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1) The law of limiting factor for photosynthesis was enunciated by [BHU 1984; CMC Vellore 1994; CPMT 1982, 2001; CBSE PMT 1996; KCET 2004; Manipal 2005]
A) Blackman
B) Hill
C) Ruben
D) Kalmen
 2) Who proposed the CAM pathway of CO2 fixation
A) Benson and associates
B) Rouhani and associates
C) Hatch and associates
D) Arnon and associates
 3) Who invented the enhancement effect on photosynthesis
A) Ruben
B) Calvin
C) Emerson
D) Arnon
 4) The plants growing in sea water derive CO2 from
A) Air
B) Derive form sea water
C) Use CO2 which is produced during their respiration only
D) Do not require CO2 at all
 5) Which of the following technique was used by Calvin in determining carbon pathway [MP PMT 1992]
A) Chromatography
B) Electrophorosis
C) Spectrophotometery
D) Histochemistry
 6) The researches on photosynthesis started
A) In the 17th century
B) In the 18th century
C) In the 19th century
D) In the early 20th century
 7) Most of the plants contain a green colouring pigment which is responsible for photosynthesis. This pigment was named chlorophyll by
A) Melvin Calvin
B) Jean Senebier
C) Julius Robert Mayer
D) Pelletier Caventou
 8)Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy within a plant' was first stated by [EAMCET 1980]
A) Willstatter and Stoll
B) Mayor and Anderson
C) Benson and Calvin
D) Robert Mayer
 9) 'Thylakoid' name was given by [RPMT 1995]
A) Arnon
B) Park and Biggins
C) Park and Fortan
D) Manke
 10) The significance of light and chlorophyll in photosynthesis was discovered by [DPMT 1985; NCRT 1977; Bihar 1995]
A) Priestley
B) Ingenhousz
C) Englemann
D) Blackman
 11) "The amount of CO2 absorbed and O2 released during photosynthesis are in equal volumes" was proved by
A) Englemann
B) Robert Mayer
C) Priestley
D) Bousingault
 12) The first important biological investigation which led to the conclusion that plant makes its substance from water and not from soil was carried out by [AFMC 1984]
A) Lamarck
B) De Vries
C) Von Helmont
D) Darwin
 13) Early studies on the pathway of CO2 fixation in plants were made during 1940s in
A) Unicellular green algae by Calvin
B) Isolated chloroplast of spinach by Hill
C) Mesophyll cells of variegated leaves by Arnon
D) Bundle sheath cells of maize by Hatch and Slack
 14) Who proposed the cycle of events leading to the fixation of CO2 in mesophyll and its reduction in bundle sheath
A) Emerson
B) Melvin Calvin
C) Hatch and Slack
D) Hill and Bendall

 15) Who proposed the 'law of limiting factor' as the 'law of minimum'
A) Blackman
B) Hill
C) Leibig
D) Priestley
 16) Crop plants need various fertilizers for their growth. Their yield is limited by that fertilizer which is present in relatively minimum. The principle contained in this statement was enunciated by
A) Bose
B) Blackman
C) Leibig
D) Calvin
 17) The law of limiting factor in photosynthesis was criticised by
A) James and Harder
B) Mayer and Anderson
C) Willstatter and Stoll
D) Hill and Scarisbrick
 18) The process of photophosphorylation was discovered by [RPMT 1985; Pb. PMT 1999, 2000]
A) Calvin
B) Arnon
C) Priestley
D) Warburg
 19) Who received the Nobel Prize for working out the early carbon pathway of photosynthesis [BHU 1990; MP PMT 1989; AIEEE 2003]
A) Calvin
B) Krebs
C) Khorana
D) Watson
 20) Two pigment system theory of photosynthesis was proposed by or Concept of evidence for existence of two photosystems in photosynthesis was given by [DPMT 1986; MP PMT 1989; CBSE PMT 1994]
A) Hill
B) Blackman
C) Emerson
D) Arnon
 21) The scientist, who proved that bacteria use H2S gas and CO2 to synthesize carbohydrate, is
A) Van Niel
B) Ruben
C) Jean Senebier
D) Julius Robert Mayer


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