Answer :Show your understanding of the invoice verification process. Go through each step in detail such as checking that goods have been received in proper condition or services rendered in a satisfactory manner. Explain the importance of each step.
Answer :Show your understanding of the invoice verification process. Go through each step in detail such as checking that goods have been received in proper condition or services rendered in a satisfactory manner. Explain the importance of each step.
Answer :Before your interview think through everything you have done in the last five years and try to find at least one example which fits each of these situations.Don't worry if your examples are not earth-shattering, as long as they give some evidence for possessing the quality in question.You can answer these questions by first describing the SITUATION and/or TASK you had to achieve, then the ACTION you took in the situation and finally the RESULT or outcome. Some interviews consist almost entirely of these types of questions, in which case the order of the interview is set in advance with a standard list of questions. Even more so than usual answer questions honestly - honesty is essential in the job!
Answer :Questions like this are designed to bring out evidence of the qualities that you have which you will need to do the job. Be very well prepared with examples of situations where you have used these skills. If you have answered a few demanding graduate application forms, you will have come across most of these questions and prepared answers.Other situations which are frequently asked about include the following:
Give an example of when you:
* Planned something.
* Took on responsibility.
* Led a team.
* Had to cope with pressure.
* Dealt with an unreasonable person.
* Had to make a difficult decision?
* Used initiative
* Influenced others.
* Solved a problem. -
Answer :The obvious answer would be careers in banking and insurance and other finance areas, but it is OK to mention any career here as long as you can argue your case effectively e.g. by demonstrating that the skills required are similar to those of an accountant.Interviewers will be looking for evidence that you have analyzed your skills and interests in a logical manner when coming to a career decision, and also for signs of your commitment to accountancy.However, in an interview you do not HAVE to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If you admit to also applying for highly-competitive areas such as journalism or the Diplomatic Service, the interviewer is likely to assume that accountancy is your second choice. Similarly, you might find the interviewer challenging your interest in business if you said that social work or nursing was also an option.
Answer :Questions like this are testing your general interest in business and finance and your commercial awareness. You will be expected to come up with stories from the political, finance or other specialist sections of the papers that may be relevant to the firm or its clients.Make sure that you read a quality newspaper regularly so that you are up to date with current business and financial affairs (One of the Big Four firms asks interviewees if they read the Financial Times). Try not to side with a particular opinion. Do not be party political! You should aim to provide a balanced assessment of a topic of interest to you. Explain why it interests you. Be prepared for follow-up questions.
Answer :Quantifiable differences between chartered accountancy firms are often found on the basis of size rather than between individual firms. In general, the Big Four offer more international opportunities, household-name clients, more structured training, the chance to specialise in particular industries Smaller firms usually market themselves on factors such as greater client contact, greater variety of work (shorter audits at smaller clients), early responsibility, work-life balance, friendliness and smaller audit teams. In the end, graduates often choose between similar types of firm on the basis of the company culture and atmosphere, which often boils down to which of them seemed the friendliest at interview!The interviewer will have expected you to have done your research on the firm - not just reading the careers section of their website but looking at the pages for clients, press releases etc. You should also look in the general business press for mentions of larger firms. Factors you could mention include:
Answer :Aside from the obvious ones such as numeracy and interpersonal skills, key skills will include determination and self discipline (to get through the difficult professional examinations) and an interest in the business world generally. An ability to work in (and ultimately lead) teams, strong analytical skills, good verbal and written communication skills and curiosity (particularly on the audit side) are some of the others you could mention - if you aren't strong in some of these areas then you may have problems making a persuasive case for yourself.You are likely to be asked many questions seeking evidence of these particular competencies and will be expected to give examples which are backed up with evidence: for example, if asked about your leadership qualities, you should give an example of where you led a group successfully rather than just stating 'people always look to me to take the lead'.
Answer :Be honest, but try to show evidence for careful consideration and logic in your choice. The interviewer may follow up this question by asking if, with hindsight, you felt you made the right choice, or how you feel the course you have followed could be improved. Constructive and thoughtful criticism is appreciated, but try to balance any criticisms with positive points too.You could include in your answer any of the following:
* Advice & guidance from teaching/careers staff at school or college
* Geographical preferences
* Availability of a particular course
* The research and/or teaching quality of institutions
* Cost factors
* The reputation of the institution, or individual members of staff. -
Answer :Chartered Accountancy firms put a lot of weight on A-level grades as these have been found to be the best predictors of success in professional examinations.If your A levels were not outstanding, this may sometimes depend more on the quality of the school you attended than your ability. In some inner-city schools it may be that a mediocre A-level performance that you achieved might have been the best in your school - if this is so, then make it clear. An average performance at a weak school academically may be the equivalent of a much better performance at some prestigious establishments.Similarly, if there were any other external factors, such as illness, that may have affected your grades, tell the interviewers - but don't sound as though you are making excuses.
Answer :The A-level subjects you chose are largely irrelevant, so answer this question honestly, although A levels which demand numeracy, analytical skills and communication skills may help.If you have not done A levels, but entered university by some other route such as an Access course, explain why this was so - you may find the selectors will in this case put a lot of weight on your degree performance.A-levels are close to the heart of Accountancy firms. This is because your performance in the profession's examinations have been shown to correlate quite closely to A-level examination performance. Many firms will have a points requirement, but will also be interested in your reasoning behind the choice of subjects.
Answer :A stereotypical answer to this question is that accountancy offers a respected professional qualification which can lead on to a wide range of opportunities in business. This is all true, but it doesn't answer the question of why YOU want to become an accountant - and if you give as general an answer as this, you can expect to be questioned in detail on the nature of the qualification and the opportunities you see it leading to.Much of the income of the larger accountancy firms now comes from consultancy and related services rather than from audit. Even in audit you will spend much of your time visiting clients and asking questions, so good interpersonal skills are important. Your answer to this question should probably make this point.Accountancy is now a fast changing profession, so they are looking for individuals with initiative who can manage change. Ensure that you have a considered answer to this question. It is bound to be asked!
Answer :I am a different candidate but i am not as good as other salesman with some of those degree or with highly more experience but i am sure i like to see that i am a different from other salesman.
Answer :what kind of room are you looking for?( how many kids do you have?) how many bedrooms you are looking for..do you prefer with two baths, or two store.
Answer :couple, but however i need to move forward take my time to relief but try not keep it inside move to next level and try thanking the time for them.
Answer :Put a number on the skills so that you can structure your sales interview answer around this. For example, "I think the 3 most important sales skills are ...". Rather than referring to specific sales techniques focus on competencies and abilities that every successful salesperson needs, such as:► the ability to adjust your approach to different people and situations
► the ability to ask the right questions and listen carefully
► the ability to deal with disappointment and rejection
► the ability to stay motivated with a high energy level
► the ability to plan and prepare
► the ability to influence and persuade
► the ability to negotiate and reach agreement. -
Answer :This question is asked to explore the candidate's self-awareness and motivation. Know your strengths in the sales process as these will translate into what you like. Your "likes" and strengths should correspond to the main priorities of this sales position.For example, if your strength is negotiating, describe how you enjoy this aspect of sales and your satisfaction at coming up with win-win solutions. Highlight how this has resulted in both satisfied customers and increased sales which is what this position is looking for.When responding to the "dislikes" go carefully! The best approach is to choose a characteristic of your present or previous company such as its poor delivery on the sales you made or its lack of flexibility when it came to negotiating sales solutions. Answer in a positive manner as someone who is able to take these sort of problems in their stride and constructively improve on them. For example if the delivery of company products was slow and resulted in angry customers, discuss how you instituted a follow-up process that accelerated delivery.
Answer :This is where you demonstrate your understanding of the entire structure of selling. Focus on your view of selling as a professional service directed at showing the customer how your product or service meets their needs and improves their lives.Prepare a concise sales interview answer that highlights your knowledge of how to communicate and build rapport with a client, ask the right questions, identify and understanding the client's values, motives and needs, offer the appropriate solutions, handle objections and close the sale. Include adapting to different personality types and using persuasive communication skills.
Answer :The candidate should understand the difference in selling a company and a product.
Answer :You should be quick in trying to get the right USP for the product and sell efficiently.
Answer :Give a lot of examples and explain to him how you would improve either of this. This will increase a lot of customer service. You should have a commitment towards improving sales and increase the customer base.
Answer :Be prepared with concepts that you feel is most challenging in marketing. Understand the risks and challenges of the new market developments.
Answer :You should be good at judgment as this can be one of the most trapping questions. You should be a person who will create something new and bring out with an innovation.
Answer :The term 'payroll' encompasses every employee of a company who receives a regular wage or other compensation. Some employees may be paid a steady salary while others are paid for hours worked or the number of items produced. All of these different payment methods are calculated by a payroll specialist and the appropriate paychecks are issued. Companies often use objective measuring tools such as timecards or timesheets completed by supervisors to determine the total amount of payroll due each pay period.
Answer :Vouching is the process of checking the authentication of the voucher maintain by the management with the respective supporting document.
Answer :When preparing the payroll every month the accounts dept should be provided with the information such as status of the employee as if he is a permanent or on contract or in probation attendance and if there are any bonus to be given to the employee.
Answer :Internal audit is an independent appraisal function which is established by the management of an organization for the review of its internal control system as a service to the organization. To learn about the scope of internal audit.
Answer :Payroll means processing a salary for salaried employee. There should be relation of "contract of service".
Answer :The Payroll source documents are the employee Time Sheets (or equivalent) that record when the employee worked and generally what they did. These records are subject to audit by the Labor Department, EEOC and probably others that I haven't encountered. These should be bound into a Payroll Source Document folder.However, there are other employee documents that need to be retained, e.g., their original employment application,employee reviews (if you do them),that record their federal/state tax exemption choices,reporting their annual wages and withholdings, etc.These can be filed in separate Employee files (by employeename or number) -- or simply integrated into the Payroll Source Document folders (in the week in which they occur). I very much favor the latter -- especially if you're doingcomputer accounting -- in keeping with my "always file chronological" bias.
Answer :While doing payroll through payroll packages / any othercalculated exel sheets we will get the appropriate data of salary payout / income tax payable & deductable values / statutory deductions particulars / Professional Taxdeductable & payable values.Rounded off values with proper / appropriate format for filing IT & Statutory & PT will be generated through computerizedpayroll system.
✦ பனங்கிழங்கு குளிர்ச்சித் தன்மை உடையது. மலச் சிக்கலைத் தீர்க்கக் கூடியது. ✦ கிழங்கை மாவாக்கி அதோடு கருப்பட்டியும் சேர்த்து உருண்டை பிடித்து தினமும் சாப்பிட்டால் உடலுக்கு வலு கிடைக்கும். ✦ கிழங்கை வேகவைத்து சிறு சிறு துண்டுகளாக நறுக்கி, மாவாக்கி சாப்பிட்டு வந்தால் மெலிந்த தேகம் பருமனாகும். ✦ பனங்கிழங்குடன் தேங்காய்ப்பால் சேர்த்து சாப்பிட்டால் உடல் உறுப்புகள் வலுவடையும். ⚡பனங்கிழங்கு ..!!⚡ இப்போது பனம் கிழங்கு காலம் . எல்லோர் வீட்டிலும் எல்லா இடங்களிலும் பனம் கிழங்கை காணலாம் . பனம் கிழங்கை விரும்பாதோர் எவரும் இல்லை . எல்லோரும் விரும்பி சாப்பிடுவார்கள் . ✦ மலச்சிக்கல் உள்ளவர்களுக்கு மிகவும் சிறந்தது இந்த பனம் கிழங்கு . பனம் கிழங்கை அவித்து சும்மாவும் சாப்பிடலாம் . வெங்காயம் , பச்சை மிளகாய் போட்டு துவைத்தும் உண்ணலாம் . கூடுதலாக பல்லு இல்லாதவர்கள் இப்படி உண்பார்கள் . ✦ பனம் பழங்கள் கிடைக்கும் காலங்களில் விதைகளைச் சேமித்து வைக்கும் மக்கள், உரிய காலத்தில் மண்ணைக் குவித்து மேடை போல அமைத்து, அதன்மேல் பனம் விதைகளைப் பரவி விடுவர். விதை முளைத்துக் கிழங்கு உருவானதும் அத...
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