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1) The plants growing in dark show yellowing in leaves and elongated internodes, this condition is called as [BHU 1999]
A) Etiolation
B) Chlorosis
C) Dechlorosis
D) Dark effect
 2) The shade loving plants are called
A) Heliophytes
B) Sciophytes
C) Chasmophytes
D) None of the above
 3) The example of sun-drassers are
A) Mango
B) Saraca indica
C) Ferns
D) Palm
 4) Ribulose phosphate is a
A) Aldose sugar
B) Ketose sugar
C) Disaccharide
D) Trisaccharide
 5) Which of the following has been used in photosynthetic researches
A) Scenedesmus
B) Chlorella
C) Both [a] and [b]
D) None of the above
 6) A granum is made up of
A) Single thylakoid
B) Two thylakoids
C) Many thylakoids arranged one above the other
D) None of the above
 7) Solar energy is converted into ATP in [CPMT 1990]
A) Mitochondria
B) Chloroplasts
C) Ribosomes
D) Peroxisomes
 8) Osmophilic granules are present in
A) Plasma membrane
B) Cytoplasm
C) Chloroplast
D) Ribosomes
 9) Which of the following equation can be more appropriate for photosynthesis [KCET 1994; Kerala PMT 2004]
A)  6CO2+6H2O−→−−−−LightChlorophyllC2H12O6+6O2
B) 6CO2+12H2O−→−−−−LightChlorophyllC6H12O6+6H2O+6O2
C) 12CO2+6H2O−→−−−−LightChlorophyll2C6H12O6+6O2
D) None of the above
 10) How much percentage of absorbed water is used in photosynthesis
A) 1%
B) 5%
C) 10%
D) 90%
 11) The starch is insoluble in water even than it is stored in potato in more quantity
A) By microbes
B) Because it is manufactured in tuber
C) Because plants use it as food
D) Because first it come to tuber as sugar solution then it is stored as starch
 12) The plant Cuscuta shows maximum photosynthesis in
A) Red light
B) Blue light
C) Green light
D) No photosynthesis at all
 13) Photosynthesis is a process of
A) Oxidation of food
B) Manufacture of food
C) Both [a] and [b]
D) None of the above
 14) Which of the following is anabolic process
A) Synthesis of carbohydrate
B) Synthesis of fat
C) Synthesis of protein
D) All the above

 15) 85-90% of all photosynthesis of the world is carried out by [CPMT 1972, 79; DPMT 1989]
A) Shrubs
B) Herbs
C) Oceanic algae
D) Trees with large branches
 16) In presence of light, green plants convert carbon dioxide and water into food stuffs. Which of the following is likely to be the first substance that a green plant makes in photosynthesis?
A) A simple sugar
B) Starch
C) Cellulose
D) Fat
 17) The balance between CO2 and O2 is brought about by [Bihar MDAT 1995]
A) Transpiration
B) Photosynthesis
C) C4 pathway
D) Photorespiration
 18) The synthesis of ATP in photosynthesis and respiration is essentially an oxidation-reduction process involving removal of energy from [CBSE PMT 1992; CPMT 1988]
A) Oxygen
B) Phytochrome
C) Cytochrome
D) Electrons
 19) All plastids have essentially same structure because [CBSE PMT 1992]
A) They have to perform same function
B) They are localized in aerial parts of plants
C) All plastids store starch, lipid and proteins
D) One type of plastid can be differentiated into another type of plastid depending on cell requirements
 20) Wavelength of green light is [BHU 1982]
A) 400−500mμ
B) 500−550mμ
C) 660−720mμ
D) 720−800mμ
 21) Chemosynthesis and photosynthesis are alike in that both [CPMT 1988]
A) Are associated with heterotroph
B) Require sunlight as an energy source
C) Methods of autotrophic nutrition
D) Occur in tracheaphytes
 22) Ribulose diphosphate carboxylase oxygenase is located in [BHU 1989]
A) Mitochondria
B) Choloroplasts
C) Peroxisomes
D) Golgi bodies
 23) The percentage of light energy utilized for photosynthesis by higher plants is [CPMT 1972, 91; BHU 1979; RPMT 1990]
A) 100%
B) 50 %
C) 10%
D) 1 to 2%
 24) During photosynthesis [NCERT 1978; MP PMT 1990; CPMT 1998, 2003; Pb. PMT 2000, 03]
A) Both CO2 and water get oxidized
B) Both CO2 and water get reduced
C) Water is reduced, and CO2 is oxidized
D) Carbon dioxide gets reduced and water get oxidised
 25) Which of the following is the bye-product of photosynthesis
A) Potential energy
B) Energy
C) Carbon dioxide
D) Oxygen
 26) Assimilatory power refers to [JIPMER 1990; BHU 1983; AFMC 1994]
A) Generation of ATP and NADPH2
B) Reduction of CO2
C) Splitting of water
D) Disintegration of plastids

 27) Grana refers to [BHU 1984]
A) Stacks of thylakoids in plastids of higher plants
B) A constant in quantum equation
C) Glycolysis of glucose
D) Bye product of photosynthesis
 28) Intact chloroplast from green leaves can be isolated by [AIIMS 1990]
A) Acetone
B) Ethanol
C) Alcohol
D) Sugar solution
 29) Photosynthetic phosphorylation is
A) Oxidative process
B) Photo process
C) Both [a] and [b]
D) None of the above
 30) Phenomenon which converts light energy into chemical energy is [AFMC 1985, 2005]
A) Respiration
B) Photosynthesis
C) Transpiration
D) None of these
 31) Photosynthesis is a [JIPMER 1986; MHCET 2002]
A) Exothermic process
B) Exergonic process
C) Anabolic process
D) Catabolic process
 32) Leaves appear green because they [NCERT 1982]
A) Reflect green light
B) Absorb green light
C) Both reflect and absorb green light
D) None of the above
 33) In photosynthesis, oxygen is liberated due to [DPMT 1983; MP PMT 1999]
A) Reduction of carbon dioxide
B) Hydrolysis of carbohydrate
C) Photolysis of water
D) Breakdown of chlorophyll
 34) Chloroplast fixes [DPMT 1987]
A) O2
B) H2
C) CO2
D) N2
 35) Quantasomes contain [CPMT 1982; MP PMT 1984]
A) 200 chlorophyll molecules
B) 230 chlorophyll molecules
C) 250 chlorophyll molecules
D) 300 chlorophyll molecules
 36) Two chief functions of leaves are [NCERT 1985]
A) Photosynthesis and respiration
B) Photosynthesis and transpiration
C) Transpiration and respiration
D) Respiration and digestion
 37) For photosynthesis (i.e. for the synthesis of organic matter), the green plants need only [AFMC 1987]
A) Light
B) Chlorophyll
C) CO2 and water
D) All of these
 38) Besides water and light, which is more essential as a raw material for food formation [BHU 1979]
A) O2
B) CO2
C) Mineral salts
 39) CO2 is formed in all of the following except [BHU 1977]
A) Burning of sugar
B) Respiration in plants
C) Photosynthesis by plants
D) On heating of limestone
 40) The gas absorbed during photosynthesis is [CPMT 1986]
A) Oxygen
B) Nitrogen
C) Ammonia
D) Carbon dioxide
 41) Which branch of Botany is concerned with the study of photosynthesis [AMU 1990]
A) Ecology
B) Psychology
C) Plant physiology
D) Embryology
 42) Approximate amount of water on earth which split by photosynthesis once every 2 million years is
A) 10 million km3
B) 15 million km3
C) 20 million km3
D) 25 million km3
 43) For the process of photosynthesis all except one of the following items are essential. Point out the exception [MP PMT 1986]
A) Water, minerals
B) Light, chlorophyll
C) CO2, optimum temperature
D) Oxygen, sucrose
 44) In angiosperms, synthesis of chlorophyll occurs in presence of [CPMT 1984]
A) Phytochrome
B) Light
C) Cytochrome
D) None of the above
 45) The ultraviolet radiations from the sun cause reactions that produce [CPMT 1982]
A) Carbon monoxide
B) Carbon dioxide
C) Ozone
D) Fluorides
 46) Which of the following is not required in the synthesis of carbohydrates [CPMT 1985]
A) CO2
B) Chlorophyll
C) Nitrogen
D) Water
 47) Which one of the following is due energy currency of the cell or The common immediate source of energy in cellular activity is [MP PMT 1986; CPMT 1977, 80, 89, 91]
A) Phosphate

48) The process of photosynthesis takes place in [CMC Vellore 1984]
A) Roots only
B) Shoot only
C) All the cells of plant
D) Chlorophyll containing cells only
 49) Light energy is converted into chemical energy in the presence of [MP PMT 1994]
A) Pyrenoids
B) Chloroplasts
C) Ribosomes
D) Mesosomes
 50) Intensity of light can be measured by
A) Lux meter
B) Wilmott's bubbler
C) Ganong's potometer
D) Farmer's photometer
 51) Phylloclade, the modified photosynthetic organ is a
A) Flattened leaf
B) Flattened petiole
C) Flattened stem
D) None of the above
 52) Importance of photosynthesis is due to
A) Synthesis of food
B) Purification of atmosphere
C) Provided vast resources of energy
D) All the above

 53) Algae float in the water during day time and sink during night time because
A) They become buoyant due to consumption of food materials in respiration
B) They lose weight at night
C) They come up to enjoy sunshine
D) They become buoyant in light due to accumulation of oxygen bubbles released in photosynthesis
 54) Quantasomes are found in [RPMT 1995]
A) Surface of cristae
B) Surface of plasma membrane
C) Surface of nuclear membrane
D) Surface of thylakoids
 55) Photosynthesis is a process in which [BHU 1995]
A) CO2 is reduced to carbohydrate
B) NADH is reduced to NAD
C) ATP is generated
D) Oxidative phosphorylation occurs
 56) Aerobic atmosphere is maintained by
A) Prokaryotes
B) Protists
C) Plants
D) Fungi 
 57) What is the unique process which has supported life on this planet
A) N2−Fixation
B) Photosynthesis
C) Protein synthesis
D) Respiration
 58) Total amount of the dry weight of photosynthate produced by all type of plants per annum is [AMU 1992]
A) 1.7 million tonnes
B) 17 million tonnes
C) 170 million tonnes
D) 1700 million tonnes
 59) How many molecules of water are needed by a green plant to produce one molecule of hexose/ reduce 6 molecules of CO2
A) 6
B) 12
C) 24
D) One only
 60) What is the common value of PQ (photosynthetic quotient) of a leaf
A) > 1
B) < 1
C) One
D) Zero
 61) Which group is not alike [EAMCET 1980]
A) Enzyme and protein synthesis
B) Osmosis and diffusion
C) Photosynthesis and respiration
D) Growth and movement
 62) The detectable end product of photosynthesis is
A) Glucose
B) Fructose 1, 6 diphosphates
C) Ribulose phosphate
D) Starch
 63) Sugar produced in photosynthesis is converted into starch in
A) All plants
B) Majority of plants
C) Algae only
D) Bacteria only
 64) The gas released in photosynthesis is
A) Pure CO2
B) Pure O2
C) Mainly CO2
D) Mainly O2
 65) The most vital process for the existence of life on earth is [KCET 1994]
A) Communication in animals
B) Photosynthesis by plants
C) Reproduction in plants and animals
D) Respiration in animals
 66) Plants are known as purifiers of air due to process of [MP PMT 1996]
A) Respiration
B) Photosynthesis
C) Transpiration
D) Desiccation
 67) The use of solar cooker by man is copying of which one by the following processes
A) Photosynthesis
B) Respiration
C) Guttation
D) Photorespiration
 68) Which process is related with photosynthesis [CPMT 1998]
A) Phosphorylation
B) Translation
C) Transcription
D) None of these
 69) The full expansion of NADP is [RPMT 1997]
A) Nicotinamide adenine diphosphate
B) Nicotinamide adenosine diphosphate
C) Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
D) Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide phosphate
 70) Make suitable pair A. Emerson effect a.
cycle B. Hill reaction b. Photolysis C. Calvin's cycle c.
cycle D. Hatch and Slack cycle d. Photosystem-I and II [RPMT 1997]
A) Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd
B) Aa, Bc, Cd, Da
C) Ac, Bd, Ca, Db
D) Ad, Bb, Cc, Da
 71) In photosynthesis, energy from light reaction to dark reaction is transferred in the form of [CBSE PMT 2002]
D) Chlorophyll
 72) Dimorphic chloroplasts are present in [MHCET 2002]
A) Sugar cane
B) Cotton
C) Pea
D) Mango
 73) In photosynthesis, plants [CPMT 1988; AFMC 2003; MP PMT 2004]
A) Absorb
 and release
B) Absorb
and release
C) Absorb
and release
D) Absorb
 and release
 74) Emerson effect explain the phenomenon of [Kerala CET 2003; KCET 2003]
A) Transpiration
B) Absorption of water by roots
C) Photosynthesis
D) Respiration
 75) Match the sites in column I with the processes in column II and choose the correct combination from the options

Column I

Column II
Grana of chloroplast
Kreb's cycle
Stroma of chloroplast
Light reaction
Dark reaction
Mitochondrial matrix
[Kerala PMT 2004]
A) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
B) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
C) A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
D) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
E) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
 76) Suspension of isolated thylakoids in culture medium containing CO2 and H2O does not produce hexose due to absence of which of the following [DPMT 2004]
B) Enzyme
C) Protein
D) Hill reagent
 77) Photosynthetically least efficient radiation is [Manipal 2005]
A) Blue
B) Yellow
C) Green
D) Red
 78) Quantasome are present in [Haryana PMT 2005]
A) Stroma
B) Grana
C) Mitochondria
D) Golgi body
 79) The first event in photosynthesis is [CPMT 1975, 80, 81, 84; AFMC 1984, 86, 88; JIPMER 1987, 2002]
A) Synthesis of ATP
B) Photoexcitation of chlorophyll and ejection of electron
C) Photolysis of water
D) Release of oxygen
 80) During the course of photosynthesis [CPMT 1985]
A) ATP is formed
B) ATP is not formed
C) Oxygen evolved comes from carbon dioxide
D) Water is required as medium, but it does not take part in photosynthetic reactions

 81) Which of the following is initiating step in photosynthesis [CBSE PMT 2000; AIEEE 2004]
A) ATP formation
B) Glucose formation
C) Photolysis of water
D) Activation of chlorophyll by sunlight
 82) The first step in photosynthesis is [AIEEE 2004]
A) Formation of ATP
B) Ionization of water
C) Excitation of an electron of chlorophyll by a photon of light
D) Attachment of CO2 to H+ion


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