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 1.Correct Answer: C
Dark reaction was first of all established by Blackman that's why it is called Blackman's reaction.
2.Correct Answer: C
3.Correct Answer: A
1, 3-diphasphoglyceric acid + 12 NADP. 2H 

4.Correct Answer: D
Xylose, Ribulose, Ribose is pentose sugar that is why they have 5 carbon atoms.
5.Correct Answer: D
6.Correct Answer: B
Ribulose - 1, 5 biphosphate (RuBP) acts as
acceptor and 6 mols RuBP react with 6 mols of
and given rise to 3-phosphoglyceric acid, 3 PGA is a first stable compound in
cycle (a 3-carbon atom).

7.Correct Answer: B
Fructose-1, 6 biphosphate 
 Fructose-6. phosphate +

8.Correct Answer: A
Addition of carbon dioxide in to a compound is called carboxylation. Carboxylation is a first reaction of dark reaction. 6 Ribulose-1, 5 biphosphate + 6 CO2 +6H2O 
3phospholglyceric(12mols) acid
 1, 3 biphosphoglycoric acid +12 NADP.2H 
−→−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−Triosephosphatedehydrogenasephosphoglyceraldehyde + 12NADP++ 12H3PO4.
9.Correct Answer: D
Phosphoglyceraldehyde is a product of dark reaction which is formed by the 1, 3 biphosphoglyceric acid react with 12 mols of NADP, 2H
10.Correct Answer: A
11.Correct Answer: B
12.Correct Answer: B
Dark reaction is independent of light hence it is called dark reaction. However, it depends upon the products of light reaction of photosynthesis i.e., NADP.2H and ATP.

13.Correct Answer: A
Ribulose 1, 5 diphosphate carboxylose enzyme is first enzyme of calvin cycle convert Ribulose-1, 5 diphosphates into 3 phosphoglyceric acid.
15.Correct Answer: B
During photosynthesis PGA is reduced by NADP. 2H into phosphoglyceraldehyde
16.Correct Answer: B
17.Correct Answer: A
Calvin cycle occurs in the stroma of chloroplasts where the products of light reaction (assimilatory power NADP.2H + ATP) are used to form
to carbohydrate and it has enzymes essential for fixation of
and synthesis of sugar.
18.Correct Answer: B
The new name of dark reaction is carbon assimilation, in which 
 gas reacting with 
(liquid) synthesizes solid glucose.

19.Correct Answer: B
20.Correct Answer: A
21.Correct Answer: B
22.Correct Answer: B
23.Correct Answer: B
As calvin cycle takes only one carbon (as
) at, a time. So, it takes six turns of the cycle to produce a net gain of one hexose or glucose.
24.Correct Answer: C
25.Correct Answer: C
Reductive carboxylation starts with a 5, carbon sugar ribulose - 5 phosphate. 6 mol of this sugar react with 6 mol of ATP (produced in light reaction) to form 6 mol of RuBP and 6 mol ADP Ribulose - 5 phosphate 
 Ribulose 1-5 biphosphate + 6ADP
26.Correct Answer: B
27.Correct Answer: A
28.Correct Answer: A
29.Correct Answer: C
Ribulose 1, 5 diphosphate (also known as ribulose biphosphate) a phosphorylated 5 carbon sugar (pentose sugar) it is first attached with
in photosynthesis.

30.Correct Answer: A
31.Correct Answer: B
Calvin cycle is divided into three distinct phases but carboxylation occur only one time.
32.Correct Answer: B
3−PhosphoglyceraldehydePGAL [ 4Molecules] −→−−−−−−−−TriosephosphateIsomerase
Dihydroxyacetonephosphate(DHAP) [ 4Molecules] 

Dihydroxyacetonephosphate [ 2molecules] +3−phosphoglyceral2molecules

dehyde−→−−−−Aldolasefructose−1,6−diphosphate [ 2molecules] 
33.Correct Answer: B
34.Correct Answer: D


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