge after the circuit has been tested
and proven to be de-energized. Omission of grounds
will only be permitted if their application increases
the work hazard.
(d) Before working on any section of cable or
apparatus to which cable is connected, care must be
exercised to ensure the cable has been grounded for
a sufficient length of time to drain off any static
(5) The procedure for proving cables de-energized
at the work location will be as follows—
(a) For positively identified cables normally
energized at 600 volts or less, phase to phase, remove
the insulation to expose a spot on the conductor
for direct metallic contact and test with an approved
voltage detector.
(b) Cables normally energized at more than
600 volts, phase to phase, or any cable whose voltage
or identity is questionable, will be proved to be
de-energized by following the rules given for mediumvoltage
work de-energized proving.
(6) Medium voltage work can be proved to be
de-energized using an approved test device on cable
terminals or apparatus which are equipped with capacitive
test points or have bare exposed parts. Medium-
voltage cable terminals and apparatus which
cannot be proved de-energized with an approved test
devices will be proved as follows—
(a) The item will be grounded from all possible
sources of power and positively traced from the
grounded point to the work location.
TM 5-682
(b) Grounding can be done by the cable spike
method which uses a wire tong or C-clamp device
attached to a hot stick to provide a proven ground.
Do not use a pike pole as a spike for this grounding
method, as the pike does not have the rating of a hot
stick. A temporary ground should be placed on the
cable before splicing takes place. This allows the dissipation
of any capacitance charge and helps to ensure
the cable is de-energized.
c. Requirements for working on cables and
apparatus. All workers must maintain the work
distance given in table 3–7 as appropriate to the voltage
level and whether the item being worked on is
energized or de-energized. Be aware of what items
are de-energized and what items are energized.
(1) De-energized work. All cable and apparatus
must be tagged properly.
(2) Protection. When a worker is in proximity
to live parts, rubber blankets or other suitable
insulating barriers must be placed in the correct position
to prevent accidental contact.
(3) Working procedures. Avoid hazards by
observing the following procedures:
(a) The secondary voltage of any transformer
fed from a de-energized feeder cable should be
checked. The cable must be grounded on each side of
the work location.
(b) Neural conductors will not be opened
without the prior installation of suitable bypass conductors.
(c) Energized underground cables will be
moved with extreme with extreme care to avoid damage
to the cable insulation. Moving will be done only
a the discretion of the foreman in charge. Leadsheathed
underground cables will be moved only
when approved by the supervisor. Prior to moving
energized electric underground cable, they will be
examined for any defects which might result in failure
if the cable is moved. No energized cable may be
moved where such movement requires changing
bends. All energized cables will be handled with rubber
gloves or hot-line tools as appropriate to the voltage
(d) Before separating or connecting a deadbreak
type separable connector, the circuit must be
de-energized and tested dead utilizing the associated
capacitive test point and an approved test device.
Only suitable live line tools will be utilized in separating
or connecting these separable connectors,
unless the circuit is tested de-energized and ground.
(e) Avoid sparks in connecting or disconnecting
cable, apparatus, or switching devices.
(4) Before operating a primary grounding
switch, the authorized operator must make certain
of the following—
(a) Personnel are at the correct location.
(b) The tags on the feeder cable and equipment
in the vault or manhole bear the same number
as shown on single line drawings.
(c) Network protectors are in the open position
or, in the case of radial transformers, that the
secondary fuses have been removed and transformer
secondaries are dead.
d. Cutting of cable. Before making an opening
in or removing a part of the sheath or sleeve or a
cable, the line will be grounded at the first possible
grounding point on each side of the work location.
(1) Always wear rubber gloves when sawing
into a cable or removing the sheathing. Install a
metallic jumper between two sides of the location
where a cable sheath is to be removed or cut.
(2) When a medium-voltage cable is to be cut,
a short section of the shielding, if any, will be removed
completely from around the cable. Tests will
be made with two statoscopes or other approved testing
devices, to determine whether or not the cable is
de-energized. If no indication of a live cable is obtained,
the worker may proceed with the work.
(3) When opening a splice in a medium-voltage
cable, the sleeve over the splice will be cut completely
around near the splice and then cut lengthwise
and removed. No effort will be made to remove
the compound. Workers will then test over each side
of the conductor with two statiscopes or other approved
testing devices. If no indication of a live cable
is obtained, the compound will be removed. If shielding
tape is then encountered, it will be removed and
another test made over each side of the conductor
with two statiscopes or other approved testing devices.
If no indication of a live cable is then obtained,
the splice will be cut through until the saw touches
one of the conductors. Before sawing further a
statiscope test will be made on the blade of the saw.
(4) When cutting or opening splices on low-voltage
cable, the same procedure as outlined above for
TM 5-682
medium-voltage cables will be followed, except in
testing. To determine whether the cable is energized
the insulation will be cut away to the conductor and
tested with an approved tester. On multiple-conductor
cables, only one conductor will be cut into at a
time and tests made on at least two conductors before
proceeding with the work.
7–6. Heating materials
Heating materials and equipment used in splicing
cable will be heated in such manner as to prevent
any hazard to the those working in manholes or
vaults and to vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
a. Hazard elimination. Observe the following
precautions to protect yourself, others, and the workplace:
(1) Gloves will be worn while heating or working
with hot insulating compound.
(2) Furnaces and tanks containing liquefied
petroleum gas, such as butane or propane, will not
be placed in a manhole or vault.
(3) Heating pots for solder, oil, or compound will
be safely positioned so that the contents cannot enter
the vault or manhole in case of spillage.
(4) Torches or furnaces must be kept at a safe
distance from flammable materials.
b. Work rules. The following work rules apply
to the use of torches, furnaces, pots, and soldering
devices. Only workers who are familiar with the use
of torches and furnaces will be allowed to use them.
(1) Only approved soldering pots, furnaces, and
ladles in good condition will be used.
(2) Keep lighted furnaces or torches 4 feet (1.2
meters) or more from manhole openings wherever
practicable and where they will be the least possible
hazard to property, workers, and the public. If necessary
to use torches or furnaces in manholes, adequate
ventilation must be provided to support combustion
and provide sufficient air for workers.
(3) Solder ladles must be heated before use. Be
sure that scraps of cold solder are dry before remelting.
Moisture and molten metal must never come in
contact with one another because this will cause a
splash of hot metal. Bars or pigs of solder, tools, and
ladles should be heated over the furnaces before being
put into a pot of hot solder. New workers should
be cautioned about this hazard.
(4) Furnaces must be lighted carefully and
guarded with a three-sided windshield at all times
when burning in public places. Never light or burn
furnaces in dangerous locations and never leave them
unattended. Lighted or hot torches or furnaces must
not be transported in trucks or other moving vehicles.
(5) Always take special care not to splash solder
on any person or equipment.
(a) Soldering pots must not be placed on furnaces
without a pot guard.
(b) Never attempt to do soldering unless a
fellow worker is stationed on the ground as a guard.
If necessary, rope off a safe distance.
(c) Before lowering hot solder or compound
into a manhole, warn those in the manholes to stand
clear. Do not lower anything until given instructions
from below to do so.
(6) If compound kettles have no breathers,
punch holes through the top crust of the compound
to the bottom before heating so that air and moisture
can escape. Heat the compound slowly.
(7) Place compound kettles on the goods or
plates provided and never directly on top of the furnaces.
(8) Do not allow paraffin to reach a temperature
exceeding 390° F (198°C).
c. Procedures for use of bottled liquid
fuels. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for
installing the torch on and removing it from fuel cylinder,
lighting the torch and using it, and cleaning
the torch orifice.
(1) Always remove the torch from the fuel cylinder
after the job is completed and it is no longer
(2) Observe the following precaution:
(a) Operate only in well-ventilated areas.
(b) Do not store full cylinders near heat or
fire, or in living spaces.
TM 5-682
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TM 5-682
8–1. Interior medium-voltage work
Additional knowledge is required to provide protection
from the electrical hazards of specialized electrical
equipment used in interior medium-voltage
electrical systems.
a. Applicability. The same safety background
requirements covered in chapter 5 for outdoor medium-
voltage substations will be applied. Consult the
manufacturer’s instruction manual and review the
applicable safety directions given in chapter 5 for the
type of apparatus being maintained. Only electrical
workers with training and experience on mediumvoltage
circuits are qualified for the job. Unless specifically
approved, work is not permitted on energized
circuits. Temporary ground wires should be used to
drain off all induced voltages and currents from live
circuits, stored energy devices, and equipment metal
guards before starting work.
b. Associated guidance. The worker should be
familiar with the following pertinent facility maintenance
manuals: TM 5-683/NAVFAC MO-116/
AFJMAN 32-1083, chapter 12; TM 5-684/NAVFAC
MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082, chapter 1, section 2 and
3, and chapter 5 section 2; and, TM 5-685/NAVFAC
MO-912, appendix E.
8–2. Medium voltage safety background
Review the applicable directions covered in chapter
5 for the type of apparatus being maintained before
starting work. Additional specific equipment safety
concerns should be covered by the manufacturer’s
instructions. All such instructions require the use of
qualified electrical workers with training and experience
on medium-voltage circuits who are familiar
with the work to be performed. Equipment must be
de-energized and grounded and worked on only by
qualified facility maintenance personnel if accidents
are to be avoided.
8–3. Motion hazards
Rotating electrical equipment such as motors and
generators need guards to protect workers from accidental
contact with live electrical parts, rotating
parts, and such areas where operating conditions
provide hot machine surfaces. Rotation may loosen
grounding connections and hold-down bolts and gray
flexible or cord connections. Sparking of brushes can
occur as well as insulation failures causing flame or
molten metal to be ejected from open type motors or
generators. Consider all these dangers when dealing
with motors and generators.
8–4. Working on indoor equipment
Working on indoor equipment involves checking the
safety aspects imposed by applicable codes for building
a. Limitation of space Space is usually at a premium.
Clearances provided are usually less generous
than for outdoor installations. Changes in NEC
requirements may mean that older installations do
not meet current clearance and entrance requirements
for electrical rooms. Where installation do not
conform to current NEC/OSHA requirements, additional
safety instruction must be provided to maintenance
workers. Ensure special attention is given
to additional guarding of live parts where current
NEC clearances are not met. Ensure that emergency
exit routes are provided if clear exits do not meet
current NEC requirements.
b. Grounding systems. Test that existing permanent
electrical systems grounds are adequate for
personnel protective grounding and provide additional
temporary grounding to meet requirements
given in paragraph 3–11.
c. Interconnection with other electric power
sources. Check single line diagrams to assure that
all inputs and interconnections to any electric power
source are locked and tagged open. Verify single line
diagram connections with the actual line connections
of the applicable equipment.
d. Other existing systems. If the room’s ventilation
system is affected by the work, ensure that adequate
temporary ventilation is provide. Fire protection
and fire alarm systems, as they apply to the
equipment and its installation space, may require
TM 5-682
temporary power and any interference with these
systems must have the approval of the local fire
e. Other work area requirements. Noise abatement
below that required by paragraph 3–3, may be
required so as not to disturb personnel working in
spaces adjoining the area where the maintenance
work is required. The custodial service should be informed
when they will be locked out of certain areas
and of any additional trash removal for which their
service will be responsible.
TM 5-682
9–1. Interior low-voltage work
There are additional devices for which facility workers
must have qualified training to safely maintain
low-voltage systems.
a. Applicability. The same safety background
requirements covered in chapters 5 and 8 should be
applied. Only electrical workers who are familiar
with the NEC and have experience on low-voltage
circuits are qualified for the job. Only in an emergency,
such as loads requiring continuous electric
power, may a worker be allowed to work energized
circuits; but only with appropriate personnel protective
apparel and the presence of another worker or
b. Associated guidance. The worker should also
be familiar with the following standards and pertinent
facility maintenance manuals: TM 5-683/
NAVFAC MO-116/AFJMAN 32-1083, chapter 12; TM
5-685/NAVFAC MO-912, appendix E.
9–2. Low-voltage safety background
The same safety background requirements given in
chapter 8 apply. In most cases complex controls or
special equipment will be maintained by contract
personnel or specially trained facility workers, otherwise,
observe the precautions set forth in this chapter.
As a part of their qualified training in safely
maintaining low-voltage systems, workers will also
be familiar with the following requirements.
a. Battery rooms. Be familiar with storage battery
safety rules given in paragraph 5–13. In addition,
ensure that the following conditions are met
before any work is done:
(1) Check that there is adequate ventilation,
forced or natural, to prevent buildup of explosive
(2) Check that warning signs are securely attached
and in legible condition.
(3) Check that eyewash apparatus is in operable
condition. If none is permanently installed provide
temporary eyewash apparatus.
(4) Verify that cell ventilation openings are
b. Fire alarm systems. Maintaining fire alarm
systems with their appropriate safety requirements
requires special training. Workers must have the
following or equivalent training:
Factory trained and certified.
(2) National Institute for Certification in Engineering
Technologies Fire Alarm certified.
(3) International Municipal Signaling Association
Fire Alarm certified.
(4) Certified by State or local authority.
(5) Trained and qualified personnel by an organization
listed by a national testing laboratory for
the servicing of fire alarm system.
c. Motors and generators. For maximum safety,
each motor and generator should be of the type and
size required for the load and for the conditions under
which it must operate. See paragraph 8–3.
(1) After work has been performed on circuits
to rotating machines, check direction of rotation.
(2) Always take positive steps to ensure that
rotating equipment being repaired cannot be set into
(3) A megohmmeter (megger) can be used to
check insulation of motor and generating windings
using a current of high voltage and low amperage.
Never start a megohm test if there is nay external
voltage in the test circuit.
d. Solid-state equipment. Variable frequency
motor controllers and uninterruptible power supply
(UPS) equipment are complex solid-state devices
which should generally be maintained by
manufacturer’s personnel on a contract basis. Facility
personnel are not normally trained for such work.
Even with initial training, maintenance work is usually
done on such an infrequent basis that subsequently
workers cannot be considered fully qualified.
Such installations should contain adequate precautionary
labeling warning workers of the electric shock
dangers involved in operating and maintenance of
such equipment.
TM 5-682
9–3. Review of low-voltage work precautions
Personnel should assume that all parts of electric
circuits are energized. Workers must personally inspect
circuits before starting work for assurance that
circuits are de-energized or that they can be safely
worked on while energized.
a. Repair work rules. Whenever possible, circuits
operating at less than 300 volts between conductors
will be de-energized before repair work is
(1) No work will be performed on energized
interior electrical circuits or equipment operating at
more than 300 volts between conductors.
(a) The supply or line side of switches or fuses
can be energized when all work to be performed on
the load side of such switches or fuses, provides sufficient
clearance between energized and de-energized
parts so that work can be done safely.
(b) Before beginning work on de-energized
circuits or equipment, a reliable voltage detector
must be used. Where considerable work is to be performed,
it is good practice to short-circuit and ground
circuits or equipment.
(c) Approved testing may be performed on energized
interior electric circuits or equipment operating
at more than 300 volts between conductors.
(2) When working on or near energized circuits,
workers must stand on a dry surface, other than cement
or masonry, or wear electrician’s rubber footwear.
(3) When using fish tape near energized parts,
cover live parts with rubber protective equipment.
(4) When working near running machinery, use
extreme care, and provide barricades where necessary.
(5) Place all tools clear of machinery before
starting machinery. Never use a wrench on running
(6) Provide adequate illumination.
(7) Use extreme care when working in cramped
places to avoid injury to your head, arms, and other
parts of your body.
(8) Wear goggles hen soldering larger joints or
tinning lugs on connectors.
(9) Remove tripping hazards.
(10) Do not work on slippery surfaces.
(11) All electrical apparatus requiring frequent
attention must be capable of being completely isolated
(12) Provide ventilation, particularly where obnoxious
fumes are present. Take particular precautions
if explosive or toxic vapors are present or suspected.
(13) Never use flame in any form until satisfied
that explosive vapors are not present.
(14) Use extreme care when using torches to
avoid igniting combustible material. Never leave
torches unattended.
b. Installation. Proper selection and installation
of electrical equipment will help to prevent accidents.
(1) Each worker should become familiar with
the applicable electrical codes and standards. The
foreman must be notified when equipment does not
meet the requirements of these codes and standards.
(2) All electrical equipment should be installed
to provide adequate working space in accordance with
the NEC and local codes. Install equipment so that
the possibility of accidental contact with energized
conductors is reduced to a minimum.
(a) Tape or cover bare or exposed places on
one energized conductor before exposing another
energized conductor.
(b) Never leave joints or loose ends of wire
untapped or otherwise unprotected.
(3) Equipment should be installed in the less
congested areas of a plant, in special rooms, or be
provided with suitable guards or barriers.
(4) Warning signs should be displayed near
exposed current-carrying parts and in hazardous
areas such as medium-voltage installations.
c. Switches. An open knife switch is hazardous
because of the exposure of live parts and because of
the arc formed when the switch is opened. Such
switches should be enclosed in grounded metal cabinets
having the control lever operable from outside
the cabinet.
(1) A knife switch should be mounted so that
TM 5-682
the blades are dead when the switch is open, and
should be installed so that gravity will not tend to
close the switch.
(2) Double-throw switches should be mounted
horizontally so that their operation will not be affected
by gravity. Double-throw switches installed
vertically will be provided with a locking device to
hold moveable blades in the correct position.
d. Fuses and circuit breakers. Fuses or other
overcurrent devices should be provided according to
the NEC and should be of a size and type that will
interrupt the current flow when it exceeds the capacity
of the conductor.
(1) Substitution of copper wires or other conductors
for fuses will not be permitted.
(2) When it is necessary to remove a cartridge
fuse, the operating switch, if provided, should be
opened to remove the load. Take fuses entirely out of
holders when removing them from circuits. The fuse
should be pulled only with an insulated fuse puller.
On circuits 300 to 600 volts, use both fuse tongs and
rubbed gloves.
e. Control equipment. The space behind the
switchboard should not be used for storage and
should be kept clear of rubbish.
(1) Good illumination should be provided for
the front and rear of switchboards.
(2) Switchboard framework and metal parts of
guards should be grounded according to the NEC.
(3) connections, wiring, and equipment of
switchboards should be arranged in an orderly manner.
Switches, fuses, and circuit breakers should be
plainly marked, labeled, or arranged to afford ready
identification of the circuits or equipment supplied
through them.
f. Grounding. Low-voltage electrical accidents
are most frequently caused by a failure to understand
the hazards of low-voltage wiring. By far the most
misunderstood subject is the “theory of grounding.”
(1) Each worker should carefully study and
understand the grounding requirements of the NEC.
(2) Use properly grounded portable electric
tools, particularly in damp locations or near grounded
equipment or piping.
(3) Do not open a ground connection to a water
pipe or ground rod until the ground wire has been
disconnected at the equipment.
TM 5-682
TM 5-682
Government publications and forms
Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force
AR 25-400-2
The Modern Army Record-keeping system
TB 43-0142
Safety Inspection and Testing of Lifting Devices.
TM 5-683/NAVFAC MO-116/AFJMAN 32-1083
Electrical Interior Facilities.
TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
Electrical Exterior Facilities
TM 5-685/NAVFAC MO-912
Operation, Maintenance, and Repair of Auxiliary
TM 5-811-1/ARM 88-9
Electrical Power supply and Distribution
Prescribed Forms
DA Form 5140
Caution Tag. (Prescribed in para 3-8c(10).)
DA Form 5168-R
Safety Clearance Order (Electrical Facilities)
(Prescribed in para 3–8c(1).)
DA Form 7407-R
Caution Order (Electrical Facilities) (Prescribed
in para 3–8c(5).)
DA Form 7408
Danger Tag. (Prescribed in para 3–8c(9).)
Other Government Publications
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Superintendent
of documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
DC 20402
29 CFR 1910
Occupational Safety and Health, General Industry
29 CFR 1926
Occupational Safety and Health, Safety and health
Regulations for construction.
30 CFR part II
Respiratory Protective Devices; Tests for Permissibility.
Federal highway Administration (FHWA): 6300
Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101.
Manual on Uniform Traffic control Devices for
Streets and Highways.
Non-Government Publications
American Burn Association (ABA): 525 East 68th
Street, Room 706, New York, NY 10021.
Listing of Certified Burn Centers.
American Electrician’s Handbook by Terrell Croft and
Wilford J. Summers, McGraw hill, Inc., 1221 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 10020-1001.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI): 11
West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036.
ANSI B30.9
National Electrical Safety Code.
ANSI S3.19
Method for Measurement of Real-Ear Protection
of hearing Protectors and Physical Attenuation of Ear
ANSI Z88-6
Respiratory Protection, Respirator use, Physical
Qualification for Personnel.
Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution
for Industrial Plants.
TM 5-682
B–1. Examination development.
The appendix provides a listing of items from which
a proficiency examination can be developed to review
the workers’ understanding of safety rules.
B–2. General knowledge
The examinee should demonstrate general knowledge.
Test questions developed for a specific test
should include determining the examinee’s familiarity
with basic safety requirements.
a. List your personal responsibilities fro your
safety, for your co-workers’ safety, and for the public’s
b. List your classification, the work you are qualified
to do, and the safety methods applying to the
work you do.
c. List work area hazards applying to the work
you do.
d. List minimum safe approach distances for the
work you are qualified to do.
e. List safe grounding practices for electrical deenergized
work and safe working practices fro energized
electrical work for which you are qualified.
f. List safety-tagout procedure requirements.
g. If you are qualified for energized line work,
list the safety requirements for the voltage levels for
which you are qualified.
h. List your knowledge of the safety precautions
to be taken for general work area control.
B–3. specific knowledge.
The examinee should demonstrate specific knowledge.
The topics developed for a specific test should
be based on those needed to be reviewed to meet current
facility safety problems. Test questions as given
below can determine the breadth of the examinee’s
specific safety awareness.
a. Discuss your knowledge of the inspection,
maintenance, and testing requirements for lineman’s
and cableman’s tools and equipment and the electrical
testing devices noted in the topics list for this
b. Discuss your knowledge of the safe handling
requirements for the materials noted in the topics
list for this test.
c. Discuss your knowledge of the basic safety precautions
applying to the safety items noted in the
topics list for the test.
d. Discuss your knowledge of the safety rules including
the safety checklist requirements for the apparatus
noted in the topics list for this test.
e. Discuss your knowledge of the safety rules
applying to the type of overhead line work noted in
the topics list for this test.
f. discuss your knowledge of the safety rules applying
to the type of underground work noted in the
topics list for this test.
g. Discuss your knowledge of the safety rules applying
to the type of interior medium-voltage work
noted in the topics list for this test.
h. Discuss your knowledge of the safety rules applying
to the type of interior low-voltage work noted
in the topics list for this test.
i. Discuss your knowledge of the first aid procedures
to be applied for emergency treatment of the physical
impairments noted in the topics list for this test.
TM 5-682
TM 5-682
ANSI S3.19
Method for Measurement of Real-Ear Protection
of hearing Protectors and Physical Attenuation of Ear
ANSI Z87.1
Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and
Face protection.
ANSI Z87.1
Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and
Face protection.
ANSI Z88.2
Respiratory Protection.
ANSI Z89.1
Personal Protection, Protective Headwear for Industrial
Workers, Requirements.
ANSI Z133.1
Tree Care Operations, Pruning, Trimming, Repairing,
maintaining, and Removing Trees, and Cutting
Brush, Safety Requirements.
IEEE Guide for maintenance Methods on Energized
Power Lines.
IEEE Guide for Installation of Overhead Transmission
IEEE Guide on Terminology for Tools and Equipment
to be used in Live Line Working.
IEEE Guide for Cleaning Insulators.
Vehicle-Mounted Elevated and Rotating Aerial
UL Standard for Safety Rating and Fire Testing
Fire Extinguishers.
American Red Cross (ARC): 17th and D streets NW,
Washington DC 20006-0000.
First Aid, Responding to Emergencies.
Adult CPR.
American Society for Testing and materials (ASTM):
1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1187
ASTM A 603
Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated Steel Structural
Wire rope.
ASTM A 906
Standard Specification for Alloy Steel chain sling
for Overhead Lifting.
ASTM D 120
Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating
ASTM F 18-Series
ASTM Standard on Electrical Protective Equipment
for Workers.
ASTM F 855
Standard Specifications for Temporary Grounding
systems to be used on De-energized Electric Power lines
and Equipment.
Cordage Institute (CI): 42 North street, Hingham,
MA 02043.
Fundamentals of Fall Protection,
Knot Tying and Rigging.
Electrical Equipment Testing and maintenance by
A.S. Gill, Prentice Hall, Route 9W, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ 07632-0000.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
(IEEE): 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. box 1331, Piscataway, NJ
IEEE 978
Guide for in-Service maintenance and Electrical
Testing of Live-
IEEE 1048
Guide for Protective Grounding of Power Lines.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): One
Battlemarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-
Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.
TM 5-682
Cordage Institute (CI): 42 North Street, Hingham,
MA 02043
The Splicing Handbook.
Edison Electric Institute (EEI): 1111 19th Street NW,
Washington, DC 20036-3691
Use and Care of Pole Climbing Equipment.
Hot Sticks-A Manual on High-voltage Line Maintenance.
A.B. Chance Company, 210 North Allen Street,
Centrailia, MO 65240
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
One Battlemarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA
FPA 70
National electrical Code.
Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for
Employee workplaces.
NFPA 101
Code for Safety from Fire in Buildings and Structures.
NFPA 780
Lightning Protection Code.
The Lineman’s and Cableman’s Handbook by Edwin
B. Kurtz and Thomas M. Shoemaker, McGraw-Hill,
Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020-
TM 5-682
TM 5-682
Accessibility of work ....................................................................................................................................
At grade work .......................................................................................................................................... 3–4
Confined Spaces ...................................................................................................................................... 3–6
Enclosed spaces ....................................................................................................................................... 3–6
Inside work .............................................................................................................................................. 3–4
Work in elevated positions ....................................................................................................................... 3–6
Underground work .................................................................................................................................. 3–4
Accidents ......................................................................................................................................................
Causes ...................................................................................................................................................... 1–1
Handling .................................................................................................................................................. 2–6
Prevention................................................................................................................................................ 1–1
Reporting ................................................................................................................................................. 2–6
Aerial ............................................................................................................................................................
Cable ........................................................................................................................................................ 6–15
Lifts .......................................................................................................................................................... 6–14
Line work ................................................................................................................................................. 6–1
Rope use ................................................................................................................................................... 6–12
Work ......................................................................................................................................................... 6–11
Apparel, general ..........................................................................................................................................
Clothing ................................................................................................................................................... 4–3
Clothing do’s ............................................................................................................................................ 4–3
Clothing don’ts ......................................................................................................................................... 4–3
Jewelry ..................................................................................................................................................... 4–3
Zippers, metal .......................................................................................................................................... 4–3
Apparel, protective ......................................................................................................................................
Aprons ...................................................................................................................................................... 5–13
Contact lenses.......................................................................................................................................... 4–3
3–4, 4–11,
4–7, 5–3,
TM 5-682
Dust protection ........................................................................................................................................ 4–3
Eye and face ............................................................................................................................................. 5–13
Foot .......................................................................................................................................................... 4–3
Gas masks ................................................................................................................................................ 4–3
Gloves ....................................................................................................................................................... 7–6
Grinding protection ................................................................................................................................. 4–3
Hearing .................................................................................................................................................... 4–3
Molten metal protection ........................................................................................................................... 4–3
Respiratory .............................................................................................................................................. 4–3
Skin .......................................................................................................................................................... 4–3
Soot protection ......................................................................................................................................... 4–3
Applicability of rules ...................................................................................................................................
Work covered ........................................................................................................................................... 1–2
Persons covered ....................................................................................................................................... 1–2
Basics ...........................................................................................................................................................
Emergency resuscitation needs ............................................................................................................... 11–20
First aid actions ....................................................................................................................................... 11–2
Safety principles ...................................................................................................................................... 3–1
Burning ........................................................................................................................................................
Brush........................................................................................................................................................ 6–16
Insulation ................................................................................................................................................. 3–3
Rubbish .................................................................................................................................................... 2–7
Cable .............................................................................................................................................................
Aerial........................................................................................................................................................ 6–15
Cutting ..................................................................................................................................................... 7–5
Pulling ...................................................................................................................................................... 7–2
Underground ........................................................................................................................................... 7–5
Capacitors ................................................................................................................................................ 6–11
3–15, 4–14, 5–13, 6–2, 6–9, 6–11, 7–5,
TM 5-682
Carelessness................................................................................................................................................. 2–2
Care of ..........................................................................................................................................................
Live-line (hot-line) tools ........................................................................................................................... 4–13
Fiber rope ................................................................................................................................................. 4–9
Wire rope .................................................................................................................................................. 4–9
Chain saws ................................................................................................................................................... 6–16
Clippers ........................................................................................................................................................ 6–16
Choke coils ................................................................................................................................................... 5–8
Classification of workers ..............................................................................................................................
Groundman .............................................................................................................................................. 2–9
Laborer ..................................................................................................................................................... 2–9
Lineman ................................................................................................................................................... 2–9
Patrolling ................................................................................................................................................. 2–9
Patrolman ................................................................................................................................................ 2–9
Troubleman .............................................................................................................................................. 2–9
Worker qualifications ............................................................................................................................... 2–9
Clearances (lockout/tagout).........................................................................................................................
Lockouts ................................................................................................................................................... 3–10
Red tagouts .............................................................................................................................................. 3–10
Safe clearances ........................................................................................................................................ 3–10
Tagouts ..................................................................................................................................................... 3–10
Yellow tagouts .......................................................................................................................................... 3–10
Climbing .......................................................................................................................................................
Equipment ............................................................................................................................................... 6–5
Poles ......................................................................................................................................................... 6–16
Qualified climber ..................................................................................................................................... 6–1
Space ........................................................................................................................................................ 6–10
Codes ............................................................................................................................................................ 1–1
6–4, 6–6,
TM 5-682
Common neutral systems ............................................................................................................................. 6–8
Consideration of others ............................................................................................................................... 2–8
Cooperation .................................................................................................................................................. 6–9
Crossing structures ..................................................................................................................................... 6–7
Danger avoidance ........................................................................................................................................
Barriers .................................................................................................................................................... 5–3
Caution signs ........................................................................................................................................... 7–2
Danger signs ............................................................................................................................................ 7–2
Flagmen ................................................................................................................................................... 7–2
Red flags .................................................................................................................................................. 6–2
Red lights ................................................................................................................................................. 6–2
Signals ..................................................................................................................................................... 6–2
Warning devices....................................................................................................................................... 3–5
Warning signs .......................................................................................................................................... 2–7
Deenergized electrical work .........................................................................................................................
Line work rules........................................................................................................................................ 3–11
Work areas ............................................................................................................................................... 5–3
Defective equipment .................................................................................................................................... 5–2
Diagrams and schematics ............................................................................................................................ 5–2
Energized electric work ...............................................................................................................................
Adjacent to energized lines ...................................................................................................................... 6–8
Anchoring link sticks ............................................................................................................................... 6–9
Approach distances ................................................................................................................................. 3–9
Circuits..................................................................................................................................................... 3–8
Distractions ............................................................................................................................................. 6–9
Live line bare-hand work ......................................................................................................................... 6–9
Live-line maintenance .............................................................................................................................. 6–9
TM 5-682
Live-line tools .......................................................................................................................................... 4–13
Over, under, or across energized lines ..................................................................................................... 6–8
Permitted work ........................................................................................................................................ 3–15
Potential to ground .................................................................................................................................. 3–9
Required checks ....................................................................................................................................... 3–15
Standard requirements ............................................................................................................................ 6–9
Statement of qualifications ...................................................................................................................... 3–15
Untying conductors ................................................................................................................................. 6–9
Voltage levels ........................................................................................................................................... 3–15
Washing of insulations ............................................................................................................................. 6–9
Working distances ................................................................................................................................... 3–9
Electrical maintenance support ................................................................................................................... 4–1
Energy-storing protective devices safety rules ........................................................................................... 5–8
Engineering guidance .................................................................................................................................. 5–2
Equipment, heavy ........................................................................................................................................
Cranes ...................................................................................................................................................... 4–10
Derricks ................................................................................................................................................... 4–10
Winches .................................................................................................................................................... 4–10
Examinations........................................................................................................................................... C–3
Fallen wires ................................................................................................................................................. 6–8
Feedback precautions .................................................................................................................................. 3–8
First aid ........................................................................................................................................................
Artificial respiration................................................................................................................................ 12–2
Bites and stings ....................................................................................................................................... 11–15
Bleeding ................................................................................................................................................... 11–4
Broken bones ........................................................................................................................................... 11–5
Burns........................................................................................................................................................ 11–11
1–1, C–1, C–2,
2–4, 11–21,
TM 5-682
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) .................................................................................................... 11–22
Chest injuries .......................................................................................................................................... 11–8
Cold emergencies ..................................................................................................................................... 11–13
Concussion ............................................................................................................................................... 11–6
Dislocations ............................................................................................................................................. 11–9
Electric shock........................................................................................................................................... 11–19
Electric shock accidents ........................................................................................................................... 10–3
Eye injuries .............................................................................................................................................. 11–14
Fractures.................................................................................................................................................. 11–5
Fundamentals.......................................................................................................................................... 10–2
Gas poisoning .......................................................................................................................................... 11–18
Heat emergencies .................................................................................................................................... 11–12
Miscellaneous precautions ....................................................................................................................... 11–23
Obstructed airways ................................................................................................................................. 11–17
Poisonous plants ...................................................................................................................................... 11–16
Pressure points ........................................................................................................................................ 11–4
Principles ................................................................................................................................................. 10–1
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................... 11–1
Shock ........................................................................................................................................................ 11–3
Snakebite ................................................................................................................................................. 11–15
Spine fractures ........................................................................................................................................ 11–7
Sprains and strains ................................................................................................................................. 11–10
Tourniquets .............................................................................................................................................. 11–4
Wounds..................................................................................................................................................... 11–4
Fire ...............................................................................................................................................................
Alarm systems ......................................................................................................................................... 9–3
Extinguishing equipment ........................................................................................................................ 2–7
Near electric lines ................................................................................................................................... 6–8
2–9, 6–16,
TM 5-682
Fusing safety rules .................................................................................................................................. 5–7
Fusing transformers and regulators ....................................................................................................... 6–11
Grounding ....................................................................................................................................................
Electrostatic grounding ............................................................................................................................ 3–13
Equipment grounding .............................................................................................................................. 3–12
General rules ........................................................................................................................................... 3–14
Ground switches ...................................................................................................................................... 3–14
Grounded neutrals .................................................................................................................................. 6–8
Grounding cables ..................................................................................................................................... 3–13
Interior low-voltage equipment ............................................................................................................... 9–3
Lightning protection grounding .............................................................................................................. 3–12
Number of sets of grounding devices....................................................................................................... 3–14
Permanent grounding .............................................................................................................................. 6–8
Personal grounding ................................................................................................................................. 3–13
Protective grounding equipment ............................................................................................................. 3–13
Resistance of grounds.............................................................................................................................. 3–13
System grounding ................................................................................................................................... 3–12
Temporary grounding ............................................................................................................................... 3–13
Tools ......................................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Vehicle grounding .................................................................................................................................... 3–13
Gum chewing ........................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Hazard concerns ..........................................................................................................................................
Acids ......................................................................................................................................................... 4–8
Asbestos ................................................................................................................................................... 3–7
Askarel ..................................................................................................................................................... 3–7
TM 5-682
Carbon tetrachloride ............................................................................................................................... 4–7
Caustics.................................................................................................................................................... 4–8
Creosote ................................................................................................................................................... 6–2
Electrical service hazards ........................................................................................................................ 3–8
Elimination of normal hazards ................................................................................................................ 3–3
Energized machinery ............................................................................................................................... 3–3
Explosive charges .................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Explosives ................................................................................................................................................ 4–8
Exposed belts and gears ........................................................................................................................... 4–7
Gasoline engines...................................................................................................................................... 3–3
Hazardous substances............................................................................................................................. 3–7
Job hazard preparation ............................................................................................................................ 2–5
Phase differences ..................................................................................................................................... 3–8
Polychlorinated bephenyls (PCB) ............................................................................................................ 3–7
Potential differences................................................................................................................................ 3–8
Sulfur hexofluoride (SF6) ......................................................................................................................... 3–7
Wood product preservative treatments ................................................................................................... 3–7
Work around sources of electric and magnetic fields ............................................................................. 3–7
Heating materials ........................................................................................................................................
Compound kettles.................................................................................................................................... 7–6
Furnaces .................................................................................................................................................. 7–6
Heating pots ............................................................................................................................................ 7–6
Paraffin .................................................................................................................................................... 7–6
Torches ..................................................................................................................................................... 7–6
Good housekeeping .................................................................................................................................. 2–7
Safety checks ........................................................................................................................................... 3–5
TM 5-682
Illness ........................................................................................................................................................... 2–1
Inching ......................................................................................................................................................... 5–6
Inspection of .................................................................................................................................................
Apparel, tools, and materials ................................................................................................................... 4–2
Fiber ropes ............................................................................................................................................... 4–9
Live-line (hot-line) tools ........................................................................................................................... 4–13
Rubber protective equipment .................................................................................................................. 4–14
Tools and equipment ............................................................................................................................... 4–2
Wire rope .................................................................................................................................................. 4–9
Insulating oil handling ................................................................................................................................ 4–16
Insulation .....................................................................................................................................................
Insulated and insulating tools ................................................................................................................. 4–12
Insulated buckets .................................................................................................................................... 6–14
Insulating sticks ...................................................................................................................................... 4–12
Insulators ................................................................................................................................................. 6–8
Interior low-voltage .....................................................................................................................................
Battery rooms .......................................................................................................................................... 9–12
Circuit breakers ....................................................................................................................................... 9–3
Control equipment .................................................................................................................................. 9–3
Fire alarm systems .................................................................................................................................. 9–2
Fish taps .................................................................................................................................................. 9–3
Fuses ........................................................................................................................................................ 9–3
Generators ............................................................................................................................................... 9–2
Guidance .................................................................................................................................................. 9–1
Installations ............................................................................................................................................. 9–3
Motors ...................................................................................................................................................... 9–2
Precautions .............................................................................................................................................. 9–2
Safety ....................................................................................................................................................... 9–2
3–15, 4–11,
TM 5-682
Solid-state equipment .............................................................................................................................. 9–2
Switchboards ........................................................................................................................................... 9–3
Interior medium-voltage ..............................................................................................................................
Guidance .................................................................................................................................................. 8–1
Motion hazards ........................................................................................................................................ 8–3
Safety ....................................................................................................................................................... 8–4
Intoxicating beverages or drugs................................................................................................................... 2–8
Leather goods ...............................................................................................................................................
D-rings ..................................................................................................................................................... 6–6
Leather equipment .................................................................................................................................. 6–5
Safety belts .............................................................................................................................................. 6–6
Lighting ........................................................................................................................................................
Extension lamps ...................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Minimum levels ....................................................................................................................................... 3–6
Temporary lighting .................................................................................................................................. 3–6
Lines, aerial .................................................................................................................................................
Primary line installations ........................................................................................................................ 6–8
Secondary line installations .................................................................................................................... 6–8
Service connections ................................................................................................................................. 6–11
Limitations on work .................................................................................................................................... 2–9
Lines, underground ..................................................................................................................................... 7–5
Manuals........................................................................................................................................................ 1–1
Materials handling ......................................................................................................................................
Cleaning operations ................................................................................................................................ 4–8
Compressed gases ................................................................................................................................... 4–8
Equipment handling ............................................................................................................................... 4–8
Flammable liquids................................................................................................................................... 7–6
Hand and forklift trucks .......................................................................................................................... 4–3
TM 5-682
Handling chemicals ................................................................................................................................. 4–3
Load binders ............................................................................................................................................ 4–8
Painting ................................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Poisons and pesticides............................................................................................................................. 4–8
Slings ....................................................................................................................................................... 4–8
Soldering .................................................................................................................................................. 4–7
Solvents .................................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Storage requiring special handling ......................................................................................................... 4–8
Throwing tools and materials .................................................................................................................. 4–8
Medical treatment ....................................................................................................................................... 10–3
Metalclad switchgear safety rules ............................................................................................................... 5–11
Network protector safety rules .................................................................................................................... 5–12
Night work ................................................................................................................................................... 7–2
Noise control ................................................................................................................................................ 3–6
Neutral systems ........................................................................................................................................... 6–8
Offenses, penalties ....................................................................................................................................... 2–2
Orientation of new workers ......................................................................................................................... 2–3
OSHA requirements .................................................................................................................................... 4–13
Personal conduct .......................................................................................................................................... 2–8
Phasing circuits ........................................................................................................................................... 5–14
Poisonous plants .......................................................................................................................................... 11–16
Poles .............................................................................................................................................................
Climbing and working on poles ............................................................................................................... 6–6
Digging pole holes ................................................................................................................................... 6–3
Dismantling poles.................................................................................................................................... 6–3
Equipment on poles ................................................................................................................................. 6–11
Gin pole setting method ........................................................................................................................... 6–3
2–6, 10–2,
3–15, 6–2,
3–9, 4–11,
TM 5-682
Ground handling ..................................................................................................................................... 6–2
Hauling poles ........................................................................................................................................... 6–2
Installation of guys .................................................................................................................................. 6–8
Installing overhead wires ........................................................................................................................ 6–8
Pike pole setting method......................................................................................................................... 6–13
Records ..................................................................................................................................................... 6–2
Reels ......................................................................................................................................................... 6–13
Removal of guys ....................................................................................................................................... 6–8
Removal lines .......................................................................................................................................... 6–8
Setting poles ............................................................................................................................................ 6–3
Storage ..................................................................................................................................................... 6–2
Stringing and salvaging wire................................................................................................................... 6–8
Winch line setting method ....................................................................................................................... 6–3
Working on or around pole-mounted equipment .................................................................................... 6–11
Practical jokes .............................................................................................................................................. 2–8
Red X ............................................................................................................................................................ 5–2
Regulators .................................................................................................................................................... 6–11
Rescue ..........................................................................................................................................................
Manhole ................................................................................................................................................... 12–3
Methods ................................................................................................................................................... 12–1
Pole-top .................................................................................................................................................... 12–2
Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................................
Crew members ......................................................................................................................................... 4–3
Foremen ................................................................................................................................................... 4–3
Personal protective apparel checking ..................................................................................................... 4–3
Personal tool checking ............................................................................................................................. 6–13
Qualified worker ...................................................................................................................................... 3–10
Supervisors .............................................................................................................................................. 3–10
4–2, 6–5,
TM 5-682
Rope ..............................................................................................................................................................
Conductivity ............................................................................................................................................ 6–12
Fiber rope ................................................................................................................................................. 4–9
Handline precautions ............................................................................................................................... 6–12
Knots and splices ..................................................................................................................................... 6–12
Manila rope .............................................................................................................................................. 4–9
Rope use terms ........................................................................................................................................ 6–12
Safe loads ................................................................................................................................................. 4–9
Snaps for tackle blocks ............................................................................................................................. 6–12
Synthetic fiber rope ................................................................................................................................. 4–9
Tackle blocks ............................................................................................................................................ 6–12
Wire rope .................................................................................................................................................. 4–9
Rubber goods ................................................................................................................................................
Insulator hoods ........................................................................................................................................ 4–14
Line hose .................................................................................................................................................. 4–14
Rubber blankets ...................................................................................................................................... 4–14
Rubber gloves .......................................................................................................................................... 4–14
Rubber protective equipment .................................................................................................................. 5–2
Rubber sleeves ......................................................................................................................................... 4–14
Rules .............................................................................................................................................................
Applicability ............................................................................................................................................ 1–2
Enforcement ............................................................................................................................................ 2–2
Interpretations ........................................................................................................................................ 2–2
Obedience ................................................................................................................................................. 2–1
Persons covered ....................................................................................................................................... 1–2
Safety checklist ........................................................................................................................................ 5–4
Variances.................................................................................................................................................. 1–3
Violations ................................................................................................................................................. 2–2
TM 5-682
Area .......................................................................................................................................................... 2–7
Field and shop ......................................................................................................................................... 4–5
Fundamentals.......................................................................................................................................... 3–2
General .................................................................................................................................................... 1–1
Meetings .................................................................................................................................................. 2–4
Office ........................................................................................................................................................ 4–4
Phasing .................................................................................................................................................... 5–14
Rules checklist ......................................................................................................................................... 5–4
Support .................................................................................................................................................... 4–6
Tools ......................................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Unsafe acts .............................................................................................................................................. 3–2
Unsafe conditions .................................................................................................................................... 3–2
Smoking ....................................................................................................................................................... 5–13
Sobriety ........................................................................................................................................................ 2–8
Storage battery safety rules ......................................................................................................................... 5–13
Street lighting .............................................................................................................................................. 6–10
Substations ..................................................................................................................................................
Abnormal conditions ............................................................................................................................... 5–2
Station operators ..................................................................................................................................... 5–3
Work ......................................................................................................................................................... 5–1
Supervision .................................................................................................................................................. 2–1
Support .........................................................................................................................................................
Boatswain’s chairs ................................................................................................................................... 4–6
Chains ...................................................................................................................................................... 4–9
Decking .................................................................................................................................................... 4–6
Hoists ....................................................................................................................................................... 4–8
Ladders .................................................................................................................................................... 4–6
2–8, 4–7,
TM 5-682
Lifting ...................................................................................................................................................... 4–8
Platforms ................................................................................................................................................. 4–6
Rigging ..................................................................................................................................................... 4–9
Rigging hardware .................................................................................................................................... 4–9
Scaffolds ................................................................................................................................................... 4–6
Slings ....................................................................................................................................................... 4–9
Trestles ..................................................................................................................................................... 4–6
Surge arresters ............................................................................................................................................ 6–11
Switches .......................................................................................................................................................
Bypass ...................................................................................................................................................... 5–10
Double-throw ........................................................................................................................................... 9–3
Knife ......................................................................................................................................................... 9–3
Oil ............................................................................................................................................................. 5–6
Time ......................................................................................................................................................... 6–10
Switching safety rules ................................................................................................................................. 5–6
System familiarity ....................................................................................................................................... 5–2
System operation ......................................................................................................................................... 5–2
Taking chances ............................................................................................................................................ 2–8
Testing devices .............................................................................................................................................
Combustible gas/oxygen detectors........................................................................................................... 4–15
Insulation testers .................................................................................................................................... 4–15
Leakage-current monitors ....................................................................................................................... 4–15
Line fault locators ................................................................................................................................... 4–15
Phasing testers ........................................................................................................................................ 4–15
Voltage detectors ..................................................................................................................................... 4–15
Testing of ......................................................................................................................................................
Structure before entering........................................................................................................................ 7–4
Temporary leads ...................................................................................................................................... 5–5
TM 5-682
Testing safety rules...................................................................................................................................... 5–5
Tobacco chewing........................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Tools, aerial line work .................................................................................................................................
A-frames................................................................................................................................................... 6–3
Cant hooks ............................................................................................................................................... 6–13
Gaffs ......................................................................................................................................................... 6–6
Jacks ........................................................................................................................................................ 4–8
Jennies ..................................................................................................................................................... 6–13
Powder-actuated ...................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Safety ....................................................................................................................................................... 4–12
Tools, general ...............................................................................................................................................
Axes .......................................................................................................................................................... 6–16
Chisels ...................................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Cord connections ..................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Cutting tools ............................................................................................................................................ 4–7
Drill presses ............................................................................................................................................. 4–7
Drills ........................................................................................................................................................ 4–7
Extension cords ....................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Grinding wheels ...................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Hand tools ................................................................................................................................................ 4–7
Lathes ...................................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Machine guards ....................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Machine tools ........................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Machinery ................................................................................................................................................ 4–7
Measuring ................................................................................................................................................ 4–7
Metal rulers or tapes ............................................................................................................................... 4–7
Miscellaneous .......................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Picks ......................................................................................................................................................... 4–7
4–12, 6–2, 6–3,
4–7, 6–3,
TM 5-682
Pneumatic and hydraulic tools ................................................................................................................ 4–7
Portable cord-connected power ................................................................................................................ 4–7
Sledge hammers ...................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Sockets ..................................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Welding .................................................................................................................................................... 4–7
Tools, energized line work ............................................................................................................................
Cleaning ................................................................................................................................................... 4–13
Fiberglass ................................................................................................................................................ 4–13
Handling and storage ............................................................................................................................... 4–13
Hot-line tool types ................................................................................................................................... 4–12
Inspection ................................................................................................................................................ 4–13
Link sticks ............................................................................................................................................... 6–9
Records ..................................................................................................................................................... 4–13
Repairs ..................................................................................................................................................... 4–13
Specialty tools .......................................................................................................................................... 4–12
Wood ......................................................................................................................................................... 4–13
Transformers ................................................................................................................................................
Connections ............................................................................................................................................. 6–11
Current transformers ............................................................................................................................... 5–9
Power ....................................................................................................................................................... 5–10
Testing ...................................................................................................................................................... 6–11
Voltage (potential) transformers ............................................................................................................. 5–9
Tree trimming ..............................................................................................................................................
Equipment ............................................................................................................................................... 6–16
Qualifications .......................................................................................................................................... 6–16
Two-worker requirement .............................................................................................................................. 6–11
Use of ............................................................................................................................................................
Handline .................................................................................................................................................. 6–12
2–1, 3–15, 4–8, 4–14, 6–2, 6–9,
TM 5-682
Live-line tools .......................................................................................................................................... 4–13
Rope, general ........................................................................................................................................... 4–9
Rubber protective equipment .................................................................................................................. 4–14
Wire rope .................................................................................................................................................. 4–9
Underground work ......................................................................................................................................
Backfilling ................................................................................................................................................ 7–2
Ditching machines ................................................................................................................................... 7–2
Excavations.............................................................................................................................................. 7–2
Manholes.................................................................................................................................................. 7–5
Obstructions ............................................................................................................................................ 7–3
Precautions before commencing work ..................................................................................................... 7–5
Preparation for work in underground structures ................................................................................... 7–4
Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 7–1
Ventilation of structures .......................................................................................................................... 7–4
Work inside underground structures ...................................................................................................... 7–5
Waste ............................................................................................................................................................ 4–7
Weather ........................................................................................................................................................ 6–8
Weeds ........................................................................................................................................................... 2–7
2–4, 3–15, 4–13, 4–14,
TM 5482
This proponent agency of this publication is the Chief of Engineers, United States Army. Users are
invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA form 2028 (Recommended Changes
to publications and Blank forms) directly to HQUSACE, (Attn: CECPW-EE), Washington, DC20314-
By Order of the Secretary of the Army:
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army
To be distributed in accordance with Initial Distribution Number (IDN), 341728, requirements for
TM 5-682.
TM 5482
DA 5168-R.
TM 5482
DA 7407-R.


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