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11. What Is Interruption Marketing?
Interruption marketing can be defined as promoting a product by the means of advertising, public relation and sales. It is not suitable every time and depends upon company to company. It is very much sales directed, so if a company has limited funds to invest for advertising and wants quick results then interruption marketing is best. However, at times it is not considered a fruitful way of marketing.
12. What Is The Difference Between Interruption Marketing And Permission Marketing?
There is a vast difference between permission marketing and interruption marketing. The customers are finding permission marketing by itself by the means of SEO, social media and content. It focuses on maintaining long-term relationship with the customers, which is always helpful in long run whereas Interruption marketing focuses on getting quick sales without any thought of long-term relationship with customers. It just targets on promoting the product by the means of advertising, promotion etc. to get quick results.
13. Explain Diversity Marketing?
This type of marketing focuses on creating effective communication methods and mixing with each of the diverse group’s active in the market. Because different consumer groups have experiences in different cultural and social settings, therefore diversity marketing recognizes the importance of cultural programming and acknowledges the consumers accordingly. Different cultural programming, the tastes, values, expectations, beliefs, ways of interaction, ways of entertainment, and lifestyle preferences of these groups tend to be different from others so these differences require the creation of customized marketing strategies.
14. What Is Ethical Marketing? Explain In Brief?
Considering marketing ethics in the process of marketing is called ethical marketing. Briefly, if we explain it is the philosophical examination, from a moral standpoint, of particular marketing issues that are matters of moral judgment. It results into business community, which is much more responsible socially, and culturally. Its existence is very much beneficial to the society also. It should be the part of business ethics because it plays a very significant part in any business model. It gives those benefits to its customers which other companies does not even recognize.
15. What Is Segmented Market?
Segmenting market is to segment the customer and organizations so that each segments needs can be recognized and fulfilled properly. The advantage is that there is no need of selling the product to all the segments of market in fact a particular segment can be targeted according to their requirements.
Market segmentation is done in two steps:
o   First step is to identify and classify people into homogeneous groupings that are called segments.
o   Second step is finding out which of these segments are target markets.
16. What Are The Objective Of Segmentation Analysis?
The main essence of segmentation analysis is:
o   To minimize the risk in taking decisions regarding how, who, when and where to market a product service or a brand.
o   To maximize efficiency of marketing by directing effort towards a particular segment in a consistent manner with that segment's characteristics.
17. What Are The Two Major Segmentation Strategies Followed By The Marketing Organizations?
The two strategies followed are:
o   Concentration strategy: This kind of segmentation strategy deals in a particular segment of market and therefore they set their prices, etc accordingly. For e.g. Mercedes Benz has chosen to concentrate on the luxury segment of the the car market.
o   Multi segment strategy: This kind of segmentation strategy focuses on more than one different market segments. They make separate marketing programs for separate segments.
18. What Are Various Kind Of Influences, Which Affects Consumer Behavior?
  • There are various influences, few of them are:Situational Influences: Consist of Market offerings, Demographics and Complexity. 
  • External Influences: Consist of Cultural, Social class Reference groups.
  • Internal factors and processes - 
  • Psychological Characteristics - Motivation, Learning/socialization, Personality, Attitudes, Lifestyle
  • Decision Making - Recognize needs, Search for information, Evaluate alternatives, Make purchase, Post purchase.
19. What Is Test Marketing?
Test marketing is done in order to test the various variabilities including the elements of the product in a marketing plan. It projects the actual launching of the completely marketing program but on a limited basis. In short, it can be said that it is the last step before the product is released.
20. Mention The Various Steps Of A New Product Development Process?
Various steps, which are followed, is mentioned below:
  • Creating new product ideas
  • Go through ideas
  • Research and analyze
  • Technical and marketing development
  • Manufacturing planning
  • Marketing planning
  • Test marketing
  • Commercialization

21. What Is False Advertising?
False advertising is using false statements to promote products and increase profit lines for a company or a brand. Such advertisements use deception to persuade people. Such advertisements completely deny the right to know for consumers and are banned in many countries. Still they have been a trend by finding legal ways to deceive people.


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