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. NET Interview Questions and Answers part .2

21. What Is Ilasm.exe Used For?
Answer: Ilasm.exe is a tool that generates PE files from MSIL code. You can run the resulting executable to determine whether the MSIL code performs as expected.

22. What Is Ildasm.exe Used For?
Answer: Ildasm.exe is a tool that takes a PE file containing the MSIL code as a parameter and creates a text file that contains managed code.

23. What Is The Resgen.exe Tool Used For?
Answer: ResGen.exe is a tool that is used to convert resource files in the form of .txt or .resx files to common language runtime binary .resources files that can be compiled into satellite assemblies.

24. What Is Boxing And Unboxing?
Value type to object type. Allocates memory on Heap.

Object type to value type. Allocates memory on Stack

25. How Can We Make A Thread Sleep For Infinite Period?
Answer: You can also place a thread into the sleep state for an indeterminate amount of time by calling Thread. Sleep (System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite). To interrupt this sleep you can call the Thread. Interrupt method.

26. In Which Format You Can Pass The Value In The Sleep Function?
Answer: In milliseconds

27. What's Thread.sleep() In Threading ?
Answer: Thread's execution can be paused by calling the Thread.Sleep method. This method takes an integer value that determines how long the thread should sleep. Example Thread. Current Thread. Sleep(2000). it will paused for 2 second.

28. How Can You Reference Current Thread Of The Method ?
Answer : "Thread. Current Thread" refers to the current thread running in the method."Current Thread" is a public static property.

29. What Does Address of Operator Do In Background ?
Answer : The Address Of operator creates a delegate object to the Background Process method. A delegate within VB.NET is a type-safe, object-oriented function pointer. After the thread has been instantiated, you begin the execution of the code by calling the Start() method of the thread

30. Different Levels Of Priority Provided By .net.
Answer :
i)Thread Priority. Highest
iii)Thread Priority. Normal
v)Thread Priority. Lowest

31. Is There Any Thread In Our .net Programs?
Answer :
.NET program always has at least two threads running one is the main program and second is the garbage collector.

32. Namespace For The Thread Class?
Answer : All threading classes are defined in System.Threading namespace

33. Can We Have Multiple Threads In One App Domain ?
Answer : One or more threads run in an App Domain. An App Domain is a runtime representation of a logical process within a physical process. Each App Domain is started with a single thread, but can create additional threads from any of its threads.

34. Did Vb6 Support Multi-threading ?
Answer : While VB6 supports multiple single-threaded apartments, it does not support a free threading model, which allows multiple threads to run against the same set of data.

35. What Is A Thread ?
Answer : A thread is the basic unit to which the operating system allocates processor time

36. What Is Multi-threading ?
Answer : Multi-threading forms subset of Multi-tasking. Instead of having to switch between programs this feature switches between different parts of the same program. Example you are writing in word and at the same time word is doing a spell check in background.

34. Did Vb6 Support Multi-threading.
Answer: While VB6 supports multiple single-threaded apartments, it does not support a freethreading model, which allows multiple threads to run against the same set of data.

35. What Is A Thread?
Answer: A thread is the basic unit to which the operating system allocates processor time
36. What Is Multi-threading?
Answer: Multi-threading forms subset of Multi-tasking. Instead of having to switch between programs, this feature switches between different parts of the same program. Example you are writing in word and at the same time word is doing a spell check in background.

37. What Is Multi-tasking?
Answer: It is a feature of modern operating systems with which we can run multiple programs at same time example Word, Excel etc.

38. What Is Equivalent For Regsvr32 Exe In .net ?
Answer: Regasm

39. How Do We Create Dcom Object In Vb6?
Answer: Using the CreateObject method you can create a DCOM object. You have to put the server name in the registry.

40. Can You Explain What Is Dcom ?
Answer: DCOM differs from COM in that it allows for creating objects distributed across a network, a protocol for invoking that object's methods, and secures access to the object. DCOM provides a wrapper around COM, hence it is a backwards compatible extension. DCOM uses Remote Procedural Calls (RPC) using Open Software Foundation's Distributed Computing Environment.


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