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·          1) In cold and foggy areas, the limiting factor is
A) Temperature
B) Light
C) Both [a] and [b]
D) None of the above

·          2) Photosynthesis takes place
A) Only in sunlight
B) Only in yellow light
C) In the visible light obtained from any source
D) Only in very high intensity of light

·          3) Photo-oxidation of chlorophyll is called
A) Intensification
B) Chlorosis
C) Solarization
D) Defoliation

·          4) The algae found in high temperature ponds are capable of doing photosynthesis upto

·          5) What is called Warburg's effect on photosynthesis [MP PMT 2003]
A) Low rate of the process due to 
B) Low rate of the process due to
C) Both [a] and [b]
D) None of the above

·          6) When
is added in small quantity in an experiment showing photosynthesis, what will be the effect on it
A) Rate will be lowered
B) Rate will be increased
C) Rate will be normal
D) Process will stop

·          7) The most effective wavelength of visible light in photosynthesis is in the region of [AFMC 1989, 2003; MP PMT 1989, 2000; CPMT 1990, 2000; DPMT 1986, 87, 2004; CBSE PMT 1999; RPMT 1999; Kerala CET 2003]
A) Violet
B) Green
C) Yellow
D) Red

·          8) Compensation point is [MP PMT 1990; CPMT 1998, 99; AFMC 2002]
A) Where there is neither photosynthesis nor respiration
B) When rate of photosynthesis is equal to the rate of respiration
C) When entire food synthesized into photosynthesis remain utilized
D) When there is enough water just to meet the requirements of plant

·          9) Which one of the following is not a limiting factor for photosynthesis [CPMT 1984, 88; KCET 1999]
A) Oxygen
B) Carbon dioxide
C) Chlorophyll
D) Light

·          10) If the rate of translocation of food is slow, what will be the effect on photosynthesis [MP PMT 1988]
A) It will increase
B) It will remain same
C) Becomes double
D) It will decrease

·          11) Which of the following wavelength of light is absorbed maximum for photosynthesis [MP PMT 1990]
A) Red light
B) Blue light
C) Green light
D) Yellow light

·          12) In which of the following the rate of photosynthesis is decreased and is known as red drop [MP PMT 1992]
A) Blue light
B) Green light
C) Red light more than 680 nm
D) Red light less than 680 nm

·          13) During daylight hours, the rate of photosynthesis is higher than that of respiration, and the ratio of oxygen produced to that of consumed is [CPMT 1984]
A) 1 : 1
B) 10 : 1
C) 50 : 1
D) 5 : 1

·          14) A plant is kept in 300ppm 
concentration, what will happen to it [RPMT 1985]
A) Plant will die soon
B) Plant will grow but will not die
C) Plant will show normal photosynthesis
D) Respiration will be greatly decreased

·          15) What will be the effect of intermittent light on photosynthesis
A) It will increase
B) It will decrease
C) Will not be affected
D) Process will stop

·          16) What will be the effect when very high intensity of light is supplied to a photosynthesis system
A) Process will increase
B) Process will decrease
C) Process will stop due to solarization
D) None of the above

·          17) If water supply to the plant is extremely meagre to as to cause wilting of leaves, the rate of photosynthesis may
A) Increase
B) Decrease
C) First increase than decrease
D) First decrease than increase

·          18) Plants which can photosynthesize at as low temperature (upto
) are
A) Conifers
B) Blue-green algae
C) Xerophytes
D) Tropical plants

·          19) Under conditions of constant illumination, the compensation period for a whole aquarium would be of infinite length when
A) The biomass of animals equals the biomass of plants
B) The respiratory exchanges of the animals are equal to the photosynthetic exchanges of the plants
C) The oxygen intake of the animals equals of oxygen output of photosynthesis
D) The carbon dioxide output of the animals and plants equals to the photosynthetic intake of the plants

·          20) Englemann (1882) observed accumulation of aerobic bacteria around blue and red illumination of chloroplast in green alga Cladophora. He therefore concluded that
A) Chlorophyll absorbs green light
B) Absorption spectrum of
evolution is blue and red
is released from
in light reaction
is released from
in light reaction

·          21) The rate of photosynthesis declines in the presence of red light and is increased to normal level when red light is supplemented with
A) Far-red light
B) Orange light
C) Blue light
D) Ultraviolet light

·          22) The decrease in yield of photosynthesis in the presence of red light becomes increased to normal when it is supplemented with blue light. This phenomenon is termed as
A) Blackman's effect
B) Emmerson's effect
C) Englemann's effect
D) Hill's effect

·          23) If the photosynthetic yield in blue wavelength is 10 units and that in red wavelength is 40 units; what should be the yield of photosynthesis in combination of two wavelengths, if the effect is synergistic
A) 30 units
B) 40 units
C) 50 units
D) 50 units

·          24) Emmerson defined 'red drop' as a decline in photosynthesis also termed Emmerson's effect. It appears at
A) 460 nm wavelength
B) 630 nm wavelength
C) 680 nm wavelength
D) 680 nm wavelength

·          25) DCMU is an inhibitor of
C) Calvin cycle
D) Krebs cycle

·          26) Q10 refers to [RPMT 1997]
A) Quality quotient
B) Temperature quotient
C) Respiratory quotient
D) Quantum constant

·          27) In nature the photosynthesis should proceed upto the limit of
A) Light
B) Temperature
D) Moisture and wind

·          28) When a photosynthetic plant is transferred to an atmosphere of enriched
, its rate of
A) Photosynthesis would increase
B) Photosynthesis would decrease
C) Respiration would decrease
D) Osmosis would increase

·          29) Which of the following would happen if the supply of
is decreased to an illuminated wheat plant
A) Its photosynthesis would decrease
B) Its respiration would increase
C) Its photosynthesis would increase
D) All the physiological process would stop

·          30) Main factor which limits the rate of photosynthesis on a clear day is
A) Chlorophyll
B) Light
D) Water

·          31) Rate of photosynthesis is independent of [CPMT 1984]
A) Quality of light
B) Intensity of light
C) Duration of light
D) Temperature

·          32) Which of the following conditions are favourable for cyclic photophosphorylation [CPMT 1999]
A) Anaerobic condition
B) Aerobic and optimum light
C) Aerobic and low light intensity
D) Anaerobic and low light intensity

·          33) Blackman?s law of limiting factor is applied to [RPMT 1999; AIIMS 2001]
A) Growth
B) Respiration
C) Transpiration
D) Photosynthesis

·          34) Which factor not limiting in normal conditions for photosynthesis [MHCET 2003]
A) Air
C) Water
D) Chlorophyll

·          35) Which of the following inhibits 
 release in light phase [DPMT 2004]
B) Zeatin
D) None of these

·          36) Chl. a absorb's max of [MP PMT 2005]
A) Red light
B) Blue light
C) Green light
D) Yellow light


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