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Chef job interview questions and answers

  1. Answer :
    I know that the company prides itself on using the finest ingredients in order to put out the best product. I know that the company believes in having great people and continuing their education so they can continue to grow and help the company grow. 
  2. Answer :
    It would have to be boudin noir (blood sausage), mashed potatoes, foie gras rossini gravy, lots of bread and butter. An explicit version of bangers and mash.
  3. Answer :
    I have a varied experience in the kitchen I started out as a short order cook then went to Sunterra did a lot of big batch prep/catering/cooking classes/team leader/line cook/customer service then to Brava Bistro worked my way up to first cook learning different skills along the way, then to Winsport as a banquet chef and then Winter Club as a Chef de partie.
  4. Answer :
    I'm the better candidate because i'm able to execute what my company wants the guess to receive and provide knowledge and skill with creative cooking to bring a grand experience to the guess.
  5. Answer :
    Comfort food something quick and easy. Which in my case normally involves take away, Chinese, Thai or Indian.
  6. Answer :
    A bad service is a disappointment to me. I have been told that I don't take failure well. Being let go from Winsport was disappointing.
  7. Answer :
    Just progressing, developing myself as a cook. Building successful restaurants.
  8. Answer :
    I want to learn more management skills ie food costing /ordering and scheduling and learning new and we exciting going ways to do things.
  9. Answer :
    Staying on track with sustainability is the only way the food world can get better and move forward.
  10. Answer :
    Always checking and principal trust in the good quality of the products and trust my team.
  11. Answer :
    I enjoy cooking with pretty much everything. Although braising brings out a special part in me. Fish is very versatile and lends itself to lots of flavors.
  12. Answer :
    I want to learn more management related skills like people management and kitchen management ie food costing/scheduling and ordering.
  13. Answer :
    Show up on time and have a good attitude, the rest we can teach you. Oh and don't expect to get paid well or work sociable hours.
  14. Answer :
    Making 9 boxes of mash potatoes in 3 hours lol Completing my red seal training assisting with being a top ten restaurant for many years.
  15. Answer :
    Cook what you like and give it a lot of time and love. It makes the difference.
  16. Answer :
    My education has brought me to the point of attaining a sous chef position. I do want to take more classes to learn more management related skills either the food and beverage related management or just general workplace communication/business management courses.
  17. Answer :
    I have many - the silpat, chinoise, and immersion blender. My current favorite is the pasta roller attachment to a kitchen aid.
  18. Answer :
    By working side by side accepting his advice and wisdom to achieve success and learn from your mistakes.
  19. Answer :
    I plan my day/prep chart of what I need first then move onto less urgent items. If I know I need to do something that takes a long time then I get started on that first. Multitasking is important.
  20. Answer :
    Reading cookbooks, keeping up with the latest trends and dining out.
  21. Answer :
    Discuss the importance of having an artistic culinary vision aptly combined with the necessity to instruct and oversee kitchen staff so that everyone performs at his best, while making sure supplies are always ready and fresh. The chef's vision, then, does not end with the dish, but encompasses the entire logistical process of getting the food on the customer's table.
  22. Answer :
    I know that each kitchen tool can be used in a diverse way to create very tasteful cuisine. Flattop, can be used to simmer sauces and stocks in a controlled temp. Grill can be used to reheat Asian type foods, and saute station can double as a egg and omlette station, hot cereal station as well.
  23. Answer :
    I have made plenty of suggestions some get the no right away It is all about timing and when to approach the chef. Most of ideas were said yes or maybe let's try it out.
  24. Answer :
    I am a peace maker so I always know how to handle conflick listen to the problem and begin with a calm voice and a positive response and usually that will stop the problem.
  25. Answer :
    Not really sure if I had one because my mums cooking was pretty bad, hence the reason I explored cooking to see if there was more to it. I did like her braises, so anything that involves meat cooking for a long time would be one of them.
  26. Answer :
    In a kitchen that receives criticism often, there is usually a problem with the base structure. My first thought would be to investigate the problem. When I know where the problem lies, I will create a structure or system to make sure that all kitchen operations are handled within that scope.
  27. Answer :
    I generally do I am pretty good at keeping it under control, I find taking a breather is always good.
  28. Answer :
    I will keep it under control by trying to lighten up the mood if it is not too serious. Proper communication is key and diffusing the situation right away if need be.
  29. Answer :
    Personal clashes when a crew member doesn't want to use the chain of command to find help and relief in his day to day work, goes over my head only to be sent back to me, wasting time and momentum.
  30. Answer :
    Chefs are often involved in marketing and promotion of their restaurants. If you have any such experience or education, do not hesitate to say so. Chefs already know the market and can therefore participate in branding a place and creating marketing presence and promotional strategies.
  31. Answer :
    I have never had to on like a sit down level, it was more like after work an impromptu chat about what went wrong and how they thought they could fix the problem.
  32. Answer :
    Even if you haven't yet worked in a large establishment yourself, you know the chef's routine. Emphasize the nuances of the job to convey an impression of intimate knowledge. For example, ordering food so that there is always enough fresh supply, while choosing it so that the dishes are varied and interesting. It requires knowledge of the qualities of ingredients, as well as familiarity with the market and suppliers. The chef's routine includes the ability to coordinate these administrative tasks with the art of cooking.
  33. Answer :
    When guest ask to see me to tell me how wonderful the food I made for them was. Always puts a smile to my face.
  34. Answer :
    We were catering a large order of 112 pizzas and ironically ran out of pizza cheese! It was one of the most mortifying moments of my life. Thankfully, I knew of a local cheese supplier who was kind enough to supply me the cheese, provided that I went to pick it up from her. I rushed to her outlet myself. Thankfully, the cheese hadn't run out for the running orders till then and we were still able to prepare them all on time!
  35. Answer :
    The one main reason that I feel qualified to work for your restaurant is the fact that I have climbed up the kitchen staff hierarchy ladder step-by-step over the last 10 years. I feel that I am now prepared to take up this role as I understand and appreciate the struggle of each stage and can work effectively in providing support.
  36. Answer :
    The ability to see different management styles from different chefs and the ability to learn different cuisine styles from different chefs. All of these things help me to grow and become better rounded.
  37. Answer :
    Yes, in more than one way. At one end, the chef has to be an effective team leader; chefs enact discipline and professionalism in the kitchen. Good chefs inspire their kitchen staff. At the other end, the chef might need to communicate with customers and should make the best impression possible in appearance and behavior.
  38. Answer :
    Describe your specialties in cooking (pastry, sauce, etc.), and your relevant experience in general. You can also talk about anything else you excel at; perhaps your team management skills are especially outstanding, or your knowledge of local tastes, etc.
  39. Answer :
    I am experienced in cooking many different types of cuisines, including French, Persian, Italian, Indian and Turkish. This makes me a cut above others as not many people can do justice to so many different types of cuisines - 2 or 3 are usually the limit!
  40. Answer :
    Creativity is crucial for this line of work. You can state that the chef must know the tradition and history of the food s/he works with, as well as numerous ways to combine ingredients. Chefs think and experiment with combinations. They can combine the traditional with the modern, a general taste with a touch of something personal, and create new flavors by trying new ingredient combinations.Chef job interview questions and answers


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